예제 #1
    void debug(Vector2 input, UnityEngine.Experimental.Input.InputDevice context)
        bool isKeyborad = context.device is Keyboard;

        if (isKeyborad)
예제 #2
    private void OnJoin(UnityEngine.Experimental.Input.InputDevice device)
        // Spawn player.
        var player = SpawnPlayer();

        // Give the player the device that the join was initiated from and then
        // let the player component do the initialization work from there.
예제 #3
    private DemoPlayerController FindPlayerControllerForDevice(InputDevice device)
        var user = InputUser.FindUserPairedToDevice(device);

        if (user == null)

예제 #4
    void updateCameraPos(Vector2 mouse, UnityEngine.Experimental.Input.InputDevice context)
        if (context.device is Gamepad)
            mouse.x = mouse.x * gamepadSens;
            mouse.y = mouse.y * gamepadSens;
            mouse.x = mouse.x * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
            mouse.y = mouse.y * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;

        xRotation -= mouse.y;
        xRotation  = Mathf.Clamp(xRotation, -90f, 90f);

        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRotation, 0f, 0f);
        playerBody.Rotate(Vector3.up * mouse.x);
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when there's a change in the input user setup in the system.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="user"></param>
    /// <param name="change"></param>
    /// <param name="device"></param>
    private void OnUserChange(InputUser user, InputUserChange change, InputDevice device)
        var player = FindPlayerControllerForUser(user);

        switch (change)
        // A player has switched accounts. This will only happen on platforms that have user account
        // management (PS4, Xbox, Switch). On PS4, for example, this can happen at any time by the
        // player pressing the PS4 button and switching accounts. We simply update the information
        // we display for the player's active user account.
        case InputUserChange.AccountChanged:
            if (player != null)

        // If the user has cancelled account selection, we remove the user if there's no devices
        // already paired to it. This usually happens when a player initiates a join on a device on
        // Xbox or Switch, has the account picker come up, but then cancels instead of making an
        // account selection. In this case, we want to cancel the join.
        // NOTE: We are only adding DemoPlayerControllers once device pairing is complete
        case InputUserChange.AccountSelectionCancelled:
            if (user.pairedDevices.Count == 0)
                Debug.Assert(FindPlayerControllerForUser(user) == null);

        // An InputUser gained a new device. If we're in the lobby and don't yet have a player
        // for the user, it means a new player has joined. We don't join players until they have
        // a device paired to them which is why we ignore InputUserChange.Added and only react
        // to InputUserChange.DevicePaired instead.
        case InputUserChange.DevicePaired:
            if (state == State.InLobby && player == null)
            else if (player != null)

        // Some player ran out of battery or unplugged a wired device.
        case InputUserChange.DeviceLost:
            Debug.Assert(player != null);

            ////REVIEW: should we unjoin a user when losing devices in the lobby?
            ////TODO: we need a way for other players to be able to resolve the situation

            // If we're currently in-game, we pause the game until the player has re-gained control.
            if (isInGame)


        // Some player has customized controls or had previously customized controls loaded.
        case InputUserChange.BindingsChanged:
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks an Input Event for any significant changes that would be considered user activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputEvent">The input event being checked for changes</param>
        /// <param name="device">The input device being checked against </param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset into the device that the event is placed</param>
        /// <param name="sizeInBytes">The size of the event in bytes</param>
        /// <returns>True if any changes exist in the event once the device has been filtered through for noise and non-significant changes.  False otherwise.</returns>
        public unsafe bool EventHasValidData(InputDevice device, InputEventPtr inputEvent, uint offset, uint sizeInBytes)
            if (!inputEvent.valid)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or unset event being checked.", "inputEvent");

