예제 #1
        public static Fitness Constraint(Position x, int functCode, double epsConstr)
            // ff[0] is defined in perf()
            // Variables specific to Coil compressing spring
            const double fmax = 1000.0;
            const double fp = 300;
            double Cf;
            double K;
            double sp;
            double lf;

            const double S = 189000.0;
            const double lmax = 14.0;
            const double spm = 6.0;
            const double sw = 1.25;
            const double G = 11500000;
            Fitness ff = new Fitness(Constants.DMax) {size = 1};

            switch (functCode)

                case 7:
                    ff.size = 4;

                    ff.f[1] = 0.0193 * x.x[2] - x.x[0];
                    ff.f[2] = 0.00954 * x.x[2] - x.x[1];
                    ff.f[3] = 750 * 1728 - Math.PI * x.x[2] * x.x[2] * (x.x[3] + (4.0 / 3) * x.x[2]);

                case 8:
                    ff.size = 5;

                    Cf = 1 + 0.75 * x.x[2] / (x.x[1] - x.x[2]) + 0.615 * x.x[2] / x.x[1];
                    K = 0.125 * G * Math.Pow(x.x[2], 4) / (x.x[0] * x.x[1] * x.x[1] * x.x[1]);
                    sp = fp / K;
                    lf = fmax / K + 1.05 * (x.x[0] + 2) * x.x[2];

                    ff.f[1] = 8 * Cf * fmax * x.x[1] / (Math.PI * x.x[2] * x.x[2] * x.x[2]) - S;
                    ff.f[2] = lf - lmax;
                    ff.f[3] = sp - spm;
                    ff.f[4] = sw - (fmax - fp) / K;

                case 15:
                    ff.size = 4;

                    ff.f[1] = Math.Abs(x.x[0] * x.x[0] + x.x[1] * x.x[1] + x.x[2] * x.x[2]
                                       + x.x[3] * x.x[3] + x.x[4] * x.x[4] - 10) - epsConstr; // Constraint h1<=eps
                    ff.f[2] = Math.Abs(x.x[1] * x.x[2] - 5 * x.x[3] * x.x[4]) - epsConstr; // Constraint h2<=eps;
                    ff.f[3] = Math.Abs(Math.Pow(x.x[0], 3) + Math.Pow(x.x[1], 3) + 1) - epsConstr; // Constraint h3<=eps


            return ff;
예제 #2
        public void memSave(Position P)
            // Save a position
            // Is useful to generate a new particle in a promising area
            // The memPos list is a global variable
            M[Rank] = P;

            if (Size < M.Length - 1)
                Size = Size + 1;
                Rank = Rank + 1;
            else Rank = 0; // We re-use the memory cyclically
예제 #3
        public Position InitializeFar(IProblem pb)
            // Try to find a new position that is "far" from all the memorised ones
            //Note: memPos is a global variable
            double[] coord = new double[Constants.MMax];
            double[] interv = new double[2];

            var xFar = new Position(Constants.DMax) { size = pb.SwarmSize.D };

            for (int d = 0; d < pb.SwarmSize.D; d++) // For each dimension
                for (int n = 0; n < this.Size; n++) coord[n] = this.M[n].x[d]; // All the coordinates on
                // this dimension

                Array.Sort(coord); // Sort them
                // by increasing order

                // Find the biggest intervall
                interv[0] = coord[0];
                interv[1] = coord[1];
                double delta = interv[1] - interv[0];

                for (int n = 1; n < this.Size - 1; n++)
                    if (coord[n + 1] - coord[n] < delta) continue;

                    interv[0] = coord[n];
                    interv[1] = coord[n + 1];
                    delta = interv[1] - interv[0];

                // Particular case, xMax
                if (pb.SwarmSize.max[d] - coord[this.Size - 1] > delta)
                    xFar.x[d] = pb.SwarmSize.max[d];
                    delta = pb.SwarmSize.max[d] - coord[this.Size - 1];

                // Particular case, xMin
                if (coord[0] - pb.SwarmSize.min[d] > delta)
                    xFar.x[d] = pb.SwarmSize.min[d];
                    xFar.x[d] = 0.5 * (interv[1] + interv[0]);// Take the middle

            xFar = Position.Discrete(xFar, pb);
            xFar.f = pb.Evaluate(xFar);
            return xFar;
예제 #4
        public static double distanceL(Position x1, Position x2, double L)
            // Distance between two positions
            // L = 2 => Euclidean
            int d;
            double n;

            n = 0;

            for (d = 0; d < x1.size; d++)
                n = n + Math.Pow(Math.Abs(x1.x[d] - x2.x[d]), L);

            n = Math.Pow(n, 1 / L);
            return n;
예제 #5
        public static Velocity Initialize(Position pos, SwarmSize swarmSize)
            int d;

            var vel = new Velocity(Constants.DMax) {Size = pos.size};

