private static void SendOfflineRequest(string endpoint, HTTPMethods method, ApiContainer responseContainer = null, Dictionary <string, object> requestParams = null) { foreach (object offlineQuery in offlineQueries) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = offlineQuery as Dictionary <string, object>; if (dictionary["url"].ToString() == endpoint) { object result = dictionary["result"]; string s = Json.Encode(result); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s); responseContainer.OnComplete(success: true, endpoint, 200, string.Empty, () => data, () => Json.Encode(result)); if (!responseContainer.IsValid) { if (responseContainer.OnError != null) { responseContainer.OnError(responseContainer); } } else if (responseContainer.OnSuccess != null) { responseContainer.OnSuccess(responseContainer); } } } Logger.LogErrorFormat(DebugLevel.API, "Query used by application in offline mode not found - {0}", endpoint); responseContainer.Error = "query not found in offline results - " + endpoint; if (responseContainer.OnError != null) { responseContainer.OnError(responseContainer); } }
public static void HandleReponse(int requestId, HTTPRequest req, HTTPResponse resp, ApiContainer responseContainer, int retryCount = 0, bool useCache = false) { if (responseContainer == null) { Logger.LogError("ResponseContainer was null!"); } else if (req == null) { responseContainer.Error = "The request was null."; if (responseContainer.OnError != null) { responseContainer.OnError(responseContainer); } } else if (resp == null) { responseContainer.Error = "The response was null."; if (responseContainer.OnError != null) { responseContainer.OnError(responseContainer); } } else { string text3; string text2; string text; string empty; string text4 = text3 = (text2 = (text = (empty = string.Empty))); try { text4 = ((resp != null) ? resp.StatusCode.ToString() : "null"); text3 = ((req != null) ? req.MethodType.ToString() : "null"); text2 = ((req != null) ? req.Uri.ToString() : "null"); text = ((resp != null) ? resp.DataAsText.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}") : "null"); empty = ((req.RawData != null) ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(req.RawData).Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}") : string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorFormat("Exception in reading response: {0}\n{1}", new object[2] { ex.Message, ex.StackTrace }); responseContainer.Error = "Bad response data."; if (responseContainer.OnError != null) { responseContainer.OnError(responseContainer); } return; IL_01ca :; } if (req.State == HTTPRequestStates.Finished && (resp == null || resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 400)) { req.State = HTTPRequestStates.Error; } responseContainer.Cookies = ((resp != null && resp.Cookies != null) ? (from c in resp.Cookies where c != null select new KeyValuePair <string, string>(c.Name, c.Value)).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair <string, string> t) => t.Key, (KeyValuePair <string, string> t) => t.Value) : new Dictionary <string, string>()); try { switch (req.State) { case HTTPRequestStates.Finished: responseContainer.OnComplete(resp.IsSuccess, req.Uri.PathAndQuery, resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, () => resp.Data, () => resp.DataAsText); if (!responseContainer.IsValid) { RetryRequest(requestId, req, resp, responseContainer, --retryCount, useCache, string.Empty); } else { if (useCache && req.MethodType == HTTPMethods.Get) { ApiCache.CacheResponse(req.Uri.PathAndQuery, resp.Data); } if (responseContainer.OnSuccess != null) { responseContainer.OnSuccess(responseContainer); } } break; default: { string text5 = (req.Exception == null) ? "No Exception" : req.Exception.Message; Logger.LogErrorFormat(DebugLevel.API, "[{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}] Request Finished with Error!\n{4}\n{5}\n{6}\n{7}", requestId, text4, text3, retryCount, text2, empty, text5, text); responseContainer.OnComplete(success: false, req.Uri.PathAndQuery, resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, () => resp.Data, () => resp.DataAsText); if (resp.StatusCode >= 400 && resp.StatusCode < 500) { retryCount = 0; } RetryRequest(requestId, req, resp, responseContainer, --retryCount, useCache, string.Empty); break; } case HTTPRequestStates.Aborted: Logger.LogErrorFormat(DebugLevel.API, "[{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}] Request Request Aborted!\n{4}\n{5}", requestId, text4, text3, retryCount, text2, text); responseContainer.Error = "The request was cancelled."; if (responseContainer.OnError != null) { responseContainer.OnError(responseContainer); } break; case HTTPRequestStates.ConnectionTimedOut: Logger.LogErrorFormat(DebugLevel.API, "[{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}] Connection Timed Out!\n{4}\n{4}", requestId, text4, text3, retryCount, text2, text); RetryRequest(requestId, req, resp, responseContainer, --retryCount, useCache, "The request timed out."); break; case HTTPRequestStates.TimedOut: Logger.LogErrorFormat(DebugLevel.API, "[{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}] Processing the request Timed Out!\n{4}\n{5}", requestId, text4, text3, retryCount, text2, text); RetryRequest(requestId, req, resp, responseContainer, --retryCount, useCache, "The request timed out."); break; } } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.LogErrorFormat("Exception handling {0}: {1}\n{2}", req.State, ex2.Message, ex2.StackTrace); } } }