예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// select the next vechile. Intra_Routing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateVe"></param>
        /// <param name="rs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public VehicleUi MatchVehicle(List <VehicleUi> candidateVe, RoadSegment rs, Packet packet)
            IntraRouting     rou = new IntraRouting(rs);
            CandidateVehicle can = rou.GetCandidateVehicleUis(this, candidateVe, packet.DestinationVehicle, packet.IsRouted);

            if (can != null)
                VehicleUi next = can.SelectedVehicle;
                if (packet.HopsVehicles > 3)
                    int lastMinuse1 = Convert.ToInt16(packet.VehiclesString.Split('-')[packet.HopsVehicles - 1]);
                    if (next.VID != lastMinuse1)
                        packet.CommunicationOverhead += (candidateVe.Count - 1); // / (CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.LanesCount / 2); // divided tha lane in the same direction.
                        // looop: no thing.

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// generate data packet from this vechile to the TargetVehicle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DestinationVehicle"></param>
        public void GeneratePacket(VehicleUi DestinationVehicle)
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                Packet packet = new Packet();

                packet.Type = PacketType.Data;
                PublicStatistics.GeneratedPacketsCount += 1;
                packet.PID          = PublicStatistics.GeneratedPacketsCount;
                packet.PacketLength = PublicParamerters.DataPacketLength;

                packet.TravelledRoadSegmentString += CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.RID; // add the first rs.
                packet.VehiclesString             += VID;                           // start by current sender.
                packet.SRID = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.RID;
                // set source and distination:
                packet.SourceVehicle      = this;
                packet.DestinationVehicle = DestinationVehicle;
                packet.Direction          = DestinationVehicle.CurrentLane.LaneDirection;
                packet.CurrentRoadSegment = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment;                                                   // the segment of the vechile.

                packet.EuclideanDistance = Computations.Distance(InstanceLocation, DestinationVehicle.InstanceLocation); // the intial distance
                packet.RoutingDistance   = packet.EuclideanDistance;
                packet.SVID = VID;
                packet.DVID = DestinationVehicle.VID;

                DestinationVehicle.WaitingPacketsIDsList.Add(packet.PID); // flage

                // start count the delay.
                PacketQueue.Enqueue(packet);                                                                  // add the packet to the queue.
                PacketQueueTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(PublicParamerters.PacketQueueTimerInterval); // retry after...
                PacketQueueTimer.Start();                                                                     // start the timer.
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// forward the packet to the NEXT
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet"></param>
 /// <param name="next"></param>
 public void RelayPacket(Packet packet, VehicleUi next)
     Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
         packet.PathWaitingTimes += packet.HopWaitingTimes; // save the path waiting time and clear the hop.
         packet.HopWaitingTimes   = 0;                      // re-intilize the hop-waiting.
         packet.PropagationAndTransmissionDelay += DelayModel.Delay(this, next);
         packet.HopsVehicles    += 1;
         packet.RoutingDistance += Computations.Distance(InstanceLocation, next.InstanceLocation);
         packet.VehiclesString  += "-" + next.VID;
         PacketQueueTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(PublicParamerters.PacketQueueTimerInterval); // retry after...
예제 #4
        /*--------------------Onboad unit--------------------------*/
        #region Onboad unit

        /// <summary>
        /// select the the DestinationVehicle randomly.
        /// </summary>
        public void RandomDestinationVehicle()
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                int max = CurrentLane._MainWindow.MyVehicles.Count;
                if (max >= 2)
                    int rand = Convert.ToInt16(RandomeNumberGenerator.GetUniform(max - 1));
                    if (rand != VID)
                        VehicleUi DestinationVehicle = CurrentLane._MainWindow.MyVehicles[rand];

예제 #5
        double AllowToChangeLaneDistance = 25; // when the distance to the junction is x, then its not allowed to change the lane.