            // Half-diff  0.5*(alea-x)

            for (d = 0; d < vel.Size; d++)
                vel.V[d] = (Alea.NextDouble(swarmSize.min[d], swarmSize.max[d]) - pos.x[d]) / 2;

            return vel;
예제 #6
        public void Confinement(
                              Problem.IProblem pb)
            // Confinement and evaluation
            // Note: the two are together, for depending on the clamping option
            // 				there may be no evaluation at all
            // Set to the bounds, and v to zero

            for (int d = 0; d < pb.SwarmSize.D; d++)
                if (x.x[d] < pb.SwarmSize.minS[d])
                    x.x[d] = pb.SwarmSize.minS[d];
                    v.V[d] = 0;

                if (x.x[d] > pb.SwarmSize.maxS[d])
                    x.x[d] = pb.SwarmSize.maxS[d];
                    v.V[d] = 0;

            if (pb.Constraint != 0)
                Fitness ff = Position.Constraint(x, pb);

                for (int i = 1; i < ff.size; i++)
                    if (ff.f[i] <= 0) continue;

                    // If a constraint is not respected the velocity is decreased
                    // and the position moved accordingly in th HOPE that the new position will be OK
                    // (but we don't check it)
                    for (int d = 0; d < pb.SwarmSize.D; d++)
                        v.V[d] = v.V[d]/2;
                        x.x[d] = x.x[d] - v.V[d];

            x = Position.Quantis(x, pb.SwarmSize);

            // Evaluation
            x.f = pb.Evaluate(x);
예제 #7
        public static double lennard_jones(Position x)
                This is for black-box optimisation. Therefore, we are not supposed to know
                that there are some symmetries. That is why the dimension of the problem is
                3*nb_of_atoms, as it could be 3*nb_of_atoms-6
            int d;
            int dim = 3;
            double dist;
            double f;
            int i, j;
            int nPoints = x.size / dim;
            Position x1 = new Position(Constants.DMax);
            Position x2 = new Position(Constants.DMax);
            double zz;

            x1.size = dim; x2.size = dim;

            f = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < nPoints - 1; i++)
                for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) x1.x[d] = x.x[3 * i + d];
                for (j = i + 1; j < nPoints; j++)
                    for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) x2.x[d] = x.x[3 * j + d];

                    dist = Tools.distanceL(x1, x2, 2);

                    zz = Math.Pow(dist, -6);
                    f = f + zz * (zz - 1);
            f = 4 * f;
            //printf("\n %f",f);
            return f;
예제 #8
 public XV()
     x=new Position(Constants.DMax);
     v=new Velocity(Constants.DMax);
예제 #9
        static double potentiel(Position X, Archive list)
            double dist;
            int n;
            double pot = 0;

            for (n = 0; n < list.Size; n++)
                dist = Tools.distanceL(X, list.M[n], 2);
                if (dist > Constants.Zero) pot = pot + 1.0 / dist;
                else return Constants.Infinity;

            return pot;
예제 #10
        // For Cutting stock
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_stock_problem
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Position bestBest = new Position(Constants.DMax);
            double convRateMean;
            int d;					// Current dimension
            double error;				// Current error
            double errorMean;			// Average error
            double errorMin = Constants.Infinity;	// Best result over all runs
            double[] errorMeanBest = new double[Constants.RMax];
            double evalMean;			// Mean number of evaluations
            int functionCode;

            int n;
            int nFailure;				// Number of unsuccessful runs
            double logProgressMean = 0;
            Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
            ProblemBase pb;
            int runMax;
            Result result;
            double successRate;
            double variance;

            // ----------------------------------------------- PROBLEM
            functionCode = 102; //TODO: Something seems wrong with Rosenbrockf6
            /* (see problemDef, cellular_phone, cec2005pb for precise definitions)
             0 Parabola (Sphere)
             1 Griewank
             2 Rosenbrock (Banana)
             3 Rastrigin
             4 Tripod (dimension 2)
             5 Ackley
             6 Center-bias test function
             7 Pressure vessel (penalty method)
             1007        "        (confinement method)
             8 Compression spring
             1008				"				 (confinement method)
             9 Gear train
             10 Cellular phone

             12 Schwefel
             13 Cutting stock
             14 convex small polygon, 4 edges, smallest perimeter
             15 constrained problem g13 (penalty method)
             16 constrained problem g3 (penalty method)
             17 Lennard-Jones problem
             1015 				"               (confinement method)

