private void OnStart() { // Form size MinimumSize = Size; if (!FeatureConfig["AllowWindowResize"]) { MaximumSize = Size; MaximizeBox = false; } // Create the supported extensions to a filter extsFilter = FormMethods.CreateExtensionFilter(extsArray); // Listen to pressed keys this.KeyPreview = true; this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(FormMethods.ActionListener); // Set the app's theme AppTheme = new Theme(); AppTheme.Apply(this); // Properly render the status strip in dark mode statusStrip.Renderer = new FormMethods.ToolStripLightRenderer(); if (FormMethods.IsAppInDarkMode()) { statusStrip.Renderer = new FormMethods.ToolStripDarkRenderer(); } }
private string GetCliProperties() { if (FormMethods.VerifyIntegrity()) { // var cliProperties = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Main.VGAudioCli); string cliName = cliProperties.ProductName; string cliVersion = cliProperties.FileVersion; return(string.Format("{0} {1}", cliName, cliVersion)); } return("(Unknown)"); }
public string LoadCommand(string arguments = null, string workingDirectory = null) { if (!FormMethods.VerifyIntegrity()) { return(null); } // If there's an opened file, use its location as a working directory if (workingDirectory == null) { if (Info.ContainsKey("Path")) { workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Info["Path"]); } else { workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Main.VGAudioCli); } } else { if (!Directory.Exists(workingDirectory)) { workingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Main.VGAudioCli); } } ProcessStartInfo procInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Main.VGAudioCli, WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory, Arguments = arguments, RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }; var proc = Process.Start(procInfo); proc.WaitForExit(); if (proc.ExitCode == 0) { return(proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); } else { return(null); } }
public async void UpdateStatus(string message = "Ready") { FormMethods.EnableCloseButton(this); switch (message) { case "Ready": if (OpenedFile.Initialized) { if (File.Exists(OpenedFile.Info["Path"])) { slb_status.Text = OpenedFile.Metadata["Status"]; } else { slb_status.Text = "Please check the path of " + OpenedFile.Info["NameShort_OnError"] + "!"; } return; } slb_status.Text = message; break; case "Close": // The key won't be set if user tries to drag and drop // an invalid file while no other file is opened if (OpenedFile.Info.ContainsKey("NameShort")) { slb_status.Text = "Closed the file: " + OpenedFile.Info["NameShort"]; await Task.Delay(2000); } // Another file might've been opened in the meantime when the previous file was closed // Was another file opened during the Task.Delay? if (OpenedFile.Initialized) { slb_status.Text = "Opened the file: " + OpenedFile.Info["NameShort"]; return; } else { slb_status.Text = "Ready"; } break; default: slb_status.Text = message; break; } }
private void FileDump(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainDump mainDump = new MainDump(OpenedFile.Info["Path"], lst_exportExtensions.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower()) { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent, Text = String.Format("Dump Info | {0}", Text) }; mainDump.Size = (this.Width / 2 > 832 && this.Height / 2 > 538) ? new Size(this.Width / 2, 538) : new Size(this.Width, 538); mainDump.ShowDialog(); if (mainDump.Confirmed) { UpdateStatus("Dumping info..."); FormMethods.EnableCloseButton(this, false); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > Options = mainDump.Options; try { if ((bool)Options["DumpFileInfo"]["Use"]) { string path = (string)Options["DumpFileInfo"]["FileLocation"]; string[] lines = OpenedFile.DumpInformation(Options); File.WriteAllLines(path, lines); } if ((bool)Options["SaveExportInfo"]["Use"]) { string path = (string)Options["SaveExportInfo"]["FileLocation"]; string line = OpenedFile.GenerateConversionParams(null, false, true); File.WriteAllText(path, String.Format("{0}\r\n", line)); } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus(); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error dumping file information | " + Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } UpdateStatus(); MessageBox.Show("Info dumped successfully!", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
public void Apply(Control control) { // Don't apply the light theme to prevent visual glitches (it is already applied anyway) if (!Main.FeatureConfig["AdaptiveDarkMode"] || !FormMethods.IsWindowsInDarkMode()) { return; } control.ForeColor = ColorScheme["Fore"]["Text"]; string[] controlName = control.Name.Split('_'); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(controlName[0])) { return; } switch (controlName[0]) { case "btn": control.BackColor = ColorScheme["Back"]["Button"]; break; case "lst": case "num": case "txt": control.BackColor = ColorScheme["Back"]["Window"]; break; default: control.BackColor = ColorScheme["Back"]["Control"]; break; } if (control.HasChildren) { foreach (Control c in control.Controls) { Apply(c); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { switch (args.Length) { case 1: switch (args[0]) { case "--extract": FormMethods.ExtractCli(true); Environment.Exit(0); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Main()); }
