public override bool Collide(uint collidingWith, BSPhysObject collidee,
                                     OMV.Vector3 contactPoint, OMV.Vector3 contactNormal, float pentrationDepth)
            // prims in the same linkset cannot collide with each other
            BSPrimLinkable convCollidee = collidee as BSPrimLinkable;

            if (convCollidee != null && (this.Linkset.LinksetID == convCollidee.Linkset.LinksetID))
            return(base.Collide(collidingWith, collidee, contactPoint, contactNormal, pentrationDepth));
        // For compound implimented linksets, if there are children, use compound shape for the root.
        public override BSPhysicsShapeType PreferredPhysicalShape(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
            // Returning 'unknown' means we don't have a preference.
            BSPhysicsShapeType ret = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN;

            if (IsRoot(requestor) && HasAnyChildren && requestor.IsPhysical)
                ret = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_COMPOUND;
            // DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.PreferredPhysicalShape,call,shape={1}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, ret);
 // Link to a linkset where the child knows the parent.
 // Parent changing should not happen so do some sanity checking.
 // We return the parent's linkset so the child can track its membership.
 // Called at runtime.
 public BSLinkset AddMeToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child)
     lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
         // Don't add the root to its own linkset
         if (!IsRoot(child))
             AddChildToLinkset(child, true);
         LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
예제 #4
        // 'centerDisplacement' is the distance from the root the the center-of-mass (Bullet 'zero' of the shape)
        public BSLinksetCompoundInfo(int indx, BSPrimLinkable root, BSPrimLinkable child, OMV.Vector3 centerDisplacement)
            // Each child position and rotation is given relative to the center-of-mass.
            OMV.Quaternion invRootOrientation   = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(root.RawOrientation);
            OMV.Vector3    displacementFromRoot = (child.RawPosition - root.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation;
            OMV.Vector3    displacementFromCOM  = displacementFromRoot - centerDisplacement;
            OMV.Quaternion displacementRot      = child.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation;

            // Save relative position for recomputing child's world position after moving linkset.
            Index                  = indx;
            OffsetFromRoot         = displacementFromRoot;
            OffsetFromCenterOfMass = displacementFromCOM;
            OffsetRot              = displacementRot;
        // When physical properties are changed the linkset needs to recalculate
        //   its internal properties.
        // This is queued in the 'post taint' queue so the
        //   refresh will happen once after all the other taints are applied.
        public override void Refresh(BSPrimLinkable requestor)

            if (HasAnyChildren && IsRoot(requestor))
                // Queue to happen after all the other taint processing
                PhysicsScene.PostTaintObject("BSLinksetContraints.Refresh", requestor.LocalID, delegate()
                    if (HasAnyChildren && IsRoot(requestor))
        protected BSLinkset(BSScene scene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
            // A simple linkset of one (no children)
            LinksetID = m_nextLinksetID++;
            // We create LOTS of linksets.
            if (m_nextLinksetID <= 0)
                m_nextLinksetID = 1;
            PhysicsScene = scene;
            LinksetRoot = parent;
            m_children = new HashSet<BSPrimLinkable>();
            LinksetMass = parent.RawMass;
            Rebuilding = false;

        // Remove a child from a linkset.
        // Returns a new linkset for the child which is a linkset of one (just the
        //    orphened child).
        // Called at runtime.
        public BSLinkset RemoveMeFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child)
            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                if (IsRoot(child))
                    // Cannot remove the root from a linkset.
                LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();

            // The child is down to a linkset of just itself
            return(BSLinkset.Factory(PhysicsScene, child));
        // ================================================================

        // Add a new child to the linkset.
        // Called while LinkActivity is locked.
        protected override void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child, bool scheduleRebuild)
            if (!HasChild(child))

                DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.AddChildToLinkset,call,child={1}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, child.LocalID);

                // Rebuild the compound shape with the new child shape included
                if (scheduleRebuild)
        // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset.
        // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root and set
        //     up to rebuild the constraints before the next simulation step.
        // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public override bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;

                      child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody.AddrString);

