private static IEnumerator <T> FindInFolders <T>(SearchFilter searchFilter, Func <HierarchyProperty, T> selector) { foreach (string folderPath in searchFilter.folders) { var folderInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetOrInProgressProxyInstanceID(folderPath); var rootPath = "Assets"; var pathComponents = folderPath.Split('/'); // Find the right rootPath if folderPath is part of a package if (pathComponents.Length > 1 && pathComponents[0] == UnityEditor.PackageManager.Folders.GetPackagesMountPoint()) { rootPath = pathComponents[0] + "/" + pathComponents[1]; } // Set empty filter to ensure we search all assets to find folder var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath); property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); if (property.Find(folderInstanceID, null)) { // Set filter after we found the folder property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; // enter all children of folder while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, folderDepth + 1)) { yield return(selector(property)); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + folderPath + "'"); } } }
private void SearchInFolders(HierarchyProperty property) { List <FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult> list = new List <FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>(); string[] baseFolders = ProjectWindowUtil.GetBaseFolders(this.m_SearchFilter.folders); string[] array = baseFolders; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string assetPath = array[i]; property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(assetPath); if (property.Find(mainAssetInstanceID, null)) { property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); int depth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult item = new FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult(); this.CopyPropertyData(ref item, property); list.Add(item); } } } this.m_Results = list.ToArray(); }
private static string[] SearchInFolders(SearchFilter searchFilter) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); foreach (string folder in searchFilter.folders) { hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceId = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(folder); if (hierarchyProperty.Find(mainAssetInstanceId, (int[])null)) { hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int depth = hierarchyProperty.depth; int[] expanded = (int[])null; while (hierarchyProperty.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { stringList.Add(hierarchyProperty.guid); } } else { Debug.LogWarning((object)("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + folder + "'")); } } return(stringList.ToArray()); }
private static string[] SearchInFolders(SearchFilter searchFilter) { HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (string str in searchFilter.folders) { property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceID = GetMainAssetInstanceID(str); if (property.Find(mainAssetInstanceID, null)) { property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int depth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { list.Add(property.guid); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + str + "'"); } } return(list.ToArray()); }
void SearchInFolders(HierarchyProperty property) { List <FilterResult> list = new List <FilterResult>(); string[] baseFolders = ProjectWindowUtil.GetBaseFolders(m_SearchFilter.folders); foreach (string folderPath in baseFolders) { // Ensure we do not have a filter when finding folder property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int folderInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(folderPath); if (property.Find(folderInstanceID, null)) { // Set filter after we found the folder property.SetSearchFilter(m_SearchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; // enter all children of folder while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, folderDepth + 1)) { FilterResult result = new FilterResult(); CopyPropertyData(ref result, property); list.Add(result); } } } m_Results = list.ToArray(); }
private static string[] SearchInFolders(SearchFilter searchFilter) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); List <string> list = new List <string>(); string[] folders = searchFilter.folders; for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++) { string text = folders[i]; hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(text); if (hierarchyProperty.Find(mainAssetInstanceID, null)) { hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int depth = hierarchyProperty.depth; int[] expanded = null; while (hierarchyProperty.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { list.Add(hierarchyProperty.guid); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + text + "'"); } } return(list.ToArray()); }
private static string[] SearchInFolders(SearchFilter searchFilter) { var property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); var guids = new List <string>(); foreach (string folderPath in searchFilter.folders) { // Set empty filter to ensure we search all assets to find folder property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int folderInstanceID = GetMainAssetInstanceID(folderPath); if (property.Find(folderInstanceID, null)) { // Set filter after we found the folder property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; // enter all children of folder while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, folderDepth + 1)) { guids.Add(property.guid); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + folderPath + "'"); } } return(guids.ToArray()); }
private static IEnumerator <T> FindInFolders <T>(SearchFilter searchFilter, Func <HierarchyProperty, T> selector) { var folders = new List <string>(); folders.AddRange(searchFilter.folders); if (folders.Remove(PackageManager.Folders.GetPackagesMountPoint())) { var packages = PackageManager.Packages.GetAll(); foreach (var package in packages) { if (package.source == PackageManager.PackageSource.BuiltIn) { continue; } if (!folders.Contains(package.assetPath)) { folders.Add(package.assetPath); } } } foreach (string folderPath in folders) { var folderInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetOrInProgressProxyInstanceID(folderPath); var rootPath = "Assets"; // Find the right rootPath if folderPath is part of a package var packageInfo = PackageManager.Packages.GetForAssetPath(folderPath); if (packageInfo != null) { rootPath = packageInfo.assetPath; } // Set empty filter to ensure we search all assets to find folder var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath); property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); if (property.Find(folderInstanceID, null)) { // Set filter after we found the folder property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; // enter all children of folder while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, folderDepth + 1)) { yield return(selector(property)); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + folderPath + "'"); } } }
private static IEnumerator <T> FindInFolders <T>(SearchFilter searchFilter, Func <HierarchyProperty, T> selector) { var folders = new List <string>(); folders.AddRange(searchFilter.folders); if (folders.Remove(PackageManager.Folders.GetPackagesPath())) { var packages = PackageManagerUtilityInternal.GetAllVisiblePackages(searchFilter.skipHidden); foreach (var package in packages) { if (!folders.Contains(package.assetPath)) { folders.Add(package.assetPath); } } } foreach (var folderPath in folders) { var sanitizedFolderPath = folderPath.ConvertSeparatorsToUnity().TrimTrailingSlashes(); var folderInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetOrInProgressProxyInstanceID(sanitizedFolderPath); var rootPath = "Assets"; // Find the right rootPath if folderPath is part of a package var packageInfo = PackageManager.PackageInfo.FindForAssetPath(sanitizedFolderPath); if (packageInfo != null) { rootPath = packageInfo.assetPath; if (searchFilter.skipHidden && !PackageManagerUtilityInternal.IsPathInVisiblePackage(rootPath)) { continue; } } // Set empty filter to ensure we search all assets to find folder var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath); property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); if (property.Find(folderInstanceID, null)) { // Set filter after we found the folder property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; // enter all children of folder while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, folderDepth + 1)) { yield return(selector(property)); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("AssetDatabase.FindAssets: Folder not found: '" + sanitizedFolderPath + "'"); } } }
static void SetFilter(HierarchyProperty hierarchy, string filter) { SearchFilter search = new SearchFilter(); SearchUtility.ParseSearchString(filter, search); hierarchy.SetSearchFilter(search); }
private static IEnumerator <T> FindEverywhere <T>(SearchFilter searchFilter, Func <HierarchyProperty, T> selector) { var rootPaths = new List <string>(); if (searchFilter.searchArea == SearchFilter.SearchArea.AllAssets || searchFilter.searchArea == SearchFilter.SearchArea.InAssetsOnly) { rootPaths.Add("Assets"); } if (searchFilter.searchArea == SearchFilter.SearchArea.AllAssets || searchFilter.searchArea == SearchFilter.SearchArea.InPackagesOnly) { var packages = PackageManagerUtilityInternal.GetAllVisiblePackages(); foreach (var package in packages) { rootPaths.Add(package.assetPath); } } foreach (var rootPath in rootPaths) { var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath); property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); while (property.Next(null)) { yield return(selector(property)); } } }
void FolderBrowsing() { // We are not concerned with assets being added multiple times as we only show the contents // of each selected folder. This is an issue when searching recursively into child folders. List <FilterResult> list = new List <FilterResult>(); foreach (string folderPath in m_SearchFilter.folders) { int folderInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetOrInProgressProxyInstanceID(folderPath); HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(folderPath); property.SetSearchFilter(m_SearchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = { folderInstanceID }; while (property.Next(expanded)) { if (property.depth <= folderDepth) { break; // current property is outside folder } FilterResult result = new FilterResult(); CopyPropertyData(ref result, property); list.Add(result); // Fetch sub assets by expanding the main asset (ignore folders) if (property.hasChildren && !property.isFolder) { System.Array.Resize(ref expanded, expanded.Length + 1); expanded[expanded.Length - 1] = property.instanceID; } } } m_Results = list.ToArray(); }
private static IEnumerator <T> FindEverywhere <T>(SearchFilter searchFilter, Func <HierarchyProperty, T> selector) { var rootPaths = new List <string>(); rootPaths.Add("Assets"); var packages = PackageManager.Packages.GetAll(); foreach (var package in packages) { if (package.source == PackageManager.PackageSource.BuiltIn) { continue; } rootPaths.Add(package.assetPath); } foreach (var rootPath in rootPaths) { var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath); property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); while (property.Next(null)) { yield return(selector(property)); } } }
public override void FetchData() { int depth = -1; base.m_RootItem = new TreeViewItem(0x3c34eb12, depth, null, "InvisibleRoot"); base.expandedIDs.Add(; HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter(); filter.classNames = new string[] { "AudioMixerController" }; property.SetSearchFilter(filter); List <AudioMixerController> list = new List <AudioMixerController>(); while (property.Next(null)) { AudioMixerController pptrValue = property.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; bool flag = AudioMixerController.CheckForCyclicReferences(this.ignoreThisController, pptrValue.outputAudioMixerGroup); if (((pptrValue != null) && (pptrValue != this.ignoreThisController)) && !flag) { list.Add(pptrValue); } } List <TreeViewItem> list2 = new List <TreeViewItem> { new TreeViewItem(0, 0, base.m_RootItem, AudioMixerGroupSelector.s_NoneText) }; foreach (AudioMixerController controller2 in list) { list2.Add(this.BuildSubTree(controller2)); } base.m_RootItem.children = list2; this.SetExpandedIDs(base.expandedIDs.ToArray()); }
public override void FetchData() { Profiler.BeginSample("SceneHierarchyWindow.FetchData"); int depth = 0; double timeSinceStartup = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects); property.Reset(); property.alphaSorted = this.IsUsingAlphaSort(); if (this.m_RootInstanceID != 0) { bool flag = property.Find(this.m_RootInstanceID, null); string displayName = !flag ? "RootOfSceneHierarchy" :; base.m_RootItem = new GameObjectTreeViewItem(this.m_RootInstanceID, depth, null, displayName); if (!flag) { Debug.LogError("Root gameobject with id " + this.m_RootInstanceID + " not found!!"); } } else { base.m_RootItem = new GameObjectTreeViewItem(this.m_RootInstanceID, depth, null, "RootOfSceneHierarchy"); } if (!base.showRootNode) { this.SetExpanded(base.m_RootItem, true); } bool hasSearchString = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_SearchString); if (hasSearchString) { property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchString, this.m_SearchMode); } base.m_VisibleRows = this.CalcVisibleItems(property, hasSearchString); this.m_NeedsChildParentReferenceSetup = true; base.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = false; if ((this.sortingState.sortingObject != null) && this.sortingState.implementsCompare) { this.SortVisibleRows(); } double num3 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; double num4 = num3 - timeSinceStartup; double num5 = num3 - this.m_LastFetchTime; if ((num5 > 0.1) && (num4 > 0.05)) { this.m_DelayedFetches++; } else { this.m_DelayedFetches = 0; } this.m_LastFetchTime = timeSinceStartup; base.m_TreeView.SetSelection(Selection.instanceIDs, false); if (SceneHierarchyWindow.s_Debug) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Fetch time: ", num4 * 1000.0, " ms, alphaSort = ", this.IsUsingAlphaSort() })); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
public override void FetchData() { Profiler.BeginSample("SceneHierarchyWindow.FetchData"); this.m_RowsPartiallyInitialized = false; double timeSinceStartup = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = this.CreateHierarchyProperty(); if (this.m_RootInstanceID != 0 && !hierarchyProperty.Find(this.m_RootInstanceID, null)) { Debug.LogError("Root gameobject with id " + this.m_RootInstanceID + " not found!!"); this.m_RootInstanceID = 0; hierarchyProperty.Reset(); } this.CreateRootItem(hierarchyProperty); this.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = false; this.m_NeedsChildParentReferenceSetup = true; bool flag = this.m_RootInstanceID != 0; bool flag2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_SearchString); if (flag2 || flag) { if (flag2) { hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchString, this.m_SearchMode); } this.InitializeProgressivly(hierarchyProperty, flag, flag2); } else { this.InitializeMinimal(); } double timeSinceStartup2 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; double num = timeSinceStartup2 - timeSinceStartup; double num2 = timeSinceStartup2 - this.m_LastFetchTime; if (num2 > 0.1 && num > 0.05) { this.m_DelayedFetches++; } else { this.m_DelayedFetches = 0; } this.m_LastFetchTime = timeSinceStartup; this.m_TreeView.SetSelection(Selection.instanceIDs, false); this.CreateSceneHeaderItems(); if (SceneHierarchyWindow.s_Debug) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Fetch time: ", num * 1000.0, " ms, alphaSort = ", this.IsUsingAlphaSort() })); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
void FolderBrowsing() { // We are not concerned with assets being added multiple times as we only show the contents // of each selected folder. This is an issue when searching recursively into child folders. List <FilterResult> list = new List <FilterResult>(); HierarchyProperty property; foreach (string folderPath in m_SearchFilter.folders) { if (folderPath == PackageManager.Folders.GetPackagesPath()) { var packages = PackageManagerUtilityInternal.GetAllVisiblePackages(m_SearchFilter.skipHidden); foreach (var package in packages) { var packageFolderInstanceId = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetOrInProgressProxyInstanceID(package.assetPath); property = new HierarchyProperty(package.assetPath); if (property.Find(packageFolderInstanceId, null)) { FilterResult result = new FilterResult(); CopyPropertyData(ref result, property); = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.displayName) ? package.displayName :; list.Add(result); } } continue; } if (m_SearchFilter.skipHidden && !PackageManagerUtilityInternal.IsPathInVisiblePackage(folderPath)) { continue; } int folderInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetOrInProgressProxyInstanceID(folderPath); property = new HierarchyProperty(folderPath); property.SetSearchFilter(m_SearchFilter); int folderDepth = property.depth; int[] expanded = { folderInstanceID }; while (property.Next(expanded)) { if (property.depth <= folderDepth) { break; // current property is outside folder } FilterResult result = new FilterResult(); CopyPropertyData(ref result, property); list.Add(result); // Fetch sub assets by expanding the main asset (ignore folders) if (property.hasChildren && !property.isFolder) { System.Array.Resize(ref expanded, expanded.Length + 1); expanded[expanded.Length - 1] = property.instanceID; } } } m_Results = list.ToArray(); }
public override void FetchData() { Profiler.BeginSample("SceneHierarchyWindow.FetchData"); this.m_RowsPartiallyInitialized = false; double timeSinceStartup = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; HierarchyProperty property = this.CreateHierarchyProperty(); if ((this.m_RootInstanceID != 0) && !property.Find(this.m_RootInstanceID, null)) { Debug.LogError("Root gameobject with id " + this.m_RootInstanceID + " not found!!"); this.m_RootInstanceID = 0; property.Reset(); } this.CreateRootItem(property); base.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = false; this.m_NeedsChildParentReferenceSetup = true; bool subTreeWanted = this.m_RootInstanceID != 0; bool isSearching = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_SearchString); bool flag4 = (this.sortingState.sortingObject != null) && this.sortingState.implementsCompare; if ((isSearching || flag4) || subTreeWanted) { if (isSearching) { property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchString, this.m_SearchMode); } this.InitializeProgressivly(property, subTreeWanted, isSearching); if (flag4) { this.SortVisibleRows(); } } else { this.InitializeMinimal(); } double num2 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; double num3 = num2 - timeSinceStartup; double num4 = num2 - this.m_LastFetchTime; if ((num4 > 0.1) && (num3 > 0.05)) { this.m_DelayedFetches++; } else { this.m_DelayedFetches = 0; } this.m_LastFetchTime = timeSinceStartup; base.m_TreeView.SetSelection(Selection.instanceIDs, false); this.CreateSceneHeaderItems(); if (SceneHierarchyWindow.s_Debug) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Fetch time: ", num3 * 1000.0, " ms, alphaSort = ", this.IsUsingAlphaSort() })); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
