public long XZSqrMagnitude(ref FixVector3 rhs) { long num = this.x - rhs.x; long num2 = this.z - rhs.z; return((num * num) + (num2 * num2)); }
public static FixVector3 Transform(FixVector3 point, FixVector3 forward, FixVector3 trans, FixVector3 scale) { FixVector3 up = FixVector3.up; FixVector3 num2 = FixVector3.Cross(FixVector3.up, forward); return(Transform(ref point, ref num2, ref up, ref forward, ref trans, ref scale)); }
public static bool WithInFrontSectorArea(FixVector3 orgin, FixVector3 direction, long radius, FixVector3 position) { // check distance if (FixVector3.SqrDistance(orgin, position) > radius) { return(false); } FixVector3 targetDirection = position - orgin; float a = FixVector3.Angle(targetDirection, direction); //Debug.LogError( a ); //Debug.DrawLine( orgin, position, ); //Debug.DrawLine( orgin, direction, ); if (Mathf.Abs(a) < 30) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static float Angle(FixVector3 lhs, FixVector3 rhs) { double d = ((double)Dot(lhs, rhs)) / (lhs.magnitude * rhs.magnitude); d = (d >= -1.0) ? ((d <= 1.0) ? d : 1.0) : -1.0; return((float)Math.Acos(d)); }
private static bool isINRect(FixVector3 point, FixVector3 v0, FixVector3 v1, FixVector3 v2, FixVector3 v3) { long x = point.x; long y = point.z; long v0x = v0.x; long v0y = v0.z; long v1x = v1.x; long v1y = v1.z; long v2x = v2.x; long v2y = v2.z; long v3x = v3.x; long v3y = v3.z; if (Multiply(x, y, v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y) * Multiply(x, y, v3x, v3y, v2x, v2y) <= 0 && Multiply(x, y, v3x, v3y, v0x, v0y) * Multiply(x, y, v2x, v2y, v1x, v1y) <= 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static FixVector3 Divide(FixVector3 a, int b) { a.x = Divide(a.x, b); a.y = Divide(a.y, b); a.z = Divide(a.z, b); return(a); }
public static FixVector3 Divide(FixVector3 a, long b) { a.x = (int)Divide((long)a.x, b); a.y = (int)Divide((long)a.y, b); a.z = (int)Divide((long)a.z, b); return(a); }
public static FixVector3 Divide(FixVector3 a, long m, long b) { a.x = (int)Divide((long)(a.x * m), b); a.y = (int)Divide((long)(a.y * m), b); a.z = (int)Divide((long)(a.z * m), b); return(a); }
//The length of two point is square root of ( x * x + y * y + z * z ). public static int SqrDistance(FixVector3 f1, FixVector3 f2) { long x = f1.x - f2.x; long y = f1.y - f2.y; long z = f1.z - f2.z; return(Fix32Math.Sqrt((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z))); }
public static FixVector3 Transform(ref FixVector3 point, ref FixVector3 axis_x, ref FixVector3 axis_y, ref FixVector3 axis_z, ref FixVector3 trans, ref FixVector3 scale) { long num = point.x * scale.x; long num2 = point.y * scale.x; long num3 = point.z * scale.x; return(new FixVector3(((int)Divide((long)(((axis_x.x * num) + (axis_y.x * num2)) + (axis_z.x * num3)), (long)0xf4240L)) + trans.x, ((int)Divide((long)(((axis_x.y * num) + (axis_y.y * num2)) + (axis_z.y * num3)), (long)0xf4240L)) + trans.y, ((int)Divide((long)(((axis_x.z * num) + (axis_y.z * num2)) + (axis_z.z * num3)), (long)0xf4240L)) + trans.z)); }
public static bool WithInFrontRectArea(FixVector3 orgin, Quaternion r, long width, long height, FixVector3 position) { FixVector3 lb = orgin - (new FixVector3(width >> 1, 0, 0)) * r.eulerAngles; FixVector3 rb = orgin + (new FixVector3(width >> 1, 0, 0)) * r.eulerAngles; FixVector3 lt = orgin + (new FixVector3(-width >> 1, 0, height)) * r.eulerAngles; FixVector3 rt = orgin + (new FixVector3(width >> 1, 0, height)) * r.eulerAngles; return(isINRect(position, lt, rt, rb, lb)); }
public static bool WithInCircleArea(FixVector3 orgin, long radius, FixVector3 position) { if (FixVector3.SqrDistance(orgin, position) <= radius) { return(true); } return(false); }