            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                // Just undo all the constraints for this linkset. Rebuild at the end of the step.
                ret = PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildrenFromRoot(LinksetRoot);
                // Cause the constraints, et al to be rebuilt before the next simulation step.
        // When physical properties are changed the linkset needs to recalculate
        //   its internal properties.
        // This is queued in the 'post taint' queue so the
        //   refresh will happen once after all the other taints are applied.
        public override void Refresh(BSPrimLinkable requestor)

            if (HasAnyChildren && IsRoot(requestor))
                // Queue to happen after all the other taint processing
                PhysicsScene.PostTaintObject("BSLinksetContraints.Refresh", requestor.LocalID, delegate()
                    if (HasAnyChildren && IsRoot(requestor))
        protected BSLinkset(BSScene scene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
            // A simple linkset of one (no children)
            LinksetID = m_nextLinksetID++;
            // We create LOTS of linksets.
            if (m_nextLinksetID <= 0)
                m_nextLinksetID = 1;
            PhysicsScene = scene;
            LinksetRoot  = parent;
            m_children   = new HashSet <BSPrimLinkable>();
            LinksetMass  = parent.RawMass;
            Rebuilding   = false;

        public override void link(PhysicsActor obj)
            BSPrimLinkable parent = obj as BSPrimLinkable;

            if (parent != null)
                BSPhysObject parentBefore   = Linkset.LinksetRoot;
                int          childrenBefore = Linkset.NumberOfChildren;

                Linkset = parent.Linkset.AddMeToLinkset(this);

                    "{0},,call,parentBefore={1}, childrenBefore=={2}, parentAfter={3}, childrenAfter={4}",
                    LocalID, parentBefore.LocalID, childrenBefore, Linkset.LinksetRoot.LocalID, Linkset.NumberOfChildren);
예제 #13
        public override void DeletePrim(PhysicsActor prim)
            BSPrimLinkable linkablePrim = prim as BSPrimLinkable;

            if (linkablePrim != null && linkablePrim.Linkset.HasAnyChildren)
                linkablePrim.BlockPhysicalReconstruction = true;
                //Remove all the children prims first, then kill the root
                foreach (BSPrimLinkable childPrim in linkablePrim.Linkset.Children)
                    childPrim.BlockPhysicalReconstruction = true;

 // Schedule a refresh to happen after all the other taint processing.
 protected override void ScheduleRebuild(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
               requestor.LocalID, Rebuilding, HasAnyChildren, (!Rebuilding && HasAnyChildren));
     // When rebuilding, it is possible to set properties that would normally require a rebuild.
     //    If already rebuilding, don't request another rebuild.
     //    If a linkset with just a root prim (simple non-linked prim) don't bother rebuilding.
     if (!Rebuilding && HasAnyChildren)
         PhysicsScene.PostTaintObject("BSLinksetCompound.ScheduleRebuild", LinksetRoot.LocalID, delegate()
             if (HasAnyChildren)
        // Remove linkage between the linkset root and a particular child
        // The root and child bodies are passed in because we need to remove the constraint between
        //      the bodies that were present at unlink time.
        // Called at taint time!
        private bool PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(BSPrimLinkable rootPrim, BSPrimLinkable childPrim)
            bool ret = false;

                rootPrim.LocalID, rootPrim.PhysBody.AddrString,
                childPrim.LocalID, childPrim.PhysBody.AddrString);

            // Find the constraint for this link and get rid of it from the overall collection and from my list
            if (PhysicsScene.Constraints.RemoveAndDestroyConstraint(rootPrim.PhysBody, childPrim.PhysBody))
                // Make the child refresh its location
                ret = true;

예제 #16
        public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(UUID primID, uint localID, string name, byte physicsType,
                                                  PrimitiveBaseShape shape,
                                                  Vector3 position, Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical, int material,
                                                  float friction, float restitution, float gravityMultiplier, float density)
            // MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("{0}: AddPrimShape2: {1}", LogHeader, primName);

            if (!m_initialized)

            // DetailLog("{0},BSScene.AddPrimShape,call", localID);

