/// <summary>
        /// Before Save
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newRecord">new</param>
        /// <returns>true</returns>
        protected override Boolean BeforeSave(Boolean newRecord)
            Decimal  VA024_ProvisionPrice = 0;
            MProduct product = MProduct.Get(GetCtx(), GetM_Product_ID());

            // chck pallet Functionality applicable or not
            bool isContainrApplicable = MTransaction.ProductContainerApplicable(GetCtx());

            // Get Old Value of AttributeSetInstance_ID
            _mvlOldAttId = Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_ValueOld("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));

            //	Set Line No
            if (GetLine() == 0)
                String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM M_MovementLine WHERE M_Movement_ID=" + GetM_Movement_ID();
                int    ii  = DataBase.DB.GetSQLValue(Get_TrxName(), sql);

            // JID_0775: System is not checking on move line that the attribute set instance is mandatory.
            if (GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == 0)
                if (product != null && product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
                    MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.Get(GetCtx(), product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID());
                    if (mas.IsMandatory() || mas.IsMandatoryAlways())
                        log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));

            // Check Locator For Header Warehouse
            MMovement mov = new MMovement(GetCtx(), GetM_Movement_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            MLocator  loc = new MLocator(GetCtx(), GetM_Locator_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            Tuple <string, string, string> aInfo = null;

            if (Env.HasModulePrefix("DTD001_", out aInfo))
                if (mov.GetDTD001_MWarehouseSource_ID() == loc.GetM_Warehouse_ID())
                    String sql = "SELECT M_Locator_ID FROM M_Locator WHERE M_Warehouse_ID=" + mov.GetDTD001_MWarehouseSource_ID() + " AND IsDefault = 'Y'";
                    int    ii  = DataBase.DB.GetSQLValue(Get_TrxName(), sql);

            // when we try to move product from container to container which are in same locator then no need to check this case
            if (GetM_Locator_ID() == GetM_LocatorTo_ID() &&
                (Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") > 0 && Get_ColumnIndex("Ref_M_ProductContainerTo_ID") > 0 &&
                 !(GetM_ProductContainer_ID() > 0 || GetRef_M_ProductContainerTo_ID() > 0)))
                log.SaveError("Error", Msg.ParseTranslation(GetCtx(), "'From @M_Locator_ID@' and '@M_LocatorTo_ID@' cannot be same."));//change message according to requirement

            if (Env.Signum(GetMovementQty()) == 0 && Util.GetValueOfInt(GetTargetQty()) == 0)
                log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "MovementQty"));

            Tuple <String, String, String> mInfo = null;

            if (Env.HasModulePrefix("DTD001_", out mInfo))
                if (!newRecord && Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_ValueOld("M_Product_ID")) != GetM_Product_ID())
                    log.SaveError("Message", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_ProdNotChanged"));
                if (!newRecord && Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_ValueOld("M_Locator_ID")) != GetM_Locator_ID())
                    log.SaveError("Message", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_LocatorNotChanged"));
                if (!newRecord && Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_ValueOld("M_RequisitionLine_ID")) != GetM_RequisitionLine_ID())
                    log.SaveError("Message", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_ReqNotChanged"));
            //if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_MODULEINFO_ID) FROM AD_MODULEINFO WHERE PREFIX='VA203_'", null, null)) > 0)
            if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA203_"))
                if (GetM_RequisitionLine_ID() > 0)
                    MRequisitionLine reqline = new MRequisitionLine(GetCtx(), GetM_RequisitionLine_ID(), Get_Trx());        // Trx used to handle query stuck problem
                    if (GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != reqline.GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID())
                        log.SaveError("Message", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA203_AttributeInstanceMustBeSame"));
            // IF Doc Status = InProgress then No record Save
            MMovement move = new MMovement(GetCtx(), GetM_Movement_ID(), Get_Trx());        // Trx used to handle query stuck problem

            if (newRecord && move.GetDocStatus() == "IP")
                log.SaveError("Message", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_CannotCreate"));

            //	Qty Precision
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered"))