static FixVector3() { zero = new FixVector3(0, 0, 0); one = new FixVector3(Precision, Precision, Precision); half = new FixVector3(FloatPrecision * 0.5f, FloatPrecision * 0.5f, FloatPrecision * 0.5f); forward = new FixVector3(0, 0, Precision); up = new FixVector3(0, Precision, 0); right = new FixVector3(Precision, 0, 0); }
public override bool Equals(object o) { if (o == null) { return(false); } FixVector3 num = (FixVector3)o; return(((this.x == num.x) && (this.y == num.y)) && (this.z == num.z)); }
public static FixVector3 MoveTowards(FixVector3 from, FixVector3 to, int dt) { FixVector3 num2 = to - from; if (num2.sqrMagnitudeLong <= (dt * dt)) { return(to); } FixVector3 num = to - from; return(from + num.NormalizeTo(dt)); }
public bool Contains(FixVector3 point, bool allowInverse) { if (!allowInverse) { return(this.Contains(point)); } bool flag = false; if ((((this.width < 0f) && (point.x <= this.xMin)) && (point.x > this.xMax)) || (((this.width >= 0f) && (point.x >= this.xMin)) && (point.x < this.xMax))) { flag = true; } return(flag && ((((this.height < 0f) && (point.y <= this.yMin)) && (point.y > this.yMax)) || (((this.height >= 0f) && (point.y >= this.yMin)) && (point.y < this.yMax)))); }
public static FixFactor AngleInt(FixVector3 lhs, FixVector3 rhs) { long den = lhs.magnitude * rhs.magnitude; return(Fix32Math.acos((long)Dot(ref lhs, ref rhs), den)); }
public static long DotXZLong(FixVector3 lhs, FixVector3 rhs) { return((lhs.x * rhs.x) + (lhs.z * rhs.z)); }
public static long DotLong(ref FixVector3 lhs, ref FixVector3 rhs) { return(((lhs.x * rhs.x) + (lhs.y * rhs.y)) + (lhs.z * rhs.z)); }
public static FixVector2 FromInt3XZ(FixVector3 o) { return(new FixVector2(o.x, o.z)); }
public static FixVector3 Cross(FixVector3 lhs, FixVector3 rhs) { return(new FixVector3(Fix32Math.Divide((int)((lhs.y * rhs.z) - (lhs.z * rhs.y)), Precision), Fix32Math.Divide((int)((lhs.z * rhs.x) - (lhs.x * rhs.z)), Precision), Fix32Math.Divide((int)((lhs.x * rhs.y) - (lhs.y * rhs.x)), Precision))); }
public static FixVector3 Lerp(FixVector3 a, FixVector3 b, float f) { return(new FixVector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(a.x * (1f - f)) + Mathf.RoundToInt(b.x * f), Mathf.RoundToInt(a.y * (1f - f)) + Mathf.RoundToInt(b.y * f), Mathf.RoundToInt(a.z * (1f - f)) + Mathf.RoundToInt(b.z * f))); }
public static FixVector3 Lerp(FixVector3 a, FixVector3 b, FixFactor f) { return(new FixVector3(((int)Fix32Math.Divide((long)((b.x - a.x) * f.nom), f.den)) + a.x, ((int)Fix32Math.Divide((long)((b.y - a.y) * f.nom), f.den)) + a.y, ((int)Fix32Math.Divide((long)((b.z - a.z) * f.nom), f.den)) + a.z)); }
public static FixVector3 Lerp(FixVector3 a, FixVector3 b, int factorNom, int factorDen) { return(new FixVector3(Fix32Math.Divide((int)((b.x - a.x) * factorNom), factorDen) + a.x, Fix32Math.Divide((int)((b.y - a.y) * factorNom), factorDen) + a.y, Fix32Math.Divide((int)((b.z - a.z) * factorNom), factorDen) + a.z)); }
public static FixVector3 Transform(FixVector3 point, ref FixVector3 axis_x, ref FixVector3 axis_y, ref FixVector3 axis_z, ref FixVector3 trans) { return(new FixVector3(Divide((int)(((axis_x.x * point.x) + (axis_y.x * point.y)) + (axis_z.x * point.z)), 0x3e8) + trans.x, Divide((int)(((axis_x.y * point.x) + (axis_y.y * point.y)) + (axis_z.y * point.z)), 0x3e8) + trans.y, Divide((int)(((axis_x.z * point.x) + (axis_y.z * point.y)) + (axis_z.z * point.z)), 0x3e8) + trans.z)); }
public static int Dot(FixVector3 lhs, FixVector3 rhs) { return(((lhs.x * rhs.x) + (lhs.y * rhs.y)) + (lhs.z * rhs.z)); }
public bool IsEqualXZ(ref FixVector3 rhs) { return((this.x == rhs.x) && (this.z == rhs.z)); }
public bool Contains(FixVector3 point) { return((((point.x >= this.xMin) && (point.x < this.xMax)) && (point.y >= this.yMin)) && (point.y < this.yMax)); }