            BSPhysObject prim = new BSPrimLinkable(localID, name, this, position, size, rotation, shape, false, material,
                                                   friction, restitution, gravityMultiplier, density);

            prim.UUID = primID;
            lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Add(localID, prim);
        // ================================================================

        // Add a new child to the linkset.
        // Called while LinkActivity is locked.
        protected override void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child, bool scheduleRebuild)
            if (!this.LinksetRoot.IsPhysical)
            if (!HasChild(child))

                DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetConstraints.AddChildToLinkset,call,child={1}", LinksetRoot.LocalID,

                // Cause constraints and assorted properties to be recomputed before the next simulation step.
                if (scheduleRebuild)
        // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset.
        // Since we don't keep in world relationships, do nothing unless it's a child changing.
        // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public override bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;

                      child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, IsRoot(child));

            if (!IsRoot(child))
                // Because it is a convenient time, recompute child world position and rotation based on
                //    its position in the linkset.
                RecomputeChildWorldPosition(child, true /* inTaintTime */);
                child.LinksetInfo = null;

            // Cannot schedule a refresh/rebuild here because this routine is called when
            //     the linkset is being rebuilt.
            // InternalRefresh(LinksetRoot);

        // Return 'true' if this child is in this linkset
        public bool HasChild(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;

            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                ret = m_children.Contains(child);

                /* Safer version but the above should work
                 * foreach (BSPrimLinkable bp in m_children)
                 * {
                 * if (child.LocalID == bp.LocalID)
                 * {
                 *  ret = true;
                 *  break;
                 * }
                 * }
        // When the linkset is built, the child shape is added to the compound shape relative to the
        //    root shape. The linkset then moves around but this does not move the actual child
        //    prim. The child prim's location must be recomputed based on the location of the root shape.
        private void RecomputeChildWorldPosition(BSPrimLinkable child, bool inTaintTime)
            // For the moment (20130201), disable this computation (converting the child physical addr back to
            //    a region address) until we have a good handle on center-of-mass offsets and what the physics
            //    engine moving a child actually means.
            // The simulator keeps track of where children should be as the linkset moves. Setting
            //    the pos/rot here does not effect that knowledge as there is no good way for the
            //    physics engine to send the simulator an update for a child.

             * BSLinksetCompoundInfo lci = child.LinksetInfo as BSLinksetCompoundInfo;
             * if (lci != null)
             * {
             * if (inTaintTime)
             * {
             *  OMV.Vector3 oldPos = child.RawPosition;
             *  child.ForcePosition = LinksetRoot.RawPosition + lci.OffsetFromRoot;
             *  child.ForceOrientation = LinksetRoot.RawOrientation * lci.OffsetRot;
             *  DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RecomputeChildWorldPosition,oldPos={1},lci={2},newPos={3}",
             *                              child.LocalID, oldPos, lci, child.RawPosition);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // TaintedObject is not used here so the raw position is set now and not at taint-time.
             *  child.Position = LinksetRoot.RawPosition + lci.OffsetFromRoot;
             *  child.Orientation = LinksetRoot.RawOrientation * lci.OffsetRot;
             * }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             * // This happens when children have been added to the linkset but the linkset
             * //     has not been constructed yet. So like, at taint time, adding children to a linkset
             * //     and then changing properties of the children (makePhysical, for instance)
             * //     but the post-print action of actually rebuilding the linkset has not yet happened.
             * // PhysicsScene.Logger.WarnFormat("{0} Restoring linkset child position failed because of no relative position computed. ID={1}",
             * //                                 LogHeader, child.LocalID);
             * DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.recomputeChildWorldPosition,noRelativePositonInfo", child.LocalID);
             * }
예제 #21
        // The object is going static (non-physical). Do any setup necessary for a static linkset.
        // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
        // This doesn't normally happen -- Universe removes the objects from the physical
        //     world if it is a static linkset.
        // Called at taint-time!
        public override bool MakeStatic(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;

            DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.MakeStatic,call,IsRoot={1}", child.LocalID, IsRoot(child));
            if (IsRoot(child))
                // The non-physical children can come back to life.
                PhysicsScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);

                child.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild;

