private EventPropagation SendEventToIMGUIContainers(VisualElement root, Event evt, VisualElement skipElement) { IMGUIContainer iMGUIContainer = root as IMGUIContainer; EventPropagation result; if (iMGUIContainer != null && iMGUIContainer != skipElement) { if (iMGUIContainer.HandleEvent(evt, iMGUIContainer) == EventPropagation.Stop) { result = EventPropagation.Stop; } else { result = EventPropagation.Continue; } } else { VisualContainer visualContainer = root as VisualContainer; if (visualContainer != null) { for (int i = 0; i < visualContainer.childrenCount; i++) { if (this.SendEventToIMGUIContainers(visualContainer.GetChildAt(i), evt, skipElement) == EventPropagation.Stop) { result = EventPropagation.Stop; return(result); } } } result = EventPropagation.Continue; } return(result); }
// End the 2D GUI. internal static void EndContainerGUI(Event evt) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout && s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { var r = s_ContainerStack.Peek().layout; GUILayoutUtility.LayoutFromContainer(r.width, r.height); } // restore cache GUILayoutUtility.SelectIDList(GUIUtility.s_OriginalID, false); GUIContent.ClearStaticCache(); if (s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { IMGUIContainer container = s_ContainerStack.Peek(); if (s_EndContainerCallback != null) { s_EndContainerCallback(container); } } evt.CopyFrom(Event.current); if (s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { GUIUtility.EndContainer(); s_ContainerStack.Pop(); } }
internal void SyncIMGUIFocus(int imguiKeyboardControlID, IMGUIContainer imguiContainerHavingKeyboardControl) { this.imguiKeyboardControl = imguiKeyboardControlID; if (this.imguiKeyboardControl != 0) { this.SwitchFocus(imguiContainerHavingKeyboardControl, FocusChangeDirection.unspecified); } else { this.SwitchFocus(null, FocusChangeDirection.unspecified); } }
private static void GetCurrentTransformAndClip(IMGUIContainer container, Event evt, out Matrix4x4 transform, out Rect clipRect) { clipRect = container.lastWorldClip; if (clipRect.width == 0f || clipRect.height == 0f) { clipRect = container.worldBound; } transform = container.worldTransform; if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint && container.elementPanel != null && container.elementPanel.stylePainter != null) { transform = container.elementPanel.stylePainter.currentTransform; } }
internal void SyncIMGUIFocus(IMGUIContainer imguiContainerHavingKeyboardControl) { if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != this.imguiKeyboardControl) { this.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != 0) { this.SwitchFocus(imguiContainerHavingKeyboardControl, FocusChangeDirection.unspecified); } else { this.SwitchFocus(null, FocusChangeDirection.unspecified); } } }
private static void TakeCapture() { if (UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { IMGUIContainer iMGUIContainer = UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Peek(); if (iMGUIContainer.GUIDepth == GUIUtility.Internal_GetGUIDepth()) { if (MouseCaptureController.IsMouseCaptureTaken() && !iMGUIContainer.HasMouseCapture()) { Debug.Log("Should not grab hot control with an active capture"); } iMGUIContainer.TakeMouseCapture(); } } }
private static void TakeCapture() { if (UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { IMGUIContainer imguicontainer = UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Peek(); if (imguicontainer.GUIDepth == GUIUtility.Internal_GetGUIDepth()) { if (UIElementsUtility.eventDispatcher.capture != null && UIElementsUtility.eventDispatcher.capture != imguicontainer) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Should not grab hot control with an active capture (current={0} new={1}", UIElementsUtility.eventDispatcher.capture, imguicontainer)); } UIElementsUtility.eventDispatcher.TakeCapture(imguicontainer); } } }
private static void GetCurrentTransformAndClip(IMGUIContainer container, Event evt, out Matrix4x4 transform, out Rect clipRect) { clipRect = container.lastWorldClip; if (clipRect.width == 0.0f || clipRect.height == 0.0f) { // lastWorldClip will be empty until the first repaint occurred, // we fall back on the worldBound in this case. clipRect = container.worldBound; } transform = container.worldTransform; if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint && container.elementPanel != null) { // during repaint, we must use in case the current transform is not relative to Panel // this is to account for the pixel caching feature transform = container.elementPanel.repaintData.currentOffset * container.worldTransform; } }
internal static void EndContainerGUI() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout && UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { Rect globalBound = UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Peek().globalBound; GUILayoutUtility.LayoutFromContainer(globalBound.width, globalBound.height); } GUILayoutUtility.SelectIDList(GUIUtility.s_OriginalID, false); GUIContent.ClearStaticCache(); if (UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Count > 0) { IMGUIContainer obj = UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Peek(); if (UIElementsUtility.s_EndContainerCallback != null) { UIElementsUtility.s_EndContainerCallback(obj); } GUIUtility.EndContainer(); UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Pop(); } }
