protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { string str = payload.Get("action").AsString(); switch (str) { case "move": { string from = request.Url.Substring("/unity/".Length); string to = payload.Get("newpath").AsString(); this.MoveAsset(from, to); break; } case "create": { string assetPath = request.Url.Substring("/unity/".Length); byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(payload.Get("contents").AsString()); string contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); this.CreateAsset(assetPath, contents); break; } default: { RestRequestException exception = new RestRequestException { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, RestErrorString = "Uknown action: " + str }; throw exception; } } return new JSONValue(); }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { string str = payload.Get("action").AsString(); string str2 = this.CurrentState(); switch (str) { case "play": EditorApplication.isPlaying = true; EditorApplication.isPaused = false; break; case "pause": EditorApplication.isPaused = true; break; case "stop": EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; break; default: { RestRequestException exception = new RestRequestException { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, RestErrorString = "Invalid action: " + str }; throw exception; } } JSONValue value3 = new JSONValue(); value3["oldstate"] = str2; value3["newstate"] = this.CurrentState(); return value3; }
protected virtual JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { RestRequestException exception = new RestRequestException { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed, RestErrorString = "MethodNotAllowed", RestErrorDescription = "This endpoint does not support the GET verb." }; throw exception; }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { string str1 = payload.Get("action").AsString(); string str2 = this.CurrentState(); string key = str1; if (key != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (PlayModeRestHandler.\u003C\u003Ef__switch\u0024mapA == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field PlayModeRestHandler.\u003C\u003Ef__switch\u0024mapA = new Dictionary<string, int>(3) { { "play", 0 }, { "pause", 1 }, { "stop", 2 } }; } int num; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (PlayModeRestHandler.\u003C\u003Ef__switch\u0024mapA.TryGetValue(key, out num)) { switch (num) { case 0: EditorApplication.isPlaying = true; EditorApplication.isPaused = false; break; case 1: EditorApplication.isPaused = true; break; case 2: EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; break; default: goto label_8; } JSONValue jsonValue = new JSONValue(); jsonValue["oldstate"] = (JSONValue) str2; jsonValue["newstate"] = (JSONValue) this.CurrentState(); return jsonValue; } } label_8: throw new RestRequestException() { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, RestErrorString = "Invalid action: " + str1 }; }
public void Initialize(JSONValue json) { if (json.ContainsKey("label")) { this.label = json["label"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("id")) { = json["id"].AsString(); } }
public void Initialize(JSONValue json) { if (json.ContainsKey("type")) { this.type = json["type"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("id")) { = json["id"].AsString(); } }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { JSONValue value2; if (payload.ContainsKey("documents")) { value2 = payload["documents"]; } ScriptEditorSettings.OpenDocuments = (<>f__am$cache0 != null) ? new List<string>() : Enumerable.ToList<string>(Enumerable.Select<JSONValue, string>(value2.AsList(), <>f__am$cache0)); ScriptEditorSettings.Save(); return new JSONValue(); }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { ScriptEditorSettings.ServerURL = payload["url"].AsString(); ScriptEditorSettings.Name = !payload.ContainsKey("name") ? (string) null : payload["name"].AsString(); ScriptEditorSettings.ProcessId = !payload.ContainsKey("processid") ? -1 : (int) payload["processid"].AsFloat(); Logger.Log("[Pair] Name: " + (ScriptEditorSettings.Name ?? "<null>") + " ServerURL " + ScriptEditorSettings.ServerURL + " Process id: " + (object) ScriptEditorSettings.ProcessId); JSONValue jsonValue = new JSONValue(); jsonValue["unityprocessid"] = (JSONValue) Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; jsonValue["unityproject"] = (JSONValue) Application.dataPath; return jsonValue; }
internal JSONValue GetAssetText(string assetPath) { Object obj2 = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(Object)); if (obj2 == null) { throw new RestRequestException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "AssetNotFound"); } JSONValue value2 = new JSONValue(); value2["file"] = assetPath; value2["contents"] = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj2.ToString())); return value2; }
protected override JSONValue HandleDelete(Request request, JSONValue payload) { if (!AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(request.Url.Substring("/unity/".Length))) { RestRequestException exception = new RestRequestException { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, RestErrorString = "FailedDeletingAsset", RestErrorDescription = "DeleteAsset() returned false" }; throw exception; } return new JSONValue(); }
