And implementation of IDebugCodeContext2 and IDebugMemoryContext2. IDebugMemoryContext2 represents a position in the address space of the machine running the program being debugged. IDebugCodeContext2 represents the starting position of a code instruction. For most run-time architectures today, a code context can be thought of as an address in a program's execution stream.
상속: IDebugCodeContext2, IDebugCodeContext100
예제 #1
        // Gets the breakpoint resolution information that describes this breakpoint.
        int IDebugBreakpointResolution2.GetResolutionInfo(enum_BPRESI_FIELDS dwFields, BP_RESOLUTION_INFO[] pBPResolutionInfo)
            if ((dwFields & enum_BPRESI_FIELDS.BPRESI_BPRESLOCATION) != 0)
                // The sample engine only supports code breakpoints.
                location.bpType = (uint)enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_CODE;

                // The debugger will not QI the IDebugCodeContex2 interface returned here. We must pass the pointer
                // to IDebugCodeContex2 and not IUnknown.
                AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, m_address);
                location.unionmember1 = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(codeContext, typeof(IDebugCodeContext2));
                pBPResolutionInfo[0].bpResLocation = location;
                pBPResolutionInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_BPRESI_FIELDS.BPRESI_BPRESLOCATION;


            if ((dwFields & enum_BPRESI_FIELDS.BPRESI_PROGRAM) != 0)
                pBPResolutionInfo[0].pProgram = (IDebugProgram2)m_engine;
                pBPResolutionInfo[0].dwFields |= enum_BPRESI_FIELDS.BPRESI_PROGRAM;

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"> Short path file name. </param>
        /// <param name="begPos"> Start position. </param>
        /// <param name="endPos"> End position. In VSNDK debug engine, both begPos and endPos have the same value. </param>
        /// <param name="codeContext"> An address in a program's execution stream. </param>
        public AD7DocumentContext(string fileName, TEXT_POSITION begPos, TEXT_POSITION endPos, AD7MemoryAddress codeContext)
            // Need to lengthen the path used by Visual Studio.
            StringBuilder documentNameSB = new StringBuilder(1024);
            GetLongPathName(fileName, documentNameSB, documentNameSB.Capacity);
            m_fileName = documentNameSB.ToString();

            m_begPos = begPos;
            m_endPos = endPos;
            m_codeContext = codeContext;
예제 #3
 // Retrieves a list of all code contexts associated with this document context.
 // The engine sample only supports one code context per document context and
 // the code contexts are always memory addresses.
 int IDebugDocumentContext2.EnumCodeContexts(out IEnumDebugCodeContexts2 ppEnumCodeCxts)
     ppEnumCodeCxts = null;
         AD7MemoryAddress[] codeContexts = new AD7MemoryAddress[1];
         codeContexts[0] = m_codeContext;
         ppEnumCodeCxts = new AD7CodeContextEnum(codeContexts);
         return VSConstants.S_OK;
     catch (Exception e)
         return EngineUtils.UnexpectedException(e);
예제 #4
        /// <summary> 
        /// AD7BoundBreakpoint constructor for file/line breaks. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine"> AD7 Engine. </param>
        /// <param name="bpReqInfo"> Contains the information required to implement a breakpoint. </param>
        /// <param name="pendingBreakpoint"> Associated pending breakpoint. </param>
        public AD7BoundBreakpoint(AD7Engine engine, BP_REQUEST_INFO bpReqInfo, AD7PendingBreakpoint pendingBreakpoint)
            if (bpReqInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FILE_LINE)
                string documentName;

                // Get Decument Position and File Name
                IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(bpReqInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));
                docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName);

                // Need to shorten the path we send to GDB.
                StringBuilder shortPath = new StringBuilder(1024);
                GetShortPathName(documentName, shortPath, shortPath.Capacity);

                // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
                TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition);

                m_engine = engine;
                m_bpLocationType = (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FILE_LINE;
                m_filename = shortPath.ToString();
                m_line = startPosition[0].dwLine + 1;

                m_pendingBreakpoint = pendingBreakpoint;
                m_enabled = true;
                m_deleted = false;
                m_hitCount = 0;
                m_remoteID = m_engine.BPMgr.RemoteAdd(this);
            else if (bpReqInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FUNC_OFFSET)
                string func;

                IDebugFunctionPosition2 funcPosition = (IDebugFunctionPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(bpReqInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));
                funcPosition.GetFunctionName(out func);

                m_engine = engine;
                m_func = func;
                m_enabled = true;
                m_deleted = false;
                m_hitCount = 0;
                m_bpLocationType = (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FUNC_OFFSET;
                m_pendingBreakpoint = pendingBreakpoint;
                m_remoteID = m_engine.BPMgr.RemoteAdd(this);

            //            if ((m_remoteID == 0) && (VSNDK.AddIn.VSNDKAddIn.isDebugEngineRunning == false))
            if (m_remoteID == 0)

            // Set the hit count and condition
            if (bpReqInfo.bpPassCount.stylePassCount != enum_BP_PASSCOUNT_STYLE.BP_PASSCOUNT_NONE)
            if (bpReqInfo.bpCondition.styleCondition != enum_BP_COND_STYLE.BP_COND_NONE)

            // Get the Line Position sent back from GDB
            TEXT_POSITION tpos = new TEXT_POSITION();
            tpos.dwLine = m_GDB_linePos - 1;

            uint xAddress = UInt32.Parse(m_GDB_Address.Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, xAddress);
            AD7DocumentContext documentContext = new AD7DocumentContext(m_GDB_filename, tpos, tpos, codeContext);

            m_breakpointResolution = new AD7BreakpointResolution(m_engine, xAddress, documentContext);

            m_engine.Callback.OnBreakpointBound(this, 0);
예제 #5
 // Gets the code context for this stack frame. The code context represents the current instruction pointer in this stack frame.
 int IDebugStackFrame2.GetCodeContext(out IDebugCodeContext2 memoryAddress)
     memoryAddress = null;
         memoryAddress = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, m_address);
         return VSConstants.S_OK;
     catch (Exception e)
         return EngineUtils.UnexpectedException(e);
예제 #6
        // Returns the document context needed for showing the location of the current instruction pointer
        public AD7DocumentContext getDocumentContext(string filename, uint line)
            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            startPosition[0].dwLine = line;
            startPosition[0].dwColumn = 0;
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            endPosition[0].dwLine = line;
            endPosition[0].dwColumn = 0;

            uint address = 0;
            AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, address);

            return new AD7DocumentContext(filename, startPosition[0], endPosition[0], codeContext);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// AD7BoundBreakpoint constructor for file/line breaks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine"> AD7 Engine. </param>
        /// <param name="bpReqInfo"> Contains the information required to implement a breakpoint. </param>
        /// <param name="pendingBreakpoint"> Associated pending breakpoint. </param>
        public AD7BoundBreakpoint(AD7Engine engine, BP_REQUEST_INFO bpReqInfo, AD7PendingBreakpoint pendingBreakpoint)
            if (bpReqInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FILE_LINE)
                string documentName;

                // Get Decument Position and File Name
                IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(bpReqInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));
                docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName);

                // Need to shorten the path we send to GDB.
                StringBuilder shortPath = new StringBuilder(1024);
                GetShortPathName(documentName, shortPath, shortPath.Capacity);

                // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
                TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition);

                m_engine         = engine;
                m_bpLocationType = (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FILE_LINE;
                m_filename       = shortPath.ToString();
                m_line           = startPosition[0].dwLine + 1;

                m_pendingBreakpoint = pendingBreakpoint;
                m_enabled           = true;
                m_deleted           = false;
                m_hitCount          = 0;
                m_remoteID          = m_engine.BPMgr.RemoteAdd(this);
            else if (bpReqInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FUNC_OFFSET)
                string func;

                IDebugFunctionPosition2 funcPosition = (IDebugFunctionPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(bpReqInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));
                funcPosition.GetFunctionName(out func);

                m_engine            = engine;
                m_func              = func;
                m_enabled           = true;
                m_deleted           = false;
                m_hitCount          = 0;
                m_bpLocationType    = (uint)enum_BP_LOCATION_TYPE.BPLT_CODE_FUNC_OFFSET;
                m_pendingBreakpoint = pendingBreakpoint;
                m_remoteID          = m_engine.BPMgr.RemoteAdd(this);

//            if ((m_remoteID == 0) && (VSNDK.AddIn.VSNDKAddIn.isDebugEngineRunning == false))
            if (m_remoteID == 0)

            // Set the hit count and condition
            if (bpReqInfo.bpPassCount.stylePassCount != enum_BP_PASSCOUNT_STYLE.BP_PASSCOUNT_NONE)
            if (bpReqInfo.bpCondition.styleCondition != enum_BP_COND_STYLE.BP_COND_NONE)

            // Get the Line Position sent back from GDB
            TEXT_POSITION tpos = new TEXT_POSITION();

            tpos.dwLine = m_GDB_linePos - 1;

            uint xAddress = UInt32.Parse(m_GDB_Address.Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            AD7MemoryAddress   codeContext     = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, xAddress);
            AD7DocumentContext documentContext = new AD7DocumentContext(m_GDB_filename, tpos, tpos, codeContext);

            m_breakpointResolution = new AD7BreakpointResolution(m_engine, xAddress, documentContext);

            m_engine.Callback.OnBreakpointBound(this, 0);
예제 #8
        // Get the document context for this pending breakpoint. A document context is a abstract representation of a source file
        // location.
        public AD7DocumentContext GetDocumentContext(uint address)
            IDebugDocumentPosition2 docPosition = (IDebugDocumentPosition2)(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(m_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember2));
            string documentName;
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Get the location in the document that the breakpoint is in.
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(docPosition.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));

            AD7MemoryAddress codeContext = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, address);

            return new AD7DocumentContext(documentName, startPosition[0], startPosition[0], codeContext);
예제 #9
 // Adds a specified value to the current context's address to create a new context.
 public int Add(ulong dwCount, out IDebugMemoryContext2 newAddress)
     newAddress = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, (uint)dwCount + m_address);
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #10
 // Subtracts a specified value from the current context's address to create a new context.
 public int Subtract(ulong dwCount, out IDebugMemoryContext2 ppMemCxt)
     ppMemCxt = new AD7MemoryAddress(m_engine, (uint)dwCount - m_address);
     return VSConstants.S_OK;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"> Short path file name. </param>
        /// <param name="begPos"> Start position. </param>
        /// <param name="endPos"> End position. In VSNDK debug engine, both begPos and endPos have the same value. </param>
        /// <param name="codeContext"> An address in a program's execution stream. </param>
        public AD7DocumentContext(string fileName, TEXT_POSITION begPos, TEXT_POSITION endPos, AD7MemoryAddress codeContext)
            // Need to lengthen the path used by Visual Studio.
            StringBuilder documentNameSB = new StringBuilder(1024);

            GetLongPathName(fileName, documentNameSB, documentNameSB.Capacity);
            m_fileName = documentNameSB.ToString();

            m_begPos      = begPos;
            m_endPos      = endPos;
            m_codeContext = codeContext;