internal void ApplyShorthandProperty(StylePropertyReader reader) { switch (reader.propertyID) { case StylePropertyID.BorderColor: ShorthandApplicator.ApplyBorderColor(reader, this); break; case StylePropertyID.BorderRadius: ShorthandApplicator.ApplyBorderRadius(reader, this); break; case StylePropertyID.BorderWidth: ShorthandApplicator.ApplyBorderWidth(reader, this); break; case StylePropertyID.Flex: ShorthandApplicator.ApplyFlex(reader, this); break; case StylePropertyID.Margin: ShorthandApplicator.ApplyMargin(reader, this); break; case StylePropertyID.Padding: ShorthandApplicator.ApplyPadding(reader, this); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Non exhaustive switch statement (value={0})", reader.propertyID)); } }
public static void ApplyBorderWidth(StylePropertyReader reader, VisualElementStylesData styleData) { StyleLength top; StyleLength right; StyleLength bottom; StyleLength left; CompileBoxArea(reader, out top, out right, out bottom, out left); // border-width doesn't support any keyword, revert to 0 in that case if (top.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { top.value = 0f; } if (right.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { right.value = 0f; } if (bottom.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { bottom.value = 0f; } if (left.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { left.value = 0f; } styleData.borderTopWidth = top.ToStyleFloat(); styleData.borderRightWidth = right.ToStyleFloat(); styleData.borderBottomWidth = bottom.ToStyleFloat(); styleData.borderLeftWidth = left.ToStyleFloat(); }
private static void CompileBoxArea(StylePropertyReader reader, out StyleLength top, out StyleLength right, out StyleLength bottom, out StyleLength left) { top = 0f; right = 0f; bottom = 0f; left = 0f; switch (reader.valueCount) { case 0: break; case 1: top = (right = (bottom = (left = reader.ReadStyleLength(0)))); break; case 2: top = (bottom = reader.ReadStyleLength(0)); left = (right = reader.ReadStyleLength(1)); break; case 3: top = reader.ReadStyleLength(0); left = (right = reader.ReadStyleLength(1)); bottom = reader.ReadStyleLength(2); break; default: top = reader.ReadStyleLength(0); right = reader.ReadStyleLength(1); bottom = reader.ReadStyleLength(2); left = reader.ReadStyleLength(3); break; } }
public static void ApplyBorderColor(StylePropertyReader reader, VisualElementStylesData styleData) { StyleColor top; StyleColor right; StyleColor bottom; StyleColor left; CompileBoxArea(reader, out top, out right, out bottom, out left); // border-color doesn't support any keyword, revert to Color.clear in that case if (top.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { top.value = Color.clear; } if (right.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { right.value = Color.clear; } if (bottom.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { bottom.value = Color.clear; } if (left.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { left.value = Color.clear; } styleData.borderTopColor.Apply(top, StylePropertyApplyMode.CopyIfEqualOrGreaterSpecificity); styleData.borderRightColor.Apply(right, StylePropertyApplyMode.CopyIfEqualOrGreaterSpecificity); styleData.borderBottomColor.Apply(bottom, StylePropertyApplyMode.CopyIfEqualOrGreaterSpecificity); styleData.borderLeftColor.Apply(left, StylePropertyApplyMode.CopyIfEqualOrGreaterSpecificity); }
private static void CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(StylePropertyReader reader, out StyleLength top, out StyleLength right, out StyleLength bottom, out StyleLength left) { ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxArea(reader, out top, out right, out bottom, out left); bool flag = top.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag) { top.value = 0f; } bool flag2 = right.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag2) { right.value = 0f; } bool flag3 = bottom.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag3) { bottom.value = 0f; } bool flag4 = left.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag4) { left.value = 0f; } }
public static void ApplyBorderRadius(StylePropertyReader reader, VisualElementStylesData styleData) { StyleLength topLeft; StyleLength topRight; StyleLength bottomLeft; StyleLength bottomRight; CompileBoxArea(reader, out topLeft, out topRight, out bottomRight, out bottomLeft); // border-radius doesn't support any keyword, revert to 0 in that case if (topLeft.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { topLeft.value = 0f; } if (topRight.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { topRight.value = 0f; } if (bottomLeft.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { bottomLeft.value = 0f; } if (bottomRight.keyword != StyleKeyword.Undefined) { bottomRight.value = 0f; } styleData.borderTopLeftRadius = topLeft; styleData.borderTopRightRadius = topRight; styleData.borderBottomLeftRadius = bottomLeft; styleData.borderBottomRightRadius = bottomRight; }