private static void PropagateToIMGUIContainer(VisualElement root, EventBase evt, VisualElement capture) { IMGUIContainer iMGUIContainer = root as IMGUIContainer; if (iMGUIContainer != null && (evt.imguiEvent.type == EventType.Used || root != capture)) { if (iMGUIContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else if (root != null) { for (int i = 0; i < root.shadow.childCount; i++) { EventDispatcher.PropagateToIMGUIContainer(root.shadow[i], evt, capture); if (evt.isPropagationStopped) { break; } } } }
internal static void BeginContainerGUI(GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache cache, Event evt, IMGUIContainer container) { if (container.useOwnerObjectGUIState) { GUIUtility.BeginContainerFromOwner(container.elementPanel.ownerObject); } else { GUIUtility.BeginContainer(container.guiState); } UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Push(container); GUIUtility.s_SkinMode = (int)container.contextType; GUIUtility.s_OriginalID = container.elementPanel.ownerObject.GetInstanceID(); Event.current = evt; GUI.enabled = container.enabledInHierarchy; GUILayoutUtility.BeginContainer(cache); GUIUtility.ResetGlobalState(); Rect clipRect = container.lastWorldClip; if (clipRect.width == 0f || clipRect.height == 0f) { clipRect = container.worldBound; } Matrix4x4 lhs = container.worldTransform; if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint && container.elementPanel != null && container.elementPanel.stylePainter != null) { lhs = container.elementPanel.stylePainter.currentTransform; } GUIClip.SetTransform(lhs * Matrix4x4.Translate(container.layout.position), clipRect); }
internal static void BeginContainerGUI(GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache cache, int instanceID, Event evt, IMGUIContainer container) { GUIUtility.BeginContainer(instanceID); UIElementsUtility.s_ContainerStack.Push(container); GUIUtility.s_SkinMode = (int)container.contextType; GUIUtility.s_OriginalID = instanceID; Event.current = evt; if (UIElementsUtility.s_BeginContainerCallback != null) { UIElementsUtility.s_BeginContainerCallback(container); } GUILayoutUtility.BeginContainer(cache); GUIUtility.ResetGlobalState(); Rect clipRect = container.lastWorldClip; if (clipRect.width == 0f || clipRect.height == 0f) { clipRect = container.globalBound; } Matrix4x4 rhs = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(container.position.x, container.position.y, 0f), Quaternion.identity,; GUIClip.SetTransform(container.globalTransform * rhs, clipRect); }
public void DispatchEvent(EventBase evt, IPanel panel) { if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == IMGUIEvent.TypeId()) { Event e = evt.imguiEvent; if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { return; } } if (panel != null && panel.panelDebug != null && panel.panelDebug.enabled && panel.panelDebug.interceptEvents != null) { if (panel.panelDebug.interceptEvents(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); return; } } IMouseEvent mouseEvent = evt as IMouseEvent; IMouseEventInternal mouseEventInternal = evt as IMouseEventInternal; if (mouseEvent != null && mouseEventInternal != null && mouseEventInternal.hasUnderlyingPhysicalEvent) { m_LastMousePosition = mouseEvent.mousePosition; } bool eventHandled = false; // Release mouse capture if capture element is not in a panel. VisualElement captureVE = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture as VisualElement; if (evt.GetEventTypeId() != MouseCaptureOutEvent.TypeId() && captureVE != null && captureVE.panel == null) { Event e = evt.imguiEvent; Debug.Log(String.Format("Capture has no panel, forcing removal (capture={0} eventType={1})", MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture, e != null ? e.type.ToString() : "null")); MouseCaptureController.ReleaseMouseCapture(); } // Send all IMGUI events (for backward compatibility) and MouseEvents with null target (because thats what we want to do in the new system) // to the capture, if there is one. Note that events coming from IMGUI have their target set to null. bool sendEventToMouseCapture = false; bool mouseEventWasCaptured = false; if (MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture != null) { if (evt.imguiEvent != null && == null) { // Non exclusive processing by capturing element. sendEventToMouseCapture = true; mouseEventWasCaptured = false; } if (mouseEvent != null && ( == null || == MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture)) { // Exclusive processing by capturing element. sendEventToMouseCapture = true; mouseEventWasCaptured = true; } if (panel != null) { if (captureVE != null && captureVE.panel.contextType != panel.contextType) { // Capturing element is not in the right context. Ignore it. sendEventToMouseCapture = false; mouseEventWasCaptured = false; } } } evt.skipElement = null; if (sendEventToMouseCapture) { IEventHandler originalCaptureElement = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; eventHandled = true; evt.dispatch = true; = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; evt.currentTarget = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.AtTarget; MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture.HandleEvent(evt); // Do further processing with a target computed the usual way. // However, if mouseEventWasCaptured, the only thing remaining to do is ExecuteDefaultAction, // which whould be done with mouseCapture as the target. if (!mouseEventWasCaptured) { = null; } evt.currentTarget = null; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.None; evt.dispatch = false; // Do not call HandleEvent again for this element. evt.skipElement = originalCaptureElement; } if (!mouseEventWasCaptured && !evt.isPropagationStopped) { if (evt is IKeyboardEvent && panel != null) { eventHandled = true; if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null) { IMGUIContainer imguiContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer; if (imguiContainer != null) { // THINK ABOUT THIS PF: shoudln't we allow for the capture dispatch phase? if (imguiContainer != evt.skipElement && imguiContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else { = panel.focusController.focusedElement; PropagateEvent(evt); } } else { = panel.visualTree; PropagateEvent(evt); if (!evt.isPropagationStopped) { PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt); } } } else if (mouseEvent != null) { // FIXME: we should not change hover state when capture is true. // However, when doing drag and drop, drop target should be highlighted. // TODO when EditorWindow is docked MouseLeaveWindow is not always sent // this is a problem in itself but it could leave some elements as "hover" if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseLeaveWindowEvent.TypeId()) { VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = m_TopElementUnderMouse; m_TopElementUnderMouse = null; DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent); DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent); } else if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == DragExitedEvent.TypeId()) { VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = m_TopElementUnderMouse; m_TopElementUnderMouse = null; DispatchDragEnterDragLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent); } // update element under mouse and fire necessary events else { VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = m_TopElementUnderMouse; if ( == null && panel != null) { m_TopElementUnderMouse = panel.Pick(mouseEvent.mousePosition); = m_TopElementUnderMouse; } if ( != null) { eventHandled = true; PropagateEvent(evt); } if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseMoveEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseDownEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseUpEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseEnterWindowEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == WheelEvent.TypeId()) { DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent); DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent); } else if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == DragUpdatedEvent.TypeId()) { DispatchDragEnterDragLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent); } } } else if (panel != null && evt is ICommandEvent) { IMGUIContainer imguiContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer; eventHandled = true; if (imguiContainer != null) { if (imguiContainer != evt.skipElement && imguiContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null) { = panel.focusController.focusedElement; PropagateEvent(evt); } else { PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt); } } else if (evt is IPropagatableEvent || evt is IFocusEvent || evt is IChangeEvent || evt.GetEventTypeId() == InputEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == GeometryChangedEvent.TypeId()) { Debug.Assert( != null); eventHandled = true; PropagateEvent(evt); } } if (!mouseEventWasCaptured && !evt.isPropagationStopped && panel != null) { Event e = evt.imguiEvent; if (!eventHandled || (e != null && e.type == EventType.Used) || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseEnterWindowEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseLeaveWindowEvent.TypeId()) { PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt); } } if ( == null && panel != null) { = panel.visualTree; } ExecuteDefaultAction(evt); }