             CEC 2005 benchmark  (no more than 30D. See cec2005data.c)
             100 F1 (shifted Parabola/Sphere)
             102 F6 (shifted Rosenbrock)
             103 F9 (shifted Rastrigin)
             104 F2 Schwefel
             105 F7 Griewank  (NOT rotated)
             106 F8 Ackley  (NOT rotated)

             99 Test


            runMax = 100; // Numbers of runs

            // ===========================================================

            pb = new CEC2005F1Circle();//Problem.Problem.problemDef(functionCode, null);//fLandscape); fLandscape is for when the landscape is read from a file.

            /* -----------------------------------------------------
             PARAMETERS and OPTIONS
            parameters.formula = 1; // Which formula to use to compute the number of
            // iterations between two checks. See SpreadIter()
            parameters.spreadProba = 1; //1;
            // We want that the probability for a particle to be
            // informed my any other one after T time steps
            // is at least spreadProba. Then T is automatically
            // computed.
            // Particular case: set to zero => T=1
            // Suggested values:
            // formula   spreadProba
            //	1						1.0
            //  2, 3				0.9
            // with PSO_B, formula=1 and spredProba=0.55

            // -------------------------------------------------------------AUTOMATIC VALUES
            // You may modify them, if you really want to ...
            parameters.S = (int)(40 + 2 * Math.Sqrt(pb.SwarmSize.D));	// Initial swarm size

            // According to Clerc's Stagnation Analysis
            parameters.w = 1 / (2 * Math.Log((double)2)); // 0.721
            parameters.c1 = 0.5 + Math.Log((double)2); // 1.193
            parameters.c2 = parameters.c1;

            //---------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS and ERRORS

            if (runMax > Constants.RMax)  // Maximum number of runs
                runMax = Constants.RMax;
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING. No more than {0} runs", Constants.RMax);

            if (parameters.S > Constants.SMax)
                parameters.S = Constants.SMax;
                Console.WriteLine("WARNING. The swarm size can not be bigger than {0}", Constants.SMax);

            if (parameters.spreadProba > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameters.spreadProba must be smaller than 1");

            // Display information about the problem and the parameters
            // Some information

            convRateMean = 0;
            errorMean = 0;
            evalMean = 0;
            nFailure = 0;

            //------------------------------------- RUNS
            for (run = 0; run < runMax; run++)
                //printf("\n run %i/%i",run+1,runMax);
                // For some options, positions must be memorised as much a possible
                //fprintf(f_swarm,"run %i\n",run);

                result = PSO(parameters, pb, 0);
                error = result.error.errorFC();

                convRateMean = convRateMean + result.convRate;

                if (error > pb.Epsilon) // Failure
                    nFailure = nFailure + 1;

                // Result display
                //printf("\nmean %1.2e", errorMean/(run+1)); // Temporary error mean
                //printf(", %0.0f %% ", (double)100*(run+1-nFailure)/(run+1)); // Temporary success rate
                //printf (" %i/%i. Eval %f. Error %f ", run+1,runMax, result.nEval, error);
                //printf("  x(0)= %f",(double)result.SW.P[result.SW.best].x[0]);

                // Save result
                //fprintf( f_run, "\n%i %f %e ", run, result.nEval,  error );
                //for ( d = 0; d < pb.SwarmSize.D; d++ )
                //    fprintf( f_run, " %0.20f",  (double)result.SW.P[result.SW.best].x[d] );

                // Compute/store some statistical information
                if (run == 0)
                    errorMin = error;
                    bestBest = result.SW.P[result.SW.best];
                else if (error < errorMin)
                    errorMin = error;
                    bestBest = result.SW.P[result.SW.best];

                evalMean = evalMean + result.nEval;
                errorMean = errorMean + error;
                errorMeanBest[run] = error;
                logProgressMean = logProgressMean - Math.Log(error);

            }		// End loop on "run"

            // Display statistical information
            // Means
            convRateMean = convRateMean / (double)runMax;
            evalMean = evalMean / (double)runMax;
            errorMean = errorMean / (double)runMax;
            logProgressMean = logProgressMean / (double)runMax;

            Console.WriteLine("Conv. rate (mean)= {0}", convRateMean);
            Console.WriteLine("Eval. (mean)= {0}", evalMean);
            Console.WriteLine("Error (mean) = {0}, {1}", errorMean, errorMean);