public static void ApplyUnityTextOutline(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileTextOutline(reader, out Color unityTextOutlineColor, out float unityTextOutlineWidth); computedStyle.inheritedData.Write().unityTextOutlineColor = unityTextOutlineColor; computedStyle.inheritedData.Write().unityTextOutlineWidth = unityTextOutlineWidth; }
public static void ApplyFlex(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileFlexShorthand(reader, out float flexGrow, out float flexShrink, out Length flexBasis); computedStyle.layoutData.Write().flexGrow = flexGrow; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().flexShrink = flexShrink; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().flexBasis = flexBasis; }
private static void CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(StylePropertyReader reader, out StyleColor top, out StyleColor right, out StyleColor bottom, out StyleColor left) { top = Color.clear; right = Color.clear; bottom = Color.clear; left = Color.clear; switch (reader.valueCount) { case 0: break; case 1: top = (right = (bottom = (left = reader.ReadStyleColor(0)))); break; case 2: top = (bottom = reader.ReadStyleColor(0)); left = (right = reader.ReadStyleColor(1)); break; case 3: top = reader.ReadStyleColor(0); left = (right = reader.ReadStyleColor(1)); bottom = reader.ReadStyleColor(2); break; default: top = reader.ReadStyleColor(0); right = reader.ReadStyleColor(1); bottom = reader.ReadStyleColor(2); left = reader.ReadStyleColor(3); break; } bool flag = top.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag) { top.value = Color.clear; } bool flag2 = right.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag2) { right.value = Color.clear; } bool flag3 = bottom.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag3) { bottom.value = Color.clear; } bool flag4 = left.keyword > StyleKeyword.Undefined; if (flag4) { left.value = Color.clear; } }
public static void ApplyTransition(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileTransition(reader, out List <TimeValue> transitionDelay, out List <TimeValue> transitionDuration, out List <StylePropertyName> transitionProperty, out List <EasingFunction> transitionTimingFunction); computedStyle.transitionData.Write().transitionDelay.CopyFrom(transitionDelay); computedStyle.transitionData.Write().transitionDuration.CopyFrom(transitionDuration); computedStyle.transitionData.Write().transitionProperty.CopyFrom(transitionProperty); computedStyle.transitionData.Write().transitionTimingFunction.CopyFrom(transitionTimingFunction); }
public static void ApplyPadding(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileBoxArea(reader, out Length paddingTop, out Length paddingRight, out Length paddingBottom, out Length paddingLeft); computedStyle.layoutData.Write().paddingTop = paddingTop; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().paddingRight = paddingRight; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().paddingBottom = paddingBottom; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().paddingLeft = paddingLeft; }
public static void ApplyMargin(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileBoxArea(reader, out Length marginTop, out Length marginRight, out Length marginBottom, out Length marginLeft); computedStyle.layoutData.Write().marginTop = marginTop; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().marginRight = marginRight; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().marginBottom = marginBottom; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().marginLeft = marginLeft; }
public static void ApplyBorderColor(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileBoxArea(reader, out Color borderTopColor, out Color borderRightColor, out Color borderBottomColor, out Color borderLeftColor); computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderTopColor = borderTopColor; computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderRightColor = borderRightColor; computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderBottomColor = borderBottomColor; computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderLeftColor = borderLeftColor; }
public static void ApplyBorderRadius(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileBorderRadius(reader, out Length borderTopLeftRadius, out Length borderTopRightRadius, out Length borderBottomRightRadius, out Length borderBottomLeftRadius); computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderTopLeftRadius = borderTopLeftRadius; computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderTopRightRadius = borderTopRightRadius; computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderBottomRightRadius = borderBottomRightRadius; computedStyle.visualData.Write().borderBottomLeftRadius = borderBottomLeftRadius; }
