Calculate the size of some content if it is rendered with this style.
void OnGUI() { if (showStartingScreen) { int height = (int)(Screen.height * .2f); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, Screen.height / 2 - height / 2, Screen.width, height),""); GUIContent text = new GUIContent("" + ((num == 0) ? "GO" : num + "")); GUIStyle watStyle = new GUIStyle(textStyle); int x = 0; if (currTime < .2f) { x = (int)(currTime / .2f * Screen.width / 2 - watStyle.CalcSize(text).x / 2); } else if (currTime >= .2f && currTime <= .8f) { watStyle.fontSize += (int)(20 - 20*((Mathf.Abs(.5f - currTime))/.3f)); x = (int)(Screen.width / 2 - watStyle.CalcSize(text).x / 2); } else if (currTime > .8f) { x = (int)((currTime - .8f) / .2f * Screen.width/2 - watStyle.CalcSize(text).x / 2 + Screen.width /2); } GUI.Label(new Rect(x, Screen.height / 2 - watStyle.CalcSize(text).y / 2, 100, 100),text, watStyle); currTime += Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastTime; lastTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (currTime >= 1f) { currTime = 0f; num--; } if (num < 0) { showStartingScreen = false; Time.timeScale = 1; } } }
public static void ContentPanel(Vector2 panelOrigin, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style, Color panelColor, PanelStyleOption option) { var rect = new Rect(panelOrigin, style.CalcSize(content) + new Vector2(75, 20)); style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; DrawPanel(rect, panelColor, option); var labelrect = new Rect(rect.position + new Vector2(5, 10), style.CalcSize(content)); content.text = TypographyUtilities.ColoredText(Color.Lerp(panelColor,, 0.8f), content.text); GUI.Label(labelrect, content, style); FlatEditor.SpaceActiveLayoutRect(0, rect.height + FlatEditor.MinimumElementSpacing); }
void Awake() { //Don't want to destroy this DontDestroyOnLoad (this); //Set singleton main = this; //Generate Black background Texture m_LoadingScreen = TextureGenerator.MakeTexture (; //Assign Screen Rect m_ScreenRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); //Set up GUIStyle m_LoadingStyle = new GUIStyle(); m_LoadingStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; m_LoadingStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; m_LoadingStyle.fontSize = 20; //Calculate the label Rect Vector2 labelSize = m_LoadingStyle.CalcSize (new GUIContent(m_LoadingMessage)); float labelWidth = labelSize.x; float labelHeight = labelSize.y; float xPos = (Screen.width/2) - (labelWidth/2); float yPos = (Screen.height/2) - (labelHeight/2); m_LabelRect = new Rect(xPos, yPos, labelWidth, labelHeight); }
protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); alignToCenter = true; IsDraggable = true; showOKButton = true; WindowRect = new Rect( 0, 0, 350, 120 ); messageStyle = new GUIStyle( ); messageStyle.wordWrap = true; messageSize = messageStyle.CalcSize( new GUIContent( message ) ); if ( messageSize.x > 350 ) { var height = messageStyle.CalcHeight( new GUIContent( message ), 330 ); messageRect = new Rect( 10, WindowRect.height / 2 - height / 2, 330, height ); messageStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } else { messageRect = new Rect( WindowRect.width / 2 - messageSize.x / 2, WindowRect.height / 2 - messageSize.y / 2, messageSize.x, messageSize.y ); } }
public static void Title(string titleText, Heading heading, bool centered, string secondaryText) { var style = FlatFonts.LatoBlackStyle((int) heading, centered); var content = new GUIContent(titleText); var titleRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, style); GUI.Label(titleRect, TypographyUtilities.ColoredText(FlatEditor.TextColor, titleText), style); if (secondaryText != null) { var subStyle = new GUIStyle(style) { font = FlatFonts.Lato, fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(style.fontSize*0.85f), alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft, }; var contentSize = subStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(secondaryText)); var offset = new Vector2(style.CalcSize(content).x, ((int) heading / 10) + 1); var subRect = new Rect(titleRect.position + offset, contentSize); var lightened = new Color32(125, 125, 125,255); GUI.Label(subRect, TypographyUtilities.ColoredText(lightened, secondaryText), subStyle); } }
public void CalcGUIContentSize(GUIContent content, GUIStyle style, out float width, out float height) { float minWidth; float maxWidth; //GetPadding(); style.CalcMinMaxWidth(content, out minWidth, out maxWidth); float threshold = 250; if (maxWidth < threshold) { style.wordWrap = false; Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(content); style.wordWrap = true; maxWidth = size.x; } width = Mathf.Clamp(maxWidth, 0, threshold); height = Mathf.Clamp(style.CalcHeight(content, width), 21, 150); //Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("min: {0}, max: {1} => w: {2}, isHeightDependentonwidht: {3}", minWidth, maxWidth, width, style)); //SetPadding(l, t, r, b); }
void Update () { if(IsTriggered) { if(IsCycling) { TextObject.text = ChatText[CycleChatIndex]; TextObject.fontSize = FontSize; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.fontSize = FontSize; Canvas.sizeDelta = (style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(ChatText[CycleChatIndex])) + Padding) / 100; if(Time.time > CycleNextLineTime) { if(CycleChatIndex == ChatText.Count-1) { if(LoopTrigger) { CycleChatIndex = 0; CycleNextLineTime = Time.time + ChatTextTime; } else { IsCycling = false; gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { CycleChatIndex++; CycleNextLineTime = Time.time + ChatTextTime; } } } } else { UpdateText(); } }
