예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a hitbox to the hud
 /// @param Position                      Coordinates of the top left of the hit box.
 /// @param Size                          Size of the hit box.
 /// @param Name                          Name of the hit box.
 /// @param bConsumesInput        Whether click processing should continue if this hit box is clicked.
 /// @param Priority                      The priority of the box used for layering. Larger values are considered first.  Equal values are considered in the order they were added.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddHitBox(FVector2D Position, FVector2D Size, string InName, bool bConsumesInput, int Priority = 0)
     AddHitBox(_this.Get(), ref Position, ref Size, InName, bConsumesInput?1:0, Priority);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Vector transformation is equivalent to point transformation as our matrix is not homogeneous.
 /// </summary>
 public FVector2D TransformVector(FVector2D vector)
 => E_FMatrix2x2_TransformVector(this, vector);
예제 #3
 extern static void SetEndScale(IntPtr _this, ref FVector2D EndScale, int bUpdateMesh);
예제 #4
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 public void SetRenderShear(FVector2D Shear)
     SetRenderShear(_this.Get(), ref Shear);
예제 #5
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 public void SetRenderScale(FVector2D Scale)
     SetRenderScale(_this.Get(), ref Scale);
예제 #6
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 public void SetRenderTransformPivot(FVector2D Pivot)
     SetRenderTransformPivot(_this.Get(), ref Pivot);
예제 #7
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 public void SetRenderTranslation(FVector2D Translation)
     SetRenderTranslation(_this.Get(), ref Translation);
예제 #8
 static extern void DrawMaterial(IntPtr _this, IntPtr Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float MaterialU, float MaterialV, float MaterialUWidth, float MaterialVHeight, float Scale, int bScalePosition, float Rotation, ref FVector2D RotPivot);
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws text.
 /// @param Text                  The string to draw.
 /// @param Position              The starting position where the text is drawn in local space.
 /// @param Tint                  Color to render the line.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static void DrawTextFormatted(out FPaintContext Context, FText Text, FVector2D Position, UFont Font, int FontSize = 16, FName FontTypeFace = default(FName), FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor));
예제 #10
 public void DrawMaterialTriangle(UMaterialInterface Material, FVector2D V0_Pos, FVector2D V1_Pos, FVector2D V2_Pos, FVector2D V0_UV, FVector2D V1_UV, FVector2D V2_UV, FLinearColor V0_Color = default(FLinearColor), FLinearColor V1_Color = default(FLinearColor), FLinearColor V2_Color = default(FLinearColor))
     DrawMaterialTriangle(_this.Get(), Material, ref V0_Pos, ref V1_Pos, ref V2_Pos, ref V0_UV, ref V1_UV, ref V2_UV, ref V0_Color, ref V1_Color, ref V2_Color);
예제 #11
 static extern void AddHitBox(IntPtr _this, ref FVector2D Position, ref FVector2D Size, string InName, int bConsumesInput, int Priority);
예제 #12
 static extern void DrawMaterialTriangle(IntPtr _this, IntPtr Material, ref FVector2D V0_Pos, ref FVector2D V1_Pos, ref FVector2D V2_Pos, ref FVector2D V0_UV, ref FVector2D V1_UV, ref FVector2D V2_UV, ref FLinearColor V0_Color, ref FLinearColor V1_Color, ref FLinearColor V2_Color);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the array of actors inside a selection rectangle, with a class filter.
 /// Sample usage:
 ///       TArray<AStaticMeshActor*> ActorsInSelectionRect;
 ///              Canvas->GetActorsInSelectionRectangle<AStaticMeshActor>(FirstPoint,SecondPoint,ActorsInSelectionRect);
 /// @param FirstPoint                                    The first point, or anchor of the marquee box. Where the dragging of the marquee started in screen space.
 /// @param SecondPoint                                   The second point, where the mouse cursor currently is / the other point of the box selection, in screen space.
 /// @return OutActors                                    The actors that are within the selection box according to selection rule
 /// @param bIncludeNonCollidingComponents        Whether to include even non-colliding components of the actor when determining its bounds
 /// @param bActorMustBeFullyEnclosed     The Selection rule: whether the selection box can partially intersect Actor, or must fully enclose the Actor.
 /// </summary>
 public void GetActorsInSelectionRectangle(TSubclassOf <AActor> ClassFilter, FVector2D FirstPoint, FVector2D SecondPoint, out AActor[] OutActors, bool bIncludeNonCollidingComponents = true, bool bActorMustBeFullyEnclosed = false)
     IntPtr[] OutActors_temp;
     GetActorsInSelectionRectangle(_this.Get(), ClassFilter.NativeClass, ref FirstPoint, ref SecondPoint, out OutActors_temp, bIncludeNonCollidingComponents?1:0, bActorMustBeFullyEnclosed?1:0);
     OutActors = MarshalUtil.IntPtrArrayToObjectArray <AActor>(OutActors_temp);
예제 #14
 static extern void GetActorsInSelectionRectangle(IntPtr _this, IntPtr ClassFilter, ref FVector2D FirstPoint, ref FVector2D SecondPoint, out IntPtr[] OutActors, int bIncludeNonCollidingComponents, int bActorMustBeFullyEnclosed);
예제 #15
 /// <summary>Sets the inner slot padding goes between slots sharing borders</summary>
 public extern void SetInnerSlotPadding(FVector2D InPadding);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a line.