            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("device");

            if (IsEmpty())

            if ((offset + sizeInBytes) * 8 > device.stateBlock.sizeInBits)

            var noiseFilterPtr = InputStateBuffers.s_NoiseBitmaskBuffer;

            if (noiseFilterPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Noise Filter Buffer is uninitialized while trying to check state events for data.");

            var ptrToEventState = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (inputEvent.IsA <StateEvent>())
                var stateEvent = StateEvent.From(inputEvent);
                ptrToEventState = stateEvent->state;
            else if (inputEvent.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                var stateEvent = DeltaStateEvent.From(inputEvent);
                ptrToEventState = stateEvent->deltaState;
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                                                "Invalid event type '{0}', we can only check for valid data on StateEvents and DeltaStateEvents.",

            if (MemoryHelpers.HasAnyNonZeroBitsAfterMaskingWithBuffer(ptrToEventState, noiseFilterPtr, offset, sizeInBytes * 8))

            for (var i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                if (elements[i].EventHasValidData(inputEvent, device))

예제 #7
 public void SetDeviceCommandCallback(InputDevice device, DeviceCommandCallback callback)
     SetDeviceCommandCallback(device.id, callback);
예제 #8
        private static TControl MatchByUsageAtDeviceRootRecursive <TControl>(InputDevice device, string path, int indexInPath,
                                                                             ref InputControlList <TControl> matches, bool matchMultiple)
            where TControl : InputControl
            var usages = device.m_UsagesForEachControl;

            if (usages == null)

            var usageCount           = usages.Length;
            var startIndex           = indexInPath + 1;
            var pathCanMatchMultiple = PathComponentCanYieldMultipleMatches(path, indexInPath);
            var pathLength           = path.Length;

            Debug.Assert(path[indexInPath] == '{');
            if (indexInPath == pathLength)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid path spec '{0}'; trailing '{{'", path));

            TControl lastMatch = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < usageCount; ++i)
                var usage = usages[i];

                // Match usage agaist path.
                var usageIsMatch = MatchPathComponent(usage, path, ref indexInPath, PathComponentType.Usage);

                // If it isn't a match, go to next usage.
                if (!usageIsMatch)
                    indexInPath = startIndex;

                var controlMatchedByUsage = device.m_UsageToControl[i];

                // If there's more to go in the path, dive into the children of the control.
                if (indexInPath < pathLength && path[indexInPath] == '/')
                    lastMatch = MatchChildrenRecursive(controlMatchedByUsage, path, indexInPath + 1,
                                                       ref matches, matchMultiple);

                    // We can stop going through usages if we matched something and the
                    // path component covering usage does not contain wildcards.
                    if (lastMatch != null && !pathCanMatchMultiple)

                    // We can stop going through usages if we have a match and are only
                    // looking for a single one.
                    if (lastMatch != null && !matchMultiple)
                    lastMatch = controlMatchedByUsage as TControl;
                    if (lastMatch != null)
                        if (matchMultiple)
                            // Only looking for single match and we have one.

 public InputDeviceBuilder(string layout, InputDevice existingDevice = null, string variants = null)
     m_LayoutCache.layouts = InputControlLayout.s_Layouts;
     Setup(new InternedString(layout), existingDevice, new InternedString(variants));
        private InputControl InstantiateLayout(InputControlLayout layout, InternedString variants, InternedString name, InputControl parent, InputControl existingControl)
            InputControl control;

            // If we have an existing control, see whether it's usable.
            if (existingControl != null && existingControl.layout == layout.name && existingControl.GetType() == layout.type)
                control = existingControl;

                ////FIXME: the re-use path probably has some data that could stick around when it shouldn't
                control.m_UsagesReadOnly = new ReadOnlyArray <InternedString>();
                Debug.Assert(layout.type != null);

                // No, so create a new control.
                var controlObject = Activator.CreateInstance(layout.type);
                control = controlObject as InputControl;
                if (control == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Type '{0}' referenced by layout '{1}' is not an InputControl",
                                                      layout.type.Name, layout.name));

            // If it's a device, perform some extra work specific to the control
            // hierarchy root.
            var controlAsDevice = control as InputDevice;

            if (controlAsDevice != null)
                if (parent != null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                            "Cannot instantiate device layout '{0}' as child of '{1}'; devices must be added at root",
                                            layout.name, parent.path));

                m_Device = controlAsDevice;
                m_Device.m_StateBlock.byteOffset = 0;
                m_Device.m_StateBlock.format     = layout.stateFormat;

