예제 #1
 /// <summary>resume normal path following</summary>
 public void ResumePathFollowing(AActor Agent)
     ResumePathFollowing(_this.Get(), Agent);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>This is for compatibility with old-style functions which want a unified set of hit data regardless of type of hit.  Ideally this will go away over time. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void GetBestHitInfo(AActor HitActor, AActor HitInstigator, FHitResult OutHitInfo, FVector OutImpulseDir)
 => E_FDamageEvent_GetBestHitInfo(this, HitActor, HitInstigator, OutHitInfo, OutImpulseDir);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>Make this component tick after PrerequisiteActor</summary>
 public void AddTickPrerequisiteActor(AActor PrerequisiteActor)
     AddTickPrerequisiteActor(_this.Get(), PrerequisiteActor);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>Make this component tick after PrerequisiteActor</summary>
 public extern virtual void AddTickPrerequisiteActor(AActor PrerequisiteActor);
예제 #5
/// <summary>
/// Tells this component whether to ignore collision with all components of a specific Actor when this component is moved.
/// Components on the other Actor may also need to be told to do the same when they move.
/// Does not affect movement of this component when simulating physics.
/// </summary>
        public void IgnoreActorWhenMoving(AActor Actor, bool bShouldIgnore)
            IgnoreActorWhenMoving(_this.Get(), Actor, bShouldIgnore?1:0);
예제 #6
 public FAITouchEvent(AActor inTouchReceiver, AActor inOtherActor, FVector eventLocation) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FAITouchEvent_AActor_AActor_FVector(inTouchReceiver, inOtherActor, eventLocation), false)
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Set a named actor instance parameter on this ParticleSystemComponent.
 /// Updates the parameter if it already exists, or creates a new entry if not.
 /// </summary>
 public extern void SetActorParameter(FName ParameterName, AActor Param);
예제 #8
/// <summary>
/// Registers given actor as a "navigation enforcer" which means navigation system will
///     make sure navigation is being generated in specified radius around it.
///     @note: you need NavigationSystem's GenerateNavigationOnlyAroundNavigationInvokers to be set to true
///             to take advantage of this feature
/// </summary>
        public void RegisterNavigationInvoker(AActor Invoker, float TileGenerationRadius = 3000.000000f, float TileRemovalRadius = 5000.000000f)
            RegisterNavigationInvoker(_this.Get(), Invoker, TileGenerationRadius, TileRemovalRadius);
예제 #9
/// <summary>
/// Finds path instantly, in a FindPath Synchronously. Main advantage over FindPathToLocationSynchronously is that
///     the resulting path will automatically get updated if goal actor moves more than TetherDistance away from last path node
///     @param PathfindingContext could be one of following: NavigationData (like Navmesh actor), Pawn or Controller. This parameter determines parameters of specific pathfinding query
/// </summary>
        public static UNavigationPath FindPathToActorSynchronously(UObject WorldContext, FVector PathStart, AActor GoalActor, float TetherDistance = 50.000000f, AActor PathfindingContext = default(AActor), TSubclassOf <UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass = default(TSubclassOf <UNavigationQueryFilter>))
            IntPtr ___ret = FindPathToActorSynchronously(IntPtr.Zero, WorldContext, ref PathStart, GoalActor, TetherDistance, PathfindingContext, FilterClass.NativeClass);

            if (___ret == IntPtr.Zero)
            UNavigationPath ___ret2 = new UNavigationPath()
                _this = ___ret
            }; return(___ret2);
예제 #10
 public static void SimpleMoveToActor(AController Controller, AActor Goal)
     SimpleMoveToActor(IntPtr.Zero, Controller, Goal);
예제 #11
/// <summary>
/// Removes given actor from the list of active navigation enforcers.
///     @see RegisterNavigationInvoker for more details
/// </summary>
        public void UnregisterNavigationInvoker(AActor Invoker)
            UnregisterNavigationInvoker(_this.Get(), Invoker);
예제 #12
/// <summary>
/// Finds path instantly, in a FindPath Synchronously.
