private void WarmUpShader() { VRLog.Info("Warm up all shaders"); Shader.WarmupAllShaders(); return; }
protected override void OnStart() { VRLog.Info("OnStart"); VRLog.Info("MonitorManager Created"); _MonitorManager = uDesktopDuplication.Manager.CreateInstance(); VRLog.Info("TouchManager Created"); _TouchManager = uTouchInjection.Manager.CreateInstance(); VRLog.Info("SteamVR Render Created"); _Render = SteamVR_Render.instance; // VR用設定の更新. VRLog.Info("VR Camera Created"); _Camera = VRCamera.Create(); // モード初期化. if ((_ControlMode == null) || (_ControlMode.Mode == ControlMode.ModeType.SeatedMode)) { _ControlMode = new GameObject("Mode").AddComponent <SeatedMode>(); } else { _ControlMode = new GameObject("Mode").AddComponent <StandingMode>(); } // 生成オブジェクトが破棄されないようにする. _MonitorManager.transform.SetParent(transform, true); _TouchManager.transform.SetParent(transform, true); _Render.transform.SetParent(transform, true); _Camera.Origin.SetParent(transform, true); _ControlMode.transform.SetParent(transform, true); }
public void CopyFX(Camera source) { if (source != null) { var target = GetComponent <Camera>(); // Clean foreach (var fx in target.gameObject.GetCameraEffects()) { DestroyImmediate(fx); } int comps = target.GetComponents <Component>().Length; VRLog.Info("Copying FX to {0}...",; // Rebuild foreach (var fx in source.gameObject.GetCameraEffects()) { VRLog.Info("Copy FX: {0} (enabled={1})", fx.GetType().Name, fx.enabled); var attachedFx = target.gameObject.CopyComponentFrom(fx); if (attachedFx) { VRLog.Info("Attached!"); attachedFx.enabled = fx.enabled; } else { VRLog.Info("Skipping image effect {0}", fx.GetType().Name); } } VRLog.Info("{0} components before the additions, {1} after", comps, target.GetComponents <Component>().Length); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the settings from a file. Generic to enable handling of sub classes. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the settings</typeparam> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T Load <T>(string path) where T : VRSettings { VRLog.Info("VRSettings Load Start"); try { if (!File.Exists(path)) { VRLog.Info("VRSettings Not Exist Create New XML File."); var settings = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); settings.Save(path); return(settings); } else { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { var settings = serializer.Deserialize(stream) as T; settings.Path = path; VRLog.Info("VRSettings Load End"); return(settings); } } } catch (Exception e) { VRLog.Error("Fatal exception occured while loading XML! (Make sure System.Xml exists!) {0}", e); throw e; } }
private void LoadMaterials() { // uDD_Screen_Unlit.mat Material mat = _AssetBundle.LoadAsset <Material>("uDD_Screen_Unlit.mat"); if (mat != null) { VRLog.Info("Material uDD_Screen_Unlit.mat is Loaded."); mat.SetInt("_Forward", 1); mat.DisableKeyword("_FORWARD_Y"); mat.EnableKeyword("_FORWARD_Z"); // モニタ表示用テクスチャを取得 _Materials.Add("uDD_Screen_Unlit", mat); } else { VRLog.Error("Material uDD_Screen_Unlit.mat is Load Failed."); } // uDD_Screen_Standard.mat mat = _AssetBundle.LoadAsset <Material>("uDD_Screen_Standard.mat"); if (mat != null) { VRLog.Info("Material uDD_Screen_Standard.mat is Loaded."); mat.SetInt("_Forward", 1); mat.DisableKeyword("_FORWARD_Y"); mat.EnableKeyword("_FORWARD_Z"); // モニタ表示用テクスチャを取得 _Materials.Add("uDD_Screen_Standard", mat); } else { VRLog.Error("Material uDD_Screen_Unlit.mat is Load Failed."); } // uTI_Cursor.mat mat = null; mat = _AssetBundle.LoadAsset <Material>("uTI_Cursor.mat"); if (mat != null) { VRLog.Info("Material uTI_Cursor.mat is Loaded."); _Materials.Add("uTI_Cursor", mat); } // uTI_Ray.mat mat = null; mat = _AssetBundle.LoadAsset <Material>("uTI_Ray.mat"); if (mat != null) { VRLog.Info("Material uTI_Ray.mat is Loaded."); _Materials.Add("uTI_Ray", mat); } }
private IEnumerator _Invoke(Action action, float delay) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); try { action(); } catch (Exception e) { VRLog.Error(e); } }
