예제 #1
        private static IEnumerable <Bitmap> CreateGlyphImages(FontGenerationParameters parameters, Font font, IEnumerable <Char> chars)
            var glyphs = new List <Bitmap>();

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                    var layoutArea = new SizeF(Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue);

                    foreach (var c in chars)
                        var glyphIsWhiteSpace = Char.IsWhiteSpace(c);

                        var glyphSize = glyphIsWhiteSpace ?
                                        gfx.MeasureString(c.ToString(), font) :
                                        gfx.MeasureString(c.ToString(), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

                        var sf1 = StringFormat.GenericDefault;
                        var sf2 = StringFormat.GenericTypographic;

                        var glyphPadding            = glyphIsWhiteSpace ? 0 : parameters.PadLeft + parameters.PadRight;
                        var glyphWidth              = (Int32)(Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Width) / parameters.SuperSamplingFactor) + parameters.Overhang + glyphPadding;
                        var glyphHeight             = (Int32)(Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Height) / parameters.SuperSamplingFactor);
                        var glyphSupersampledWidth  = (Int32)Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Width) + (parameters.Overhang * parameters.SuperSamplingFactor) + (glyphPadding * parameters.SuperSamplingFactor);
                        var glyphSupersampledHeight = (Int32)Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Height);

                        var glyphImg = new Bitmap(glyphWidth, glyphHeight);

                        using (var glyphSupersampledImg = new Bitmap(glyphSupersampledWidth, glyphSupersampledHeight))
                            using (var glyphSupersampledGfx = Graphics.FromImage(glyphSupersampledImg))
                                glyphSupersampledGfx.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                                glyphSupersampledGfx.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

                                glyphSupersampledGfx.DrawString(c.ToString(), font, Brushes.White, 0f, 0f, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

                                using (var glyphGfx = Graphics.FromImage(glyphImg))
                                    var rect = new Rectangle(glyphIsWhiteSpace ? 0 : parameters.PadLeft, 0, glyphWidth, glyphHeight);

                                    glyphGfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                                    glyphGfx.DrawImage(glyphSupersampledImg, rect);


예제 #2
        private static IDictionary <SpriteFontKerningPair, Int32> CalculateKerningsForFontFace(
            FontGenerationParameters parameters, Graphics gfx, Font font, IEnumerable <Char> chars)
            var kernings =
                from c1 in chars
                from c2 in chars
                let kerningPair = new SpriteFontKerningPair(c1, c2)
                                  let kerningValue = MeasureKerning(parameters, gfx, font, c1, c2)
                                                     select new KeyValuePair <SpriteFontKerningPair, Int32>(kerningPair, kerningValue);

            return(kernings.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));
예제 #3
        private static Int32 MeasureKerning(FontGenerationParameters parameters, Graphics gfx, Font font, Char c1, Char c2)
            if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c1) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(c2))

            var layoutArea = new SizeF(Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue);
            var c1Size     = gfx.MeasureString(c1.ToString(), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
            var c2Size     = gfx.MeasureString(c2.ToString(), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
            var kernedSize = gfx.MeasureString($"{c1}{c2}", font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

            return((Int32)(kernedSize.Width - (c1Size.Width + c2Size.Width)) - parameters.Overhang);
예제 #4
        private static IEnumerable <CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegions(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
            if (parameters.SourceText != null)

            if (parameters.SourceFile != null)

예제 #5
        private static Int32 MeasureKerning(FontGenerationParameters parameters, Graphics gfx, Font font, Char c1, Char c2)
            if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c1) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(c2))
                return 0;

            var layoutArea = new SizeF(Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue);
            var c1Size = gfx.MeasureString(c1.ToString(), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
            var c2Size = gfx.MeasureString(c2.ToString(), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
            var kernedSize = gfx.MeasureString(String.Format("{0}{1}", c1, c2), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
            return (Int32)(kernedSize.Width - (c1Size.Width + c2Size.Width)) - parameters.Overhang;
예제 #6
        private static IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegions(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
            if (parameters.SourceText != null)
                return CreateCharacterRegionsFromSourceText(parameters);

            if (parameters.SourceFile != null)
                return CreateCharacterRegionsFromSourceFile(parameters);

            return null;
예제 #7
        private static XDocument GenerateXmlFontDefinition(FontGenerationParameters parameters, IEnumerable <FontFaceInfo> faces,
                                                           IEnumerable <CharacterRegion> characterRegions, IEnumerable <Char> chars)
            var characterRegionsElement = default(XElement);

            if (characterRegions != null)
                characterRegionsElement = new XElement("CharacterRegions", characterRegions.Select(region =>
                                                                                                   new XElement("CharacterRegion",
                                                                                                                new XElement("Start", region.Start),
                                                                                                                new XElement("End", region.End)