private static void DrawPoseError(Transform node, Bounds bounds) { if (Camera.current != null) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = }, wordWrap = false, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft }; Vector3 position = node.position; Vector3 vector2 = node.position + ((Vector3) (Vector3.up * 0.2f)); if (node.position.x <= node.root.position.x) { vector2.x = bounds.min.x; } else { vector2.x = bounds.max.x; } GUIContent content = new GUIContent(; Rect rect = HandleUtility.WorldPointToSizedRect(vector2, content, style); rect.x += 2f; if (node.position.x > node.root.position.x) { rect.x -= rect.width; } Handles.BeginGUI(); rect.y -= style.CalcSize(content).y / 4f; GUI.Label(rect, content, style); Handles.EndGUI(); Handles.color = kErrorMessageColor; Handles.DrawLine(position, vector2); } }
private void DrawColumn(IEnumerable<NameValuePair> column, float x, float y, float width, GUIStyle style) { foreach (var nvp in column) { var labelContent = new GUIContent(nvp.Label); var valueContent = new GUIContent(nvp.Value); var labelSize = style.CalcSize(labelContent); var valueSize = style.CalcSize(valueContent); UnityEngine.GUI.Label(new Rect(x, y, labelSize.x, labelSize.y), labelContent, style); UnityEngine.GUI.Label(new Rect(x + width - valueSize.x, y, valueSize.x, valueSize.y), valueContent, style); y += labelSize.y + itemPadding; } }
public void SetOffset() { style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.fontSize = Screen.width/38; offset = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(playerName)); offset = new Vector3(offset.x,Screen.height / 7); }
void OnGUI() { GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle(); myStyle.font = myFont; myStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; Vector2 size = myStyle.CalcSize (new GUIContent ("" +beaverKilled)); GUI.Label(new Rect((Screen.width)/2, ((Screen.height - size.y)/2) + yOffset, size.x, size.y),""+beaverKilled,myStyle); }
private float GetTotalMenuItemSize(GUIStyle style) { float size = 0; foreach (var mi in menuItems) size += style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(mi.Label)).x; return size; }
public static void DrawText(Vector2 position, string text, int fontSize, Color fontColor, string font) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = fontColor; style.fontSize = fontSize; style.font = (Font)Resources.Load(font); Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)); GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y), text, style); }
protected void DrawOnSelection(Usable usable, float distance, Selector.Reticle reticle, GUIStyle guiStyle, string defaultUseMessage, Color inRangeColor, Color outOfRangeColor, TextStyle textStyle, Color textStyleColor) { if (usable == null) return; if ((usable != lastUsable) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(heading)) { lastUsable = usable; heading = usable.GetName(); useMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(usable.overrideUseMessage) ? defaultUseMessage : usable.overrideUseMessage; } GameObject selection = usable.gameObject; if (selection != lastSelectionDrawn) { selectionHeight = Tools.GetGameObjectHeight(selection); selectionHeadingSize = guiStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(heading)); selectionUseMessageSize = guiStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(useMessage)); } // Set text color based on distance: bool inUseRange = (distance <= usable.maxUseDistance); guiStyle.normal.textColor = inUseRange ? inRangeColor : outOfRangeColor; // Draw heading: Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(selection.transform.position + (Vector3.up * selectionHeight)); screenPos += offset; screenPos = new Vector3(screenPos.x, screenPos.y + selectionUseMessageSize.y + selectionHeadingSize.y, screenPos.z); if (screenPos.z < 0) return; Rect rect = new Rect(screenPos.x - (selectionHeadingSize.x / 2), (Screen.height - screenPos.y) - (selectionHeadingSize.y / 2), selectionHeadingSize.x, selectionHeadingSize.y); UnityGUITools.DrawText(rect, heading, guiStyle, textStyle, textStyleColor); // Draw use message: screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(selection.transform.position + (Vector3.up * (selectionHeight))); screenPos += offset; screenPos = new Vector3(screenPos.x, screenPos.y + selectionUseMessageSize.y, screenPos.z); rect = new Rect(screenPos.x - (selectionUseMessageSize.x / 2), (Screen.height - screenPos.y) - (selectionUseMessageSize.y / 2), selectionUseMessageSize.x, selectionUseMessageSize.y); UnityGUITools.DrawText(rect, useMessage, guiStyle, textStyle, textStyleColor); // Draw reticle: if (reticle != null) { Texture2D reticleTexture = inUseRange ? reticle.inRange : reticle.outOfRange; if (reticleTexture != null) { screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(selection.transform.position + (Vector3.up * 0.5f * selectionHeight)); rect = new Rect(screenPos.x - (reticle.width / 2), (Screen.height - screenPos.y) - (reticle.height / 2), reticle.width, reticle.height); GUI.Label(rect, reticleTexture); } } }
void UpdateText() { if(ChatTextTime > 0 && ChatText.Count > 0) { int chatIndex = (int)(((int)Time.time % (int)(ChatTextTime * ChatText.Count)) / ChatTextTime); TextObject.text = ChatText[chatIndex]; TextObject.fontSize = FontSize; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.fontSize = FontSize; Canvas.sizeDelta = (style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(ChatText[chatIndex])) + Padding) / 100; } }