public void DispatchEvent(EventBase evt, IPanel panel) { Event imguiEvent = evt.imguiEvent; if (imguiEvent == null || imguiEvent.type != EventType.Repaint) { if (panel != null && panel.panelDebug != null && panel.panelDebug.enabled && panel.panelDebug.interceptEvents != null && panel.panelDebug.interceptEvents(imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); } else { bool flag = false; VisualElement visualElement = null; if ((evt is IMouseEvent || imguiEvent != null) && MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture != null) { visualElement = (MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture as VisualElement); if (visualElement != null && visualElement.panel == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Capture has no panel, forcing removal (capture={0} eventType={1})", MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture, (imguiEvent == null) ? "null" : imguiEvent.type.ToString())); MouseCaptureController.ReleaseMouseCapture(); visualElement = null; } if (panel != null) { if (visualElement != null && visualElement.panel.contextType != panel.contextType) { return; } } flag = true; evt.dispatch = true; if (MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture != null) { = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; evt.currentTarget = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.AtTarget; MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture.HandleEvent(evt); } evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.None; evt.currentTarget = null; evt.dispatch = false; } if (evt.isPropagationStopped) { if ( == null && panel != null) { = panel.visualTree; } if ( != null && != MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture) { evt.dispatch = true; evt.currentTarget =; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.AtTarget;; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.None; evt.currentTarget = null; evt.dispatch = false; } } if (!evt.isPropagationStopped) { if (evt is IKeyboardEvent && panel != null) { if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null) { IMGUIContainer iMGUIContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer; flag = true; if (iMGUIContainer != null) { if (iMGUIContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else { = panel.focusController.focusedElement; EventDispatcher.PropagateEvent(evt); } } else { = panel.visualTree; EventDispatcher.PropagateEvent(evt); flag = false; } } else if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <MouseEnterEvent> .TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <MouseLeaveEvent> .TypeId()) { Debug.Assert( != null); flag = true; EventDispatcher.PropagateEvent(evt); } else if (evt is IMouseEvent || (imguiEvent != null && (imguiEvent.type == EventType.ContextClick || imguiEvent.type == EventType.DragUpdated || imguiEvent.type == EventType.DragPerform || imguiEvent.type == EventType.DragExited))) { VisualElement topElementUnderMouse = this.m_TopElementUnderMouse; if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <MouseLeaveWindowEvent> .TypeId()) { this.m_TopElementUnderMouse = null; this.DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(topElementUnderMouse, this.m_TopElementUnderMouse, imguiEvent); this.DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(topElementUnderMouse, this.m_TopElementUnderMouse, imguiEvent); } else if (evt is IMouseEvent || imguiEvent != null) { if ( == null && panel != null) { if (evt is IMouseEvent) { this.m_TopElementUnderMouse = panel.Pick((evt as IMouseEvent).localMousePosition); } else if (imguiEvent != null) { this.m_TopElementUnderMouse = panel.Pick(imguiEvent.mousePosition); } = this.m_TopElementUnderMouse; } if ( != null) { flag = true; EventDispatcher.PropagateEvent(evt); } if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <MouseMoveEvent> .TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <MouseEnterWindowEvent> .TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <WheelEvent> .TypeId() || (imguiEvent != null && imguiEvent.type == EventType.DragUpdated)) { this.DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(topElementUnderMouse, this.m_TopElementUnderMouse, imguiEvent); this.DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(topElementUnderMouse, this.m_TopElementUnderMouse, imguiEvent); } } } else if (panel != null && imguiEvent != null && (imguiEvent.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand || imguiEvent.type == EventType.ValidateCommand)) { IMGUIContainer iMGUIContainer2 = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer; if (iMGUIContainer2 != null) { flag = true; if (iMGUIContainer2.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null) { flag = true; = panel.focusController.focusedElement; EventDispatcher.PropagateEvent(evt); } else { flag = true; EventDispatcher.PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt, visualElement); } } else if (evt is IPropagatableEvent || evt is IFocusEvent || evt is IChangeEvent || evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <PostLayoutEvent> .TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == EventBase <InputEvent> .TypeId()) { Debug.Assert( != null); flag = true; EventDispatcher.PropagateEvent(evt); } } if (!evt.isPropagationStopped && imguiEvent != null && panel != null) { if (!flag || (imguiEvent != null && (imguiEvent.type == EventType.MouseEnterWindow || imguiEvent.type == EventType.MouseLeaveWindow || imguiEvent.type == EventType.Used))) { EventDispatcher.PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt, visualElement); } } if ( == null && panel != null) { = panel.visualTree; } EventDispatcher.ExecuteDefaultAction(evt); } } }