                // Don't force activation so setting of DISABLE_SIMULATION can stay if used.
                PhysicsScene.PE.Activate(child.PhysBody, false);
                ret = true;
        // Remove the specified child from the linkset.
        // Safe to call even if the child is not really in my linkset.
        protected override void RemoveChildFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child)
            if (m_children.Remove(child))
                BSPrimLinkable rootx  = LinksetRoot; // capture the root and body as of now
                BSPrimLinkable childx = child;

                          rootx.LocalID, rootx.PhysBody.AddrString,
                          childx.LocalID, childx.PhysBody.AddrString);

                                           delegate() { PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(rootx, childx); });
                // See that the linkset parameters are recomputed at the end of the taint time.
                // Non-fatal occurance.
                // PhysicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0}: Asked to remove child from linkset that was not in linkset", LogHeader);
        // The object is going dynamic (physical). Do any setup necessary for a dynamic linkset.
        // Only the state of the passed object can be modified. The rest of the linkset
        //     has not yet been fully constructed.
        // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
        // Called at taint-time!
        public override bool MakeDynamic(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;
            DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.MakeDynamic,call,IsRoot={1}", child.LocalID, IsRoot(child));
            if (IsRoot(child))
                // The root is going dynamic. Rebuild the linkset so parts and mass get computed properly.
            // The origional prims are removed from the world as the shape of the root compound
            //     shape takes over.
            PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);
            PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(child.PhysBody, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION);
            // We don't want collisions from the old linkset children.
            PhysicsScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS);

            child.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild;

            ret = true;
            return ret;
        // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset.
        // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root and set
        //     up to rebuild the constraints before the next simulation step.
        // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public override bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;

                child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody.AddrString);

            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                // Just undo all the constraints for this linkset. Rebuild at the end of the step.
                ret = PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildrenFromRoot(LinksetRoot);
                // Cause the constraints, et al to be rebuilt before the next simulation step.
            return ret;
 // The object is going dynamic (physical). Do any setup necessary
 //     for a dynamic linkset.
 // Only the state of the passed object can be modified. The rest of the linkset
 //     has not yet been fully constructed.
 // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
 // Called at taint-time!
 public abstract bool MakeDynamic(BSPrimLinkable child);
 // The object is going static (non-physical). Do any setup necessary
 //     for a static linkset.
 // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
 // Called at taint-time!
 public abstract bool MakeStatic(BSPrimLinkable child);
 // Routine used when rebuilding the body of the root of the linkset
 // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root.
 // This is called when the root body is changing.
 // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public abstract bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child);
 // Routine used when rebuilding the body of the root of the linkset
 // Destroy all the constraints have have been made to root.
 // This is called when the root body is changing.
 // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public abstract bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child);
        // Create the correct type of linkset for this child
        public static BSLinkset Factory(BSScene physScene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
            BSLinkset ret = null;

            switch ((int)BSParam.LinksetImplementation)
                case (int)LinksetImplementation.Constraint:
                    ret = new BSLinksetConstraints(physScene, parent);
                case (int)LinksetImplementation.Compound:
                    ret = new BSLinksetCompound(physScene, parent);
                case (int)LinksetImplementation.Manual:
                    // ret = new BSLinksetManual(physScene, parent);
                case (int)LinksetImplementation.CompoundGroup:
                    ret = new BSLinksetGroupCompound(physScene, parent);
                    ret = new BSLinksetCompound(physScene, parent);
            if (ret == null)
                    "[BULLETSIM LINKSET] Factory could not create linkset. Parent name={1}, ID={2}", parent.Name,
            return ret;
        // The object is going static (non-physical). Do any setup necessary for a static linkset.
        // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
        // This doesn't normally happen -- Universe removes the objects from the physical
        //     world if it is a static linkset.
        // Called at taint-time!
        public override bool MakeStatic(BSPrimLinkable child)
            if (!LinksetRoot.IsPhysical) return false;
            bool ret = false;
            DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.MakeStatic,call,IsRoot={1}", child.LocalID, IsRoot(child));
            if (IsRoot(child))
            // The non-physical children can come back to life.
            PhysicsScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);

            child.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild;