private void LoadMeshes() { Mesh mesh = _AssetBundle.LoadAsset <Mesh>("uDD_Board"); if (mesh != null) { VRLog.Info("Mesh uDD_Board.fbx is Loaded."); _Meshes.Add("uDD_Board", mesh); } else { VRLog.Error("Mesh uDD_Board.fbx is Loaded Failed."); } }
private void NormalCameraWithoutVR() { foreach (var camera in UnityEngine.Camera.allCameras.Except(_CheckedCameras).ToList()) { if (camera != null && Camera != null) { _CheckedCameras.Add(camera); // 元々あったカメラは通常通り画面に表示. if ( != Camera.CameraName) { VRLog.Info($"Founded Camera {} Show HMD is Canceld."); camera.gameObject.RemoveComponent <AudioListener>(); camera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.None; } } } }
public void SetMode(ControlMode.ModeType Mode) { VRLog.Info($"SetMode ModeType:{Mode}"); if (Mode != _ControlMode.Mode) { var go = _ControlMode.gameObject; DestroyImmediate(_ControlMode); if (Mode == ControlMode.ModeType.SeatedMode) { _ControlMode = go.AddComponent <SeatedMode>(); } else { _ControlMode = go.AddComponent <StandingMode>(); } } }
private ResourceManager() { VRLog.Info("Resource Manager Create"); // AssetBundleのロード. _AssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(AssetBundleMemory); if (_AssetBundle != null) { VRLog.Info("Asset Bundle is Loaded."); LoadMaterials(); WarmUpShader(); LoadMeshes(); } else { VRLog.Error("AssetBundle Load Failed."); } }
/// <summary> /// Clone settings from another instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="settings"></param> public void CopyFrom(VRSettings settings) { foreach (var key in _Listeners.Keys) { var prop = settings.GetType().GetProperty(key, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); if (prop != null) { try { prop.SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(settings, null), null); } catch (Exception e) { VRLog.Warn(e); } } } }
protected override void OnAwake() { // 自分自身の位置と回転を初期化. VRLog.Info("OnAWake"); transform.Reset(); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.showDeviceView = false; #else UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.showDeviceView = false; #endif #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.eyeTextureResolutionScale = VR.Settings.IPDScale; #else UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.renderScale = VR.Settings.IPDScale; #endif DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); }
protected override void OnAwake() { VRLog.Info("OnAWake"); transform.Reset(); VRLog.Info("Create VR Camera"); // VR用の設定を反映. VRLog.Info("Add Audio Component"); gameObject.AddComponent <AudioListener>(); VRLog.Info("Add Camera Component"); // VR設定の反映. var camera = gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); camera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.Both; camera.nearClipPlane = VR.Settings.NearClipPlane; camera.cameraType = CameraType.VR; _SteamVR_Camera = gameObject.AddComponent <SteamVR_Camera>(); return; }
protected override void OnLevel(int level) { VRLog.Info("OnLevel"); VRLog.Info($"Level:{level}"); _CheckedCameras.Clear(); }
public static DesktopMonitor Create(CreateType createType) { VRLog.Info($"Create Virtual Desktop Monitor"); bool is_mesh = false; GameObject go; MeshFilter filter; Mesh mesh; Renderer renderer; Material material; // メッシュのロードを試す. VRLog.Info("Mesh Load Start"); try { mesh = VR.Resource.MonitorMesh; VRLog.Info("Mesh Load End"); } catch (System.TypeLoadException e) { VRLog.Info(e.Message); mesh = null; } if (mesh != null) { // 半径を再計算. var aabbScale = mesh.bounds.size; aabbScale.y = Mathf.Max(aabbScale.y, aabbScale.x); aabbScale.z = Mathf.Max(aabbScale.z, aabbScale.x); mesh.bounds = new Bounds(, aabbScale); is_mesh = true; } if (is_mesh) { // メッシュからモニタを生成する. go = new GameObject(""); filter = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); filter.mesh = mesh; renderer = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } else { // メッシュが読み込めないので、QUADから生成する. go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad); go.RemoveComponent <MeshCollider>(); renderer = go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } if (Manager.monitorCount > 0) { Monitor monitor = Manager.monitors[0]; =; go.transform.Reset(); // MaterialはuDD_Unlit/Texureとする.