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                    var faceElements = new List <XElement>();

                    var x = 0;
                    var y = 0;

                    foreach (var face in faces)
                        Console.WriteLine("Calculating kerning for {0} face...", face.Name);

                        if (y + face.Texture.Height > MaxOutputSize)
                            x = x + face.Texture.Width;
                            y = 0;

                        var kerningData = CalculateKerningsForFontFace(parameters, gfx, face.Font, chars);
                        var kerningDefaultAdjustment =
                            (from kerning in kerningData
                             group kerning by kerning.Value into g
                             orderby g.Count() descending
                             select g).First().Key;

                        var kerningElements = kerningData.Where(data => data.Value != kerningDefaultAdjustment)
                                              .Select(data => new XElement("Kerning", new XAttribute("Pair", data.Key), data.Value));

                        var glyphsElement = default(XElement);
                        if (parameters.SubstitutionCharacter != '?')
                            glyphsElement = new XElement("Glyphs",
                                                         new XElement("Substitution", parameters.SubstitutionCharacter));

                        var faceDefinition = new XElement("Face", new XAttribute("Style", face.Name),
                                                          new XElement("Texture", GetFontTexture(parameters, false)),
                                                          new XElement("TextureRegion", String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", x, y, face.Texture.Width, face.Texture.Height)),
                                                          new XElement("Kernings", new XAttribute("DefaultAdjustment", kerningDefaultAdjustment), kerningElements),

                        y = y + face.Texture.Height;

                    return(new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                                         new XElement("SpriteFont", faceElements, characterRegionsElement)
예제 #8
        private static String GetFontFileName(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
            var extension = parameters.OutputJson ? "json" : "xml";

예제 #9
        private static IEnumerable <CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegionsFromSourceFile(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
            var culture   = parameters.SourceCulture ?? CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString();
            var files     = parameters.SourceFile.Split(',');
            var filesText = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var file in files)
                    var ext = Path.GetExtension(file)?.ToLowerInvariant();
                    if (ext == ".xml" || ext == ".json")
                        var db = new LocalizationDatabase();

                        Console.Write("Reading source file '{0}'... ", Path.GetFileName(file));
                        var count = 0;

                        foreach (var lstring in db.EnumerateCultureStrings(culture))
                            foreach (var variant in lstring.Value)
                        Console.WriteLine("(found {0} string variants)", count);
                        Console.WriteLine("Reading source file '{0}'...", Path.GetFileName(file));
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file '{0}'.", file);
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file '{0}'.", file);

예제 #10
        private static IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegions(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
            if (parameters.SourceText != null)
                return CharacterRegion.CreateFromSourceText(parameters.SourceText + parameters.SubstitutionCharacter.ToString());
            if (parameters.SourceFile != null)
                var culture   = parameters.SourceCulture ?? "en-US";
                var files     = parameters.SourceFile.Split(',');
                var filesText = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var file in files)
                        var ext = Path.GetExtension(file);
                        if (ext == ".xml")
                            var xml = XDocument.Load(file);
                            if (xml.Root.Name.LocalName == "LocalizedStrings")
                                var variants = xml.Root.Descendants(culture).SelectMany(x => x.Elements("Variant"));
                                Console.WriteLine("Reading source file '{0}'... (found {1} string variants)", Path.GetFileName(file), variants.Count());

                                foreach (var variant in variants)