public void show() { float fAspectRatioWidth = Screen.width / 1024.0f; float fAspectRatioHeight = Screen.height / 768.0f; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); GUIContent content = new GUIContent(); Vector2 vSize; GUI.Box(new Rect(306 * fAspectRatioWidth, 25 * fAspectRatioHeight, 643 * fAspectRatioWidth, 449.5f * fAspectRatioHeight), "Inventory"); int iColumn = 0; int iRow = 0; for(int i = 0; i < inventory_list.Count; i++) { if(GUI.Button(new Rect((331 + iColumn * 85) * fAspectRatioWidth, (75 + iRow * 100) * fAspectRatioHeight, 75 * fAspectRatioWidth, 75 * fAspectRatioHeight), inventory_list[i].texLook)) { if(Solution.get().bSolutionEnabled) { Solution.get().insertItem(inventory_list[i].sInformation, inventory_list[i].texLook, inventory_list[i].iSolutionTag); } else { for(int j = 0; j < inventory_list.Count; j++) { inventory_list[j].fDrawLabel = 0.0f; //On click disable all other labels shown } inventory_list[i].fDrawLabel = 10.0f; //Show for 10 seconds } } iColumn++; if(iColumn > 6) //0-6; 7 items allowed in one row { iColumn = 0; iRow++; } if(inventory_list[i].fDrawLabel > 0.0f) { style.fontSize = (int)(24 * (fAspectRatioWidth + fAspectRatioHeight) / 2); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; style.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); //White text string sText = inventory_list[i].sInformation; content.text = sText; vSize = style.CalcSize(content); GUI.Label(new Rect(512 * fAspectRatioWidth, 384 * fAspectRatioHeight, vSize.x, vSize.y), content, style); } } }
public static void OnGUI(Rect position, Playable p) { const string msg = "custom\nfor clips"; var nodeStyle = new GUIStyle("flow node 6"); Vector2 sizeNeeded = nodeStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(msg)); if (sizeNeeded.x < position.width && sizeNeeded.y < position.height) GUI.Label(position, msg, nodeStyle); else GUI.Label(position, "", nodeStyle); }
public static void placeTxt(string str, int fontSize, float x, float y, bool black=false) { GUIContent content = new GUIContent(str); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.fontSize = fontSize; style.normal.textColor = black ? : Color.white; Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(content); GUI.Label(new Rect(x - size.x/2, y - size.y, size.x, size.y), content, style); }
public static void blinkTxt(string str, int fontSize, float x, float y) { GUIContent content = new GUIContent(str); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.fontSize = fontSize; style.normal.textColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, 1)); Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(content); GUI.Label(new Rect(x - size.x/2, y - size.y, size.x, size.y), content, style); }
public static void DrawCenteredText(Vector2 offset, string text, int fontSize, Color fontColor, string font) { GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = fontColor; style.fontSize = fontSize; style.font = (Font)Resources.Load(font); Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)); Vector2 position = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height) / 2 - size / 2; position += offset; GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y), text, style); }
public static Vector2 CalculateGlyphSize(string glyphName, int fontSize) { var style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label) { fontSize = fontSize, font = FlatFonts.FontAwesome, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, richText = true }; return style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(GlyphString(glyphName))); }
public Vector2 CalcSize(UIDELogEntry entry) { if (entry == null) return new Vector2(0,0); string message = GetMessage(entry); GUIContent content = new GUIContent(message); GUIStyle wordWrapLabel = new GUIStyle(; wordWrapLabel.wordWrap = true; float desiredWidth = editor.textEditorRect.width-editor.editorWindow.defaultSkin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth*2; float height = wordWrapLabel.CalcHeight(content,desiredWidth); height +=; GUIStyle noWordWrapStyle = new GUIStyle(; noWordWrapStyle.wordWrap = false; Vector2 size = noWordWrapStyle.CalcSize(content); size.x = Mathf.Min(desiredWidth,size.x); size.y = height; size.x +=; //size.x +=; if (entry.stackItems.Count > 0) { size.y += GUIContent("Call Stack"),size.x); size.y +=; //expandStack = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(expandStack,"Call Stack"); if (expandStack) { for (int i = Mathf.Min(entry.stackItems.Count-1,4-1); i >= 0; i--) { LogStackItem item = entry.stackItems[i]; Vector2 s = GUIContent(FormatLogStackItem(item))); size.y += s.y; size.y +=; size.x = Mathf.Max(size.x,s.x); //GUILayout.Button(item.contextString+" "+Path.GetFileName(item.filename)+" "+item.line); } } } string buttonText = "Go there"; size.y += GUIContent(buttonText),size.x); size.y +=; size.x += boxStyle.padding.left+boxStyle.padding.right; size.y +=; size.x += closeButtonStyle.fixedWidth; size.y = Mathf.Min(size.y,editor.textEditorRect.height-editor.desiredTabBarHeight-editor.editorWindow.defaultSkin.horizontalScrollbar.fixedHeight); return size; }
private float CalcColumnHeight(IEnumerable<NameValuePair> column, GUIStyle style) { if (column == null || !column.Any()) return 0; var totalItemPadding = itemPadding * (column.Count() - 1); var itemHeight = 0f; foreach (var nvp in column) itemHeight += style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(nvp.Label)).y; return totalItemPadding + itemHeight; }
public static bool placeBtn(string str, int fontSize, float x, float y) { GUIContent content = new GUIContent(str); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; //style.wordWrap = true; style.fontSize = fontSize; Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(content); return GUI.Button(new Rect(x - size.x/2, y - size.y, size.x, size.y), content, style); }
