//フォントを変更 void FontChange(bool autoSave) { Font arialFont = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font; if (this.UiFont == arialFont) { return; } if (this.UiFont == null) { return; } //シーンをセーブ if (autoSave) { WrapperUnityVersion.SaveScene(); } else { if (!WrapperUnityVersion.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo()) { return; } } Debug.Log("Font Change Arial to " + this.UiFont.name); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); ReferenceAssetChanger.FindAndChangeAll(arialFont, UiFont, this.newProjectDir); }
protected override void OnGUISub() { base.OnGUISub(); projectDir = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Project Dir", projectDir, typeof(Object), false) as Object; from = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("From", from, typeof(Font), false) as Font; to = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("To", to, typeof(Font), false) as Font; bool isDisable = (from == null || to == null); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(isDisable); if (GUILayout.Button("Go!", GUILayout.Width(80f))) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Font Change {0} to {1} ", this.from.name, this.to.name)); string dir = (projectDir == null) ? "" : AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(projectDir); ReferenceAssetChanger.FindAndChangeAll(this.from, this.to, dir); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); }