            // change to set Converted Quantity in Movement quantity if there is differnce in UOM of Base Product and UOM Selected on line
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered") || Is_ValueChanged("C_UOM_ID"))
                Decimal?qty = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(Get_Value("QtyEntered"));
                if (product.GetC_UOM_ID() != Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_Value("C_UOM_ID")))
                    SetMovementQty(MUOMConversion.ConvertProductFrom(GetCtx(), GetM_Product_ID(), Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_Value("C_UOM_ID")), Util.GetValueOfDecimal(Get_Value("QtyEntered"))));

            //	Qty Precision
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered"))

            string qry;

            if (!mov.IsProcessing() || newRecord)
                MWarehouse wh = null; MWarehouse whTo = null;
                wh   = MWarehouse.Get(GetCtx(), mov.GetDTD001_MWarehouseSource_ID());
                whTo = MWarehouse.Get(GetCtx(), MLocator.Get(GetCtx(), GetM_LocatorTo_ID()).GetM_Warehouse_ID());

                qry = "SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(QtyOnHand,0)),0) AS QtyOnHand FROM M_Storage where m_locator_id=" + GetM_Locator_ID() + " and m_product_id=" + GetM_Product_ID();
                if (GetDTD001_AttributeNumber() == null || GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() > 0)
                    qry += " AND NVL(M_AttributeSetInstance_ID , 0) =" + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();
                OnHandQty = Convert.ToDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry));

                qry         = "SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(QtyOnHand,0)),0) AS QtyOnHand FROM M_Storage where m_locator_id=" + GetM_LocatorTo_ID() + " and m_product_id=" + GetM_Product_ID();
                qry        += " AND NVL(M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, 0) =" + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();
                OnHandQtyTo = Convert.ToDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry));

                // SI_0635 : System is giving error of insufficient qty if disallow is true in TO warehouse and false in From warehouse
                // when record is in completed & closed stage - then no need to check qty availablity in warehouse
                if ((wh.IsDisallowNegativeInv() || whTo.IsDisallowNegativeInv()) &&
                    (!(move.GetDocStatus() == "CO" || move.GetDocStatus() == "CL" || move.GetDocStatus() == "RE" || move.GetDocStatus() == "VO")))
                    // pick container current qty from transaction based on locator / product / ASI / Container / Movement Date
                    if (isContainrApplicable && Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") >= 0)
                        //                    qry = @"SELECT SUM(t.ContainerCurrentQty) keep (dense_rank last ORDER BY t.MovementDate, t.M_Transaction_ID) AS CurrentQty FROM m_transaction t
                        //                            INNER JOIN M_Locator l ON t.M_Locator_ID = l.M_Locator_ID WHERE t.MovementDate <= " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(move.GetMovementDate(), true) +
                        //                                " AND t.AD_Client_ID = " + GetAD_Client_ID() +
                        //                                @" AND t.M_Locator_ID = " + (move.IsReversal() && GetMovementQty() < 0 ? GetM_LocatorTo_ID() : GetM_Locator_ID()) +
                        //                                " AND t.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + " AND NVL(t.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,0) = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() +
                        //                                " AND NVL(t.M_ProductContainer_ID, 0) = " + (move.IsReversal() && !IsMoveFullContainer() && GetMovementQty() < 0 ? GetRef_M_ProductContainerTo_ID() : GetM_ProductContainer_ID());
                        //                    containerQty = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry.ToString(), null, null));  // dont use Transaction here - otherwise impact goes wrong on completion

                        //                    qry = @"SELECT SUM(t.ContainerCurrentQty) keep (dense_rank last ORDER BY t.MovementDate, t.M_Transaction_ID) AS CurrentQty FROM m_transaction t
                        //                            INNER JOIN M_Locator l ON t.M_Locator_ID = l.M_Locator_ID WHERE t.MovementDate <= " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(move.GetMovementDate(), true) +
                        //                               " AND t.AD_Client_ID = " + GetAD_Client_ID() +
                        //                               @" AND t.M_Locator_ID = " + (move.IsReversal() && GetMovementQty() < 0 ? GetM_Locator_ID() : GetM_LocatorTo_ID()) +
                        //                               " AND t.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + " AND NVL(t.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,0) = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() +
                        //                               " AND NVL(t.M_ProductContainer_ID, 0) = " + (move.IsReversal() && !IsMoveFullContainer() && GetMovementQty() < 0 ? GetM_ProductContainer_ID() : GetRef_M_ProductContainerTo_ID());
                        //                    containerQtyTo = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry.ToString(), null, null));  // dont use Transaction here - otherwise impact goes wrong on completion