public void DispatchEvent(EventBase evt, IPanel panel) { Event e = evt.imguiEvent; if (e != null && e.type == EventType.Repaint) { return; } if (panel != null && panel.panelDebug != null && panel.panelDebug.enabled && panel.panelDebug.interceptEvents != null) { if (panel.panelDebug.interceptEvents(e)) { evt.StopPropagation(); return; } } bool invokedHandleEvent = false; VisualElement captureVE = null; // Send all IMGUI events (for backward compatibility) and MouseEvents (because thats what we want to do in the new system) // to the capture, if there is one. if ((evt is IMouseEvent || e != null) && MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture != null) { captureVE = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture as VisualElement; if (captureVE != null && captureVE.panel == null) { Debug.Log(String.Format("Capture has no panel, forcing removal (capture={0} eventType={1})", MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture, e != null ? e.type.ToString() : "null")); MouseCaptureController.ReleaseMouseCapture(); captureVE = null; } if (panel != null) { if (captureVE != null && captureVE.panel.contextType != panel.contextType) { return; } } invokedHandleEvent = true; evt.dispatch = true; if (MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture != null) { = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; evt.currentTarget = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.AtTarget; MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture.HandleEvent(evt); } evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.None; evt.currentTarget = null; evt.dispatch = false; } if (evt.isPropagationStopped) { // Make sure to call default actions at target, but dont call it twice on mouse capture if ( == null && panel != null) { = panel.visualTree; } if ( != null && != MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture) { evt.dispatch = true; evt.currentTarget =; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.AtTarget;; evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.None; evt.currentTarget = null; evt.dispatch = false; } } if (!evt.isPropagationStopped) { if (evt is IKeyboardEvent && panel != null) { if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null) { IMGUIContainer imguiContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer; invokedHandleEvent = true; if (imguiContainer != null) { if (imguiContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else { = panel.focusController.focusedElement; PropagateEvent(evt); } } else { = panel.visualTree; PropagateEvent(evt); // Force call to PropagateToIMGUIContainer(), even if capture != null. invokedHandleEvent = false; } } else if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseEnterEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseLeaveEvent.TypeId()) { Debug.Assert( != null); invokedHandleEvent = true; PropagateEvent(evt); } else if (evt is IMouseEvent || ( e != null && ( e.type == EventType.ContextClick || e.type == EventType.DragUpdated || e.type == EventType.DragPerform || e.type == EventType.DragExited ) )) { // FIXME: we should not change hover state when capture is true. // However, when doing drag and drop, drop target should be highlighted. // TODO when EditorWindow is docked MouseLeaveWindow is not always sent // this is a problem in itself but it could leave some elements as "hover" VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = m_TopElementUnderMouse; if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseLeaveWindowEvent.TypeId()) { m_TopElementUnderMouse = null; DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, e); DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, e); } // update element under mouse and fire necessary events else if (evt is IMouseEvent || e != null) { if ( == null && panel != null) { if (evt is IMouseEvent) { m_TopElementUnderMouse = panel.Pick((evt as IMouseEvent).localMousePosition); } else if (e != null) { m_TopElementUnderMouse = panel.Pick(e.mousePosition); } = m_TopElementUnderMouse; } if ( != null) { invokedHandleEvent = true; PropagateEvent(evt); } if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseMoveEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseEnterWindowEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == WheelEvent.TypeId() || (e != null && e.type == EventType.DragUpdated)) { DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, e); DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(currentTopElementUnderMouse, m_TopElementUnderMouse, e); } } } else if (panel != null && e != null && (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand || e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand)) { IMGUIContainer imguiContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer; if (imguiContainer != null) { invokedHandleEvent = true; if (imguiContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent)) { evt.StopPropagation(); evt.PreventDefault(); } } else if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null) { invokedHandleEvent = true; = panel.focusController.focusedElement; PropagateEvent(evt); } else { invokedHandleEvent = true; PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt, captureVE); } } else if (evt is IPropagatableEvent || evt is IFocusEvent || evt is IChangeEvent || evt.GetEventTypeId() == InputEvent.TypeId() || evt.GetEventTypeId() == PostLayoutEvent.TypeId()) { Debug.Assert( != null); invokedHandleEvent = true; PropagateEvent(evt); } } if (!evt.isPropagationStopped && e != null && panel != null) { if (!invokedHandleEvent || e != null && ( e.type == EventType.MouseEnterWindow || e.type == EventType.MouseLeaveWindow || e.type == EventType.Used )) { PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt, captureVE); } } if ( == null && panel != null) { = panel.visualTree; } ExecuteDefaultAction(evt); }