                        Console.WriteLine("Reading source file '{0}'...", Path.GetFileName(file));
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file '{0}'.", file);
                    catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file '{0}'.", file);

                return CharacterRegion.CreateFromSourceText(filesText.ToString());
            return null;
예제 #11
 private static String GetFontTexture(FontGenerationParameters parameters, Boolean extension = true)
     return $"{GetFontSafeName(parameters)}Texture" + (extension ? ".png" : String.Empty);
예제 #12
 private static String GetFontFileName(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
     var extension = parameters.OutputJson ? "json" : "xml";
     return $"{GetFontSafeName(parameters)}.{extension}";
예제 #13
        private static XDocument GenerateXmlFontDefinition(FontGenerationParameters parameters, IEnumerable<FontFaceInfo> faces, 
            IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> characterRegions, IEnumerable<Char> chars)
            var characterRegionsElement = default(XElement);
            if (characterRegions != null)
                characterRegionsElement = new XElement("CharacterRegions", characterRegions.Select(region =>
                    new XElement("CharacterRegion",
                        new XElement("Start", region.Start),
                        new XElement("End", region.End)

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                var faceElements = new List<XElement>();

                var x = 0;
                var y = 0;

                foreach (var face in faces)
                    Console.WriteLine("Calculating kerning for {0} face...", face.Name);

                    if (y + face.Texture.Height > MaxOutputSize)
                        x = x + face.Texture.Width;
                        y = 0;

                    var kerningData = CalculateKerningsForFontFace(parameters, gfx, face.Font, chars);
                    var kerningDefaultAdjustment =
                        (from kerning in kerningData
                         group kerning by kerning.Value into g
                         orderby g.Count() descending
                         select g).First().Key;

                    var kerningElements = kerningData.Where(data => data.Value != kerningDefaultAdjustment)
                        .Select(data => new XElement("Kerning", new XAttribute("Pair", data.Key), data.Value));

                    var glyphsElement = default(XElement);
                    if (parameters.SubstitutionCharacter != '?')
                        glyphsElement = new XElement("Glyphs",
                            new XElement("Substitution", parameters.SubstitutionCharacter));

                    var faceDefinition = new XElement("Face", new XAttribute("Style", face.Name),
                        new XElement("Texture", GetFontTexture(parameters, false)),
                        new XElement("TextureRegion", String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", x, y, face.Texture.Width, face.Texture.Height)),
                        new XElement("Kernings", new XAttribute("DefaultAdjustment", kerningDefaultAdjustment), kerningElements),

                    y = y + face.Texture.Height;

                return new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                    new XElement("SpriteFont", faceElements, characterRegionsElement)
예제 #14
        private static JObject GenerateJsonFontDefinition(FontGenerationParameters parameters, IEnumerable<FontFaceInfo> faces,
            IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> characterRegions, IEnumerable<Char> chars)
            var characterRegionsProperty = default(JProperty);
            if (characterRegions != null)
                characterRegionsProperty = new JProperty("characterRegions", new JArray(
                    characterRegions.Select(region => new JObject(
                        new JProperty("start", region.Start.ToString()),
                        new JProperty("end", region.End.ToString())

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                var faceProperties = new List<JProperty>();

                var x = 0;
                var y = 0;

                foreach (var face in faces)
                    Console.WriteLine("Calculating kerning for {0} face...", face.Name);

                    if (y + face.Texture.Height > MaxOutputSize)
                        x = x + face.Texture.Width;
                        y = 0;

                    var kerningData = CalculateKerningsForFontFace(parameters, gfx, face.Font, chars);
                    var kerningDefaultAdjustment =
                        (from kerning in kerningData
                         group kerning by kerning.Value into g
                         orderby g.Count() descending
                         select g).First().Key;

                    var kerningProperties = kerningData.Where(data => data.Value != kerningDefaultAdjustment)
                        .Select(data => new JProperty(data.Key.ToString(), data.Value));

                    kerningProperties = Enumerable.Union(new[] { new JProperty("default", kerningDefaultAdjustment)  }, kerningProperties);

                    var glyphsProperty = default(JProperty);
                    if (parameters.SubstitutionCharacter != '?')
                        glyphsProperty = new JProperty("glyphs", new JObject(
                            new JProperty("substitution", parameters.SubstitutionCharacter.ToString())));

                    var faceName =
                        face.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +

                    var faceDefinition = new JProperty(faceName,
                        new JObject(new[]
                            new JProperty("texture", GetFontTexture(parameters, false)),
                            new JProperty("textureRegion", new JObject(
                                new JProperty("x", x),
                                new JProperty("y", y),
                                new JProperty("width", face.Texture.Width),
                                new JProperty("height", face.Texture.Height)
                            new JProperty("kernings", new JObject(kerningProperties))
                        .Where(property => property != null))

                    y = y + face.Texture.Height;

                var facesProperty = faceProperties.Any() ?
                    new JProperty("faces", new JObject(faceProperties)) : null;

                return new JObject(new[] { facesProperty, characterRegionsProperty }.Where(p => p != null));
예제 #15
 private static IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegionsFromSourceText(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
     return CharacterRegion.CreateFromSourceText(parameters.SourceText + parameters.SubstitutionCharacter.ToString());
예제 #16
        private static IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegionsFromSourceFile(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
            var culture = parameters.SourceCulture ?? CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString();
            var files = parameters.SourceFile.Split(',');
            var filesText = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var file in files)
                    var ext = Path.GetExtension(file)?.ToLowerInvariant();
                    if (ext == ".xml" || ext == ".json")
                        var db = new LocalizationDatabase();

                        Console.Write("Reading source file '{0}'... ", Path.GetFileName(file));
                        var count = 0;

                        foreach (var lstring in db.EnumerateCultureStrings(culture))
                            foreach (var variant in lstring.Value)
                        Console.WriteLine("(found {0} string variants)", count);
                        Console.WriteLine("Reading source file '{0}'...", Path.GetFileName(file));
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file '{0}'.", file);
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to read file '{0}'.", file);

            return CharacterRegion.CreateFromSourceText(filesText.ToString());
예제 #17
        public static void Main(String[] args)
                FontGenerationParameters parameters;
                try { parameters = new FontGenerationParameters(args); }
                catch (InvalidCommandLineException e)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Error))
                        Console.WriteLine("Generates Ultraviolet-compatible SpriteFont definition files.");
                        Console.WriteLine("UVFONT fontname [-nobold] [-noitalic] [-fontsize:emsize] [-sub:char]\n" +
                                          "                [-supersample:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-overhang:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-pad-left:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-pad-right:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-sourcetext:text]\n" +
                                          "                [-sourcefile:file]\n" +
                                          "                [-sourceculture:culture]\n" +
                                          "                [-json]\n" +
                                          "\n" +
                                          "  fontname     Specifies the name of the font for which to generate a\n" +
                                          "               SpriteFont definition.\n" +
                                          "  -nobold      Disables generation of the bold and bold/italic font faces.\n" +
                                          "  -noitalic    Disables generation of the italic and bol/italic font faces.\n" +
                                          "  -fontsize    Specifies the point size of the font.\n" +
                                          "  -sub         Specifies the font's substitution character.\n" +
                                          "  -supersample Specifies the super sampling factor used when drawing\n" +
                                          "               the font's glyphs. Defaults to 2.\n" +
                                          "  -overhang    Specifies the overhang value for this font.\n" +
                                          "               Overhang adds additional space to the right side of every\n" +
                                          "               character, which is useful for flowing script fonts which\n" +
                                          "               don't fit properly under UvFont's default settings.\n" +
                                          "               Unlike padding, kerning accounts for overhang.\n" +
                                          "  -pad-left    Adds the specified number of pixels of padding to the\n" +
                                          "               left edge of every glyph.\n" +
                                          "  -pad-right   Adds the specified number of pixels of padding to the\n" +
                                          "               right edge of every glyph.\n" +
                                          "  -sourcetext  Specifies the source text.  The source text is used to determine\n" +
                                          "               which glyphs must be included in the font.\n" +
                                          "  -sourcefile: A comma-delimited list of files from which to generate the\n" +
                                          "               source text.  If the files are Nucleus localization databases,\n" +
                                          "               only the string variants matching the culture specified by\n" +
                                          "               the -sourceculture option will be read.\n" +
                                          "  -sourceculture\n" +
                                          "               When reading Nucleus localization databases for source text,\n" +
                                          "               this option specifies which culture should be read.  If not\n" +
                                          "               specified, UvFont will read the en-US culture.\n" +
                                          "  -json\n" +
                                          "               Specifies that the output should be in JSON format.");

                var regions  = CreateCharacterRegions(parameters);
                var chars    = CreateCharacterList(regions);
                var fontName = parameters.FontName;
                var fontSize = parameters.FontSize;

                if (regions != null && !regions.Where(x => x.Contains(parameters.SubstitutionCharacter)).Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("None of this font's character regions contain the substitution character ('{0}')", parameters.SubstitutionCharacter);
                    Console.WriteLine("Specify another substitution character with the -sub argument.");

                var faces = (new[]
                    new FontFaceInfo("Regular", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Regular)),
                    parameters.NoBold ? null :
                    new FontFaceInfo("Bold", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Bold)),
                    parameters.NoItalic ? null :
                    new FontFaceInfo("Italic", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Italic)),
                    parameters.NoBold || parameters.NoItalic ? null :
                    new FontFaceInfo("BoldItalic", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic)),
                }).Where(face => face != null).ToArray();

                if (faces.Select(x => x.Font).Where(x => !String.Equals(x.Name, fontName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("No font named '{0}' was found on this system.", fontName);
                fontName = parameters.FontName = faces.First().Font.Name;

                Console.WriteLine("Generating {0}...", GetFontTexture(parameters));

                foreach (var face in faces)
                    using (var fontSupersampled = new Font(fontName, fontSize * parameters.SuperSamplingFactor, face.Font.Style))
                        var glyphs      = CreateGlyphImages(parameters, fontSupersampled, chars);
                        var textureSize = Size.Empty;
                        var textureFits = CalculateTextureSize(glyphs, out textureSize);
                        if (!textureFits)
                            Console.WriteLine("The specified font won't fit within a 4096x4096 texture.");

                        face.Texture = GenerateFaceTexture(face.Font, glyphs, textureSize);

                var outputTextureSize = Size.Empty;
                if (!WillFaceTexturesFitOnOutput(faces, out outputTextureSize))
                    Console.WriteLine("The specified font won't fit within a 4096x4096 texture.");

                using (var output = GenerateCombinedTexture(faces, outputTextureSize))
                    output.Save(GetFontTexture(parameters), ImageFormat.Png);

                Console.WriteLine("Generated {0}.", GetFontTexture(parameters));

                Console.WriteLine("Generating {0}...", GetFontFileName(parameters));

                if (parameters.OutputJson)
                    var json = GenerateJsonFontDefinition(parameters, faces, regions, chars);
                    File.WriteAllText(GetFontFileName(parameters), json.ToString());
                    var xml = GenerateXmlFontDefinition(parameters, faces, regions, chars);
                    using (var xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(GetFontFileName(parameters), Encoding.UTF8))
                        xmlWriter.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;

                Console.WriteLine("Generated {0}.", GetFontFileName(parameters));
            catch (ExternalException ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == unchecked ((Int32)0x80004005))
                    Console.WriteLine("An error was raised by GDI+ during font generation.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Do you have permission to write to this folder?");
예제 #18
        public static void Main(String[] args)
                FontGenerationParameters parameters;
                try { parameters = new FontGenerationParameters(args); }
                catch (InvalidCommandLineException e)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Error))
                        Console.WriteLine("Generates Ultraviolet-compatible SpriteFont definition files.");
                        Console.WriteLine("UVFONT fontname [-nobold] [-noitalic] [-fontsize:emsize] [-sub:char]\n" +
                                          "                [-supersample:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-overhang:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-pad-left:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-pad-right:value]\n" +
                                          "                [-sourcetext:text]\n" +
                                          "                [-sourcefile:file]\n" +
                                          "                [-sourceculture:culture]\n" +
                                          "\n" +
                                          "  fontname     Specifies the name of the font for which to generate a\n" +
                                          "               SpriteFont definition.\n" +
                                          "  -nobold      Disables generation of the bold and bold/italic font faces.\n" +
                                          "  -noitalic    Disables generation of the italic and bol/italic font faces.\n" +
                                          "  -fontsize    Specifies the point size of the font.\n" +
                                          "  -sub         Specifies the font's substitution character.\n" +
                                          "  -supersample Specifies the super sampling factor used when drawing\n" +
                                          "               the font's glyphs. Defaults to 2.\n" +
                                          "  -overhang    Specifies the overhang value for this font.\n" +
                                          "               Overhang adds additional space to the right side of every\n" +
                                          "               character, which is useful for flowing script fonts which\n" +
                                          "               don't fit properly under UvFont's default settings.\n" +
                                          "               Unlike padding, kerning accounts for overhang.\n" +
                                          "  -pad-left    Adds the specified number of pixels of padding to the\n" +
                                          "               left edge of every glyph.\n" +
                                          "  -pad-right   Adds the specified number of pixels of padding to the\n" +
                                          "               right edge of every glyph.\n" +
                                          "  -sourcetext  Specifies the source text.  The source text is used to determine\n" +
                                          "               which glyphs must be included in the font.\n" +
                                          "  -sourcefile: A comma-delimited list of files from which to generate the\n" +
                                          "               source text.  If the files are Nucleus localization databases,\n" +
                                          "               only the string variants matching the culture specified by\n" +
                                          "               the -sourceculture option will be read.\n" +
                                          "  -sourceculture\n" +
                                          "               When reading Nucleus localization databases for source text,\n" +
                                          "               this option specifies which culture should be read.  If not\n" +
                                          "               specified, UvFont will read the en-US culture.");

                var regions    = CreateCharacterRegions(parameters);
                var chars      = CreateCharacterList(regions);
                var fontName   = parameters.FontName;
                var fontSize   = parameters.FontSize;

                if (regions != null && !regions.Where(x => x.Contains(parameters.SubstitutionCharacter)).Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("None of this font's character regions contain the substitution character ('{0}')", parameters.SubstitutionCharacter);
                    Console.WriteLine("Specify another substitution character with the -sub argument.");

                var faces = (new[] 
                    new FontFaceInfo("Regular", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Regular)),
                    parameters.NoBold ? null : 
                        new FontFaceInfo("Bold", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Bold)),
                    parameters.NoItalic ? null : 
                        new FontFaceInfo("Italic", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Italic)),
                    parameters.NoBold || parameters.NoItalic ? null :
                        new FontFaceInfo("BoldItalic", new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic)),
                }).Where(face => face != null).ToArray();

                if (faces.Select(x => x.Font).Where(x => !String.Equals(x.Name, fontName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).Any())
                    Console.WriteLine("No font named '{0}' was found on this system.", fontName);
                fontName = parameters.FontName = faces.First().Font.Name;

                Console.WriteLine("Generating {0}...", GetFontTextureSafeName(parameters));

                foreach (var face in faces)
                    using (var fontSupersampled = new Font(fontName, fontSize * parameters.SuperSamplingFactor, face.Font.Style))
                        var glyphs      = CreateGlyphImages(parameters, fontSupersampled, chars);
                        var textureSize = Size.Empty;
                        var textureFits = CalculateTextureSize(glyphs, out textureSize);
                        if (!textureFits)
                            Console.WriteLine("The specified font won't fit within a 4096x4096 texture.");

                        face.Texture = GenerateFaceTexture(face.Font, glyphs, textureSize);

                var outputTextureSize = Size.Empty;
                if (!WillFaceTexturesFitOnOutput(faces, out outputTextureSize))
                    Console.WriteLine("The specified font won't fit within a 4096x4096 texture.");

                using (var output = CombineFaceTextures(faces, outputTextureSize))
                    output.Save(GetFontTextureSafeName(parameters), ImageFormat.Png);

                Console.WriteLine("Generated {0}.", GetFontTextureSafeName(parameters));

                Console.WriteLine("Generating {0}...", GetFontDefinitionSafeName(parameters));

                var xml = GenerateXmlFontDefinition(parameters, faces, regions, chars);
                using (var xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(GetFontDefinitionSafeName(parameters), Encoding.UTF8))
                    xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

                Console.WriteLine("Generated {0}.", GetFontDefinitionSafeName(parameters));
            catch (ExternalException ex)
                if (ex.ErrorCode == unchecked((Int32)0x80004005))
                    Console.WriteLine("An error was raised by GDI+ during font generation.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Do you have permission to write to this folder?");
예제 #19
 private static IEnumerable <CharacterRegion> CreateCharacterRegionsFromSourceText(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
     return(CharacterRegion.CreateFromSourceText(parameters.SourceText + parameters.SubstitutionCharacter.ToString()));
예제 #20
        private static IEnumerable<Bitmap> CreateGlyphImages(FontGenerationParameters parameters, Font font, IEnumerable<Char> chars)
            var glyphs = new List<Bitmap>();

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                var layoutArea = new SizeF(Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue);

                foreach (var c in chars)
                    var glyphIsWhiteSpace = Char.IsWhiteSpace(c);

                    var glyphSize               = glyphIsWhiteSpace ? 
                        gfx.MeasureString(c.ToString(), font) :    
                        gfx.MeasureString(c.ToString(), font, layoutArea, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

                    var sf1 = StringFormat.GenericDefault;
                    var sf2 = StringFormat.GenericTypographic;

                    var glyphPadding            = glyphIsWhiteSpace ? 0 : parameters.PadLeft + parameters.PadRight;
                    var glyphWidth              = (Int32)(Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Width) / parameters.SuperSamplingFactor) + parameters.Overhang + glyphPadding;
                    var glyphHeight             = (Int32)(Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Height) / parameters.SuperSamplingFactor);
                    var glyphSupersampledWidth  = (Int32)Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Width) + (parameters.Overhang * parameters.SuperSamplingFactor) + (glyphPadding * parameters.SuperSamplingFactor);
                    var glyphSupersampledHeight = (Int32)Math.Ceiling(glyphSize.Height);

                    var glyphImg = new Bitmap(glyphWidth, glyphHeight);

                    using (var glyphSupersampledImg = new Bitmap(glyphSupersampledWidth, glyphSupersampledHeight))
                    using (var glyphSupersampledGfx = Graphics.FromImage(glyphSupersampledImg))
                        glyphSupersampledGfx.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                        glyphSupersampledGfx.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

                        glyphSupersampledGfx.DrawString(c.ToString(), font, Brushes.White, 0f, 0f, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

                        using (var glyphGfx = Graphics.FromImage(glyphImg))
                            var rect = new Rectangle(glyphIsWhiteSpace ? 0 : parameters.PadLeft, 0, glyphWidth, glyphHeight);

                            glyphGfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                            glyphGfx.DrawImage(glyphSupersampledImg, rect);


            return glyphs;
예제 #21
 private static String GetFontSafeName(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
                          parameters.FontName.Replace(" ", String.Empty),
                          parameters.FontSize.ToString().Replace('.', '_')));
예제 #22
 private static String GetFontSafeName(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
     return String.Format("{0}{1}", 
         parameters.FontName.Replace(" ", String.Empty),
         parameters.FontSize.ToString().Replace('.', '_'));
예제 #23
 private static String GetFontTexture(FontGenerationParameters parameters, Boolean extension = true)
     return($"{GetFontSafeName(parameters)}Texture" + (extension ? ".png" : String.Empty));
예제 #24
 private static String GetFontDefinitionSafeName(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
     return String.Format("{0}.xml", GetFontSafeName(parameters));
예제 #25
 private static String GetFontTextureSafeName(FontGenerationParameters parameters)
     return String.Format("{0}Texture.png", GetFontSafeName(parameters));
예제 #26
        private static XDocument GenerateXmlFontDefinition(FontGenerationParameters parameters, IEnumerable<FontFaceInfo> faces, 
            IEnumerable<CharacterRegion> characterRegions, IEnumerable<Char> chars)
            var x = 0;
            var y = 0;

            var characterRegionsElement = default(XElement);
            if (characterRegions != null)
                characterRegionsElement = new XElement("CharacterRegions", characterRegions.Select(region => new XElement("CharacterRegion",
                    new XElement("Start", SanitizeCharacterForXml(region.Start)),
                    new XElement("End", SanitizeCharacterForXml(region.End)))));