                        qry = @"SELECT DISTINCT First_VALUE(t.ContainerCurrentQty) OVER (PARTITION BY t.M_Product_ID, t.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID ORDER BY t.MovementDate DESC, t.M_Transaction_ID DESC) AS CurrentQty FROM m_transaction t 
                                                INNER JOIN M_Locator l ON t.M_Locator_ID = l.M_Locator_ID WHERE t.MovementDate <= " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(move.GetMovementDate(), true) +
                              " AND t.AD_Client_ID = " + GetAD_Client_ID() +
                              @" AND t.M_Locator_ID = " + GetM_Locator_ID() +
                              " AND t.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + " AND NVL(t.M_ProductContainer_ID, 0) = " + GetM_ProductContainer_ID();

                        // In Case of Attribute Number do not check qty with attribute from storage
                        if (GetDTD001_AttributeNumber() == null || GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() > 0)
                            qry += " AND NVL(M_AttributeSetInstance_ID , 0) =" + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();

                        containerQty = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry.ToString(), null, null));  // dont use Transaction here - otherwise impact goes wrong on completion

                        qry = @"SELECT DISTINCT First_VALUE(t.ContainerCurrentQty) OVER (PARTITION BY t.M_Product_ID, t.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID ORDER BY t.MovementDate DESC, t.M_Transaction_ID DESC)  AS CurrentQty FROM m_transaction t 
                                                INNER JOIN M_Locator l ON t.M_Locator_ID = l.M_Locator_ID WHERE t.MovementDate <= " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(move.GetMovementDate(), true) +
                              " AND t.AD_Client_ID = " + GetAD_Client_ID() +
                              @" AND t.M_Locator_ID = " + GetM_LocatorTo_ID() +
                              " AND t.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + " AND NVL(t.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,0) = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() +
                              " AND NVL(t.M_ProductContainer_ID, 0) = " + GetRef_M_ProductContainerTo_ID();
                        containerQtyTo = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry.ToString(), null, null));  // dont use Transaction here - otherwise impact goes wrong on completion

                    if (wh.IsDisallowNegativeInv() && (OnHandQty - GetMovementQty()) < 0)
                        // check for From Locator
                        log.SaveError("Info", product.GetName() + " , " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQty") + OnHandQty);
                    else if (isContainrApplicable && wh.IsDisallowNegativeInv() && Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") >= 0 && (containerQty - GetMovementQty()) < 0)
                        // check container qty -  for From Locator
                        log.SaveError("Info", product.GetName() + " , " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQtyContainer") + containerQty);
                    else if (whTo.IsDisallowNegativeInv() && (OnHandQtyTo + GetMovementQty()) < 0)
                        // check for To Locator
                        log.SaveError("Info", product.GetName() + " , " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQty") + OnHandQtyTo);
                    else if (isContainrApplicable && whTo.IsDisallowNegativeInv() && Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") >= 0 && (containerQtyTo + GetMovementQty()) < 0)
                        // check for To Locator
                        log.SaveError("Info", product.GetName() + " , " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQtyContainerTo") + containerQtyTo);

            if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("DTD001_"))
                // not used this variable, that why commented
                //qry = "SELECT   NVL(SUM(NVL(QtyOnHand,0)- qtyreserved),0) AS QtyAvailable  FROM M_Storage where m_locator_id=" + GetM_Locator_ID() + " and m_product_id=" + GetM_Product_ID();
                //if (GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != 0)
                //    qry += " AND NVL(M_AttributeSetInstance_ID , 0) = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();
                //qtyAvailable = Convert.ToDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry));
                qtyReserved = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(Get_ValueOld("MovementQty"));
                //if (wh.IsDisallowNegativeInv() == true)
                //    if ((qtyAvailable < (GetMovementQty() - qtyReserved)))
                //    {
                //        log.SaveError("Message", product.GetName() + " , " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_QtyNotAvailable"));
                //        return false;
                //    }