private void OnGUI() { float fAspectRatioWidth = Screen.width / 1024.0f; float fAspectRatioHeight = Screen.height / 768.0f; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); GUIContent content = new GUIContent(); Vector2 vSize; if(bShowLabelActor) { style.fontSize = (int)(48 * (fAspectRatioWidth + fAspectRatioHeight) / 2); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; style.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); //White text string sText = "Press "+sDialogButton.ToUpper()+" to talk!"; content.text = sText; vSize = style.CalcSize(content); GUI.Label(new Rect(512 * fAspectRatioWidth, 384 * fAspectRatioHeight, vSize.x, vSize.y), content, style); } else if(bShowLabelItem) { style.fontSize = (int)(48 * (fAspectRatioWidth + fAspectRatioHeight) / 2); style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; style.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); //White text string sText = "Press "+sItemButton.ToUpper()+" to pick up!"; content.text = sText; vSize = style.CalcSize(content); GUI.Label(new Rect(512 * fAspectRatioWidth, 384 * fAspectRatioHeight, vSize.x, vSize.y), content, style); } }
static public int CalcSize(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.GUIStyle self = (UnityEngine.GUIStyle)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.GUIContent a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); var ret = self.CalcSize(a1); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, ret); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static int CalcSize(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); UnityEngine.GUIStyle obj = (UnityEngine.GUIStyle)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(UnityEngine.GUIStyle)); UnityEngine.GUIContent arg0 = (UnityEngine.GUIContent)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(UnityEngine.GUIContent)); UnityEngine.Vector2 o = obj.CalcSize(arg0); ToLua.Push(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
public static void DrawText(string text, Vector2 position, int fontSize, Color color, FontStyle fontStyle) { // Create the label. var content = new GUIContent(text); // Create the font style. var style = new GUIStyle(); style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; style.fontSize = fontSize; style.normal.textColor = color; style.fontStyle = fontStyle; // Draw the text using a label. var size = style.CalcSize(content); GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y), content, style); }
public static void VectorImageDataField(string label, VectorImageData targetData, Object targetObject) { string code = targetData.glyph.unicode; string name =; Font font = targetData.font; GUIStyle iconStyle = new GUIStyle { font = font, fontSize = 16 }; float offsetH = 0; offsetH += 40; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(label); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.MaxWidth(-12f)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { GUIContent widthLabel = new GUIContent(IconDecoder.Decode(code)); float widthLabelWidth = iconStyle.CalcSize(widthLabel).x; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(widthLabel, iconStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(widthLabelWidth)); widthLabel = new GUIContent(name); widthLabelWidth = GUIStyle.none.CalcSize(widthLabel).x; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(name, GUILayout.MaxWidth(widthLabelWidth + 4)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No icon selected", GUILayout.MaxWidth(96f)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Pick Icon")) { VectorImagePickerWindow.Show(targetData, targetObject); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { if (GUILayout.Button(IconDecoder.Decode(@"\ue14c"), new GUIStyle { font = VectorImageManager.GetIconFont(VectorImageManager.materialDesignIconsFontName), fontSize = 20 })) { targetData.font = null; targetData.glyph = new Glyph(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(targetObject); } } } }
void adjustForAspect() { float aspect = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height; Vector2 offset =; for (int i = 0; i < texts.Length; ++i) { GUIText text = texts[i]; GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.font = text.font; style.fontSize = text.fontSize; style.fontStyle = text.fontStyle; Vector2 size = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text.text)); if (aspect > 1.5f) { text.pixelOffset = new Vector2(-Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2); text.pixelOffset += new Vector2(Screen.width * 0.02f, -Screen.height * 0.05f); text.pixelOffset += offset; text.fontSize = 36; text.alignment = TextAlignment.Left; offset += new Vector2(0.0f, -size.y); textRoomFactor = 1.0f; } else { text.pixelOffset = new Vector2(-Screen.width / 2, -Screen.height / 2); text.pixelOffset += new Vector2(Screen.width * 0.05f, Screen.height * 0.05f + size.y); text.pixelOffset += offset; text.fontSize = 30; text.alignment = TextAlignment.Center; offset += new Vector2(Screen.width * 0.3f, 0.0f); textRoomFactor = 0.8f; } } Transform button = quitButton.transform.parent; if (textRoomFactor < 1.0f) { transform.localScale = fixedScale * textRoomFactor; transform.localPosition = fixedPosititon + textRoomFactor * Vector3.up; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Screen.width - 40.0f, 40.0f, 0.0f)); button.position = ray.origin + ray.direction * 7.0f; } else { transform.localScale = fixedScale; transform.localPosition = fixedPosititon + Vector3.right * fixedScale.x * 1.7f; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(60.0f, 60.0f, 0.0f)); button.position = ray.origin + ray.direction * 7.0f; } }
