public void loadSBSandPrepareSalesUpload(int sbs_no) { SbsSetting sbsSetting = sbsControl.getSbsSettings(sbs_no); bool valid = true; if (sbsSetting == null) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Subsidiary " + sbs_no + " settings not found. Aborted\r\n", true); valid = false; } else if (sbsSetting.folderNotSet()) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Folder paths are not set properly. Run aborted.", true); valid = false; } if (valid) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Subsidiary " + sbs_no + " settings found. Initializing.\r\n", true); uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Copying all files to ftp archive folder", true); copyAllExcelFiles(sbsSetting.ftp_input, sbsSetting.ftp_archive); uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Copying all files to input folder", true); copyAllExcelFiles(sbsSetting.ftp_input, sbsSetting.input); deleteAllExcelFiles(sbsSetting.ftp_input); errorList.Clear(); invoices = null; items = null; if (uploadSalesInterface is Form1) { BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_doWork_processSalesUpload); bw.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bw_processSalesUpload_completed); bw.RunWorkerAsync(sbsSetting); } else { processSalesUploadBySBS(sbsSetting); if (sbs_nos.Count > 0) { loadSBSandPrepareSalesUpload(sbs_nos.Dequeue()); } } } else { if (sbs_nos.Count > 0) { loadSBSandPrepareSalesUpload(sbs_nos.Dequeue()); } else { uploadSalesInterface.workDone(); } } }
public SbsSetting getSbsSettings(int sbs_no) { foreach (DataRow row in data_settings.Rows) { if (row[(int)COL_NAMES.SBS].ToString().Equals(sbs_no.ToString())) { SbsSetting setting = new SbsSetting(sbs_no); setting.input = row[(int)COL_NAMES.INPUT].ToString(); setting.output = row[(int)COL_NAMES.OUTPUT].ToString(); setting.archive = row[(int)COL_NAMES.ARCHIVE].ToString(); setting.error = row[(int)COL_NAMES.ERROR].ToString(); setting.stid = row[(int)COL_NAMES.STID].ToString(); = row[(int)COL_NAMES.NAME].ToString(); setting.ftp_input = row[(int)COL_NAMES.FTP_INPUT].ToString(); setting.ftp_archive = row[(int)COL_NAMES.FTP_ARCHIVE].ToString(); return(setting); } } return(null); }
private void runECM(SbsSetting sbsSetting) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.ecm_use_ecm) { try { String command = Properties.Settings.Default.ecm_parameters; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sbsSetting.stid)) { command += " STID:" + sbsSetting.stid; } ProcessStartInfo cmdsi = new ProcessStartInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.ecm_file_path); cmdsi.Arguments = command; Process cmd = Process.Start(cmdsi); cmd.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Unexpected error occured when running ECM: " + ex.Message, true); LogWriter.writeErrorLog(ex, sbsSetting.error); } } }
private void archiveOutputFiles(string input_file_path, SbsSetting sbsSetting) { string file = Path.GetFileName(input_file_path); string archivePath = Path.Combine(sbsSetting.archive, file); try { System.IO.File.Copy(input_file_path, archivePath); uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage(Path.GetFileName(input_file_path) + " archived.", true); } catch (Exception ex) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Unable to copy file to archive folder: " + Path.GetFileName(input_file_path) + ":" + ex.Message, true); } try { System.IO.File.Delete(input_file_path); uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage(Path.GetFileName(input_file_path) + " removed from input folder.", true); } catch (Exception ex) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Unable to delete file in input folder: " + Path.GetFileName(input_file_path) + ":" + ex.Message, true); } }
private bool addInvoiceItem(object[,] data, int row, Dictionary <string, int> storeDictionary, string sbs_no) { SbsSetting sbsSetting = sbsControl.getSbsSettings(int.Parse(sbs_no)); bool valid = true; string alu = getALUString(data, row); string upc = data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.upc] + ""; string store_no = data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_store_no].ToString(); string receipt_no = data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_receipt_no].ToString(); /*Check col_qty*/ int qty; if (!Int32.TryParse(data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_qty].ToString(), out qty)) { errorList.Add(new ErrorField(row, "Qty", data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_qty].ToString())); valid = false; } if (qty == 0) { valid = false; } /*Check col_total_price*/ decimal total; if (!Decimal.TryParse(data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_total_price].ToString(), out total)) { errorList.Add(new ErrorField(row, "Total Price", data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_total_price].ToString())); valid = false; } /*Check col_date*/ double date_double; DateTime date = System.DateTime.Now; if (!Double.TryParse(data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_date].ToString(), out date_double)) { try { date = DateTime.Parse(data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_date].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { errorList.Add(new ErrorField(row, "Date", data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_date].ToString())); valid = false; } } else { date = DateTime.FromOADate(date_double); // uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("date_double : " + date, true); if (date > System.DateTime.Now) { errorList.Add(new ErrorField(row, "Date", "" + date)); valid = false; } } /*Check col_store_no*/ if (storeDictionary.ContainsKey(store_no)) { store_no = storeDictionary[store_no] + ""; } else { errorList.Add(new ErrorField(row, "Store", data[row, Properties.Settings.Default.col_store_no].ToString())); valid = false; } /*All columns are valid, proceed to add Invoice Item*/ if (valid) { addInvoiceItem(alu, upc, sbs_no, store_no, receipt_no, qty, total, date); } return(valid); }
private void bw_doWork_processSalesUpload(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { SbsSetting sbsSetting = (SbsSetting)e.Argument; processSalesUploadBySBS(sbsSetting); }
private void processSalesUploadBySBS(SbsSetting sbsSetting) { bool success = true; // BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; String[] files = getExcelFiles(sbsSetting.input); if (files.Length == 0) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("No file in input folder " + sbsSetting.ftp_input, true); } foreach (string input_file_path in files) { if (input_file_path.Contains("~$")) //skip annoying hidden excel files that are open (thanks microsoft!) { continue; } try { object[,] data = loadExcelData(input_file_path); // int dataCount = data.Length; // uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("dataCount Count : " + dataCount, true); if (data == null) { continue; } HashSet <string> invoiceItemKey = loadData(data, sbsSetting.sbs_no.ToString()); data = null; //release from memory // int invoiceItemKeyCount = invoiceItemKey.Count; //uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("InvoiceitemKey Count : " + invoiceItemKeyCount, true); if (errorList.Count > 0) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Error: invalid fields in excel file. Run aborted.\n", true); LogWriter.writeErrorLog(errorList, sbsSetting.error); return; } uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Fetching item details from database\n", true); items = new Hashtable(); foreach (string key in invoiceItemKey) { dbHandler.getItemInfoFromKey(key, "1", items, errorList, sbsSetting.error); //SBS_NO is defaulted to 1 as it should refer to price from the master subsidiary string message = string.Format("Fetching item details from database\nTotal ALU: {0} \t Found: {1} \t Error: {2}", invoiceItemKey.Count, items.Count, errorList.Count); uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage(message, false); } // int i = invoices.Count; // uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Invoice Count : " + i, true); if (errorList.Count > 0) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Error: invalid ALU/UPC in excel file. Run aborted.\n", true); LogWriter.writeErrorLog(errorList, sbsSetting.error); return; } uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Writing to Invoice.xml", true); CreateInvoiceXML createInvoiceXML = new CreateInvoiceXML(); foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in invoices) { Invoice invoice = (Invoice)pair.Value; createInvoiceXML.createInvoice(invoice, items); } createInvoiceXML.printToFile(sbsSetting.output); } catch (Exception ex) { uploadSalesInterface.updateMessage("Unexpected error occured: " + ex.Message, true); LogWriter.writeErrorLog(ex, sbsSetting.error); success = false; } finally { //archive files if (success && errorList.Count == 0) { archiveOutputFiles(input_file_path, sbsSetting); } if (success) { runECM(sbsSetting); } } } }