            // Variance
            variance = 0;

            for (run = 0; run < runMax; run++)
                variance = variance + Math.Pow(errorMeanBest[run] - errorMean, 2);

            variance = Math.Sqrt(variance / runMax);
            Console.WriteLine("Std. dev. {0}", variance);
            Console.WriteLine("Log_progress (mean) = {0}", logProgressMean);

            // Success rate and minimum value
            Console.WriteLine("Failure(s) {0}", nFailure);
            successRate = 1 - nFailure / (double)runMax;
            Console.WriteLine("Success rate = {0}%", 100 * successRate);

            //if (run > 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Best min value = {0}", bestBest.f.f[0]);
            if (pb.Constraint > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} constraints (should be negative): ", pb.Constraint);
                for (n = 0; n < pb.Constraint; n++) Console.WriteLine("{0} ", bestBest.f.f[n + 1]);

            // Display the best position
            Console.WriteLine("Position: ");
            for (d = 0; d < pb.SwarmSize.D; d++) Console.WriteLine(" {0}", (double)bestBest.x[d]);

            // Save
             fprintf(f_synth,"\n"); for (d=0;d<SwarmSize.D;d++) fprintf(f_synth,"%f ",
             fprintf(f_synth,"    %f %f %f %.0f%% %f",errorMean,variance,errorMin,

             fprintf( f_synth, "\n%f %f %f %f %.0f%% %f ", shift,
                 errorMean, variance, errorMin, successRate, evalMean );
            //fprintf (f_synth, "%f %f %.0f%% %f   ",
            //   errorMean, variance, 100*successRate, evalMean);

            // Save the best result
            //fprintf(f_synth,"\n ");
            //for(n=0;n<pb.constraint+1;n++) fprintf( f_synth, "%f  ", bestBest.f.f[n]);
            //fprintf(f_synth," X");
            //for ( d = 0; d < pb.SwarmSize.D; d++ ) fprintf( f_synth, " %f", (double) bestBest.x[d] );

            // Repeat some information
            Console.WriteLine("Function {0}", functionCode); Console.WriteLine("Dimension {0}", pb.SwarmSize.D);
            return; // End of main program
예제 #11
        public static Position Discrete(Position pos0, IProblem pb)
            if (pb.SwarmSize.valueNb > 0) // The search space is a list of values
                return ValueAccept(pos0, pb.SwarmSize.valueNb);

            // Quantisation
            Position pos = Quantis(pos0, pb.SwarmSize);
            return pos;
예제 #12
 public static Fitness Constraint(Position x, IProblem pb)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #13
 public Position Clone()
     var retVal = new Position(x.Length);
     retVal.size = size;
     retVal.f = f.Clone();
     return retVal;
예제 #14
        public static Position ValueAccept(Position x, int valueNb)
            // valueList[] is a global variable (see main.h)
            // Move the position to the nearest acceptable value,
            // for each dimension independently
            int d;
            int i;

            Position xv;
            xv = x;

            for (d = 0; d < x.size; d++)
                if (x.x[d] <= Constants.valueList[0])
                    xv.x[d] = Constants.valueList[0];

                if (x.x[d] >= Constants.valueList[valueNb - 1])
                    xv.x[d] = Constants.valueList[valueNb - 1];

                for (i = 1; i < valueNb; i++)
                    if (x.x[d] >= Constants.valueList[i - 1] && x.x[d] <= Constants.valueList[i])
                        if (x.x[d] - Constants.valueList[i - 1] < Constants.valueList[i] - x.x[d])
                            xv.x[d] = Constants.valueList[i - 1];
                            xv.x[d] = Constants.valueList[i];
            return xv;
예제 #15
        public static Position Quantis(Position x, SwarmSize swarmSize)
             Quantisatition of a position
             Only values like x+k*q (k integer) are admissible
            Position quantx = x.Clone();

            for (int d = 0; d < x.size; d++)
                if (swarmSize.q.Q[d] > Constants.Zero)	// Note that qd can't be < 0
                    quantx.x[d] = swarmSize.q.Q[d] * Math.Floor(0.5 + x.x[d] / swarmSize.q.Q[d]);
            return quantx;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        ///  Initialise a position
        /// Note: possible constraints are not checked here. 
        /// The position may be unfeasible	
        /// </summary>
        public static Position Initialize(SwarmSize swarmSize)
            int d;
            var pos = new Position(Constants.DMax) {size = swarmSize.D};

            //  Random uniform
            for (d = 0; d < pos.size; d++)
                pos.x[d] = Alea.NextDouble(swarmSize.min[d], swarmSize.max[d]);
            if (swarmSize.valueNb > 0) // If only some values are acceptable
                pos = ValueAccept(pos, swarmSize.valueNb);

            return pos;