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                var faceDefinitions = new List<XElement>();

                foreach (var face in faces)
                    Console.WriteLine("Calculating kerning for {0} face...", face.Name);

                    if (y + face.Texture.Height > MaxOutputSize)
                        x = x + face.Texture.Width;
                        y = 0;

                    var kernings = 
                        from c1 in chars
                        from c2 in chars
                        let kerning = MeasureKerning(parameters, gfx, face.Font, c1, c2)
                        select new
                            KerningValue = kerning,
                            KerningXml   = new XElement("Kerning", 
                                new XAttribute("Pair", String.Format("{0}{1}", c1, c2)), kerning)

                    var defaultAdjustment = (from k in kernings
                                             group k by k.KerningValue into g
                                             orderby g.Count() descending
                                             select g).First().Key;

                    kernings = kernings.Where(k => k.KerningValue != defaultAdjustment);

                    var faceDefinition = 
                        new XElement("Face", new XAttribute("Style", face.Name),
                            new XElement("Texture", GetFontTextureSafeName(parameters)),
                            new XElement("TextureRegion", String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", x, y, face.Texture.Width, face.Texture.Height)),
                            new XElement("Kernings", new XAttribute("DefaultAdjustment", defaultAdjustment),
                                kernings.Select(k => k.KerningXml))

                    y = y + face.Texture.Height;

                return new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                    new XElement("SpriteFont", characterRegionsElement, faceDefinitions)
예제 #27
        private static JObject GenerateJsonFontDefinition(FontGenerationParameters parameters, IEnumerable <FontFaceInfo> faces,
                                                          IEnumerable <CharacterRegion> characterRegions, IEnumerable <Char> chars)
            var characterRegionsProperty = default(JProperty);

            if (characterRegions != null)
                characterRegionsProperty = new JProperty("characterRegions", new JArray(
                                                             characterRegions.Select(region => new JObject(
                                                                                         new JProperty("start", region.Start.ToString()),
                                                                                         new JProperty("end", region.End.ToString())

            using (var img = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                    var faceProperties = new List <JProperty>();

                    var x = 0;
                    var y = 0;

                    foreach (var face in faces)
                        Console.WriteLine("Calculating kerning for {0} face...", face.Name);

                        if (y + face.Texture.Height > MaxOutputSize)
                            x = x + face.Texture.Width;
                            y = 0;

                        var kerningData = CalculateKerningsForFontFace(parameters, gfx, face.Font, chars);
                        var kerningDefaultAdjustment =
                            (from kerning in kerningData
                             group kerning by kerning.Value into g
                             orderby g.Count() descending
                             select g).First().Key;

                        var kerningProperties = kerningData.Where(data => data.Value != kerningDefaultAdjustment)
                                                .Select(data => new JProperty(data.Key.ToString(), data.Value));

                        kerningProperties = Enumerable.Union(new[] { new JProperty("default", kerningDefaultAdjustment) }, kerningProperties);

                        var glyphsProperty = default(JProperty);
                        if (parameters.SubstitutionCharacter != '?')
                            glyphsProperty = new JProperty("glyphs", new JObject(
                                                               new JProperty("substitution", parameters.SubstitutionCharacter.ToString())));

                        var faceName =
                            face.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +

                        var faceDefinition = new JProperty(faceName,
                                                           new JObject(new[]
                            new JProperty("texture", GetFontTexture(parameters, false)),
                            new JProperty("textureRegion", new JObject(
                                              new JProperty("x", x),
                                              new JProperty("y", y),
                                              new JProperty("width", face.Texture.Width),
                                              new JProperty("height", face.Texture.Height)
                            new JProperty("kernings", new JObject(kerningProperties))
                                                                       .Where(property => property != null))

                        y = y + face.Texture.Height;

                    var facesProperty = faceProperties.Any() ?
                                        new JProperty("faces", new JObject(faceProperties)) : null;

                    return(new JObject(new[] { facesProperty, characterRegionsProperty }.Where(p => p != null)));
예제 #28
        private static IDictionary<SpriteFontKerningPair, Int32> CalculateKerningsForFontFace(
            FontGenerationParameters parameters, Graphics gfx, Font font, IEnumerable<Char> chars)
            var kernings =
                from c1 in chars
                from c2 in chars
                let kerningPair = new SpriteFontKerningPair(c1, c2)
                let kerningValue = MeasureKerning(parameters, gfx, font, c1, c2)
                select new KeyValuePair<SpriteFontKerningPair, Int32>(kerningPair, kerningValue);

            return kernings.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);