void OnSceneGUI() { if(!Application.isPlaying) return; Handles.BeginGUI(); serializedObject.Update(); RobotController robot = (RobotController)target; string buffer = ""; for(int i = 0; i < robot.lines.Count; i++) { buffer += robot.lines[i].Trim() + "\n"; } Vector3 pos; pos = robot.transform.position; Font font = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Font>("Assets/GUI/Courier.ttf"); GUIStyle debugStyle = new GUIStyle(; debugStyle.font = font; debugStyle.fontSize = 14; GUIStyle debugLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(; debugLabelStyle.font = font; debugLabelStyle.fontSize = 14; Vector2 size = debugStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(buffer)); size.y -= debugStyle.lineHeight; Rect rectangle = new Rect(5, 20, size.x, size.y); GUILayout.Window(2, rectangle, (id) => { GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(size.x)}; GUILayout.TextArea(buffer, debugStyle, options); Battery battery = robot.GetComponentInChildren<Battery>(); if(battery != null) { battery.currentCapacity = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(battery.currentCapacity, 0, battery.maximumCapacity, options); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(options); GUILayout.Label("0", debugLabelStyle); GUILayout.Label(battery.currentCapacity + "", debugLabelStyle); GUILayout.Label(battery.maximumCapacity + "", debugLabelStyle); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } },; Handles.EndGUI(); }
/// <summary> /// Draw a label. /// </summary> /// <param name="textArea">The designated area to draw in</param> /// <param name="text">The text to draw</param> /// <param name="style">The style to draw with</param> /// <param name="alignRight">if true, align the text to the right border of the draw area</param> /// <returns>The area actualy used for drawing</returns> public static Rect DrawLabel(Rect textArea, string text, GUIStyle style, bool alignRight) { Vector2 textSize = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)); if (alignRight) { // Offset the left corner textArea.x = textArea.x + textArea.width - textSize.x; } textArea.width = Mathf.Min(textArea.width, textSize.x); textArea.height = Mathf.Min(textArea.height, textSize.y); GUI.Label(textArea, text, style); return textArea; }
public Vector2 GetSize(IGuiElement element) { if (element == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); } if (!(element is ITextGuiElement)) { throw new ArgumentException("ExpandText only works on ITextGuiElements", "element"); } if (element.Style == null) { throw new Exception("ExpandText does not work with the built in unity style"); } ITextGuiElement textElement = (ITextGuiElement)element; UnityEngine.GUIStyle unityStyle = textElement.Style.GenerateUnityGuiStyle(); unityStyle.wordWrap = false; GUIContent textContent = new GUIContent(textElement.Text); Vector2 size = unityStyle.CalcSize(textContent); if (size.x > mLineWrapWidth) { size.x = mLineWrapWidth; unityStyle.wordWrap = true; size.y = unityStyle.CalcHeight(textContent, mLineWrapWidth); } size.x += textElement.Style.InternalMargins.Left + textElement.Style.InternalMargins.Right; size.y += textElement.Style.InternalMargins.Top + textElement.Style.InternalMargins.Bottom; return(size); }
private GUIGridSizer(GUIContent[] contents, int xCount, GUIStyle buttonStyle, GUILayoutOption[] options) : base(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, GUIStyle.none) { this.m_Count = contents.Length; this.m_XCount = xCount; this.ApplyStyleSettings(buttonStyle); this.ApplyOptions(options); if (xCount != 0 && contents.Length != 0) { float num = (float)(Mathf.Max(buttonStyle.margin.left, buttonStyle.margin.right) * (this.m_XCount - 1)); float num2 = (float)(Mathf.Max(, buttonStyle.margin.bottom) * (this.rows - 1)); if (buttonStyle.fixedWidth != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = (this.m_MaxButtonWidth = buttonStyle.fixedWidth); } if (buttonStyle.fixedHeight != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonHeight = (this.m_MaxButtonHeight = buttonStyle.fixedHeight); } if (this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1f) { if (this.minWidth != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = (this.minWidth - num) / (float)this.m_XCount; } if (this.maxWidth != 0f) { this.m_MaxButtonWidth = (this.maxWidth - num) / (float)this.m_XCount; } } if (this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1f) { if (this.minHeight != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonHeight = (this.minHeight - num2) / (float)this.rows; } if (this.maxHeight != 0f) { this.m_MaxButtonHeight = (this.maxHeight - num2) / (float)this.rows; } } if (this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1f || this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1f || this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1f || this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1f) { float num3 = 0f; float num4 = 0f; foreach (GUIContent content in contents) { Vector2 vector = buttonStyle.CalcSize(content); num4 = Mathf.Max(num4, vector.x); num3 = Mathf.Max(num3, vector.y); } if (this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1f) { if (this.m_MaxButtonWidth != -1f) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = Mathf.Min(num4, this.m_MaxButtonWidth); } else { this.m_MinButtonWidth = num4; } } if (this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1f) { if (this.m_MinButtonWidth != -1f) { this.m_MaxButtonWidth = Mathf.Max(num4, this.m_MinButtonWidth); } else { this.m_MaxButtonWidth = num4; } } if (this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1f) { if (this.m_MaxButtonHeight != -1f) { this.m_MinButtonHeight = Mathf.Min(num3, this.m_MaxButtonHeight); } else { this.m_MinButtonHeight = num3; } } if (this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1f) { if (this.m_MinButtonHeight != -1f) { this.maxHeight = Mathf.Max(this.maxHeight, this.m_MinButtonHeight); } this.m_MaxButtonHeight = this.maxHeight; } } this.minWidth = this.m_MinButtonWidth * (float)this.m_XCount + num; this.maxWidth = this.m_MaxButtonWidth * (float)this.m_XCount + num; this.minHeight = this.m_MinButtonHeight * (float)this.rows + num2; this.maxHeight = this.m_MaxButtonHeight * (float)this.rows + num2; } }