 /// @param PositionA             Starting position of the line in local space.
 /// @param PositionB             Ending position of the line in local space.
 /// @param Thickness             How many pixels thick this line should be.
 /// @param Tint                  Color to render the line.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static void DrawLine(out FPaintContext Context, FVector2D PositionA, FVector2D PositionB, FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor), bool bAntiAlias = true);
예제 #17
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 extern static void SetRenderTransformPivot(IntPtr _this, ref FVector2D Pivot);
예제 #18
 /// <summary>Draws a box</summary>
 public extern static void DrawBox(out FPaintContext Context, FVector2D Position, FVector2D Size, USlateBrushAsset Brush, FLinearColor Tint = default(FLinearColor));
예제 #19
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 extern static void SetRenderTranslation(IntPtr _this, ref FVector2D Translation);
예제 #20
 /// <summary>Gets the amount of padding that needs to be added when accounting for the safe zone on TVs.</summary>
 public extern static void GetSafeZonePadding(UObject WorldContextObject, out FVector2D SafePadding, out FVector2D SafePaddingScale, out FVector2D SpillOverPadding);
예제 #21
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 extern static void SetRenderShear(IntPtr _this, ref FVector2D Shear);
예제 #22
 public extern static FEventReply SetMousePosition(out FEventReply Reply, FVector2D NewMousePosition);
예제 #23
파일: UWidget.cs 프로젝트: ycllz/UnrealCS
 extern static void SetRenderScale(IntPtr _this, ref FVector2D Scale);
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Tell client to fade camera
 /// @Param bEnableFading - true if we should apply FadeColor/FadeAmount to the screen
 /// @Param FadeColor - Color to fade to
 /// @Param FadeAlpha - Amount of fading to apply
 /// @Param FadeTime - length of time for fade to occur over
 /// @Param bFadeAudio - true to apply fading of audio alongside the video
 /// </summary>
 public extern virtual void ClientSetCameraFade(bool bEnableFading, FColor FadeColor, FVector2D FadeAlpha, float FadeTime, bool bFadeAudio);
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Transform a 2D point
 /// <para>[X Y] * [m00 m01] </para>
 /// [m10 m11]
 /// </summary>
 public FVector2D TransformPoint(FVector2D point)
 => E_FMatrix2x2_TransformPoint(this, point);
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a World Space 3D position into a 2D Screen Space position.
 /// @return true if the world coordinate was successfully projected to the screen.
 /// </summary>
 public extern bool ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(FVector WorldLocation, out FVector2D ScreenLocation, bool bPlayerViewportRelative = false);
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and initializes a new vector from the specified 2D vectors.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inXY">A 2D vector holding the X- and Y-components.</param>
 /// <param name="inZW">A 2D vector holding the Z- and W-components.</param>
 public FVector4(FVector2D inXY, FVector2D inZW) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FVector4_FVector2D_FVector2D(inXY, inZW), false)
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the offset that the text drop shadow should be drawn at
 /// @param InShadowOffset                The new offset
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetShadowOffset(FVector2D InShadowOffset);
예제 #29
/// <summary>Set the end scaling</summary>
        public void SetEndScale(FVector2D EndScale = default(FVector2D), bool bUpdateMesh = true)
            SetEndScale(_this.Get(), ref EndScale, bUpdateMesh?1:0);
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a textured quad on the HUD.
 /// @param Texture                       Texture to draw.
 /// @param ScreenX                       Screen-space X coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 /// @param ScreenY                       Screen-space Y coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 /// @param ScreenW                       Screen-space width of the quad (in pixels).
 /// @param ScreenH                       Screen-space height of the quad (in pixels).
 /// @param TextureU                      Texture-space U coordinate of upper left corner of the quad
 /// @param TextureV                      Texture-space V coordinate of upper left corner of the quad.
 /// @param TextureUWidth         Texture-space width of the quad (in normalized UV distance).
 /// @param TextureVHeight        Texture-space height of the quad (in normalized UV distance).
 /// @param TintColor                     Vertex color for the quad.
 /// @param BlendMode                     Controls how to blend this quad with the scene. Translucent by default.
 /// @param Scale                         Amount to scale the entire texture (horizontally and vertically)
 /// @param bScalePosition        Whether the "Scale" parameter should also scale the position of this draw call.
 /// @param Rotation                      Amount to rotate this quad
 /// @param RotPivot                      Location (as proportion of quad, 0-1) to rotate about
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawTexture(UTexture Texture, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float TextureU, float TextureV, float TextureUWidth, float TextureVHeight, FLinearColor TintColor = default(FLinearColor), EBlendMode BlendMode = EBlendMode.BLEND_Translucent, float Scale = 1.000000f, bool bScalePosition = false, float Rotation = 0.000000f, FVector2D RotPivot = default(FVector2D))
     DrawTexture(_this.Get(), Texture, ScreenX, ScreenY, ScreenW, ScreenH, TextureU, TextureV, TextureUWidth, TextureVHeight, ref TintColor, (int)BlendMode, Scale, bScalePosition?1:0, Rotation, ref RotPivot);