            // Don't force activation so setting of DISABLE_SIMULATION can stay if used.
            PhysicsScene.PE.Activate(child.PhysBody, false);
            ret = true;
            return ret;
 // Some linksets have a preferred physical shape.
 // Returns SHAPE_UNKNOWN if there is no preference. Causes the correct shape to be selected.
 public virtual BSPhysicsShapeType PreferredPhysicalShape(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
     return BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN;
 // Link to a linkset where the child knows the parent.
 // Parent changing should not happen so do some sanity checking.
 // We return the parent's linkset so the child can track its membership.
 // Called at runtime.
 public BSLinkset AddMeToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child)
     lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
         // Don't add the root to its own linkset
         if (!IsRoot(child))
             AddChildToLinkset(child, true);
         LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
     return this;
 protected abstract void ScheduleRebuild(BSPrimLinkable requestor);
 // I am the root of a linkset and one of my children is being removed.
 // Safe to call even if the child is not really in my linkset.
 protected abstract void RemoveChildFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child);
 // I am the root of a linkset and a new child is being added
 // Called while LinkActivity is locked.
 protected abstract void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child, bool scheduleRebuild);
 // Called when a parameter update comes from the physics engine for any object
 //      of the linkset is received.
 // Passed flag is update came from physics engine (true) or the user (false).
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public abstract void UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties whichUpdated, BSPrimLinkable physObject);
        // Remove a child from a linkset.
        // Returns a new linkset for the child which is a linkset of one (just the
        //    orphened child).
        // Called at runtime.
        public BSLinkset RemoveMeFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child)
            lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
                if (IsRoot(child))
                    // Cannot remove the root from a linkset.
                    return this;
                LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();

            // The child is down to a linkset of just itself
            return BSLinkset.Factory(PhysicsScene, child);
 // Return 'true' if the passed object is the root object of this linkset
 public bool IsRoot(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
     return (requestor.LocalID == LinksetRoot.LocalID);
 // I am the root of a linkset and one of my children is being removed.
 // Safe to call even if the child is not really in my linkset.
 protected abstract void RemoveChildFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child);
 // When physical properties are changed the linkset needs to recalculate
 //   its internal properties.
 // May be called at runtime or taint-time.
 public virtual void Refresh(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
     LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
 // Link to a linkset where the child knows the parent.
 // Parent changing should not happen so do some sanity checking.
 // We return the parent's linkset so the child can track its membership.
 // Called at runtime.
 public void AddGroupToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable[] children)
     lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
         for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
             // Don't add the root to its own linkset
             if (!IsRoot(children[i]))
                 AddChildToLinkset(children[i], false);
             children[i].Linkset = this;
         LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
 // The object is going static (non-physical). Do any setup necessary
 //     for a static linkset.
 // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
 // Called at taint-time!
 public abstract bool MakeStatic(BSPrimLinkable child);
예제 #43
        public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(UUID primID, uint localID, string name, byte physicsType,
            PrimitiveBaseShape shape,
            Vector3 position, Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical, int material,
            float friction, float restitution, float gravityMultiplier, float density)
            // MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("{0}: AddPrimShape2: {1}", LogHeader, primName);

            if (!m_initialized) return null;

            // DetailLog("{0},BSScene.AddPrimShape,call", localID);

            BSPhysObject prim = new BSPrimLinkable(localID, name, this, position, size, rotation, shape, false, material,
                friction, restitution, gravityMultiplier, density);
            prim.UUID = primID;
            lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Add(localID, prim);
            return prim;
 // When physical properties are changed the linkset needs to recalculate
 //   its internal properties.
 // May be called at runtime or taint-time.
 public virtual void Refresh(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
     LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass();
 // I am the root of a linkset and a new child is being added
 // Called while LinkActivity is locked.
 protected abstract void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child, bool scheduleRebuild);
        // When physical properties are changed the linkset needs to recalculate
        //   its internal properties.
        public override void Refresh(BSPrimLinkable requestor)