private GUIGridSizer(GUIContent[] contents, int xCount, GUIStyle buttonStyle, GUILayoutOption[] options) : base(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, GUIStyle.none) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = -1f; this.m_MaxButtonWidth = -1f; this.m_MinButtonHeight = -1f; this.m_MaxButtonHeight = -1f; this.m_Count = contents.Length; this.m_XCount = xCount; this.ApplyStyleSettings(buttonStyle); this.ApplyOptions(options); if ((xCount != 0) && (contents.Length != 0)) { float num = Mathf.Max(buttonStyle.margin.left, buttonStyle.margin.right) * (this.m_XCount - 1); float num2 = Mathf.Max(, buttonStyle.margin.bottom) * (this.rows - 1); if (buttonStyle.fixedWidth != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = this.m_MaxButtonWidth = buttonStyle.fixedWidth; } if (buttonStyle.fixedHeight != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonHeight = this.m_MaxButtonHeight = buttonStyle.fixedHeight; } if (this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1f) { if (base.minWidth != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = (base.minWidth - num) / ((float)this.m_XCount); } if (base.maxWidth != 0f) { this.m_MaxButtonWidth = (base.maxWidth - num) / ((float)this.m_XCount); } } if (this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1f) { if (base.minHeight != 0f) { this.m_MinButtonHeight = (base.minHeight - num2) / ((float)this.rows); } if (base.maxHeight != 0f) { this.m_MaxButtonHeight = (base.maxHeight - num2) / ((float)this.rows); } } if (((this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1f) || (this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1f)) || ((this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1f) || (this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1f))) { float a = 0f; float num4 = 0f; foreach (GUIContent content in contents) { Vector2 vector = buttonStyle.CalcSize(content); num4 = Mathf.Max(num4, vector.x); a = Mathf.Max(a, vector.y); } if (this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1f) { if (this.m_MaxButtonWidth != -1f) { this.m_MinButtonWidth = Mathf.Min(num4, this.m_MaxButtonWidth); } else { this.m_MinButtonWidth = num4; } } if (this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1f) { if (this.m_MinButtonWidth != -1f) { this.m_MaxButtonWidth = Mathf.Max(num4, this.m_MinButtonWidth); } else { this.m_MaxButtonWidth = num4; } } if (this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1f) { if (this.m_MaxButtonHeight != -1f) { this.m_MinButtonHeight = Mathf.Min(a, this.m_MaxButtonHeight); } else { this.m_MinButtonHeight = a; } } if (this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1f) { if (this.m_MinButtonHeight != -1f) { base.maxHeight = Mathf.Max(base.maxHeight, this.m_MinButtonHeight); } this.m_MaxButtonHeight = base.maxHeight; } } base.minWidth = (this.m_MinButtonWidth * this.m_XCount) + num; base.maxWidth = (this.m_MaxButtonWidth * this.m_XCount) + num; base.minHeight = (this.m_MinButtonHeight * this.rows) + num2; base.maxHeight = (this.m_MaxButtonHeight * this.rows) + num2; } }
private GUIGridSizer(GUIContent[] contents, int xCount, GUIStyle buttonStyle, GUILayoutOption[] options) : base(0, 0, 0, 0, GUIStyle.none) { m_Count = contents.Length; m_XCount = xCount; // Most settings comes from the button style (can we stretch, etc). Hence, I apply the style here ApplyStyleSettings(buttonStyle); // We can have custom options coming from userland. We apply this last so it overrides ApplyOptions(options); if (xCount == 0 || contents.Length == 0) { return; } // internal horizontal spacing float totalHorizSpacing = Mathf.Max(buttonStyle.margin.left, buttonStyle.margin.right) * (m_XCount - 1); // Debug.Log (String.Format ("margins: {0}, {1} totalHoriz: {2}", buttonStyle.margin.left, buttonStyle.margin.right, totalHorizSpacing)); // internal horizontal margins float totalVerticalSpacing = Mathf.Max(, buttonStyle.margin.bottom) * (rows - 1); // Handle fixedSize buttons if (buttonStyle.fixedWidth != 0) { m_MinButtonWidth = m_MaxButtonWidth = buttonStyle.fixedWidth; } // Debug.Log ("buttonStyle.fixedHeight " + buttonStyle.fixedHeight); if (buttonStyle.fixedHeight != 0) { m_MinButtonHeight = m_MaxButtonHeight = buttonStyle.fixedHeight; } // Apply GUILayout.Width/Height/whatever properties. if (m_MinButtonWidth == -1) { if (minWidth != 0) { m_MinButtonWidth = (minWidth - totalHorizSpacing) / m_XCount; } if (maxWidth != 0) { m_MaxButtonWidth = (maxWidth - totalHorizSpacing) / m_XCount; } } if (m_MinButtonHeight == -1) { if (minHeight != 0) { m_MinButtonHeight = (minHeight - totalVerticalSpacing) / rows; } if (maxHeight != 0) { m_MaxButtonHeight = (maxHeight - totalVerticalSpacing) / rows; } } // Debug.Log (String.Format ("minButtonWidth {0}, maxButtonWidth {1}, minButtonHeight {2}, maxButtonHeight{3}", minButtonWidth, maxButtonWidth, minButtonHeight, maxButtonHeight)); // if