public string TruncateName(int maxLength = 20) { string fileExtInfo = "... (" + Info["Extension"] + ")"; // The trim length shouldn't be bigger than the length of the file name itself if (fileExtInfo.Length > maxLength) { return(fileExtInfo); } int trimLength = maxLength - fileExtInfo.Length; if (Info["Name"].Length > maxLength) { if (Info["Name"].Length > trimLength) { string truncate = FormMethods.Truncate(Info["Name"], trimLength); if (Info["Name"] != truncate) { return(truncate + fileExtInfo); } } } return(Info["Name"]); }
public void Load() { bool DarkMode = false; if (Main.FeatureConfig["AdaptiveDarkMode"]) { DarkMode = FormMethods.IsWindowsInDarkMode(); } if (DarkMode) { ColorScheme["Fore"]["Text"] = SystemColors.Window; ColorScheme["Back"]["Button"] = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; ColorScheme["Back"]["Control"] = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; ColorScheme["Back"]["Window"] = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; } else { ColorScheme["Fore"]["Text"] = SystemColors.ControlText; ColorScheme["Back"]["Button"] = SystemColors.ControlLight; ColorScheme["Back"]["Control"] = SystemColors.Control; ColorScheme["Back"]["Window"] = SystemColors.Window; } }
public bool Convert() { if (!File.Exists(Info["Path"])) { throw new FileNotFoundException("The opened file no longer exists!"); } // Check if the export file extension is the correct one if (Path.GetExtension(ExportInfo["Path"]).ToLower() != ExportInfo["Extension"].ToLower()) { // Error occurs when the user replaces an existing file // with invalid export extension through the dialog box throw new ArgumentException("The file extension selected is invalid!"); } string arguments = GenerateConversionParams(ExportInfo["PathEscaped"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)) { throw new Exception("Internal Error: No parameters!"); } if (!FormMethods.VerifyIntegrity()) { return(false); } Lock(false); // Unlock the file ProcessStartInfo procInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Main.VGAudioCli, WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Info["Path"]), Arguments = arguments, RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }; var proc = Process.Start(procInfo); string line = ""; while (!proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { line += proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine() + "\r\n"; } string[] standardConsoleOutput = line.Split( new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None ); Lock(true); // Relock the file // Invalid parameter passed to the CLI if (proc.ExitCode != 0) { throw new ArgumentException(standardConsoleOutput[0]); } // Progress bar [#### ] starts with '[' and success starts with, well, 'Success!' if (!standardConsoleOutput[0].StartsWith("[") && !standardConsoleOutput[0].StartsWith("Success!")) { throw new NotSupportedException(standardConsoleOutput[0]); } // Get the time elapsed during the conversion string timeElapsed = standardConsoleOutput[1].Substring(standardConsoleOutput[1].IndexOf(":") + 1); ExportResult["TimeElapsed"] = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(System.Convert.ToDouble(timeElapsed)).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss\.fff"); return(true); }
public string GenerateConversionParams(string exportLocation = null, bool silent = true, bool batchFormat = false) { if (exportLocation == null) { exportLocation = String.Format("\"{0}\"", Path.ChangeExtension(Info["Path"], ExportInfo["Extension"])); } string arguments = String.Format("-i {0} -o {1}", Info["PathEscaped"], exportLocation); GetWarnings(); // This won't be necessary once the controls use GetWarnings() on value change if (ExportLoop["Enabled"] == 1) { if (ExportLoop["Start"] > ExportLoop["End"]) { // The loop information is invalid - the file would contain a negative number of samples arguments += " --no-loop"; } else { arguments += String.Format(" -l {0}-{1}", ExportLoop["Start"], ExportLoop["End"]); } } else { arguments += " --no-loop"; } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["Apply"]) { switch (ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"]) { case "adx": if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_encrypt"]) { switch (AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_type"]) { case "Linear": case "Fixed": arguments += " --adxtype " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_type"]; break; case "Exponential": arguments += " --adxtype Exp"; break; default: break; } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_keystring_use"]) { if (AdvancedExportInfo.TryGetValue("ADX_keystring", out object keystring)) { arguments += " --keystring " + keystring; } } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_keycode_use"]) { if (AdvancedExportInfo.TryGetValue("ADX_keycode", out object keycode)) { arguments += " --keycode " + keycode; } } switch (AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_filter"]) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: arguments += " --filter " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_filter"]; break; default: break; } switch (AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_version"]) { case 3: case 4: arguments += " --version " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_version"]; break; default: break; } } break; case "brstm": switch (AdvancedExportInfo["BRSTM_audioFormat"]) { case "DSP-ADPCM": // If not specified, the file is converted to DSP-ADPCM audio format break; case "16-bit PCM": arguments += " -f pcm16"; break; case "8-bit PCM": arguments += " -f pcm8"; break; default: break; } break; case "hca": switch (AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_audioRadioButtonSelector"]) { case "quality": arguments += " --hcaquality " + AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_audioQuality"]; break; case "bitrate": arguments += " --bitrate " + AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_audioBitrate"]; break; default: break; } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_limitBitrate"]) { arguments += " --limit-bitrate"; } break; default: break; } } int chcp = 65001; if (!silent) { string commentCharacter = ""; if (batchFormat) { commentCharacter = ":: "; } string warnings = ""; if (Warnings.Count > 0) { foreach (var warning in Warnings) { warnings += String.Format("\r\n{0}[WARNING] {1}", commentCharacter, warning.ToString()); } } else { warnings = null; } string title = FormMethods.GetAppInfo("name") + " (" + FormMethods.GetAppInfo("version") + ")"; if (batchFormat) { arguments = String.Format(":: {0}\r\n:: Original file: {1}\r\n:: The converted file: {2}{3}\r\n\r\n@echo off\r\nchcp {4}>nul\r\nVGAudioCli.exe {5}\r\npause>nul", title, Info["Path"], exportLocation, warnings, chcp, arguments); } else { if (warnings != null) { warnings = String.Format("\r\n{0}", warnings); } arguments += warnings; } } else { if (batchFormat) { arguments = String.Format("@echo off\r\nchcp {0}>nul\r\nVGAudioCli.exe {1}\r\npause>nul", chcp, arguments); } } return(arguments); }
public string[] DumpInformation(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > Options) { bool dumpExportInfo = (bool)Options["DumpFileInfo"]["IncludeExportInformation"]; string[] lines; int? exportLoop = ExportLoop["Enabled"]; List <string> lineList = new List <string> { FormMethods.GetAppInfo("name") + " (" + FormMethods.GetAppInfo("version") + ")", "Dumped Info (" + Info["Name"] + ")\r\n", Metadata["Full"] }; if (dumpExportInfo) { lineList.Add("----------\r\n"); lineList.Add("Custom Export Info:"); lineList.Add("Target file: " + ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"]); if (exportLoop == 1) { lineList.Add("Loop start: " + ExportLoop["Start"]); lineList.Add("Loop end: " + ExportLoop["End"]); } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["Apply"]) { switch (ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"]) { case "adx": if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_encrypt"]) { lineList.Add("Encoding type: " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_type"]); if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_keystring_use"]) { lineList.Add("Keystring: " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_keystring"]); } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_keycode_use"]) { lineList.Add("Keycode: " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_keycode"]); } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_filter_use"]) { lineList.Add("Encoding filter: " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_filter"]); } if ((bool)AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_version_use"]) { lineList.Add("Header version: " + AdvancedExportInfo["ADX_version"]); } } break; case "brstm": lineList.Add("Audio format: " + AdvancedExportInfo["BRSTM_audioFormat"]); break; case "hca": switch (AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_audioRadioButtonSelector"]) { case "quality": lineList.Add("Audio quality: " + AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_audioQuality"]); break; case "bitrate": lineList.Add("Audio bitrate: " + AdvancedExportInfo["HCA_audioBitrate"]); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } string conversionCommand = GenerateConversionParams(null, false); if (conversionCommand == null) { conversionCommand = "(unable to generate)"; } else { conversionCommand = "VGAudioCli.exe " + conversionCommand; } lineList.Add("\r\nConversion command:\r\n" + conversionCommand); } lines = lineList.ToArray(); return(lines); }
public bool ParseMetadata(string metadata) { // Parse the file information - if it fails, close the file Metadata["Full"] = metadata; Metadata["EncodingFormat"] = FormMethods.GetBetween(metadata, "Encoding format: ", "\r\n"); Metadata["SampleCount"] = FormMethods.GetBetween(metadata, "Sample count: ", " ("); Metadata["SampleRate"] = FormMethods.GetBetween(metadata, "Sample rate: ", "\r\n"); Metadata["ChannelCount"] = FormMethods.GetBetween(metadata, "Channel count: ", "\r\n"); Metadata["Short"] = Metadata["EncodingFormat"] + "\r\nSample Rate: " + Metadata["SampleRate"] + "\r\nChannel Count: " + Metadata["ChannelCount"]; string channelSetup; switch (int.Parse(Metadata["ChannelCount"])) { case 0: channelSetup = "no channels"; break; case 1: channelSetup = "mono"; break; case 2: channelSetup = "stereo"; break; default: channelSetup = Metadata["ChannelCount"]; break; } Metadata["Status"] = String.Format("{0} | {1} | {2}", Metadata["EncodingFormat"], Metadata["SampleRate"], channelSetup); // Check if the file has a valid sample count if (!int.TryParse(Metadata["SampleCount"], out int mSampleCount)) { // The file contains invalid sample count return(false); } // Parse the loop information string mLoopStartVar = FormMethods.GetBetween(metadata, "Loop start: ", " samples"); string mLoopEndVar = FormMethods.GetBetween(metadata, "Loop end: ", " samples"); // Note: Loop["StartMax"] and Loop["EndMin"] are valid only upon loading the file // These two variables should be updated dynamically directly in the form to prevent overlapping if (int.TryParse(mLoopStartVar, out int mLoopStart) && int.TryParse(mLoopEndVar, out int mLoopEnd)) { Loop["Enabled"] = 1; Loop["Start"] = mLoopStart; // Save the loop start Loop["End"] = mLoopEnd; // Save the loop start Loop["EndMax"] = mSampleCount; // Makes sure the user doesn't input more samples than the file has } else { Loop["Enabled"] = 0; Loop["Start"] = 0; // If there's no loop, the loop end is set as the end of the file by default Loop["EndMax"] = Loop["End"] = mSampleCount; } // Set default loop information for the imported file Loop["StartMin"] = 0; // The loop start value cannot be lower than the beginning of the file Loop["StartMax"] = Loop["End"] - 1; // Makes sure the user can only input lower number than the loop's end Loop["EndMin"] = Loop["Start"] + 1; // Loop end has to be a bigger number than loop start // These values can be modified and will be used upon export ExportLoop["Enabled"] = Loop["Enabled"]; ExportLoop["StartMin"] = Loop["StartMin"]; ExportLoop["Start"] = Loop["Start"]; ExportLoop["StartMax"] = Loop["StartMax"]; ExportLoop["EndMin"] = Loop["EndMin"]; ExportLoop["End"] = Loop["End"]; ExportLoop["EndMax"] = Loop["EndMax"]; return(true); }
private void FileExport(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateStatus("Converting the file..."); // If the file was missing or inaccessible, but suddenly is, relock it again OpenedFile.Lock(true); if (OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"] == null) { UpdateStatus(); MessageBox.Show("Please select the exported file's extension!", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (OpenedFile.Info["ExtensionNoDot"] == OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"]) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("The file you're trying to export has the same extension as the original file. Some of the changes might not be applied.\r\nContinue?", Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) { UpdateStatus(); return; } } if (OpenedFile.ExportLoop["Enabled"] == 1) { if (OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"] == "wav") { // Encoding the loop information into the wave file // is useful only for conversions done later on (to a format that supports it) DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("While the wave file can hold loop information, it won't be read by most media players.\r\nExport the loop information anyway?", Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); switch (dialogResult) { case DialogResult.Yes: break; case DialogResult.No: chk_loop.Checked = false; break; case DialogResult.Cancel: default: UpdateStatus(); return; } } } else { if (OpenedFile.ExportLoop["Enabled"] == 1) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("The imported file has loop information, which will be lost upon export.\r\nContinue the export without the loop information?", Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) { UpdateStatus(); return; } } } // Select the save location SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog { InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(OpenedFile.Info["Path"]), Title = "Export " + OpenedFile.Info["NameNoExtension"] + "." + OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"], CheckFileExists = false, CheckPathExists = true, DefaultExt = OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"], Filter = OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"].ToUpper() + " audio file (*." + OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"] + ")|*." + OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"], FilterIndex = 1, RestoreDirectory = true }; if (FeatureConfig["PrefillExportFileName"]) { saveFileDialog.FileName = OpenedFile.Info["NameNoExtension"] + "." + OpenedFile.ExportInfo["ExtensionNoDot"]; } if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { OpenedFile.ExportInfo["Path"] = saveFileDialog.FileName; OpenedFile.ExportInfo["PathEscaped"] = String.Format("\"{0}\"", Path.GetFullPath(OpenedFile.ExportInfo["Path"])); FormMethods.EnableCloseButton(this, false); try { if (OpenedFile.Convert()) { UpdateStatus(); string successMessage = "Task performed successfully."; if (FeatureConfig["ShowTimeElapsed"]) { successMessage += String.Format(" Time elapsed: {0}", OpenedFile.ExportResult["TimeElapsed"]); } MessageBox.Show(successMessage, Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { OpenedFile.Lock(true); UpdateStatus(); string exceptionTitle = "Fatal Error"; if (ex is NotSupportedException) { exceptionTitle = "Conversion Error"; } if (ex is ArgumentException) { exceptionTitle = "Error"; } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, String.Format("{0} | {1}", exceptionTitle, Text), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } finally { FormMethods.EnableCloseButton(this); } } UpdateStatus(); return; }