それがだめならFallbackする. if (renderer != null) { VRLog.Info($"Material Change"); VRLog.Info($"Old Material Name is {renderer.material}"); try { material = VR.Resource.MonitorMaterial; } catch (System.TypeLoadException e) { VRLog.Info(e.Message); material = null; } if (material != null) { renderer.material = material; VRLog.Info($"Material Name is {renderer.material}"); if (renderer.material.shader) { VRLog.Info($"Shader Is : {}"); VRLog.Info($"Shader Is Supported Status : {renderer.material.shader.isSupported}"); if (renderer.material.shader.isSupported == false) { VRLog.Info("Fallback uDD_Screen_Standard"); material = VR.Resource.MonitorStandardMaterial; if (material != null) { renderer.material = material; VRLog.Info($"Material Name is {renderer.material}"); if (renderer.material.shader) { VRLog.Info($"Shader Is : {}"); VRLog.Info($"Shader Is Supported Status : {renderer.material.shader.isSupported}"); if (renderer.material.shader.isSupported == false) { VRLog.Info("Fallback Shader Standard"); var shader = Shader.Find("Standard"); if (shader != null) { renderer.material.shader = shader; } } } } } } else { try { material = VR.Resource.MonitorStandardMaterial; } catch (System.TypeLoadException e) { VRLog.Info(e.Message); material = null; } if (material != null) { renderer.material = material; VRLog.Info($"Material Name is {renderer.material}"); if (renderer.material.shader) { VRLog.Info($"Shader Is : {}"); VRLog.Info($"Shader Is Supported Status : {renderer.material.shader.isSupported}"); if (renderer.material.shader.isSupported == false) { VRLog.Info("Fallback Shader Standard"); var shader = Shader.Find("Standard"); if (shader != null) { renderer.material.shader = shader; } } } } else { VRLog.Info($"Shader Can't load Check the Material Please..."); } } } // 描画が反転するので、テクスチャーのスケールを反転させる. if (!is_mesh) { renderer.material.mainTextureScale = new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f); } } // Assign monitor var texture = go.AddComponent <uDesktopDuplication.Texture>(); texture.monitorId = 0; // デフォルトだと画面が大きすぎるので調整. // モニタ解像度(pixel) VRLog.Info($"Monitor Created Monitor Resolution Width:{texture.monitor.width}, Height:{texture.monitor.height}"); var scale = VR.Settings.MonitorScale; float width = 1.0f, height = 1.0f; #if false // Real Scale width = monitor.widthMeter; height = monitor.heightMeter; #elif false // Fixed Scale width = scale * (monitor.isHorizontal ? monitor.aspect : 1f); height = scale * (monitor.isHorizontal ? 1f : 1f / monitor.aspect); #else // Pixel Scale width = scale * (monitor.isHorizontal ? 1f : monitor.aspect) * ((float)monitor.width / 1920); height = scale * (monitor.isHorizontal ? 1f / monitor.aspect : 1f) * ((float)monitor.width / 1920); #endif texture.meshForwardDirection = uDesktopDuplication.Texture.MeshForwardDirection.Z; var meshForwardDirection = texture.meshForwardDirection; if (createType == CreateType.Stationary) { width *= 0.2f; height *= 0.2f; } else { width *= 0.02f; height *= 0.02f; } if (!is_mesh) { width *= 10.0f; height *= 10.0f; } if (meshForwardDirection == uDesktopDuplication.Texture.MeshForwardDirection.Y) { go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, go.transform.localScale.y, height); } else { go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, go.transform.localScale.z); } if (createType == CreateType.RoomScale) { go.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } VRLog.Info($"Monitor Scale is {scale}"); VRLog.Info($"Monitor Object Size is {go.transform.localScale}"); // デフォルトでは非表示にしておく. VRLog.Info($"monitor Object Created Success for {createType}:{}"); go.SetActive(false); } else { VRLog.Error("Display Can't Detection"); } return(go.AddComponent <DesktopMonitor>()); }