private void InsertBook(string imgPath) { Validator validator = new Validator(); string title = this.TitleTextBox.Text; validator.ValidateTitleLength(title,3); int pagesCount = validator.TryParsePageCountInput(this.PageCountTextBox.Text); validator.ValidatePageCount(pagesCount, 0, 5000); string genreName = this.GenreDownList.SelectedValue; Genre genre = this.GenreServices.GetGenre(genreName); var book = new Book() { Title = title, PageCount = pagesCount, Genre = genre, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Url = imgPath }; this.BooksServices.AddBook(book); this.ErrorTextBox.Visible = false; }
public Concrete() { Validator = new Validator(this) { { "Count", () => Count < 0 ? "Count should be positive." : null } }; Validator.ValidateAll(); }
public SubModel() { Validator = new Validator(this) { {this.GetPropertyName(x => StringSetting), () => string.IsNullOrEmpty(StringSetting) ? "Should be non empty." : null}, {this.GetPropertyName(x => NumberSetting), () => NumberSetting < 0 ? "Should be 0 or greater." : null} }; }
public RootModel() { SubModel = new SubModel(); Validator = new Validator(this); Validator.ValidateAll(); // call it for initial validation if required }