public static void SetTargetCompoundBlock(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target, Vector3I blockPosition, long entityId, ushort compoundId) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = MyAiTargetEnum.COMPOUND_BLOCK; target.EntityId = entityId; target.CompoundId = compoundId; target.Position = blockPosition; }
public static void SetTargetVoxel(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target, Vector3I voxelPosition, long entityId) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = MyAiTargetEnum.VOXEL; target.EntityId = entityId; target.TreeId = null; target.Position = new Vector3D(voxelPosition); }
public static void SetTargetTree(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target, Vector3D treePosition, long entityId, int treeId) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = MyAiTargetEnum.ENVIRONMENT_ITEM; target.EntityId = entityId; target.TreeId = treeId; target.Position = treePosition; }
public static void SetTargetPosition(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target, Vector3D position) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = MyAiTargetEnum.POSITION; target.EntityId = null; target.TreeId = null; target.Position = position; }
public static void SetTargetCube(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target, Vector3I blockPosition, long gridEntityId) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = MyAiTargetEnum.CUBE; target.EntityId = gridEntityId; target.TreeId = null; target.Position = new Vector3D(blockPosition); }
public static void SetTargetEntity(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target, MyAiTargetEnum targetType, long entityId, Vector3D? position = null) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = targetType; target.EntityId = entityId; target.TreeId = null; target.Position = position; }
public static void UnsetTarget(ref MyBBMemoryTarget target) { if (target == null) target = new MyBBMemoryTarget(); target.TargetType = MyAiTargetEnum.NO_TARGET; }
public virtual bool SetTargetFromMemory(MyBBMemoryTarget memoryTarget) { if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.POSITION) { Debug.Assert(memoryTarget.Position.HasValue, "Position was not set correctly in memory."); if (!memoryTarget.Position.HasValue) return false; SetTargetPosition(memoryTarget.Position.Value); return true; } else if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.ENVIRONMENT_ITEM) { Debug.Assert(memoryTarget.TreeId.HasValue, "Tree id was not set correctly in memory."); if (!memoryTarget.TreeId.HasValue) return false; var tree = new MyEnvironmentItems.ItemInfo(); tree.LocalId = memoryTarget.TreeId.Value; tree.Transform.Position = memoryTarget.Position.Value; SetTargetTree(ref tree, memoryTarget.EntityId.Value); return true; } else if (memoryTarget.TargetType != MyAiTargetEnum.NO_TARGET) { Debug.Assert(memoryTarget.EntityId.HasValue, "Entity id was not set correctly in memory."); if (!memoryTarget.EntityId.HasValue) return false; MyEntity entity = null; if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(memoryTarget.EntityId.Value, out entity)) { if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.CUBE || memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.COMPOUND_BLOCK) { var cubeGrid = entity as MyCubeGrid; var cubeBlock = cubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(memoryTarget.BlockPosition); Debug.Assert(cubeBlock != null, "Invalid position for a block"); if (cubeBlock != null) { if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.COMPOUND_BLOCK) { var realBlock = (cubeBlock.FatBlock as MyCompoundCubeBlock).GetBlock(memoryTarget.CompoundId.Value); Debug.Assert(realBlock != null, "Block does not exist in the compound block"); if (realBlock == null) return false; cubeBlock = realBlock; m_compoundId = memoryTarget.CompoundId; } SetTargetBlock(cubeBlock); } else return false; } else if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.ENTITY) { if (memoryTarget.Position.HasValue && entity is MyFracturedPiece) SetMTargetPosition(memoryTarget.Position.Value); else