            // Something changed so do the rebuilding thing
            // ScheduleRebuild();
 protected abstract void ScheduleRebuild(BSPrimLinkable requestor);
        // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset.
        // Since we don't keep in world relationships, do nothing unless it's a child changing.
        // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring
        // Called at taint-time!!
        public override bool RemoveBodyDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child)
            bool ret = false;

                child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, IsRoot(child));

            if (!IsRoot(child))
                // Because it is a convenient time, recompute child world position and rotation based on
                //    its position in the linkset.
                RecomputeChildWorldPosition(child, true /* inTaintTime */);
                child.LinksetInfo = null;

            // Cannot schedule a refresh/rebuild here because this routine is called when
            //     the linkset is being rebuilt.
            // InternalRefresh(LinksetRoot);

            return ret;
 // The object is going dynamic (physical). Do any setup necessary
 //     for a dynamic linkset.
 // Only the state of the passed object can be modified. The rest of the linkset
 //     has not yet been fully constructed.
 // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object.
 // Called at taint-time!
 public abstract bool MakeDynamic(BSPrimLinkable child);
        // 'physicalUpdate' is true if these changes came directly from the physics engine. Don't need to rebuild then.
        // Called at taint-time.
        public override void UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties whichUpdated, BSPrimLinkable updated)
            if (!LinksetRoot.IsPhysical) return;
            // The user moving a child around requires the rebuilding of the linkset compound shape
            // One problem is this happens when a border is crossed -- the simulator implementation
            //    stores the position into the group which causes the move of the object
            //    but it also means all the child positions get updated.
            //    What would cause an unnecessary rebuild so we make sure the linkset is in a
            //    region before bothering to do a rebuild.
            if (!IsRoot(updated) && PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.IsWithinKnownTerrain(LinksetRoot.RawPosition))
                // If a child of the linkset is updating only the position or rotation, that can be done
                //    without rebuilding the linkset.
                // If a handle for the child can be fetch, we update the child here. If a rebuild was
                //    scheduled by someone else, the rebuild will just replace this setting.

                bool updatedChild = false;
                // Anything other than updating position or orientation usually means a physical update
                //     and that is caused by us updating the object.
                if ((whichUpdated & ~(UpdatedProperties.Position | UpdatedProperties.Orientation)) == 0)
                    // Find the physical instance of the child
                    if (LinksetRoot.PhysShape.HasPhysicalShape && PhysicsScene.PE.IsCompound(LinksetRoot.PhysShape))
                        // It is possible that the linkset is still under construction and the child is not yet
                        //    inserted into the compound shape. A rebuild of the linkset in a pre-step action will
                        //    build the whole thing with the new position or rotation.
                        // The index must be checked because Bullet references the child array but does no validity
                        //    checking of the child index passed.
                        int numLinksetChildren = PhysicsScene.PE.GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(LinksetRoot.PhysShape);
                        if (updated.LinksetChildIndex < numLinksetChildren)
                            BulletShape linksetChildShape =
                            if (linksetChildShape.HasPhysicalShape)
                                // Found the child shape within the compound shape
                                PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateChildTransform(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, updated.LinksetChildIndex,
                                    updated.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition,
                                    updated.RawOrientation * OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation),
                                    true /* shouldRecalculateLocalAabb */);
                                updatedChild = true;
                                    updated.LocalID, whichUpdated, updated.RawPosition, updated.RawOrientation);
                            else // DEBUG DEBUG
                                // DEBUG DEBUG
                                    updated.LocalID, linksetChildShape);
                            } // DEBUG DEBUG
                        else // DEBUG DEBUG
                            // DEBUG DEBUG
                            // the child is not yet in the compound shape. This is non-fatal.
                                updated.LocalID, numLinksetChildren, updated.LinksetChildIndex);
                        } // DEBUG DEBUG
                    else // DEBUG DEBUG
                        // DEBUG DEBUG
                    } // DEBUG DEBUG

                    if (!updatedChild)
                        // If couldn't do the individual child, the linkset needs a rebuild to incorporate the new child info.
                        // Note: there are several ways through this code that will not update the child if
                        //    the linkset is being rebuilt. In this case, scheduling a rebuild is a NOOP since
                        //    there will already be a rebuild scheduled.
                            updated.LocalID, whichUpdated);
                        updated.LinksetInfo = null; // setting to 'null' causes relative position to be recomputed.
 // Called when a parameter update comes from the physics engine for any object
 //      of the linkset is received.
 // Passed flag is update came from physics engine (true) or the user (false).
 // Called at taint-time!!
 public abstract void UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties whichUpdated, BSPrimLinkable physObject);
        // ================================================================
        // Add a new child to the linkset.
        // Called while LinkActivity is locked.
        protected override void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child, bool scheduleRebuild)
            if (!HasChild(child))

                DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.AddChildToLinkset,call,child={1}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, child.LocalID);

                // Rebuild the compound shape with the new child shape included
                if (scheduleRebuild)
        // 'physicalUpdate' is true if these changes came directly from the physics engine. Don't need to rebuild then.
        // Called at taint-time.
        public override void UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties whichUpdated, BSPrimLinkable updated)
            if (!LinksetRoot.IsPhysical)
            // The user moving a child around requires the rebuilding of the linkset compound shape
            // One problem is this happens when a border is crossed -- the simulator implementation
            //    stores the position into the group which causes the move of the object
            //    but it also means all the child positions get updated.
            //    What would cause an unnecessary rebuild so we make sure the linkset is in a
            //    region before bothering to do a rebuild.
            if (!IsRoot(updated) && PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.IsWithinKnownTerrain(LinksetRoot.RawPosition))
                // If a child of the linkset is updating only the position or rotation, that can be done
                //    without rebuilding the linkset.
                // If a handle for the child can be fetch, we update the child here. If a rebuild was
                //    scheduled by someone else, the rebuild will just replace this setting.

                bool updatedChild = false;
                // Anything other than updating position or orientation usually means a physical update
                //     and that is caused by us updating the object.
                if ((whichUpdated & ~(UpdatedProperties.Position | UpdatedProperties.Orientation)) == 0)
                    // Find the physical instance of the child
                    if (LinksetRoot.PhysShape.HasPhysicalShape && PhysicsScene.PE.IsCompound(LinksetRoot.PhysShape))
                        // It is possible that the linkset is still under construction and the child is not yet
                        //    inserted into the compound shape. A rebuild of the linkset in a pre-step action will
                        //    build the whole thing with the new position or rotation.
                        // The index must be checked because Bullet references the child array but does no validity
                        //    checking of the child index passed.
                        int numLinksetChildren = PhysicsScene.PE.GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(LinksetRoot.PhysShape);
                        if (updated.LinksetChildIndex < numLinksetChildren)
                            BulletShape linksetChildShape =
                            if (linksetChildShape.HasPhysicalShape)
                                // Found the child shape within the compound shape
                                PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateChildTransform(LinksetRoot.PhysShape, updated.LinksetChildIndex,
                                                                     updated.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition,
                                                                     updated.RawOrientation * OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation),
                                                                     true /* shouldRecalculateLocalAabb */);
                                updatedChild = true;
                                    updated.LocalID, whichUpdated, updated.RawPosition, updated.RawOrientation);
                            else // DEBUG DEBUG
                                // DEBUG DEBUG
                                    updated.LocalID, linksetChildShape);
                            } // DEBUG DEBUG
                        else  // DEBUG DEBUG
                            // DEBUG DEBUG
                            // the child is not yet in the compound shape. This is non-fatal.
                                updated.LocalID, numLinksetChildren, updated.LinksetChildIndex);
                        } // DEBUG DEBUG
                    else  // DEBUG DEBUG
                        // DEBUG DEBUG
                    } // DEBUG DEBUG

                    if (!updatedChild)
                        // If couldn't do the individual child, the linkset needs a rebuild to incorporate the new child info.
                        // Note: there are several ways through this code that will not update the child if
                        //    the linkset is being rebuilt. In this case, scheduling a rebuild is a NOOP since
                        //    there will already be a rebuild scheduled.
                            updated.LocalID, whichUpdated);
                        updated.LinksetInfo = null; // setting to 'null' causes relative position to be recomputed.
        // Remove the specified child from the linkset.
        // Safe to call even if the child is not really in the linkset.
        protected override void RemoveChildFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child)

            if (m_children.Remove(child))
                    LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody.AddrString,
                    child.LocalID, child.PhysBody.AddrString);