anything is left unknown, we need to iterate over all elements and figure out the sizes. if (m_MinButtonHeight == -1 || m_MaxButtonHeight == -1 || m_MinButtonWidth == -1 || m_MaxButtonWidth == -1) { // figure out the max size. Since the buttons are in a grid, the max size determines stuff. float calcHeight = 0, calcWidth = 0; foreach (GUIContent i in contents) { Vector2 size = buttonStyle.CalcSize(i); calcWidth = Mathf.Max(calcWidth, size.x); calcHeight = Mathf.Max(calcHeight, size.y); } // If the user didn't supply minWidth, we need to calculate that if (m_MinButtonWidth == -1) { // if the user has supplied a maxButtonWidth, the buttons can never get larger. if (m_MaxButtonWidth != -1) { m_MinButtonWidth = Mathf.Min(calcWidth, m_MaxButtonWidth); } else { m_MinButtonWidth = calcWidth; } } // If the user didn't supply maxWidth, we need to calculate that if (m_MaxButtonWidth == -1) { // if the user has supplied a minButtonWidth, the buttons can never get smaller. if (m_MinButtonWidth != -1) { m_MaxButtonWidth = Mathf.Max(calcWidth, m_MinButtonWidth); } else { m_MaxButtonWidth = calcWidth; } } // If the user didn't supply minWidth, we need to calculate that if (m_MinButtonHeight == -1) { // if the user has supplied a maxButtonWidth, the buttons can never get larger. if (m_MaxButtonHeight != -1) { m_MinButtonHeight = Mathf.Min(calcHeight, m_MaxButtonHeight); } else { m_MinButtonHeight = calcHeight; } } // If the user didn't supply maxWidth, we need to calculate that if (m_MaxButtonHeight == -1) { // if the user has supplied a minButtonWidth, the buttons can never get smaller. if (m_MinButtonHeight != -1) { maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, m_MinButtonHeight); } m_MaxButtonHeight = maxHeight; } } // We now know the button sizes. Calculate min & max values from that minWidth = m_MinButtonWidth * m_XCount + totalHorizSpacing; maxWidth = m_MaxButtonWidth * m_XCount + totalHorizSpacing; minHeight = m_MinButtonHeight * rows + totalVerticalSpacing; maxHeight = m_MaxButtonHeight * rows + totalVerticalSpacing; // Debug.Log (String.Format ("minWidth {0}, maxWidth {1}, minHeight {2}, maxHeight{3}", minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight)); }
public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, bool[] enabled, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { GUIStyle gUIStyle; GUIStyle gUIStyle2; GUIStyle gUIStyle3; GUI.FindStyles(ref style, out gUIStyle, out gUIStyle2, out gUIStyle3, "left", "mid", "right"); Vector2 vector = default(Vector2); int num = contents.Length; GUIStyle gUIStyle4 = (num > 1) ? gUIStyle : style; GUIStyle gUIStyle5 = (num > 1) ? gUIStyle2 : style; GUIStyle gUIStyle6 = (num > 1) ? gUIStyle3 : style; float num2 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++) { bool flag = i == num - 2; if (flag) { gUIStyle5 = gUIStyle6; } Vector2 vector2 = gUIStyle4.CalcSize(contents[i]); if (buttonSize != GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed) { if (buttonSize == GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents) { vector.x += vector2.x; } } else { bool flag2 = vector2.x > vector.x; if (flag2) { vector.x = vector2.x; } } bool flag3 = vector2.y > vector.y; if (flag3) { vector.y = vector2.y; } bool flag4 = i == num - 1; if (flag4) { num2 += (float)gUIStyle4.margin.right; } else { num2 += (float)Mathf.Max(gUIStyle4.margin.right, gUIStyle5.margin.left); } gUIStyle4 = gUIStyle5; } if (buttonSize != GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed) { if (buttonSize == GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents) { vector.x += num2; } } else { vector.x = vector.x * (float)contents.Length + num2; } return(GUI.Toolbar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(vector.x, vector.y, style, options), selected, contents, null, style, buttonSize, enabled)); }
// Make a toolbar public static int Toolbar(int selected, GUIContent[] contents, GUIStyle style, GUI.ToolbarButtonSize buttonSize, params GUILayoutOption[] options) { GUIStyle firstStyle, midStyle, lastStyle; GUI.FindStyles(ref style, out firstStyle, out midStyle, out lastStyle, "left", "mid", "right"); Vector2 size = new Vector2(); int count = contents.Length; GUIStyle currentStyle = count > 1 ? firstStyle : style; GUIStyle nextStyle = count > 1 ? midStyle : style; GUIStyle endStyle = count > 1 ? lastStyle : style; float margins = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++) { if (i == count - 2) { nextStyle = endStyle; } Vector2 thisSize = currentStyle.CalcSize(contents[i]); switch (buttonSize) { case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed: if (thisSize.x > size.x) { size.x = thisSize.x; } break; case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents: size.x += thisSize.x; break; } if (thisSize.y > size.y) { size.y = thisSize.y; } // add spacing if (i == count - 1) { margins += currentStyle.margin.right; } else { margins += Mathf.Max(currentStyle.margin.right, nextStyle.margin.left); } currentStyle = nextStyle; } switch (buttonSize) { case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.Fixed: size.x = size.x * contents.Length + margins; break; case GUI.ToolbarButtonSize.FitToContents: size.x += margins; break; } return(GUI.Toolbar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(size.x, size.y, style, options), selected, contents, style, buttonSize)); }