SetMTargetPosition(entity.PositionComp.GetPosition()); SetTargetEntity(entity); m_targetEntity = entity; } else if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.VOXEL) { var voxelMap = entity as MyVoxelMap; Debug.Assert(memoryTarget.Position.HasValue, "Tree id was not set correctly in memory."); if (!memoryTarget.Position.HasValue) return false; Debug.Assert(voxelMap != null, "Voxel map hasn't been set."); if (voxelMap == null) return false; SetTargetVoxel(memoryTarget.Position.Value, voxelMap); m_targetEntity = voxelMap; } else { SetTargetEntity(entity); //SetMTargetPosition(Vector3D.Zero); } return true; } else { UnsetTarget(); return false; } } else if (memoryTarget.TargetType == MyAiTargetEnum.NO_TARGET) { UnsetTarget(); return true; } else { Debug.Assert(false, "Unrecognized type of target!"); UnsetTarget(); return false; } }
public Vector3D? GetMemoryTargetPosition(MyBBMemoryTarget targetMemory) { if (targetMemory == null) return null; switch (targetMemory.TargetType) { case MyAiTargetEnum.CHARACTER: case MyAiTargetEnum.ENTITY: case MyAiTargetEnum.GRID: { MyCharacter target = null; if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(targetMemory.EntityId.Value, out target)) return target.PositionComp.GetPosition(); else return null; } case MyAiTargetEnum.CUBE: case MyAiTargetEnum.COMPOUND_BLOCK: { MyCubeGrid target = null; if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(targetMemory.EntityId.Value, out target) && target.CubeExists(targetMemory.BlockPosition)) { return target.GridIntegerToWorld(targetMemory.BlockPosition); } else return null; } case MyAiTargetEnum.POSITION: case MyAiTargetEnum.VOXEL: case MyAiTargetEnum.ENVIRONMENT_ITEM: // CH: This seems wrong, but GetGotoPosition does the same weird thing. // I should look at this later and fix it if possible... return m_targetPosition; case MyAiTargetEnum.NO_TARGET: default: return null; } }
public virtual bool IsMemoryTargetValid(MyBBMemoryTarget targetMemory) { if (targetMemory == null) return false; switch (targetMemory.TargetType) { case MyAiTargetEnum.CHARACTER: { MyCharacter target = null; if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(targetMemory.EntityId.Value, out target)) return IsEntityReachable(target); else return false; } case MyAiTargetEnum.CUBE: case MyAiTargetEnum.COMPOUND_BLOCK: { MyCubeGrid target = null; if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(targetMemory.EntityId.Value, out target)) { MySlimBlock block = target.GetCubeBlock(targetMemory.BlockPosition); if (block == null) return false; if (block.FatBlock != null) return IsEntityReachable(block.FatBlock); else return IsEntityReachable(target); } else return false; } case MyAiTargetEnum.VOXEL: case MyAiTargetEnum.ENVIRONMENT_ITEM: return true; case MyAiTargetEnum.ENTITY: case MyAiTargetEnum.GRID: MyEntity entity = null; if (MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(targetMemory.EntityId.Value, out entity)) return IsEntityReachable(entity); else return false; default: return false; } }
public static bool FindClosestPlaceAreaInSphere(BoundingSphereD sphere, string typeName, ref MyBBMemoryTarget foundTarget) { var foundAreas = new List<MyPlaceArea>(); MyPlaceAreas.Static.GetAllAreasInSphere(sphere, foundAreas); var areaType = MyStringHash.GetOrCompute(typeName); double closestDistanceSq = sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius; MyPlaceArea closestArea = null; foreach (var area in foundAreas) { if (area.Container.Entity == null || area.AreaType != areaType) continue; double distanceSq = area.DistanceSqToPoint(sphere.Center); if (distanceSq < closestDistanceSq) { closestDistanceSq = distanceSq; closestArea = area; } } if (closestArea == null) return false; MyBBMemoryTarget.SetTargetEntity(ref foundTarget, MyAiTargetEnum.ENTITY, closestArea.Container.Entity.EntityId); return true; }
protected MyBehaviorTreeState SetTarget(bool aim, ref MyBBMemoryTarget inTarget) { if (inTarget != null) { if (AiTargetBase.SetTargetFromMemory(inTarget)) { if (aim) { AiTargetBase.AimAtTarget(); } return MyBehaviorTreeState.SUCCESS; } else return MyBehaviorTreeState.FAILURE; } return MyBehaviorTreeState.FAILURE; }