public void Initialize(JSONValue json) { if (json.ContainsKey("title")) { this.title = json["title"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("id")) { = json["id"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("version")) { this.version = json["version"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("version_id")) { this.version_id = json["version_id"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("local_icon")) { this.local_icon = json["local_icon"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("local_path")) { this.local_path = json["local_path"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("pubdate")) { this.pubdate = json["pubdate"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("description")) { this.description = json["description"].AsString(); } if (json.ContainsKey("publisher")) { this.publisher = new AssetStoreContext.LabelAndId(); this.publisher.Initialize(json["publisher"]); } if (json.ContainsKey("category")) { this.category = new AssetStoreContext.LabelAndId(); this.category.Initialize(json["category"]); } if (json.ContainsKey("link")) { = new AssetStoreContext.Link();["link"]); } }
private static void CallSafely(Request request, string payload, Response writeResponse, Func<Request, JSONValue, JSONValue> method) { RestRequestException exception; try { JSONValue value2 = 0; if (payload.Trim().Length == 0) { value2 = new JSONValue(); } else { try { value2 = new JSONParser(request.Payload).Parse(); } catch (JSONParseException) { ThrowInvalidJSONException(); } } writeResponse.SimpleResponse(HttpStatusCode.Ok, method.Invoke(request, value2).ToString()); } catch (JSONTypeException) { ThrowInvalidJSONException(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { exception = new RestRequestException { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest }; RespondWithException(writeResponse, exception); } catch (RestRequestException exception2) { RespondWithException(writeResponse, exception2); } catch (Exception exception3) { exception = new RestRequestException { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, RestErrorString = "InternalServerError", RestErrorDescription = "Caught exception while fulfilling request: " + exception3 }; RespondWithException(writeResponse, exception); } }
private static void CallSafely(Request request, string payload, WriteResponse writeResponse, Func<Request, JSONValue, JSONValue> method) { try { JSONValue jsonValue = (JSONValue) ((string) null); if (payload.Trim().Length == 0) { jsonValue = new JSONValue(); } else { try { jsonValue = new JSONParser(request.Payload).Parse(); } catch (JSONParseException ex) { Handler.ThrowInvalidJSONException(); } } writeResponse(HttpStatusCode.Ok, method(request, jsonValue).ToString()); } catch (JSONTypeException ex) { Handler.ThrowInvalidJSONException(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException ex) { Handler.RespondWithException(writeResponse, new RestRequestException() { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest }); } catch (RestRequestException ex) { Handler.RespondWithException(writeResponse, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Handler.RespondWithException(writeResponse, new RestRequestException() { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, RestErrorString = "InternalServerError", RestErrorDescription = "Caught exception while fulfilling request: " + (object) ex }); } }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { string str = payload.Get("action").AsString(); string key = str; if (key != null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (AssetRestHandler.AssetHandler.\u003C\u003Ef__switch\u0024map9 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field AssetRestHandler.AssetHandler.\u003C\u003Ef__switch\u0024map9 = new Dictionary<string, int>(2) { { "move", 0 }, { "create", 1 } }; } int num; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (AssetRestHandler.AssetHandler.\u003C\u003Ef__switch\u0024map9.TryGetValue(key, out num)) { if (num != 0) { if (num == 1) this.CreateAsset(request.Url.Substring("/unity/".Length), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(payload.Get("contents").AsString()))); else goto label_8; } else this.MoveAsset(request.Url.Substring("/unity/".Length), payload.Get("newpath").AsString()); return new JSONValue(); } } label_8: throw new RestRequestException() { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, RestErrorString = "Uknown action: " + str }; }
