public void OnEnable() { settings = VRCP_CollisionLayerSettings.LoadLayerSettings(); if (settings == null) { settings = VRCP_CollisionLayerSettings.GetAndSetShowSetupLayers(true); } titleContent = new GUIContent("VRC Prefabs Layer Setup V" + version); maxSize = new Vector2(350, 200); minSize = maxSize; physicsLayers = VRCP_PhysicsLayers.LoadPhysicsLayers(); }
void ShowMissingLayersFile() { GUILayout.Label("There was an issue in reading the layer file. Please reimport the prefab package or message the creator.\nFile path: " + GetAssetPath(VRCP_PhysicsLayers.fileName)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Try again")) { physicsLayers = VRCP_PhysicsLayers.LoadPhysicsLayers(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Ignore")) { VRCP_CollisionLayerSettings.GetAndSetShowSetupLayers(false); Close(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }