private static IEnumerable <PluginDesc> RegisterVRPlugins(BuildTarget target) { List <PluginDesc> list = new List <PluginDesc>(); if (PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported) { string pluginFolder = VRPostProcess.GetPluginFolder(target); if (pluginFolder != null) { string pluginExtension = VRPostProcess.GetPluginExtension(target, false); VRDeviceInfoEditor[] enabledVRDeviceInfo = VREditor.GetEnabledVRDeviceInfo(BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target)); string[] array = (from d in enabledVRDeviceInfo where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.externalPluginName) select d.externalPluginName).ToArray <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string[] paths = new string[] { pluginFolder, array[i] }; list.Add(new PluginDesc { pluginPath = FileUtil.CombinePaths(paths) + pluginExtension }); } } if (!list.Any <PluginDesc>()) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to find plugins folder " + target + ". Native VR plugins will not be loaded."); } } return(list); }
private static IEnumerable <PluginDesc> RegisterSpatializerPlugins(BuildTarget target) { List <PluginDesc> list = new List <PluginDesc>(); if (AudioUtil.canUseSpatializerEffect) { string pluginFolder = VRPostProcess.GetPluginFolder(target); if (pluginFolder != null) { VRDeviceInfoEditor[] allVRDeviceInfo = VREditor.GetAllVRDeviceInfo(BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(target)); string currentSpatializerEffectName = AudioUtil.GetCurrentSpatializerEffectName(); for (int i = 0; i < allVRDeviceInfo.Length; i++) { if (currentSpatializerEffectName == allVRDeviceInfo[i].spatializerEffectName) { string[] paths = new string[] { pluginFolder, allVRDeviceInfo[i].spatializerPluginName }; string text = FileUtil.CombinePaths(paths) + VRPostProcess.GetPluginExtension(target, true); if (File.Exists(text) || Directory.Exists(text)) { list.Add(new PluginDesc { pluginPath = text }); Debug.LogWarning("Native Spatializer Plugin: " + allVRDeviceInfo[i].spatializerPluginName + " was included in build."); break; } } } if (!list.Any <PluginDesc>()) { Debug.LogWarning("Spatializer Effect: " + currentSpatializerEffectName + ", is not natively supported for the current build target."); } } } return(list); }