public static void Download(string package_id, string url, string key, string package_name, string publisher_name, string category_name, AssetStoreUtils.DownloadDoneCallback doneCallback) { string[] destination = PackageStorePath(publisher_name, category_name, package_name, package_id, url); JSONValue value2 = JSONParser.SimpleParse(AssetStoreUtils.CheckDownload(package_id, url, destination, key)); if (value2.Get("in_progress").AsBool(true)) { Debug.Log("Will not download " + package_name + ". Download is already in progress."); } else { string str = value2.Get("download.url").AsString(true); string str2 = value2.Get("download.key").AsString(true); bool resumeOK = (str == url) && (str2 == key); JSONValue value3 = new JSONValue(); value3["url"] = url; value3["key"] = key; JSONValue value4 = new JSONValue(); value4["download"] = value3; AssetStoreUtils.Download(package_id, url, destination, key, value4.ToString(), resumeOK, doneCallback); } }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { ScriptEditorSettings.ServerURL = payload["url"].AsString(); ScriptEditorSettings.Name = !payload.ContainsKey("name") ? null : payload["name"].AsString(); ScriptEditorSettings.ProcessId = !payload.ContainsKey("processid") ? -1 : ((int) payload["processid"].AsFloat()); object[] objArray1 = new object[6]; objArray1[0] = "[Pair] Name: "; if (ScriptEditorSettings.Name == null) { } objArray1[1] = "<null>"; objArray1[2] = " ServerURL "; objArray1[3] = ScriptEditorSettings.ServerURL; objArray1[4] = " Process id: "; objArray1[5] = ScriptEditorSettings.ProcessId; Logger.Log(string.Concat(objArray1)); JSONValue value5 = new JSONValue(); value5["unityprocessid"] = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; value5["unityproject"] = Application.dataPath; return value5; }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { JSONValue jsonValue = new JSONValue(); jsonValue["assets"] = Handler.ToJSON((IEnumerable<string>) AssetDatabase.FindAssets(string.Empty, new string[1]{ "Assets" })); return jsonValue; }
internal JSONValue GetAssetText(string assetPath) { UnityEngine.Object @object = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof (UnityEngine.Object)); if (@object == (UnityEngine.Object) null) throw new RestRequestException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "AssetNotFound"); JSONValue jsonValue = new JSONValue(); jsonValue["file"] = (JSONValue) assetPath; jsonValue["contents"] = (JSONValue) Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@object.ToString())); return jsonValue; }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { JSONValue jsonValue = new JSONValue(); jsonValue["documents"] = Handler.ToJSON((IEnumerable<string>) ScriptEditorSettings.OpenDocuments); return jsonValue; }
protected override JSONValue HandlePost(Request request, JSONValue payload) { ScriptEditorSettings.OpenDocuments = !payload.ContainsKey("documents") ? new List<string>() : payload["documents"].AsList().Select<JSONValue, string>((Func<JSONValue, string>) (d => d.AsString())).ToList<string>(); ScriptEditorSettings.Save(); return new JSONValue(); }
private static JSONValue JsonForProject() { List<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island> list = ((IEnumerable<MonoIsland>) InternalEditorUtility.GetMonoIslands()).Select<MonoIsland, ProjectStateRestHandler.Island>((Func<MonoIsland, ProjectStateRestHandler.Island>) (i => new ProjectStateRestHandler.Island() { MonoIsland = i, Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(i._output), References = ((IEnumerable<string>) i._references).ToList<string>() })).ToList<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island>(); using (List<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island>.Enumerator enumerator1 = list.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator1.MoveNext()) { ProjectStateRestHandler.Island current1 = enumerator1.Current; List<string> stringList1 = new List<string>(); List<string> stringList2 = new List<string>(); using (List<string>.Enumerator enumerator2 = current1.References.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { string current2 = enumerator2.Current; // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type ProjectStateRestHandler.\u003CJsonForProject\u003Ec__AnonStorey25 projectCAnonStorey25 = new ProjectStateRestHandler.\u003CJsonForProject\u003Ec__AnonStorey25(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field projectCAnonStorey25.refName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(current2); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method if (current2.StartsWith("Library/") && list.Any<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island>(new Func<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island, bool>(projectCAnonStorey25.\u003C\u003Em__31))) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field stringList1.Add(projectCAnonStorey25.refName); stringList2.Add(current2); } if (current2.EndsWith("/UnityEditor.dll") || current2.EndsWith("/UnityEngine.dll") || (current2.EndsWith("\\UnityEditor.dll") || current2.EndsWith("\\UnityEngine.dll"))) stringList2.Add(current2); } } current1.References.Add(InternalEditorUtility.GetEditorAssemblyPath()); current1.References.Add(InternalEditorUtility.GetEngineAssemblyPath()); using (List<string>.Enumerator enumerator2 = stringList1.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { string current2 = enumerator2.Current; current1.References.Add(current2); } } using (List<string>.Enumerator enumerator2 = stringList2.