public ActionResult AddImage(FileModel model)
            String path;
            String filename;
            if (!CheckAndImportFile(model, out path, out filename))
                return View(model);

            if (!IsValidImage(path))
                ModelState.AddModelError("File", "Le fichier n'est pas une image valide.");
                return View(model);

            InsertArticleInBDD(model.BlogId, filename, (long)Tools.MediaTypes.Image, model.Caption, model.Tags);

            return RedirectToAction("BlogManagement", "User", new { id = model.BlogId });
        public ActionResult AddMusic(FileModel model)
            String path;
            String filename;
            if (!CheckAndImportFile(model, out path, out filename))
                return View(model);

            if (!path.EndsWith("mp3", true, null))
                ModelState.AddModelError("File", "Le fichier n'est pas un mp3.");
                return View(model);

            InsertArticleInBDD(model.BlogId, filename, (long)Tools.MediaTypes.Music, model.Caption, model.Tags);

            return RedirectToAction("BlogManagement", "User", new { id = model.BlogId });
        private Boolean CheckAndImportFile(FileModel model, out String path, out String filename)
            path = null;
            filename = null;

            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");


            if (model.File == null || model.File.ContentLength < 0)
                return false;

            // get file extension
            String extension = Path.GetExtension(model.File.FileName);

            // extract only the filename
            //var fileName = Path.GetFileName(model.File.FileName);

            filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + extension;

            // store the file inside ~/Medias/Images folder
            path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Medias"), filename);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Impossible to save the file", e);

            return true;