        /// <summary>
        /// move the vechile.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartMove()
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                VehicleUi infrontVehicle = CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.GetMyFrontVehicle(this); // get in the front.
                showInfo(Settings.Default.DisplayInfoFlag);                                         // show flage. // info which should be disply.
                double headingDistance = RemianDistanceToHeadingJunction;
                // to north:
                if (VehicleDirection == Direction.N)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marTop = this.Margin.Top;
                        marTop       -= 1;
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(Margin.Left, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);
                        // start decrease the speed according to the heading distance toward the jucntion.
                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        // if has vechile in front: the behind vehicle should change the speed to or change the lane if possible.
                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                // not allowd to change the lane.
                                // double fronVspeed = 5;
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;

                        // change the lane randomnlly when v is in the middlel of the segment.
                        if (marTop < CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Height / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
                else if (VehicleDirection == Direction.S)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marTop = this.Margin.Top;
                        marTop       += 1;
                        // Margin = new Thickness(Margin.Left, marTop, 0, 0);
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(Margin.Left, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);
                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;
                        if (marTop > CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Height / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
                else if (VehicleDirection == Direction.E)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marLeft = Margin.Left;
                        double marTop  = Margin.Top;
                        marLeft       += 1;
                        //   Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0);
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);

                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;
                        if (marLeft > CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Width / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
                else if (VehicleDirection == Direction.W)
                    if (headingDistance > 0)
                        double marLeft = Margin.Left;
                        double marTop  = Margin.Top;
                        marLeft       -= 1;
                        // Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0);
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => Margin = new Thickness(marLeft, marTop, 0, 0)), DispatcherPriority.Send);

                        if (headingDistance <= SlowDownDistance)
                            double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(headingDistance); // slow the speed.
                            InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                        if (infrontVehicle != null)
                            //: if still allowed to change the lane then go ahead. if not then the behind vechile should lower its speed.
                            if (headingDistance > AllowToChangeLaneDistance)
                                InstantaneousSpeed = infrontVehicle.InstantaneousSpeed * SpeedDisPercentage;
                        if (marLeft < CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Midpoint)
                            double half = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.Width / 2;
                            if (headingDistance > half)
                                if (!ChangeLaneFlage)
                                    ChangeLaneFlage = true;

                        if (headingDistance < LineUpInJunctionDistance)
                            CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.Enqueue(this); // add to the queue.
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// send the packet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet"></param>
 public void SendPacket(Packet packet)
     Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
         if (packet.Type == PacketType.Data)
             // it is time to switch the packet from a segment to a new segment.
             if (RemianDistanceToHeadingJunction <= PublicParamerters.RemianDistanceToHeadingJunctionThreshold)
                 //select the next junction.
                 RoadSegment selectedNextRoadSegment = MatchJunction(packet);
                 if (selectedNextRoadSegment != null)
                     // select the vechiles that going to the selected next road segment.
                     // select inter-neighbors.
                     CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.GetInterNeighbors(this, packet.Direction, selectedNextRoadSegment); // get the inter_neighbors. should be computed before finding the
                     VehicleUi next = MatchVehicle(Inter_Neighbores, selectedNextRoadSegment, packet);                   // inter_neibors.
                     if (next != null)
                         packet.HopsJunctions += 1;
                         packet.TravelledRoadSegmentString += "-" + selectedNextRoadSegment.RID;
                         RelayPacket(packet, next);
                         packet.HopWaitingTimes += 1; // count the hop waiting.
                         if (packet.HopWaitingTimes <= Settings.Default.MaximumAttemps)
                             // drop the packet:
                 CurrentLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.GetIntraNeighborsTwoWays(this);                     // find the inter_neigbors.
                 VehicleUi next = MatchVehicle(Intra_Neighbores, CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment, packet); // intra_neighbors.
                 if (next != null)
                     RelayPacket(packet, next);
                     packet.HopWaitingTimes += 1; // count the hop waiting.
                     if (packet.HopWaitingTimes <= Settings.Default.MaximumAttemps)
                         // drop the packet:
             // packet is not data.