                // Cause the child's body to be rebuilt and thus restored to normal operation
                RecomputeChildWorldPosition(child, false);
                child.LinksetInfo = null;

                if (!HasAnyChildren)
                    // The linkset is now empty. The root needs rebuilding.
                    // Rebuild the compound shape with the child removed
 // Schedule a refresh to happen after all the other taint processing.
 protected override void ScheduleRebuild(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
         requestor.LocalID, Rebuilding, HasAnyChildren, (!Rebuilding && HasAnyChildren));
     // When rebuilding, it is possible to set properties that would normally require a rebuild.
     //    If already rebuilding, don't request another rebuild.
     //    If a linkset with just a root prim (simple non-linked prim) don't bother rebuilding.
     if (!Rebuilding && HasAnyChildren)
         PhysicsScene.PostTaintObject("BSLinksetCompound.ScheduleRebuild", LinksetRoot.LocalID, delegate()
             if (HasAnyChildren)
        // When the linkset is built, the child shape is added to the compound shape relative to the
        //    root shape. The linkset then moves around but this does not move the actual child
        //    prim. The child prim's location must be recomputed based on the location of the root shape.
        private void RecomputeChildWorldPosition(BSPrimLinkable child, bool inTaintTime)
            // For the moment (20130201), disable this computation (converting the child physical addr back to
            //    a region address) until we have a good handle on center-of-mass offsets and what the physics
            //    engine moving a child actually means.
            // The simulator keeps track of where children should be as the linkset moves. Setting
            //    the pos/rot here does not effect that knowledge as there is no good way for the
            //    physics engine to send the simulator an update for a child.

            BSLinksetCompoundInfo lci = child.LinksetInfo as BSLinksetCompoundInfo;
            if (lci != null)
            if (inTaintTime)
                OMV.Vector3 oldPos = child.RawPosition;
                child.ForcePosition = LinksetRoot.RawPosition + lci.OffsetFromRoot;
                child.ForceOrientation = LinksetRoot.RawOrientation * lci.OffsetRot;
                                            child.LocalID, oldPos, lci, child.RawPosition);
                // TaintedObject is not used here so the raw position is set now and not at taint-time.
                child.Position = LinksetRoot.RawPosition + lci.OffsetFromRoot;
                child.Orientation = LinksetRoot.RawOrientation * lci.OffsetRot;
            // This happens when children have been added to the linkset but the linkset
            //     has not been constructed yet. So like, at taint time, adding children to a linkset
            //     and then changing properties of the children (makePhysical, for instance)
            //     but the post-print action of actually rebuilding the linkset has not yet happened.
            // PhysicsScene.Logger.WarnFormat("{0} Restoring linkset child position failed because of no relative position computed. ID={1}",
            //                                 LogHeader, child.LocalID);
            DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.recomputeChildWorldPosition,noRelativePositonInfo", child.LocalID);
 public BSLinksetGroupCompound(BSScene scene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
     : base(scene, parent)
 public BSLinksetGroupCompound(BSScene scene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
     : base(scene, parent)
 // For compound implimented linksets, if there are children, use compound shape for the root.
 public override BSPhysicsShapeType PreferredPhysicalShape(BSPrimLinkable requestor)
     // Returning 'unknown' means we don't have a preference.
     BSPhysicsShapeType ret = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN;
     if (IsRoot(requestor) && HasAnyChildren && requestor.IsPhysical)
         ret = BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_COMPOUND;
     // DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.PreferredPhysicalShape,call,shape={1}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, ret);
     return ret;
 // Return 'true' if this child is in this linkset
 public bool HasChild(BSPrimLinkable child)
     bool ret = false;
     lock (m_linksetActivityLock)
         ret = m_children.Contains(child);
         /* Safer version but the above should work
     foreach (BSPrimLinkable bp in m_children)
         if (child.LocalID == bp.LocalID)
             ret = true;
     return ret;