public TextBubble(IGuiManager guiManager, string text, Transform worldPointToFollow, Camera camera) { mTweakablesHandler = new TweakablesHandler(mTweakablesPath, this); IgnoreUnusedVariableWarning(mTweakablesHandler); if (guiManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("guiManager"); } mGuiManager = guiManager; XmlGuiFactory loadTextBubble = new XmlGuiFactory(mResourcePath, guiManager); IGuiStyle bubbleStyle = null; IGuiStyle textStyle = null; foreach (IGuiStyle style in loadTextBubble.ConstructAllStyles()) { if (style == null) { continue; } if (style.Name == "TextBubbleStyleWindow") { bubbleStyle = style; } else if (style.Name == "TextBubbleStyleBase") { textStyle = style; } } if (bubbleStyle == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to load TextBubbleStyleWindow from xml file at 'Resources/" + mResourcePath + ".xml'"); } if (textStyle == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to load TextBubbleStyleBase from xml file at 'Resources/" + mResourcePath + ".xml'"); } foreach (IGuiElement element in loadTextBubble.ConstructAllElements()) { if (element is Window && element.Name == "TextBubbleWindow") { mBubbleWindow = (Window)element; } } if (mBubbleWindow == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to load TextBubbleWindow from xml file at 'Resources/" + mResourcePath + ".xml'"); } mFollowWorldSpaceObject = new FollowWorldSpaceObject ( camera, worldPointToFollow, GuiAnchor.BottomLeft, new Vector2(0.0f, 0), // SDN: TODO: make these offsets configurable new Vector3(0.0f, 1.8f, 0.0f) ); guiManager.SetTopLevelPosition ( mBubbleWindow, mFollowWorldSpaceObject ); Textbox bubbleText = mBubbleWindow.SelectSingleElement <Textbox>("**/TextBubbleTextbox"); mBubbleWindow.Style = bubbleStyle; bubbleText.Text = text; Image bubbleImage = mBubbleWindow.SelectSingleElement <Image>("**/TextBubbleImage"); GuiFrame mainFrame = mBubbleWindow.SelectSingleElement <GuiFrame>("**/TextBubbleFrame"); mainFrame.RemoveChildWidget(bubbleImage); // Set the size of the window to be the smallest that draws the entire chat message UnityEngine.GUIStyle unityStyle = bubbleText.Style.GenerateUnityGuiStyle(); unityStyle.wordWrap = false; GUIContent textContent = new GUIContent(text); Vector2 size = unityStyle.CalcSize(textContent); if (size.x > mMaxWidth) { size.x = mMaxWidth; unityStyle.wordWrap = true; size.y = unityStyle.CalcHeight(textContent, mMaxWidth); } if (size.x < mMinWidth) { size.x = mMinWidth; } size.x += mBubbleWindow.Style.InternalMargins.Left + mBubbleWindow.Style.InternalMargins.Right; size.y += mBubbleWindow.Style.InternalMargins.Top + mBubbleWindow.Style.InternalMargins.Bottom; mBubbleWindow.GuiSize = new FixedSize(size); }
private void OnGUI() { if (whiteStyle == null) { whiteStyle = new GUIStyle(); Texture2D img = new Texture2D(2, 2); Color[] colors = new Color[img.width * img.height]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) { colors[i] = Color.white; } img.SetPixels(colors); img.Apply(); whiteStyle.normal.background = img; } if (colorButtonStyle == null) { colorButtonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); colorButtonStyle.normal.background = whiteStyle.normal.background; = whiteStyle.normal.background; colorButtonStyle.hover.background = whiteStyle.normal.background; } if (labelStyle == null) { labelStyle = new GUIStyle("label"); labelStyle.normal.textColor = progressMsgColor; labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } Rect rect = new Rect(progressRect); rect.x *= Screen.width; rect.y *= Screen.height; rect.width *= Screen.width; rect.height *= Screen.height; GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), GUIContent.none, whiteStyle); GUI.backgroundColor = progressBackgroundColor; GUI.Box(rect, GUIContent.none, whiteStyle); GUI.backgroundColor = progressForegroundColor; GUI.Box(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width * progress, rect.height), GUIContent.none, whiteStyle); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; string msg = "", progressText = ""; string versionStr = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionFormat) && AssetBundles.Version != null) { versionStr = versionFormat.FormatStringWithKey(formatValues); } switch (AssetBundles.Status) { case AssetBundleStatus.Downloading: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadMsgFormat) && AssetBundles.DownloadTotal > 0) { msg = downloadMsgFormat.FormatStringWithKey(formatValues); progressText = downloadProgressFormat.FormatStringWithKey(formatValues); } break; case AssetBundleStatus.Preloading: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(preloadMsgFormat) && AssetBundles.PreloadedTotal > 0) { msg = preloadMsgFormat.FormatStringWithKey(formatValues); progressText = preloadProgressFormat.FormatStringWithKey(formatValues); } break; case AssetBundleStatus.Error: msg = downloadErrorMsg; break; } Vector2 size = labelStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(versionStr)); GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y - size.y, size.x, size.y), versionStr, labelStyle); using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(rect, GUIContent.none)) using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(msg, labelStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false), GUILayout.Height(rect.height)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (AssetBundles.Status == AssetBundleStatus.None || AssetBundles.Status == AssetBundleStatus.Error) { GUI.backgroundColor = retryButtonBackgroundColor; if (GUILayout.Button(retryButtonText, colorButtonStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false), GUILayout.Height(rect.height))) { AssetBundles.InitializeAsync(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } else { GUILayout.Label(progressText, labelStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false), GUILayout.Height(rect.height)); } } }