            //By Amit - 17-April-2017
            if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA024_"))
                // checking are we moving product from one warehouse to other warehouse
                if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT CASE WHEN o.IsLegalEntity = 'Y' THEN w.AD_Org_ID
                 ELSE (SELECT AD_Org_ID FROM AD_Org WHERE Ad_Org_id = o.LegalEntityOrg ) END
                 FROM m_warehouse w INNER JOIN ad_org o ON o.AD_Org_ID = w.AD_Org_ID WHERE w.m_warehouse_id = m.DTD001_MWarehouseSource_ID)) =
                 (SELECT  CASE WHEN o2.IsLegalEntity = 'Y' THEN w2.AD_Org_ID 
                 ELSE (SELECT AD_Org_ID FROM AD_Org WHERE Ad_Org_id = o2.LegalEntityOrg) END
                 FROM m_warehouse w2 INNER JOIN ad_org o2 ON o2.AD_Org_ID = w2.AD_Org_ID WHERE M_Warehouse_ID = m.M_Warehouse_ID )
                 THEN 0 ELSE (SELECT ad_org_id FROM m_warehouse WHERE M_Warehouse_ID = m.M_Warehouse_ID ) END AS result FROM m_movement m WHERE m_movement_id = " + GetM_Movement_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) > 0)
                    string qry1 = @"SELECT  SUM(o.VA024_UnitPrice)   FROM VA024_t_ObsoleteInventory o 
                                  WHERE o.IsActive = 'Y' AND  o.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + @" and 
                                  ( o.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() + @" OR o.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID IS NULL )" +
                                  " AND o.AD_Org_ID = " + GetAD_Org_ID();
                    VA024_ProvisionPrice = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry1, null, Get_Trx()));
                    SetVA024_UnitPrice(Util.GetValueOfDecimal(VA024_ProvisionPrice * GetMovementQty()));

                    // is used to get cost of binded cost method / costing level of primary accounting schema
                    Decimal cost = MCost.GetproductCosts(move.GetAD_Client_ID(), move.GetAD_Org_ID(), GetM_Product_ID(),
                                                         GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), Get_Trx(), move.GetDTD001_MWarehouseSource_ID());
                    SetVA024_CostPrice((cost - VA024_ProvisionPrice) * GetMovementQty());

            //	Mandatory Instance
            if (GetM_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID() == 0)
                if (GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() != 0)        //	Set to from
                    if (Env.HasModulePrefix("DTD001_", out mInfo))
                        //MProduct product = GetProduct();
                        if (product != null &&
                            product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
                            //MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.Get(GetCtx(), product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID());
                            //if (mas.IsInstanceAttribute()
                            //    && (mas.IsMandatory() || mas.IsMandatoryAlways()))
                            //    log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID"));
                            //    return false;

                            // Code Addeded by Bharat as Discussed with Mukesh Sir
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetDTD001_AttributeNumber()))
                                if (GetDTD001_AttributeNumber() == "" || GetDTD001_AttributeNumber() == null)
                                    log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "DTD001_AttributeNumber"));


                            //JID_1422: Check No Of Attributes Are Equal To Quantity Or Less Than

                            int Count = CountAttributes(GetDTD001_AttributeNumber());
                            if (Count != GetQtyEntered())
                                if (Count > GetQtyEntered())
                                    log.SaveError("DTD001_MovementAttrbtGreater", "");
                                    log.SaveError("DTD001_MovementAttrbtLess", "");
                            if (product != null)
                                if (product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID() == 0 && (GetDTD001_AttributeNumber() == "" || GetDTD001_AttributeNumber() == null))
                                    //log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "DTD001_AttributeNumber"));
                                    //ShowMessage.Info("a", true, "Product is not of Attribute Type", null);
                                    log.SaveError("Product is not of Attribute Type", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "DTD001_AttributeNumber"));