public static void ApplyBorderWidth(StylePropertyReader reader, ref ComputedStyle computedStyle) { CompileBoxArea(reader, out float borderTopWidth, out float borderRightWidth, out float borderBottomWidth, out float borderLeftWidth); computedStyle.layoutData.Write().borderTopWidth = borderTopWidth; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().borderRightWidth = borderRightWidth; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().borderBottomWidth = borderBottomWidth; computedStyle.layoutData.Write().borderLeftWidth = borderLeftWidth; }
private void ApplyUnsetStyleValue(StylePropertyReader reader, InheritedStylesData inheritedStylesData) { if (inheritedStylesData == null) { ApplyInitialStyleValue(reader); } var specificity = reader.specificity; switch (reader.propertyID) { case StylePropertyID.Color: color = inheritedStylesData.color; color.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.Font: unityFont = inheritedStylesData.font; unityFont.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.FontSize: fontSize = inheritedStylesData.fontSize; fontSize.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.FontStyleAndWeight: unityFontStyleAndWeight = inheritedStylesData.unityFontStyle; unityFontStyleAndWeight.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.UnityTextAlign: unityTextAlign = inheritedStylesData.unityTextAlign; unityTextAlign.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.Visibility: visibility = inheritedStylesData.visibility; visibility.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.WhiteSpace: whiteSpace = inheritedStylesData.whiteSpace; whiteSpace.specificity = specificity; break; case StylePropertyID.Custom: RemoveCustomStyleProperty(; break; default: ApplyInitialStyleValue(reader.propertyID, specificity); break; } }
private void ApplyInitialStyleValue(StylePropertyReader reader) { if (reader.propertyID == StylePropertyID.Custom) { RemoveCustomStyleProperty(; } else { ApplyInitialStyleValue(reader.propertyID, reader.specificity); } }
public static void ApplyFlex(StylePropertyReader reader, ComputedStyle computedStyle) { StyleFloat flexGrow; StyleFloat flexShrink; StyleLength flexBasis; ShorthandApplicator.CompileFlexShorthand(reader, out flexGrow, out flexShrink, out flexBasis); computedStyle.nonInheritedData.flexGrow = flexGrow; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.flexShrink = flexShrink; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.flexBasis = flexBasis; }
public static void ApplyBorderRadius(StylePropertyReader reader, ComputedStyle computedStyle) { StyleLength borderTopLeftRadius; StyleLength borderTopRightRadius; StyleLength borderBottomRightRadius; StyleLength borderBottomLeftRadius; ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(reader, out borderTopLeftRadius, out borderTopRightRadius, out borderBottomRightRadius, out borderBottomLeftRadius); computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderTopLeftRadius = borderTopLeftRadius; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderTopRightRadius = borderTopRightRadius; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderBottomRightRadius = borderBottomRightRadius; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderBottomLeftRadius = borderBottomLeftRadius; }
private static void CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(StylePropertyReader reader, out StyleFloat top, out StyleFloat right, out StyleFloat bottom, out StyleFloat left) { StyleLength styleLength; StyleLength styleLength2; StyleLength styleLength3; StyleLength styleLength4; ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(reader, out styleLength, out styleLength2, out styleLength3, out styleLength4); top = styleLength.ToStyleFloat(); right = styleLength2.ToStyleFloat(); bottom = styleLength3.ToStyleFloat(); left = styleLength4.ToStyleFloat(); }
public static void ApplyBorderWidth(StylePropertyReader reader, ComputedStyle computedStyle) { StyleFloat borderTopWidth; StyleFloat borderRightWidth; StyleFloat borderBottomWidth; StyleFloat borderLeftWidth; ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(reader, out borderTopWidth, out borderRightWidth, out borderBottomWidth, out borderLeftWidth); computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderTopWidth = borderTopWidth; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderRightWidth = borderRightWidth; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderBottomWidth = borderBottomWidth; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderLeftWidth = borderLeftWidth; }