public override void FetchData() { Profiler.BeginSample("SceneHierarchyWindow.FetchData"); this.m_RowsPartiallyInitialized = false; double timeSinceStartup1 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = this.CreateHierarchyProperty(); if (this.m_RootInstanceID != 0 && !hierarchyProperty.Find(this.m_RootInstanceID, (int[])null)) { Debug.LogError((object)("Root gameobject with id " + (object)this.m_RootInstanceID + " not found!!")); this.m_RootInstanceID = 0; hierarchyProperty.Reset(); } this.CreateRootItem(hierarchyProperty); this.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = false; this.m_NeedsChildParentReferenceSetup = true; bool subTreeWanted = this.m_RootInstanceID != 0; bool isSearching = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_SearchString); bool flag = this.sortingState.sortingObject != null && this.sortingState.implementsCompare; if (isSearching || flag || subTreeWanted) { if (isSearching) { hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchString, this.m_SearchMode); } this.InitializeProgressivly(hierarchyProperty, subTreeWanted, isSearching); if (flag) { this.SortVisibleRows(); } } else { this.InitializeMinimal(); } double timeSinceStartup2 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; double num = timeSinceStartup2 - timeSinceStartup1; if (timeSinceStartup2 - this.m_LastFetchTime > 0.1 && num > 0.05) { ++this.m_DelayedFetches; } else { this.m_DelayedFetches = 0; } this.m_LastFetchTime = timeSinceStartup1; this.m_TreeView.SetSelection(Selection.instanceIDs, false); this.CreateSceneHeaderItems(); if (SceneHierarchyWindow.s_Debug) { Debug.Log((object)("Fetch time: " + (object)(num * 1000.0) + " ms, alphaSort = " + (object)this.IsUsingAlphaSort())); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
static bool AnyTargetMaterialHasChildren(string[] targetPaths) { GUID[] guids = targetPaths.Select(path => AssetDatabase.GUIDFromAssetPath(path)).ToArray(); Func <string, bool> HasChildrenInPath = (string rootPath) => { var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath, false); property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter { classNames = new string[] { "Material" }, searchArea = SearchFilter.SearchArea.AllAssets }); while (property.Next(null)) { GUID parent; var child = InternalEditorUtility.GetLoadedObjectFromInstanceID(property.GetInstanceIDIfImported()) as Material; if (child) { if (AssetDatabase.IsForeignAsset(child)) { continue; } parent = AssetDatabase.GUIDFromAssetPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(child.parent)); } else { var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(property.guid); if (!path.EndsWith(".mat", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } parent = EditorMaterialUtility.GetMaterialParentFromFile(path); } for (int i = 0; i < guids.Length; i++) { if (guids[i] == parent) { return(true); } } } return(false); }; if (HasChildrenInPath("Assets")) { return(true); } foreach (var package in PackageManagerUtilityInternal.GetAllVisiblePackages(false)) { if (package.source == PackageManager.PackageSource.Local && HasChildrenInPath(package.assetPath)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private static void ShowAssetsPopupMenu <T>(Rect buttonRect, string typeName, SerializedProperty serializedProperty, string fileExtension, string defaultFieldName) where T : UnityEngine.Object, new() { GenericMenu genericMenu = new GenericMenu(); int num = (!(serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue != null)) ? 0 : serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue.GetInstanceID(); genericMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(defaultFieldName), num == 0, new GenericMenu.MenuFunction2(AssetPopupBackend.AssetPopupMenuCallback), new object[] { 0, serializedProperty }); HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter { classNames = new string[] { typeName } }; hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); hierarchyProperty.Reset(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { genericMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(, hierarchyProperty.instanceID == num, new GenericMenu.MenuFunction2(AssetPopupBackend.AssetPopupMenuCallback), new object[] { hierarchyProperty.instanceID, serializedProperty }); } int num2 = BaseObjectTools.StringToClassID(typeName); if (num2 > 0) { BuiltinResource[] builtinResourceList = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinResourceList(num2); BuiltinResource[] array = builtinResourceList; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { BuiltinResource builtinResource = array[i]; genericMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent(builtinResource.m_Name), builtinResource.m_InstanceID == num, new GenericMenu.MenuFunction2(AssetPopupBackend.AssetPopupMenuCallback), new object[] { builtinResource.m_InstanceID, serializedProperty }); } } genericMenu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); genericMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Create New..."), false, delegate { T t = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); ProjectWindowUtil.CreateAsset(t, "New " + typeName + "." + fileExtension); serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue = t; serializedProperty.m_SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }); genericMenu.DropDown(buttonRect); }
public void ResultsChanged() { this.m_Results = new FilterResult[0]; if (this.m_SearchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.EmptySearchFilter) { HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(this.m_HierarchyType); property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); this.AddResults(property); if (this.m_SearchFilter.IsSearching()) { if (< > f__am$cache5 == null) {