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { string current2 = enumerator2.Current; current1.References.Remove(current2); } } } } string[] array = list.SelectMany<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island, string>((Func<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island, IEnumerable<string>>) (i => (IEnumerable<string>) i.MonoIsland._files)).Concat<string>(ProjectStateRestHandler.GetAllSupportedFiles()).Distinct<string>().ToArray<string>(); string[] projectPath = ProjectStateRestHandler.RelativeToProjectPath(ProjectStateRestHandler.FindEmptyDirectories(ProjectStateRestHandler.AssetsPath, array)); JSONValue jsonValue1 = new JSONValue(); jsonValue1["islands"] = new JSONValue((object) list.Select<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island, JSONValue>((Func<ProjectStateRestHandler.Island, JSONValue>) (i => ProjectStateRestHandler.JsonForIsland(i))).Where<JSONValue>((Func<JSONValue, bool>) (i2 => !i2.IsNull())).ToList<JSONValue>()); jsonValue1["basedirectory"] = (JSONValue) ProjectStateRestHandler.ProjectPath; JSONValue jsonValue2 = new JSONValue(); jsonValue2["files"] = Handler.ToJSON((IEnumerable<string>) array); jsonValue2["emptydirectories"] = Handler.ToJSON((IEnumerable<string>) projectPath); jsonValue1["assetdatabase"] = jsonValue2; return jsonValue1; }
private JSONValue ParseNumber() { string text = string.Empty; if (this.cur == '-') { text = "-"; this.Next(); } while (this.cur >= '0' && this.cur <= '9') { text += this.cur; this.Next(); } if (this.cur == '.') { this.Next(); text += '.'; while (this.cur >= '0' && this.cur <= '9') { text += this.cur; this.Next(); } } if (this.cur == 'e' || this.cur == 'E') { text += "e"; this.Next(); if (this.cur != '-' && this.cur != '+') { text += this.cur; this.Next(); } while (this.cur >= '0') { if (this.cur > '9') { break; } text += this.cur; this.Next(); } } JSONValue result; try { float num = Convert.ToSingle(text); result = new JSONValue(num); } catch (Exception) { throw new JSONParseException("Cannot convert string to float : '" + text + "' at " + this.PosMsg()); } return result; }
protected virtual JSONValue HandleDelete(Request request, JSONValue payload) { throw new RestRequestException() { HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed, RestErrorString = "MethodNotAllowed", RestErrorDescription = "This endpoint does not support the DELETE verb." }; }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { int index = request.Url.ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf("/assets/"); string assetPath = request.Url.ToLowerInvariant().Substring(index + 1); return this.GetAssetText(assetPath); }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { JSONValue value2 = new JSONValue(); string[] searchInFolders = new string[] { "Assets" }; value2["assets"] = Handler.ToJSON(AssetDatabase.FindAssets("", searchInFolders)); return value2; }
public static void Download(string package_id, string url, string key, string package_name, string publisher_name, string category_name, AssetStoreUtils.DownloadDoneCallback doneCallback) { string[] destination = AssetStoreContext.PackageStorePath(publisher_name, category_name, package_name, package_id, url); JSONValue jsonValue1 = JSONParser.SimpleParse(AssetStoreUtils.CheckDownload(package_id, url, destination, key)); if (jsonValue1.Get("in_progress").AsBool(true)) { Debug.Log((object) ("Will not download " + package_name + ". Download is already in progress.")); } else { string str1 = jsonValue1.Get("download.url").AsString(true); string str2 = jsonValue1.Get("download.key").AsString(true); bool resumeOK = str1 == url && str2 == key; JSONValue jsonValue2 = new JSONValue(); jsonValue2["url"] = (JSONValue) url; jsonValue2["key"] = (JSONValue) key; JSONValue jsonValue3 = new JSONValue(); jsonValue3["download"] = jsonValue2; AssetStoreUtils.Download(package_id, url, destination, key, jsonValue3.ToString(), resumeOK, doneCallback); } }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { JSONValue jsonValue = new JSONValue(); jsonValue["state"] = (JSONValue) this.CurrentState(); return jsonValue; }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { int num = request.Url.ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf("/assets/"); return this.GetAssetText(request.Url.ToLowerInvariant().Substring(num + 1)); }
private JSONValue ParseNumber() { JSONValue value2; string str = ""; if (this.cur == '-') { str = "-"; this.Next(); } while ((this.cur >= '0') && (this.cur <= '9')) { str = str + this.cur; this.Next(); } if (this.cur == '.') { this.Next(); str = str + '.'; while ((this.cur >= '0') && (this.cur <= '9')) { str = str + this.cur; this.Next(); } } if ((this.cur == 'e') || (this.cur == 'E')) { str = str + "e"; this.Next(); if ((this.cur != '-') && (this.cur != '+')) { str = str + this.cur; this.Next(); } while ((this.cur >= '0') && (this.cur <= '9')) { str = str + this.cur; this.Next(); } } try { value2 = new JSONValue(Convert.ToSingle(str)); } catch (Exception) { throw new JSONParseException("Cannot convert string to float : '" + str + "' at " + this.PosMsg()); } return value2; }
protected override JSONValue HandleGet(Request request, JSONValue payload) { JSONValue value2 = new JSONValue(); value2["documents"] = Handler.ToJSON(ScriptEditorSettings.OpenDocuments); return value2; }