public static void ApplyBorderColor(StylePropertyReader reader, ComputedStyle computedStyle) { StyleColor borderTopColor; StyleColor borderRightColor; StyleColor borderBottomColor; StyleColor borderLeftColor; ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(reader, out borderTopColor, out borderRightColor, out borderBottomColor, out borderLeftColor); computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderTopColor = borderTopColor; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderRightColor = borderRightColor; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderBottomColor = borderBottomColor; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.borderLeftColor = borderLeftColor; }
public static void ApplyMargin(StylePropertyReader reader, ComputedStyle computedStyle) { StyleLength marginTop; StyleLength marginRight; StyleLength marginBottom; StyleLength marginLeft; ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxArea(reader, out marginTop, out marginRight, out marginBottom, out marginLeft); computedStyle.nonInheritedData.marginTop = marginTop; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.marginRight = marginRight; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.marginBottom = marginBottom; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.marginLeft = marginLeft; }
public static void ApplyPadding(StylePropertyReader reader, ComputedStyle computedStyle) { StyleLength paddingTop; StyleLength paddingRight; StyleLength paddingBottom; StyleLength paddingLeft; ShorthandApplicator.CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(reader, out paddingTop, out paddingRight, out paddingBottom, out paddingLeft); computedStyle.nonInheritedData.paddingTop = paddingTop; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.paddingRight = paddingRight; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.paddingBottom = paddingBottom; computedStyle.nonInheritedData.paddingLeft = paddingLeft; }
public static void ApplyPadding(StylePropertyReader reader, VisualElementStylesData styleData) { StyleLength top; StyleLength right; StyleLength bottom; StyleLength left; CompileBoxArea(reader, out top, out right, out bottom, out left); styleData.paddingTop = top; styleData.paddingRight = right; styleData.paddingBottom = bottom; styleData.paddingLeft = left; }
private static void CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(StylePropertyReader reader, out StyleFloat top, out StyleFloat right, out StyleFloat bottom, out StyleFloat left) { StyleLength t; StyleLength r; StyleLength b; StyleLength l; CompileBoxAreaNoKeyword(reader, out t, out r, out b, out l); top = t.ToStyleFloat(); right = r.ToStyleFloat(); bottom = b.ToStyleFloat(); left = l.ToStyleFloat(); }
public static void ApplyFlex(StylePropertyReader reader, VisualElementStylesData styleData) { StyleFloat grow; StyleFloat shrink; StyleLength basis; bool valid = CompileFlexShorthand(reader, out grow, out shrink, out basis); if (valid) { styleData.flexGrow = grow; styleData.flexShrink = shrink; styleData.flexBasis = basis; } }
private static void CompileBoxArea(StylePropertyReader reader, out float top, out float right, out float bottom, out float left) { Length t; Length r; Length b; Length l; CompileBoxArea(reader, out t, out r, out b, out l); top = t.value; right = r.value; bottom = b.value; left = l.value; }
private static void CompileBoxArea(StylePropertyReader reader, out Length top, out Length right, out Length bottom, out Length left) { top = 0f; right = 0f; bottom = 0f; left = 0f; var valueCount = reader.valueCount; switch (valueCount) { // apply to all four sides case 0: break; case 1: { top = right = bottom = left = reader.ReadLength(0); break; } // vertical | horizontal case 2: { top = bottom = reader.ReadLength(0); left = right = reader.ReadLength(1); break; } // top | horizontal | bottom case 3: { top = reader.ReadLength(0); left = right = reader.ReadLength(1); bottom = reader.ReadLength(2); break; } // top | right | bottom | left default: { top = reader.ReadLength(0); right = reader.ReadLength(1); bottom = reader.ReadLength(2); left = reader.ReadLength(3); break; } } }
private static void CompileBoxArea(StylePropertyReader reader, out Color top, out Color right, out Color bottom, out Color left) { top = Color.clear; right = Color.clear; bottom = Color.clear; left = Color.clear; var valueCount = reader.valueCount; switch (valueCount) { // apply to all four sides case 0: break; case 1: { top = right = bottom = left = reader.ReadColor(0); break; } // vertical | horizontal case 2: { top = bottom = reader.ReadColor(0); left = right = reader.ReadColor(1); break; } // top | horizontal | bottom case 3: { top = reader.ReadColor(0); left = right = reader.ReadColor(1); bottom = reader.ReadColor(2); break; } // top | right | bottom | left default: { top = reader.ReadColor(0); right = reader.ReadColor(1); bottom = reader.ReadColor(2); left = reader.ReadColor(3); break; } } }