                                //Check No Of Attributes Are Equal To Quantity Or Less Than

                                //int Count = CountAttributes(GetDTD001_AttributeNumber());
                                //if (Count != GetMovementQty())
                                //    if (Count > GetMovementQty())
                                //    {
                                //        log.SaveError("Error", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_MovementAttrbtGreater"));
                                //        return false;
                                //    }
                                //    else
                                //    {
                                //        log.SaveError("Error", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DTD001_MovementAttrbtLess"));
                                //        return false;
                                //    }
                        //MProduct product = GetProduct();
                        if (product != null &&
                            product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
                            MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.Get(GetCtx(), product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID());
                            if (mas.IsInstanceAttribute() &&
                                (mas.IsMandatory() || mas.IsMandatoryAlways()))
                                log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "M_AttributeSetInstanceTo_ID"));
            }    //	ASI
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Before Save
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newRecord">new</param>
        /// <returns>true if can be saved</returns>
        protected override bool BeforeSave(bool newRecord)
            // chck pallet Functionality applicable or not
            bool isContainrApplicable = MTransaction.ProductContainerApplicable(GetCtx());

            Decimal    VA024_ProvisionPrice = 0;
            MInventory inventory            = new MInventory(GetCtx(), GetM_Inventory_ID(), Get_Trx());
            MProduct   product = MProduct.Get(GetCtx(), GetM_Product_ID());

            if (newRecord && _isManualEntry)
                //	Product requires ASI
                if (GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() == 0)
                    if (product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID() != 0)
                        MAttributeSet mas = MAttributeSet.Get(GetCtx(), product.GetM_AttributeSet_ID());
                        //uncomment by Amit on behalf of Mandeep 7-3-2016
                        //if (mas.IsInstanceAttribute()
                        //    && (mas.IsMandatory() || mas.IsMandatoryAlways()))
                        if (mas.IsMandatory() || mas.IsMandatoryAlways())
                            log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));
                } //	No ASI
            }     //	new or manual

            // not to create Internal use Inventory with -ve qty -- but during reversal system will create record with -ve qty
            // duing reversal -- ReversalDoc_ID contain refernce o  orignal record id
            if (IsInternalUse() && Get_ColumnIndex("ReversalDoc_ID") > 0 && GetReversalDoc_ID() == 0 && GetQtyInternalUse() < 0)
                log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_CantbeNegative"));

            //	Set Line No
            if (GetLine() == 0)
                String sql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM M_InventoryLine WHERE M_Inventory_ID=" + GetM_Inventory_ID();
                int    ii  = DataBase.DB.GetSQLValue(Get_TrxName(), sql);

            // SI_0644.1 : Enforce UOM Precision - Rounding Quantities
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("QtyInternalUse"))

            // change to set Converted Quantity in Internal Use Qty and AsonDateQty and difference qty if there is differnce in UOM of Base Product and UOM Selected on line
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("QtyEntered") || Is_ValueChanged("C_UOM_ID"))
                Decimal?qty = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(Get_Value("QtyEntered"));
                if (product.GetC_UOM_ID() != Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_Value("C_UOM_ID")))
                    qty = MUOMConversion.ConvertProductFrom(GetCtx(), GetM_Product_ID(), Util.GetValueOfInt(Get_Value("C_UOM_ID")), Util.GetValueOfDecimal(Get_Value("QtyEntered")));
                    if (IsInternalUse())
                        if (GetAdjustmentType() == ADJUSTMENTTYPE_AsOnDateCount)
                        else if (GetAdjustmentType() == ADJUSTMENTTYPE_QuantityDifference)

            // SI_0644 - As on date and difference should be according to the precision of UOM attached.
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("AsOnDateCount"))
                if (product != null)
                    int precision = product.GetUOMPrecision();
                    SetAsOnDateCount(Decimal.Round(GetAsOnDateCount(), precision, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

            // SI_0644 - As on date and difference should be according to the precision of UOM attached.
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("DifferenceQty"))
                if (product != null)
                    int precision = product.GetUOMPrecision();
                    SetDifferenceQty(Decimal.Round(GetDifferenceQty(), precision, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

            // SI_0682_1 Need to update the reserved qty on requisition line by internal use line save aslo and should work as work in inventory move.
            if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("DTD001_") && IsInternalUse())
                qtyReserved = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(Get_ValueOld("QtyInternalUse"));

