public VisualElement Create(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc) { return(this.DoCreate(bag, cc)); }
protected abstract T DoCreate(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc);
private static VisualElement CreateToggle(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext ctx) { return(new Toggle(null)); }
private static VisualElement CreateButton(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext ctx) { return(new Button(null)); }
private static VisualElement CreateScrollerButton(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext ctx) { return(new ScrollerButton(null, bag.GetPropertyLong("delay", 0L), bag.GetPropertyLong("interval", 0L))); }
private static VisualElement CreateSlider(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext ctx) { return(new Slider(bag.GetPropertyFloat("lowValue", 0f), bag.GetPropertyFloat("highValue", 0f), null, bag.GetPropertyEnum <Slider.Direction>("direction", Slider.Direction.Horizontal), 10f)); }
private static VisualElement CreateIMGUIContainer(IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext ctx) { return(new IMGUIContainer(null)); }
private VisualElement CloneSetupRecursively(VisualElementAsset root, Dictionary <int, List <VisualElementAsset> > idToChildren, CreationContext context) { VisualElement ve = root.Create(context); // is the created templateContainer if ( == context.visualTreeAsset.contentContainerId) { if ( is TemplateContainer) { ((TemplateContainer); } else { Debug.LogError("Trying to clone a VisualTreeAsset with a custom content container into a element which is not a template container"); } } =; // if the current element had a slot-name attribute, put it in the resulting slot mapping string slotName; if (context.slotInsertionPoints != null && TryGetSlotInsertionPoint(, out slotName)) { context.slotInsertionPoints.Add(slotName, ve); } if (root.classes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < root.classes.Length; i++) { ve.AddToClassList(root.classes[i]); } } if (root.ruleIndex != -1) { if (inlineSheet == null) { Debug.LogWarning("VisualElementAsset has a RuleIndex but no inlineStyleSheet"); } else { StyleRule r = inlineSheet.rules[root.ruleIndex]; var stylesData = new VisualElementStylesData(false); ve.SetInlineStyles(stylesData); stylesData.ApplyRule(inlineSheet, Int32.MaxValue, r, StyleSheetCache.GetPropertyIDs(inlineSheet, root.ruleIndex)); } } var templateAsset = root as TemplateAsset; List <VisualElementAsset> children; if (idToChildren.TryGetValue(, out children)) { foreach (VisualElementAsset childVea in children) { // this will fill the slotInsertionPoints mapping VisualElement childVe = CloneSetupRecursively(childVea, idToChildren, context); if (childVe == null) { continue; } // if the parent is not a template asset, just add the child to whatever hierarchy we currently have // if ve is a scrollView (with contentViewport as contentContainer), this will go to the right place if (templateAsset == null) { ve.Add(childVe); continue; } int index = templateAsset.slotUsages == null ? -1 : templateAsset.slotUsages.FindIndex(u => u.assetId ==; if (index != -1) { VisualElement parentSlot; string key = templateAsset.slotUsages[index].slotName; Assert.IsFalse(String.IsNullOrEmpty(key), "a lost name should not be null or empty, this probably points to an importer or serialization bug"); if (context.slotInsertionPoints == null || !context.slotInsertionPoints.TryGetValue(key, out parentSlot)) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Slot '{0}' was not found. Existing slots: {1}", key, context.slotInsertionPoints == null ? String.Empty : String.Join(", ", System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(context.slotInsertionPoints.Keys))); ve.Add(childVe); } else { parentSlot.Add(childVe); } } else { ve.Add(childVe); } } } if (templateAsset != null && context.slotInsertionPoints != null) { context.slotInsertionPoints.Clear(); } return(ve); }
public override void Init(VisualElement ve, IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc) { base.Init(ve, bag, cc); ((ScrollerButton)ve).clickable = new Clickable(null, m_Delay.GetValueFromBag(bag), m_Interval.GetValueFromBag(bag)); }
private VisualElement CloneSetupRecursively(VisualElementAsset root, Dictionary <int, List <VisualElementAsset> > idToChildren, CreationContext context) { VisualElement visualElement = root.Create(context); if ( == context.visualTreeAsset.contentContainerId) { if ( is TemplateContainer) { ((TemplateContainer); } else { Debug.LogError("Trying to clone a VisualTreeAsset with a custom content container into a element which is not a template container"); } } =; string key; if (context.slotInsertionPoints != null && this.TryGetSlotInsertionPoint(, out key)) { context.slotInsertionPoints.Add(key, visualElement); } if (root.classes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < root.classes.Length; i++) { visualElement.AddToClassList(root.classes[i]); } } if (root.ruleIndex != -1) { if (this.inlineSheet == null) { Debug.LogWarning("VisualElementAsset has a RuleIndex but no inlineStyleSheet"); } else { StyleRule rule = this.inlineSheet.rules[root.ruleIndex]; VisualElementStylesData visualElementStylesData = new VisualElementStylesData(false); visualElement.SetInlineStyles(visualElementStylesData); visualElementStylesData.ApplyRule(this.inlineSheet, int.MaxValue, rule, StyleSheetCache.GetPropertyIDs(this.inlineSheet, root.ruleIndex)); } } TemplateAsset templateAsset = root as TemplateAsset; List <VisualElementAsset> list; VisualElement result; if (!idToChildren.TryGetValue(, out list)) { result = visualElement; } else { using (List <VisualElementAsset> .Enumerator enumerator = list.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { VisualElementAsset childVea = enumerator.Current; VisualElement visualElement2 = this.CloneSetupRecursively(childVea, idToChildren, context); if (visualElement2 != null) { if (templateAsset == null) { visualElement.Add(visualElement2); } else { int num = (templateAsset.slotUsages != null) ? templateAsset.slotUsages.FindIndex((VisualTreeAsset.SlotUsageEntry u) => u.assetId == : -1; if (num != -1) { string slotName = templateAsset.slotUsages[num].slotName; Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(slotName), "a lost name should not be null or empty, this probably points to an importer or serialization bug"); VisualElement visualElement3; if (context.slotInsertionPoints == null || !context.slotInsertionPoints.TryGetValue(slotName, out visualElement3)) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Slot '{0}' was not found. Existing slots: {1}", new object[] { slotName, (context.slotInsertionPoints != null) ? string.Join(", ", context.slotInsertionPoints.Keys.ToArray <string>()) : string.Empty }); visualElement.Add(visualElement2); } else { visualElement3.Add(visualElement2); } } else { visualElement.Add(visualElement2); } } } } } if (templateAsset != null && context.slotInsertionPoints != null) { context.slotInsertionPoints.Clear(); } result = visualElement; } return(result); }
public override void Init(VisualElement ve, IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc) { base.Init(ve, bag, cc); ((Toggle)ve).text = m_Label.GetValueFromBag(bag, cc); ((Toggle)ve).SetValueWithoutNotify(m_Value.GetValueFromBag(bag, cc)); }