FromOSD() 공개 메소드

public FromOSD ( OSDMap map ) : void
map OSDMap
리턴 void
        public IUserProfileInfo GetUserProfile(UUID agentID)
            IUserProfileInfo UserProfile = new IUserProfileInfo();
            lock (UserProfilesCache)
                //Try from the user profile first before getting from the DB
                if (UserProfilesCache.TryGetValue(agentID, out UserProfile))
                    return UserProfile;

            object remoteValue = DoRemote(agentID);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                UserProfile = (IUserProfileInfo)remoteValue;
                //Add to the cache
                lock (UserProfilesCache)
                    UserProfilesCache[agentID] = UserProfile;
                return UserProfile;

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["ID"] = agentID;
            filter.andFilters["`Key`"] = "LLProfile";
            List<string> query = null;
            //Grab it from the almost generic interface
            query = GD.Query(new[] { "Value" }, m_userProfileTable, filter, null, null, null);

            if (query == null || query.Count == 0)
                return null;
            //Pull out the OSDmap
            OSDMap profile = (OSDMap) OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(query[0]);

            UserProfile = new IUserProfileInfo();

            //Add to the cache
                UserProfilesCache[agentID] = UserProfile;

            return UserProfile;