            // no need to check when record is in processing
            if (!inventory.IsProcessing() || newRecord)
                int    M_Warehouse_ID = 0; MWarehouse wh = null;
                string qry = "select m_warehouse_id from m_locator where m_locator_id=" + GetM_Locator_ID();
                M_Warehouse_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry, null, Get_TrxName()));

                wh  = MWarehouse.Get(GetCtx(), M_Warehouse_ID);
                qry = "SELECT QtyOnHand FROM M_Storage where m_locator_id=" + GetM_Locator_ID() + " and m_product_id=" + GetM_Product_ID() +
                      " AND NVL(M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, 0)=" + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID();
                OnHandQty = Convert.ToDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry, null, Get_TrxName()));

                // when record is in completed & closed stage - then no need to check qty availablity in warehouse
                if (wh.IsDisallowNegativeInv() == true &&
                    (!(inventory.GetDocStatus() == "CO" || inventory.GetDocStatus() == "CL" ||
                       inventory.GetDocStatus() == "RE" || inventory.GetDocStatus() == "VO")))
                    // pick container current qty from transaction based on locator / product / ASI / Container / Movement Date
                    if (isContainrApplicable && Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") >= 0)
                        qry = @"SELECT SUM(t.ContainerCurrentQty) keep (dense_rank last ORDER BY t.MovementDate, t.M_Transaction_ID) AS CurrentQty FROM m_transaction t 
                            INNER JOIN M_Locator l ON t.M_Locator_ID = l.M_Locator_ID WHERE t.MovementDate <= " + GlobalVariable.TO_DATE(inventory.GetMovementDate(), true) +
                              " AND t.AD_Client_ID = " + GetAD_Client_ID() + " AND t.M_Locator_ID = " + GetM_Locator_ID() +
                              " AND t.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + " AND NVL(t.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,0) = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() +
                              " AND NVL(t.M_ProductContainer_ID, 0) = " + GetM_ProductContainer_ID();
                        containerQty = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry, null, null)); // dont use Transaction here - otherwise impact goes wrong on completion

                    #region DisallowNegativeInv = True
                    if (!IsInternalUse() && GetDifferenceQty() > 0)
                        if ((OnHandQty - GetDifferenceQty()) < 0)
                            log.SaveError("", product.GetName() + ", " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQty") + OnHandQty);
                        if (isContainrApplicable && Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") >= 0 && (containerQty - GetDifferenceQty()) < 0)
                            log.SaveError("", product.GetName() + ", " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQtyContainer") + containerQty);
                    else if (IsInternalUse())
                        if ((OnHandQty - GetQtyInternalUse()) < 0)
                            log.SaveError("", product.GetName() + " , " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQty") + OnHandQty);
                        if (isContainrApplicable && Get_ColumnIndex("M_ProductContainer_ID") >= 0 && (containerQty - GetQtyInternalUse()) < 0)
                            log.SaveError("", product.GetName() + ", " + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_InsufficientQtyContainer") + containerQty);

            //	Enforce Qty UOM
            if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("QtyCount"))

            //	InternalUse Inventory
            if (IsInternalUse() && Env.Signum(GetQtyInternalUse()) == 0)
                log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "QtyInternalUse"));
            if (Env.Signum(GetQtyInternalUse()) != 0)
                if (!INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount.Equals(GetInventoryType()))
                if (GetC_Charge_ID() == 0)
                    log.SaveError("Error", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "InternalUseNeedsCharge"));
            else if (INVENTORYTYPE_ChargeAccount.Equals(GetInventoryType()))
                if (GetC_Charge_ID() == 0)
                    log.SaveError("FillMandatory", Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "C_Charge_ID"));
            else if (GetC_Charge_ID() != 0)

            //	Set AD_Org to parent if not charge
            if (GetC_Charge_ID() == 0)

            // By Amit for Obsolete Inventory - 25-May-2016
            if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA024_"))
                //MInventory inventory = new MInventory(GetCtx(), GetM_Inventory_ID(), Get_Trx());
                //shipment and Return to vendor
                if (inventory.IsInternalUse() || (!inventory.IsInternalUse() && (GetQtyBook() - GetQtyCount()) > 0))
                        string qry1 = @"SELECT  SUM(o.VA024_UnitPrice)   FROM VA024_t_ObsoleteInventory o 
                                  WHERE o.IsActive = 'Y' AND  o.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID() + @" and 
                                  ( o.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() + @" OR o.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID IS NULL )" +
                                      " AND o.AD_Org_ID = " + GetAD_Org_ID();
                        //+" AND M_Warehouse_ID = " + inventory.GetM_Warehouse_ID();
                        VA024_ProvisionPrice = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry1, null, Get_Trx()));
                        if (!inventory.IsInternalUse() && (GetQtyBook() - GetQtyCount()) > 0)
                            SetVA024_UnitPrice(Util.GetValueOfDecimal(VA024_ProvisionPrice * (GetQtyBook() - GetQtyCount())));
                            SetVA024_UnitPrice(Util.GetValueOfDecimal(VA024_ProvisionPrice * GetQtyInternalUse()));