internal static void BeginContainerGUI(GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache cache, Event evt, IMGUIContainer container) { if (container.useOwnerObjectGUIState) { GUIUtility.BeginContainerFromOwner(container.elementPanel.ownerObject); } else { GUIUtility.BeginContainer(container.guiState); } s_ContainerStack.Push(container); GUIUtility.s_SkinMode = (int)container.contextType; GUIUtility.s_OriginalID = container.elementPanel.ownerObject.GetInstanceID(); if (Event.current == null) { Event.current = evt; } else { Event.current.CopyFrom(evt); } // call AFTER setting current event if (s_BeginContainerCallback != null) { s_BeginContainerCallback(container); } GUI.enabled = container.enabledInHierarchy; GUILayoutUtility.BeginContainer(cache); GUIUtility.ResetGlobalState(); }
private void DoOnGUI(Event evt) { if (this.m_OnGUIHandler != null && base.panel != null) { int num = GUIClip.Internal_GetCount(); this.SaveGlobals(); UIElementsUtility.BeginContainerGUI(this.cache, evt, this); if (evt.type != EventType.Layout) { if (this.lostFocus) { if (this.focusController != null) { if (this.focusController.focusedElement == null || this.focusController.focusedElement == this || !(this.focusController.focusedElement is IMGUIContainer)) { GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; this.focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = 0; } } this.lostFocus = false; } if (this.receivedFocus) { if (this.focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.unspecified && this.focusChangeDirection != FocusChangeDirection.none) { if (this.focusChangeDirection == VisualElementFocusChangeDirection.left) { GUIUtility.SetKeyboardControlToLastControlId(); } else if (this.focusChangeDirection == VisualElementFocusChangeDirection.right) { GUIUtility.SetKeyboardControlToFirstControlId(); } } this.receivedFocus = false; this.focusChangeDirection = FocusChangeDirection.unspecified; if (this.focusController != null) { this.focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; } } } this.GUIDepth = GUIUtility.Internal_GetGUIDepth(); EventType type = Event.current.type; bool flag = false; try { Matrix4x4 objectTransform; Rect clipRect; IMGUIContainer.GetCurrentTransformAndClip(this, evt, out objectTransform, out clipRect); using (new GUIClip.ParentClipScope(objectTransform, clipRect)) { this.m_OnGUIHandler(); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (type != EventType.Layout) { throw; } flag = GUIUtility.IsExitGUIException(exception); if (!flag) { Debug.LogException(exception); } } finally { if (evt.type != EventType.Layout) { int keyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; int num2 = GUIUtility.CheckForTabEvent(evt); if (this.focusController != null) { if (num2 < 0) { Focusable focusedElement = this.focusController.focusedElement; using (KeyDownEvent pooled = KeyboardEventBase <KeyDownEvent> .GetPooled('\t', KeyCode.Tab, (num2 != -1) ? EventModifiers.Shift : EventModifiers.None)) { this.focusController.SwitchFocusOnEvent(pooled); } if (focusedElement == this) { if (this.focusController.focusedElement == this) { if (num2 == -2) { GUIUtility.SetKeyboardControlToLastControlId(); } else if (num2 == -1) { GUIUtility.SetKeyboardControlToFirstControlId(); } this.newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; this.focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; } else { GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; this.focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = 0; } } } else if (num2 > 0) { this.focusController.imguiKeyboardControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; this.newKeyboardFocusControlID = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; } else if (num2 == 0) { if (keyboardControl != GUIUtility.keyboardControl || type == EventType.MouseDown) { this.focusController.SyncIMGUIFocus(GUIUtility.keyboardControl, this); } } } this.hasFocusableControls = GUIUtility.HasFocusableControls(); } } EventType type2 = Event.current.type; UIElementsUtility.EndContainerGUI(); this.RestoreGlobals(); if (!flag) { if (type2 != EventType.Ignore && type2 != EventType.Used) { int num3 = GUIClip.Internal_GetCount(); if (num3 > num) { Debug.LogError("GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)"); } else if (num3 < num) { Debug.LogError("GUI Error: You are popping more GUIClips than you are pushing. Make sure they are balanced)"); } } } while (GUIClip.Internal_GetCount() > num) { GUIClip.Internal_Pop(); } if (type2 == EventType.Used) { base.Dirty(ChangeType.Repaint); } } }