예제 #1
        private int GetPointIndex(TriVertex V)
            int Result = FindPointIndex(V);

            Debug.Assert(Result != -1, "Invalid vertex in GetPointIndex");

예제 #2
        public void BuildTriangleLinks()
            // Ensure all the indices are correct

            //  Triangles.DumpTriangleList('c:\TriangleList_BeforeNumber.txt');
            //  Vertices.DumpVertexList('c:\VertexList_BeforeNumber.txt');


            //  Vertices.DumpVertexList('c:\VertexList_AfterNumber.txt');
            //  Triangles.DumpTriangleList('c:\TriangleList_AfterNumber.txt');

            // Create point triangle lists
            List <List <Triangle> > Trianglelists = new List <List <Triangle> >(Vertices.Count + 1);

            // Add a dummy list to make the indices of the lists agree with the indices in the tag property
            Trianglelists.Add(new List <Triangle>());

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++)
                Trianglelists.Add(new List <Triangle>());

            // Vertices.DumpVertexList('c:\VertexList_AfterTriangleListCreate.txt');

            // Associate triangles with points
            for (int i = 0; i < Triangles.Count; i++)
                for (int Side = 0; Side < 3; Side++)

            // Find the neighbour for each triangle side
            for (int i = 0; i < Triangles.Count; i++)
                for (int Side = 0; Side < 3; Side++)
                    if (Triangles[i].Neighbours[Side] != null)

                    TriVertex FromVertex = Triangles[i].Vertices[Side];
                    TriVertex ToVertex   = Triangles[i].Vertices[XYZ.NextSide(Side)];

                    Triangle Nbr = FindNeighbour(Trianglelists, Triangles[i], FromVertex, ToVertex);
                    Triangles[i].Neighbours[Side] = Nbr;
                    if (Nbr != null)
                        int NbrSide = Nbr.GetSideIndex(FromVertex, ToVertex);
                        Nbr.Neighbours[NbrSide] = Triangles[i];
예제 #3
        public Triangle AddTriangle(TriVertex Vertex1, TriVertex Vertex2, TriVertex Vertex3)
            Triangle Result = null;

            if (!(Vertex1 == Vertex2 || Vertex1 == Vertex3 || Vertex2 == Vertex3))
                Result = CreateTriangle(Vertex1, Vertex2, Vertex3);

예제 #4
        /* Re-include if required, and add unit tests for them at that time.
         * public bool CrossesNeighbour(int Side)
         * {
         * Triangle NbrTri = Neighbours[Side];
         * if (NbrTri == null)
         * return false;
         * TriVertex SideStartPt = Vertices[Side];
         * TriVertex SideEndPt = Vertices[XYZ.NextSide(Side)];
         * TriVertex OppositePt = Vertices[XYZ.PrevSide(Side)];
         * int NbrSide = NbrTri.GetSideIndex(SideStartPt, SideEndPt);
         * TriVertex NbrOppositePt = NbrTri.Vertices[XYZ.PrevSide(NbrSide)];
         * return XYZ.PointOnRight(SideStartPt.XYZ, SideEndPt.XYZ, OppositePt.XYZ) == XYZ.PointOnRight(SideStartPt.XYZ, SideEndPt.XYZ, NbrOppositePt.XYZ);
         * }
         * public bool GetCrossingNeighbour(out int Side)
         * {
         * Side = 0;
         * for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         * {
         * if (CrossesNeighbour(i))
         * {
         *  Side = i;
         *  return true;
         * }
         * }
         * return false;
         * }

        public int GetSideIndex(TriVertex VertexA, TriVertex VertexB)
            int Result = GetPointIndex(VertexA);

            if (VertexB != Vertices[XYZ.NextSide(Result)])
                Result = XYZ.PrevSide(Result);
                Debug.Assert(Vertices[Result] == VertexB, "Invalid vertex pair in GetSideIndex");

예제 #5
        /*  Re-include if required, and add unit tests for them at that time.
         * /// <summary>
         * ///  FFlags is a general purpose flags field for a triangle. It is not persistent
         * /// (ie: is not written to the TTM file)
         * /// </summary>
         * public ushort Flags { get; set; }
         * protected bool GetFlag(int Index) => (Flags & (1 << Index)) != 0;
         * protected void SetFlag(int Index, bool Value)
         * {
         * Flags = (ushort) (Value ? Flags | (1 << Index) : Flags & ~(1 << Index));
         * }

        public Triangle(TriVertex Vertex1, TriVertex Vertex2, TriVertex Vertex3)
            Vertices[0]   = Vertex1;
            Vertices[1]   = Vertex2;
            Vertices[2]   = Vertex3;
            Neighbours[0] = null;
            Neighbours[1] = null;
            Neighbours[2] = null;

            /*  Re-include if required, and add unit tests for them at that time.
             * Flags = 0;
예제 #6
        private int FindPointIndex(TriVertex V)
            int result = -1;

            if (V == Vertices[0])
                result = 0;
            else if (V == Vertices[1])
                result = 1;
            else if (V == Vertices[2])
                result = 2;

예제 #7
 public DesignTriangleEdge(TriVertex vertex1, TriVertex vertex2)
     Stamped = false;
     Vertex1 = vertex1;
     Vertex2 = vertex2;
예제 #8
        private Triangle FindNeighbour(List <List <Triangle> > Trianglelists, Triangle triangle, TriVertex fromVertex, TriVertex toVertex)
            for (int i = 0; i < Trianglelists[fromVertex.Tag].Count; i++)
                Triangle Result = Trianglelists[fromVertex.Tag][i];

                if (Result != triangle && Trianglelists[toVertex.Tag].IndexOf(Result) >= 0)

예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if another TriVertex coordinate is the same as the coordinate of this vertex within a given tolerance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Other"></param>
 /// <param name="Tolerance"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsEqual(TriVertex Other, double Tolerance)
     return(Other == this || IsEqual(Other.X, Other.Y, Other.Z, Tolerance));
예제 #10
 public Triangle CreateTriangle(TriVertex Vertex1, TriVertex Vertex2, TriVertex Vertex3) => CreateTriangleFunc(Vertex1, Vertex2, Vertex3);
예제 #11
 public TTMTriangle(TriVertex Vertex1, TriVertex Vertex2, TriVertex Vertex3) : base(Vertex1, Vertex2, Vertex3)