public bool hasStatement(org.openrdf.model.Resource r, org.openrdf.model.URI uri, org.openrdf.model.Value v, bool b, params org.openrdf.model.Resource[] rarr) { SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); queryString.CommandText = "ASK"; foreach (Uri u in rarr.ToContexts(this._mapping)) { queryString.CommandText += "\nFROM <" + this._formatter.FormatUri(u) + ">"; } queryString.CommandText += "\nWHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object}"; if (r != null) { queryString.SetVariable("subject", SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping)); } if (uri != null) { queryString.SetVariable("predicate", SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping)); } if (v != null) { queryString.SetVariable("object", SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping)); } return(this.HasTriplesInternal(queryString.ToString())); }
public org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryResult getStatements(org.openrdf.model.Resource r, org.openrdf.model.URI uri, org.openrdf.model.Value v, bool b, params org.openrdf.model.Resource[] rarr) { SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); IEnumerable <Uri> contexts = rarr.ToContexts(this._mapping); if (contexts.Any()) { queryString.CommandText = "SELECT (?s AS ?subj) (?p AS ?pred) (?o AS ?obj)\n"; foreach (Uri u in contexts) { queryString.CommandText += "FROM <" + this._formatter.FormatUri(u) + ">\n"; } queryString.CommandText += "WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } else { queryString.CommandText = "SELECT (?s AS ?subj) (?p AS ?pred) (?o AS ?obj) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } if (r != null) { queryString.SetVariable("s", SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping)); } if (uri != null) { queryString.SetVariable("p", SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping)); } if (v != null) { queryString.SetVariable("o", SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping)); } return(this.GetStatementsInternal(queryString.ToString(), this._mapping)); }
public virtual void add(org.openrdf.model.Resource r, org.openrdf.model.URI uri, org.openrdf.model.Value v, params org.openrdf.model.Resource[] rarr) { IEnumerable <Uri> contexts = rarr.ToContexts(this._mapping); Graph g = new Graph(); g.Assert(SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping), SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping), SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping)); this.AddInternal(g, contexts); }
public bool add(dotSesame.Resource r, dotSesame.URI uri, dotSesame.Value v, params dotSesame.Resource[] rarr) { Triple t = new Triple(SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping), SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping), SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping)); if (this._g.ContainsTriple(t)) { return(false); } else { this._g.Assert(t); return(true); } }
internal static IEnumerable <Uri> ToContexts(this dotSesame.Resource[] contexts, SesameMapping mapping) { if (contexts == null) { return(Enumerable.Empty <Uri>()); } else if (contexts.Length == 0) { return(Enumerable.Empty <Uri>()); } else { List <Uri> results = new List <Uri>(); foreach (dotSesame.Resource r in contexts) { if (r != null && r is dotSesame.URI) { results.Add(((IUriNode)SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, mapping)).Uri); } } return(results); } }
public void parse(org.openrdf.model.Graph g, org.openrdf.model.Resource r) { Graph config = new Graph(); SesameMapping mapping = new SesameMapping(config, g); SesameConverter.FromSesame(g, config); this._name = r.stringValue().Substring(r.stringValue().LastIndexOf(":") + 1); Object temp = ConfigurationLoader.LoadObject(config, SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, mapping)); if (temp is IInMemoryQueryableStore) { this._repo = new DotNetRdfInMemoryRepository((IInMemoryQueryableStore)temp); } else if (temp is IGenericIOManager) { this._repo = new DotNetRdfGenericRepository((IGenericIOManager)temp); } else { throw new dotSesameRepo.config.RepositoryConfigException("Unable to load Configuration for the Repository as the loaded Object was not an IInMemoryQueryableStore or an IGenericIOManager implementation"); } }
public java.util.Iterator match(dotSesame.Resource r, dotSesame.URI uri, dotSesame.Value v, params dotSesame.Resource[] rarr) { INode s = (r != null) ? SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping) : null; INode p = (uri != null) ? SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping) : null; INode o = (v != null) ? SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping) : null; //Contexts are Ignored for matches on a single Graph IEnumerable <Triple> ts; if (s != null) { if (p != null) { if (o != null) { //Matching on Subject Predicate and Object Triple t = new Triple(s, p, o); if (this._g.ContainsTriple(t)) { ts = t.AsEnumerable(); } else { ts = Enumerable.Empty <Triple>(); } } else { //Just matching on Subject Predicate ts = this._g.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(s, p); } } else { if (o != null) { //Matching on Subject Object ts = this._g.GetTriplesWithSubjectObject(s, o); } else { //Just Matching on Subject ts = this._g.GetTriplesWithSubject(s); } } } else if (p != null) { if (o != null) { //Matching on Predicate Object ts = this._g.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(p, o); } else { //Just Matching on Predicate ts = this._g.GetTriplesWithPredicate(p); } } else if (o != null) { //Matching on Object only ts = this._g.GetTriplesWithObject(o); } else { //Matching anything ts = this._g.Triples; } return(new DotNetEnumerableWrapper(ts.Select(t => SesameConverter.ToSesame(t, this._mapping)))); }