///     @param PathfindingContext could be one of following: NavigationData (like Navmesh actor), Pawn or Controller. This parameter determines parameters of specific pathfinding query
/// </summary>
        public static UNavigationPath FindPathToLocationSynchronously(UObject WorldContext, FVector PathStart, FVector PathEnd, AActor PathfindingContext, TSubclassOf <UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass)
            IntPtr ___ret = FindPathToLocationSynchronously(IntPtr.Zero, WorldContext, ref PathStart, ref PathEnd, PathfindingContext, FilterClass.NativeClass);

            if (___ret == IntPtr.Zero)
            UNavigationPath ___ret2 = new UNavigationPath()
                _this = ___ret
            }; return(___ret2);
 /// <summary>Adds all primitive components in the actor to our list of hidden components.</summary>
 public void HideActorComponents(AActor InActor)
     HideActorComponents(_this.Get(), InActor);
 /// <summary>Adds all primitive components in the actor to our list of show-only components.</summary>
 public void ShowOnlyActorComponents(AActor InActor)
     ShowOnlyActorComponents(_this.Get(), InActor);
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>remove an actor from the PostRenderedActors array </para>
 /// </summary>
 public override void RemovePostRenderedActor(AActor a)
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// EventLocation will be reported as Instigator's location at the moment of event happening
 /// </summary>
 public void ReportDamageEvent(UObject worldContextObject, AActor damagedActor, AActor instigator, float damageAmount, FVector eventLocation, FVector hitLocation)
 => E_UAISense_Damage_ReportDamageEvent(this, worldContextObject, damagedActor, instigator, damageAmount, eventLocation, hitLocation);
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>add an actor to the PostRenderedActors array </para>
 /// </summary>
 public override void AddPostRenderedActor(AActor a)
 public FComponentQueryParams(string inTraceTag, AActor inIgnoreActor) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FComponentQueryParams_FName_AActor(inTraceTag, inIgnoreActor), false)
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks line to center and top of other actor
 /// @param Other is the actor whose visibility is being checked.
 /// @param ViewPoint is eye position visibility is being checked from.  If vect(0,0,0) passed in, uses current viewtarget's eye position.
 /// @param bAlternateChecks used only in AIController implementation
 /// @return true if controller's pawn can see Other actor.
 /// </summary>
 public extern virtual bool LineOfSightTo(AActor Other, FVector ViewPoint, bool bAlternateChecks = false);
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Inform AIControllers that you've made a noise they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message if they have bHearNoises==true)
 /// The instigator of this sound is the pawn which is used to call MakeNoise.
 /// @param Loudness - is the relative loudness of this noise (range 0.0 to 1.0).  Directly affects the hearing range specified by the AI's HearingThreshold.
 /// @param NoiseLocation - Position of noise source.  If zero vector, use the actor's location.
 /// @param bUseNoiseMakerLocation - If true, use the location of the NoiseMaker rather than NoiseLocation.  If false, use NoiseLocation.
 /// @param NoiseMaker - Which actor is the source of the noise.  Not to be confused with the Noise Instigator, which is responsible for the noise (and is the pawn on which this function is called).  If not specified, the pawn instigating the noise will be used as the NoiseMaker
 /// </summary>
 public void PawnMakeNoise(float Loudness, FVector NoiseLocation, bool bUseNoiseMakerLocation = true, AActor NoiseMaker = default(AActor))
     PawnMakeNoise(_this.Get(), Loudness, ref NoiseLocation, bUseNoiseMakerLocation?1:0, NoiseMaker);
예제 #21
/// <summary>
/// Set a named actor instance parameter on this ParticleSystemComponent.
/// Updates the parameter if it already exists, or creates a new entry if not.
/// </summary>
        public void SetActorParameter(string ParameterName, AActor Param)
            SetActorParameter(_this.Get(), ParameterName, Param);
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteActor. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public override void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor(AActor prerequisiteActor)
예제 #23
 /// <summary>Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteActor.</summary>
 public extern virtual void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor(AActor PrerequisiteActor);
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Make this component tick after PrerequisiteActor </para>
 /// </summary>
 public override void AddTickPrerequisiteActor(AActor prerequisiteActor)
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Ctor for easily creating "fake" hits from limited data. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public FHitResult(AActor inActor, UPrimitiveComponent inComponent, FVector hitLoc, FVector hitNorm) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FHitResult_AActor_UPrimitiveComponent_FVector_FVector(inActor, inComponent, hitLoc, hitNorm), false)
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Broadcast a string to all players.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Broadcast(AActor sender, string msg, string type)
예제 #27
 /// <summary>Remove tick dependency on PrerequisiteActor.</summary>
 public void RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor(AActor PrerequisiteActor)
     RemoveTickPrerequisiteActor(_this.Get(), PrerequisiteActor);
예제 #28
 public FCollisionQueryParams(string inTraceTag, bool bInTraceComplex, AActor inIgnoreActor) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FCollisionQueryParams_FName_bool_AActor(inTraceTag, bInTraceComplex, inIgnoreActor), false)
예제 #29
 public FAISightTarget(AActor inTarget, FGenericTeamId inTeamId) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FAISightTarget_AActor_FGenericTeamId(inTarget, inTeamId), false)
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the owner of this Actor, used primarily for network replication.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newOwner">The Actor whom takes over ownership of this Actor</param>
 public override void SetOwner(AActor newOwner)