                // If we have an existing device, we'll start the various control arrays
                // from scratch. Note that all the controls still refer to the existing
                // arrays and so we can iterate children, for example, just fine while
                // we are rebuilding the control hierarchy.
                m_Device.m_AliasesForEachControl  = null;
                m_Device.m_ChildrenForEachControl = null;
                m_Device.m_UsagesForEachControl   = null;
                m_Device.m_UsageToControl         = null;

                // But we preserve IDs and descriptions of existing devices.
                if (existingControl != null)
                    var existingDevice = (InputDevice)existingControl;
                    m_Device.m_Id          = existingDevice.m_Id;
                    m_Device.m_Description = existingDevice.m_Description;

                if (layout.m_UpdateBeforeRender == true)
                    m_Device.m_Flags |= InputDevice.Flags.UpdateBeforeRender;
            else if (parent == null)
                // Someone did "new InputDeviceBuilder(...)" with a control layout.
                // We don't support creating control hierarchies without a device at the root.
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              "Toplevel layout used with InputDeviceBuilder must be a device layout; '{0}' is a control layout",

            // Name defaults to name of layout.
            if (name.IsEmpty())
                name = layout.name;

                // If there's a namespace in the layout name, snip it out.
                var indexOfLastColon = name.ToString().LastIndexOf(':');
                if (indexOfLastColon != -1)
                    name = new InternedString(name.ToString().Substring(indexOfLastColon + 1));

            // Variant defaults to variants of layout.
            if (variants.IsEmpty())
                variants = layout.variants;

                if (variants.IsEmpty())
                    variants = InputControlLayout.DefaultVariant;

            control.m_Name = name;
            control.m_DisplayNameFromLayout = layout.m_DisplayName;
            control.m_Layout   = layout.name;
            control.m_Variants = variants;
            control.m_Parent   = parent;
            control.m_Device   = m_Device;

            // Create children and configure their settings from our
            // layout values.
            var haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControl = false;

                // Pass list of existing control on to function as we may have decided to not
                // actually reuse the existing control (and thus control.m_ChildrenReadOnly will
                // now be blank) but still want crawling down the hierarchy to preserve existing
                // controls where possible.
                AddChildControls(layout, variants, control,
                                 existingControl != null ? existingControl.m_ChildrenReadOnly : (ReadOnlyArray <InputControl>?)null,
                                 ref haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControl);
                ////TODO: remove control from collection and rethrow

            // Come up with a layout for our state.

            // Finally, if we have child controls that take their state blocks from other
            // controls, assign them their blocks now.
            if (haveChildrenUsingStateFromOtherControl)
                foreach (var controlLayout in layout.controls)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlLayout.useStateFrom))

                    var child = TryGetControl(control, controlLayout.name);
                    Debug.Assert(child != null);

                    // Find the referenced control.
                    var referencedControl = TryGetControl(control, controlLayout.useStateFrom);
                    if (referencedControl == null)
                        throw new Exception(
                                      "Cannot find control '{0}' referenced in 'useStateFrom' of control '{1}' in layout '{2}'",
                                      controlLayout.useStateFrom, controlLayout.name, layout.name));

                    // Copy its state settings.
                    child.m_StateBlock = referencedControl.m_StateBlock;

                    // At this point, all byteOffsets are relative to parents so we need to
                    // walk up the referenced control's parent chain and add offsets until
                    // we are at the same level that we are at.
                    for (var parentInChain = referencedControl.parent; parentInChain != control; parentInChain = parentInChain.parent)
                        child.m_StateBlock.byteOffset += parentInChain.m_StateBlock.byteOffset;

 // Reset the setup in a way where it can be reused for another setup.
 // Should retain allocations that can be reused.
 private void Reset()
     m_Device = null;
     m_ChildControlOverrides = null;
     // Leave the cache in place so we can reuse them in another setup path.
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Given an existing <paramref name="device">input device</paramref>, try to find a control scheme in
 /// <paramref name="asset"/> that matches the device with one of its required or optional devices.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asset"></param>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static InputControlScheme?FindFirstControlSchemeMatchingDevice(this InputActionAsset asset,
                                                                       InputDevice device)
     throw new NotImplementedException();