public TestCharacter(string name) { charObj = new GameObject(); = name; character = charObj.AddComponent<Character>(); Assert.NotNull(character); health = charObj.GetComponent<CharacterHealth>(); Assert.NotNull(health); health.Start(); enterHitBox = charObj.CreateChild("entreAreas").AddComponent<HitBox>(); enterHitBox.type = HitBoxType.EnterAreas; enterHitBox.gameObject.layer = 1; enterBox2D = enterHitBox.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); enterBox2D.size = new Vector2(1, 1); enterHitBox.owner = health; enterHitBox.Start(); dealHitBox = charObj.CreateChild("dealHitBox").AddComponent<HitBox>(); Assert.NotNull(dealHitBox); dealHitBox.type = HitBoxType.DealDamage; dealHitBox.collideWith = (1 << 2); // | (1 << ?) dealHitBox.gameObject.layer = 2; damage = dealHitBox.gameObject.AddComponent<Damage>(); damage.causer = health; damage.Start(); dealHitBox.owner = health; dealBox2D = dealHitBox.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); dealBox2D.size = new Vector2(1, 1); dealHitBox.Start(); recieveHitBox = charObj.CreateChild("recieveHitBox").AddComponent<HitBox>(); Assert.NotNull(recieveHitBox); recieveHitBox.type = HitBoxType.RecieveDamage; recieveHitBox.collideWith = (1 << 2); recieveHitBox.gameObject.layer = 2; recieveHitBox.owner = health; recieveBox2D = recieveHitBox.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); recieveBox2D.size = new Vector2(1, 1); recieveHitBox.Start(); // init health callbacks health.onHeal += () => { onHealCalled = true; }; health.onDamage += () => { onDamageCalled = true; }; health.onImmunity += () => { onImmunityCalled = true; }; health.onMaxHealth += () => { onMaxHealthCalled = true; }; health.onInjured += (Damage dt, CharacterHealth to) => { onInjuredCalled = true; }; health.onHurt += (Damage dt, CharacterHealth to) => { onHurtCalled = true; }; health.onDeath += () => { onDeathCalled = true; }; health.onGameOver += () => { onGameOverCalled = true; }; health.onInvulnerabilityStart += () => { onInvulnerabilityStartCalled = true; }; health.onInvulnerabilityEnd += () => { onInvulnerabilityEndCalled = true; }; health.onRespawn += () => { onRespawnCalled = true; }; }
/// <summary> /// check missconfiguration /// </summary> public void Start() { Assert.IsNotNull(causer, "(Damage) causer cannot be null at " + gameObject.GetFullName()); // REVIEW this may not be necessary... HitBox hitbox = GetComponent <HitBox> (); Assert.IsNotNull(hitbox, "(Damage) Missing MonoBehaviour HitBox at " + gameObject.GetFullName()); if (hitbox.type != HitBoxType.DealDamage) { Assert.IsNotNull(null, "(Damage) Damage found but hitbox type is not DealDamage at " + gameObject.GetFullName()); } }
/// <summary> /// if a Hitbox(EnterAreas) enter -> exitArea /// </summary> public virtual void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D o) { HitBox h = o.GetComponent <HitBox>(); if (h && h.type == HitBoxType.EnterAreas) { Character p = h.owner.GetComponent <Character>(); if (p.liquid == this) // REVIEW with this liquid should overlap { p.liquid = null; p.ExitArea(Areas.Liquid); } } }
static public Character SmartGetCharacter(GameObject obj) { Character p = obj.GetComponent <Character>(); if (p != null) { return(p); } HitBox hb = obj.GetComponent <HitBox>(); if (hb != null) { return(hb.owner.character); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Create and configure RopeSection /// </summary> GameObject CreateSection(int i, Rigidbody2D connectedBody) { GameObject section; float currentLocalYPos = -segmentLength / 2.0f - segmentLength * i; if (sectionPrefab != null) { section = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(sectionPrefab); } else { section = new GameObject(); } = "RopeSection_" + i; section.layer = gameObject.layer; // Set length and position section.transform.parent = transform; section.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, currentLocalYPos, 0); Rigidbody2D rb = section.GetOrAddComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); rb.mass = ropeMass; // NOTE this is mandatory atm. // the rope movement it's a bit basic, because i cannot have a more stable // version rb.isKinematic = true; BoxCollider2D bc2d = section.GetOrAddComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); // Default to a 0.5f wide box collider bc2d.size = new Vector2(0.5f, segmentLength); bc2d.isTrigger = true; // Check Hinge Joint HingeJoint2D hingeJoint = section.GetOrAddComponent <HingeJoint2D>(); hingeJoint.anchor = new Vector2(0, 0.5f); hingeJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(0, i == 0 ? 0.0f : -0.5f); hingeJoint.connectedBody = connectedBody; if (angleLimits > 0) { hingeJoint.useLimits = true; JointAngleLimits2D limits = new JointAngleLimits2D(); limits.min = angleLimits; limits.max = -angleLimits; hingeJoint.limits = limits; } // this will handle the player entering the rope RopeSection rs = section.AddComponent <RopeSection>(); rs.rope = this; rs.index = i; if (health != null) { // NOTE add/get the HitBox so it can be destroyed // if we add a hitbox, it's just useless we need a proper collideWith // configured HitBox hitbox = section.GetOrAddComponent <HitBox>(); hitbox.owner = health; //hitbox.type = HitBoxType.RecieveDamage; //hitbox.collideWith = recieveDamage; } // Special case, for last section if (i == segments - 1) { rb.mass = ropeMass * 5; } sections[i] = section; return(section); }