예제 #1
         *  After Save
         *	@param newRecord new
         *	@param success success
         *	@return success
        protected override bool AfterSave(bool newRecord, bool success)
            if (newRecord & success)
                Insert_Accounting("C_Project_Acct", "C_AcctSchema_Default", null);

            //	Value/Name change
            MProject prjph = null;

            if (success && !newRecord &&
                (Is_ValueChanged("Value") || Is_ValueChanged("Name")))
                MAccount.UpdateValueDescription(GetCtx(), "C_Project_ID=" + GetC_Project_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            if (GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0)
                MCampaign cam    = new MCampaign(GetCtx(), GetC_Campaign_ID(), null);
                decimal   plnAmt = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COALESCE(SUM(pl.PlannedAmt),0)  FROM C_Project pl WHERE pl.IsActive = 'Y' AND pl.C_Campaign_ID = " + GetC_Campaign_ID()));
                prjph = new MProject(GetCtx(), GetC_Project_ID(), Get_Trx());
                decimal plnAmt = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COALESCE(SUM(PlannedAmt),0) FROM C_ProjectPhase WHERE IsActive= 'Y' AND C_Project_ID= " + GetC_Project_ID()));
                DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE C_Project SET PlannedAmt=" + plnAmt + " WHERE C_Project_ID=" + GetC_Project_ID(), null, Get_Trx());
         *  After Save
         *	@param newRecord new
         *	@param success success
         *	@return success
        protected override bool AfterSave(bool newRecord, bool success)
            PO            project    = null;
            int           _client_ID = 0;
            StringBuilder _sql       = new StringBuilder();

            //_sql.Append("Select count(*) from  ad_table where tablename like 'FRPT_Project_Acct'");
            //_sql.Append("SELECT count(*) FROM all_objects WHERE object_type IN ('TABLE') AND (object_name)  = UPPER('FRPT_Project_Acct')  AND OWNER LIKE '" + DB.GetSchema() + "'");
            _sql.Append(DBFunctionCollection.CheckTableExistence(DB.GetSchema(), "FRPT_Project_Acct"));
            int count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(_sql.ToString()));

            if (count > 0)
                _sql.Append("Select L.Value From Ad_Ref_List L inner join AD_Reference r on R.AD_REFERENCE_ID=L.AD_REFERENCE_ID where r.name='FRPT_RelatedTo' and l.name='Project'");
                var relatedtoProject = Convert.ToString(DB.ExecuteScalar(_sql.ToString()));
                _client_ID = GetAD_Client_ID();
                _sql.Append("select C_AcctSchema_ID from C_AcctSchema where AD_CLIENT_ID=" + _client_ID);
                DataSet ds3 = new DataSet();
                ds3 = DB.ExecuteDataset(_sql.ToString(), null);
                if (ds3 != null && ds3.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int k = 0; k < ds3.Tables[0].Rows.Count; k++)
                        int _AcctSchema_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(ds3.Tables[0].Rows[k]["C_AcctSchema_ID"]);
                        _sql.Append("Select Frpt_Acctdefault_Id,C_Validcombination_Id,Frpt_Relatedto From Frpt_Acctschema_Default Where ISACTIVE='Y' AND AD_CLIENT_ID=" + _client_ID + "AND C_Acctschema_Id=" + _AcctSchema_ID);
                        DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(_sql.ToString(), null);
                        if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                                string _relatedTo = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Frpt_Relatedto"].ToString();
                                if (_relatedTo != "" && (_relatedTo == relatedtoProject))
                                    _sql.Append("Select COUNT(*) From C_Project Bp Left Join FRPT_Project_Acct ca On Bp.C_Project_ID=ca.C_Project_ID And ca.Frpt_Acctdefault_Id=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FRPT_AcctDefault_ID"] + " WHERE Bp.IsActive='Y' AND Bp.AD_Client_ID=" + _client_ID + " AND ca.C_Validcombination_Id = " + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_Validcombination_Id"]) + " AND Bp.C_Project_ID = " + GetC_Project_ID());
                                    int recordFound = Convert.ToInt32(DB.ExecuteScalar(_sql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()));
                                    if (recordFound == 0)
                                        project = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), "FRPT_Project_Acct", 0, null);
                                        project.Set_ValueNoCheck("AD_Org_ID", 0);
                                        project.Set_ValueNoCheck("C_Project_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(GetC_Project_ID()));
                                        project.Set_ValueNoCheck("FRPT_AcctDefault_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FRPT_AcctDefault_ID"]));
                                        project.Set_ValueNoCheck("C_ValidCombination_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_Validcombination_Id"]));
                                        project.Set_ValueNoCheck("C_AcctSchema_ID", _AcctSchema_ID);
                                        if (!project.Save())
            else if (newRecord & success && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetCtx().GetContext("#DEFAULT_ACCOUNTING_APPLICABLE")) || Util.GetValueOfString(GetCtx().GetContext("#DEFAULT_ACCOUNTING_APPLICABLE")) == "Y"))
                bool sucs = Insert_Accounting("C_Project_Acct", "C_AcctSchema_Default", null);
                //Karan. work done to show message if data not saved in accounting tab. but will save data in current tab.
                // Before this, data was being saved but giving message "record not saved".
                if (!sucs)
                    log.SaveWarning("AcctNotSaved", "");

            //	Value/Name change
            MProject prjph = null;

            if (success && !newRecord &&
                (Is_ValueChanged("Value") || Is_ValueChanged("Name")))
                MAccount.UpdateValueDescription(GetCtx(), "C_Project_ID=" + GetC_Project_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            if (GetC_Campaign_ID() != 0)
                //Used transaction because total was not updating on header
                MCampaign cam    = new MCampaign(GetCtx(), GetC_Campaign_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                decimal   plnAmt = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COALESCE(SUM(pl.PlannedAmt),0)  FROM C_Project pl WHERE pl.IsActive = 'Y' AND pl.C_Campaign_ID = " + GetC_Campaign_ID(), null, Get_TrxName()));
                //Used transaction because total was not updating on header
                prjph = new MProject(GetCtx(), GetC_Project_ID(), Get_TrxName());
                if (!prjph.IsOpportunity())
                    //Used transaction because total was not updating on header
                    decimal plnAmt = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COALESCE(SUM(PlannedAmt),0) FROM C_ProjectPhase WHERE IsActive= 'Y' AND C_Project_ID= " + GetC_Project_ID(), null, Get_TrxName()));
                    DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE C_Project SET PlannedAmt=" + plnAmt + " WHERE C_Project_ID=" + GetC_Project_ID(), null, Get_TrxName());