                        if (!inventory.IsInternalUse() && (GetQtyBook() - GetQtyCount()) > 0)
                            qry1 = @"SELECT (ct.currentcostprice - " + VA024_ProvisionPrice + ") * " + (GetQtyBook() - GetQtyCount());
                            qry1 = @"SELECT (ct.currentcostprice - " + VA024_ProvisionPrice + ") * " + GetQtyInternalUse();
                        qry1 += @" FROM m_product p  INNER JOIN va024_t_obsoleteinventory oi ON p.m_product_id = oi.M_product_ID
                                 INNER JOIN m_product_category pc ON pc.m_product_category_ID = p.m_product_category_ID
                                 INNER JOIN AD_client c ON c.AD_Client_ID = p.Ad_Client_ID   INNER JOIN AD_ClientInfo ci  ON c.AD_Client_ID = ci.Ad_Client_ID
                                 INNER JOIN m_cost ct ON ( p.M_Product_ID     = ct.M_Product_ID  AND ci.C_AcctSchema1_ID = ct.C_AcctSchema_ID )
                                 INNER JOIN c_acctschema asch  ON (asch.C_AcctSchema_ID = ci.C_AcctSchema1_ID)
                                 INNER JOIN va024_obsoleteinvline oil ON oil.va024_obsoleteinvline_ID = oi.va024_obsoleteinvline_ID ";
                        qry1 += @"    WHERE ct.AD_Org_ID =  
                          CASE WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NOT NULL AND pc.costinglevel = 'O') THEN " + GetAD_Org_ID() + @" 
                               WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NOT NULL AND (pc.costinglevel  = 'C' OR pc.costinglevel = 'B')) THEN 0 
                               WHEN (pc.costinglevel IS NULL AND asch.costinglevel  = 'O') THEN " + GetAD_Org_ID() + @" 
                               WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NULL AND (asch.costinglevel  = 'C' OR asch.costinglevel   = 'B')) THEN 0  END
                          AND ct.m_costelement_id =  
                          CASE WHEN ( pc.costingmethod IS NOT NULL AND pc.costingmethod  != 'C') THEN  (SELECT MIN(m_costelement_id)  FROM m_costelement  
                                     WHERE m_costelement.costingmethod =pc.costingmethod  AND m_costelement.Ad_Client_ID  = oi.ad_client_id  ) 
                                WHEN ( pc.costingmethod IS NOT NULL AND pc.costingmethod = 'C' ) THEN  pc.m_costelement_id 
                                WHEN ( pc.costingmethod IS NULL AND asch.costingmethod  != 'C') THEN  (SELECT MIN(m_costelement_id)  FROM m_costelement 
                                     WHERE m_costelement.costingmethod = asch.costingmethod  AND m_costelement.Ad_Client_ID  = oi.ad_client_id  )
                                WHEN ( pc.costingmethod IS NULL AND asch.costingmethod  = 'C') THEN asch.m_costelement_id  END 
                         AND NVL(ct.M_Attributesetinstance_ID , 0) =  
                         CASE WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NOT NULL AND pc.costinglevel = 'B') THEN " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() + @" 
                              WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NOT NULL AND (pc.costinglevel  = 'C' OR pc.costinglevel = 'O')) THEN 0 
                              WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NULL AND asch.costinglevel  = 'B') THEN " + GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID() + @"
                              WHEN ( pc.costinglevel IS NULL AND (asch.costinglevel  = 'C' OR asch.costinglevel   = 'O')) THEN 0  END 
                         AND p.M_Product_ID = " + GetM_Product_ID();
                        SetVA024_CostPrice(Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(qry1, null, Get_Trx())));
                    catch { }
