public void GenerateAllSteps() { CTsInstrFactory.loadConfiguration("C:\\macros_alstom\\Configuration\\LocationConfiguration.xml"); CTestContainer container = new CTestContainer(); CTest test = new CTest("Test_1", "This is my description"); CStep step = new CStep("Step 1", null, null); }
public void GenerateScenario() { CTestContainer container = new CTestContainer(); container.description = "Test container"; for (int testIndex = 1; testIndex <= 3; testIndex++) { CTest test = new CTest("Test_1." + testIndex, "Test descriptor #" + testIndex); for (int stepIndex = 1; stepIndex < 2; stepIndex++) { string title = "Step " + testIndex + "." + stepIndex; CStep step = new CStep( title, "Action description for " + title, "Check description for " + title ); for (int actionIndex = 1; actionIndex < 10; actionIndex++) { CInstruction action = new CInstrForce(); CVariableBool var = new CVariableBool("Var" + actionIndex, "Section1/ENV", "/path/to/application" + actionIndex, "true"); = var; step.actions.Add(action); } for (int checkIndex = 1; checkIndex < 10; checkIndex++) { CInstruction action = new CInstrTest(); CVariableBool var = new CVariableBool("Var" + checkIndex, "Section2/ENV", "/path/to/application" + checkIndex, "true"); = var; step.checks.Add(action); } test.Add(step); } container.Add(test); } string URIFilename = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "templates" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ST-TestStand4" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Uri uri = new Uri(URIFilename); TestStandGen.TestStandGen.genSequence(container, "C:\\macros_alstom\\test\\genTest.seq", uri.LocalPath); Assert.IsTrue(true); }
private void fillWithActions(CStep o_step, TableTypes typeOfTable, Excel.ListObject tableRef, object[,] table, int ColumnIndex) { logger.Debug(String.Format("Found {0} Excel lines to process.", table.GetLength(0))); for (int line = 0; line < table.GetLength(0); line++) { object CellValue = table[line, ColumnIndex]; if(!(CellValue is ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelEmpty)) { string Target = ""; if (table[line, tableStructure.TargetColumnIndex] is string) Target = (string)table[line, tableStructure.TargetColumnIndex]; string Path = ""; if (table[line, tableStructure.PathColumnIndex] is string) Path = (string)table[line, tableStructure.PathColumnIndex]; string Location = ""; if (table[line, tableStructure.LocationColumnIndex] is string) Location = (string)table[line, tableStructure.LocationColumnIndex]; logger.Debug(String.Format("Found item [Target={0}, Location={1}, Path={2}, Value={3}].", Target, Location, Path, CellValue)); try { logger.Debug(String.Format("Analysing current item.")); CInstruction o_instruction = detectAndBuildInstruction(Target, Location, Path, CellValue, typeOfTable); if (typeOfTable == TableTypes.TABLE_ACTIONS) { logger.Debug("Adding item to list of actions to perform"); o_step.actions.Add(o_instruction); } else if (typeOfTable == TableTypes.TABLE_CHECKS) { logger.Debug("Adding item to list of checks to perform"); o_step.checks.Add(o_instruction); } else throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("This type of table ({0}) is not currently implemented", typeOfTable)); } catch(InvalidCastException ex) { logger.Error("Problem when trying to find an equivalence for item.", ex); report.add(new MessageReport("Invalid value in cell", tableRef.Range[line + 2, ColumnIndex + 1], ex.Message, Criticity.Error)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Invalid item processed.", ex); report.add(new MessageReport("Cell problem", tableRef.Range[line + 2, ColumnIndex + 1], ex.Message, Criticity.Error)); } } } }
private CTest parseAsTest(string title) { logger.Debug(String.Format("Extracting columns for action table.")); Excel.ListColumns lcActionsTableColumns = loActionsTable.ListColumns; tableStructure = checkAndDetermineTablecolumns(lcActionsTableColumns); object[,] actionsValues = preloadTable(this.actionTableName); logger.Debug(String.Format("Extracting columns for checks table.")); Excel.ListColumns lcChecksTableColumns = loChecksTable.ListColumns; object[,] checksValues = preloadTable(this.checkTableName); CTest parseSingleTest = new CTest(title, "Description"); logger.Debug(String.Format("Creating Test : {0}", parseSingleTest.ToString())); //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //' Writing inputs //''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' logger.Debug(String.Format("Found {0} Excel columns to process.", lcActionsTableColumns.Count)); for (int CurrentColumn = tableStructure.FirstColumnIndex; CurrentColumn < lcActionsTableColumns.Count; CurrentColumn++) { logger.Info(String.Format("Processing Column {0}.", lcActionsTableColumns[CurrentColumn+1].Name)); CStep o_step = new CStep(lcActionsTableColumns[CurrentColumn+1].Name+" : Title retrieval " + getComment(), "Action comment retrieval " + getComment(), "Checks comment retrieval " + getComment()); logger.Debug(String.Format("Processing Actions table.")); fillWithActions(o_step, TableTypes.TABLE_ACTIONS, loActionsTable, actionsValues, CurrentColumn); logger.Debug(String.Format("Processing Timer table.")); addTempoIfExists(o_step, loActionsTable, CurrentColumn); logger.Debug(String.Format("Processing Checks table.")); fillWithActions(o_step, TableTypes.TABLE_CHECKS, loChecksTable, checksValues, CurrentColumn); logger.Debug(String.Format("Adding step to results.")); parseSingleTest.Add(o_step); } return parseSingleTest; }
private void addTempoIfExists(CStep o_step, Excel.ListObject loSourceFiles, int ColumnIndex) { //'Delay retrieval. We know that data is contained inside Total line property object delay = loSourceFiles.TotalsRowRange.Cells[1, ColumnIndex + 1].Value; // We get values from excel, and array indexes begin with 1, not 0 if (delay != null) { try { logger.Debug(String.Format("Trying to retrieve temporisation with value \"{0}\".", delay)); CInstrWait o_tempo = new CInstrWait(); = Convert.ToInt32(delay); logger.Debug("Adding temporisation to results"); o_step.actions.Add(o_tempo); } catch(Exception ex) { logger.Error("Failed to parse temporisation.", ex); report.add(new MessageReport("Invalid value for temporisation", loSourceFiles.TotalsRowRange.Cells[1, ColumnIndex + 1], String.Format("Invalid value, an integer was expected, but we had {0}", delay ), Criticity.Error)); } } }