private static List<UnityEngine.Object> FindAssetsOfType(string[] classNames) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter() { classNames = classNames }); List<UnityEngine.Object> objectList = new List<UnityEngine.Object>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next((int[]) null)) objectList.Add(hierarchyProperty.pptrValue); return objectList; }
private static string[] SearchAllAssets(SearchFilter searchFilter) { var property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); property.Reset(); var guids = new List <string>(); while (property.Next(null)) { guids.Add(property.guid); } return(guids.ToArray()); }
public void ResultsChanged() { m_Results = new FilterResult[0]; if (m_SearchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.EmptySearchFilter) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(m_HierarchyType, false); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(m_SearchFilter); AddResults(hierarchyProperty); // When filtering on folder we use the order we get from BaseHiearchyProperty.cpp (to keep indented children under parent) otherwise we sort if (m_SearchFilter.IsSearching()) { System.Array.Sort(m_Results, (result1, result2) => EditorUtility.NaturalCompare(,; } if (foldersFirst) { for (int nonFolderPos = 0; nonFolderPos < m_Results.Length; ++nonFolderPos) { if (m_Results[nonFolderPos].isFolder) { continue; } for (int folderPos = nonFolderPos + 1; folderPos < m_Results.Length; ++folderPos) { if (!m_Results[folderPos].isFolder) { continue; } FilterResult folder = m_Results[folderPos]; int length = folderPos - nonFolderPos; System.Array.Copy(m_Results, nonFolderPos, m_Results, nonFolderPos + 1, length); m_Results[nonFolderPos] = folder; break; } } } } else { // Reset visible flags if filter string is empty (see BaseHiearchyProperty::SetSearchFilter) if (m_HierarchyType == HierarchyType.GameObjects) { HierarchyProperty gameObjects = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects, false); gameObjects.SetSearchFilter(m_SearchFilter); } } }
private void SearchInFolders(HierarchyProperty property) { List <FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult> filterResultList = new List <FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>(); foreach (string baseFolder in ProjectWindowUtil.GetBaseFolders(this.m_SearchFilter.folders)) { property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceId = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(baseFolder); if (property.Find(mainAssetInstanceId, (int[])null)) { property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); int depth = property.depth; int[] expanded = (int[])null; while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult result = new FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult(); this.CopyPropertyData(ref result, property); filterResultList.Add(result); } } } this.m_Results = filterResultList.ToArray(); }
private static List<UnityEngine.Object> FindAssetsOfType(string[] classNames) { HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter { classNames = classNames }; property.SetSearchFilter(filter); List<UnityEngine.Object> list = new List<UnityEngine.Object>(); while (property.Next(null)) { list.Add(property.pptrValue); } return list; }
private static string[] SearchAllAssets(SearchFilter searchFilter) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); hierarchyProperty.Reset(); List <string> list = new List <string>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { list.Add(hierarchyProperty.guid); } return(list.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Update the scene blackboard's instance ids. /// </summary> static void UpdateSceneInstanceIDs () { // The HierarchyProperty is an undocumented class very uesfull to get all GameObjects in the scene or assets in the project var hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty (HierarchyType.GameObjects); // Search for Blackboards hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter("internalblackboard", (int)SearchableEditorWindow.SearchModeHierarchyWindow.Type); // Reset the list of game Object instance ids s_SceneInstanceIDs.Clear(); // Go through all objects while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { // Populate the GameObject instanceID list s_SceneInstanceIDs.Add(hierarchyProperty.instanceID); } }
static List <UnityEngine.Object> FindAssetsOfType(string[] classNames) { var prop = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); prop.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter() { classNames = classNames }); var objs = new List <UnityEngine.Object>(); while (prop.Next(null)) { objs.Add(prop.pptrValue); } return(objs); }
private static IEnumerator <T> FindEverywhere <T>(SearchFilter searchFilter, Func <HierarchyProperty, T> selector) { var rootPaths = new List <string>(); rootPaths.Add("Assets"); rootPaths.AddRange(UnityEditor.PackageManager.Folders.GetPackagesPaths()); foreach (var rootPath in rootPaths) { var property = new HierarchyProperty(rootPath); property.SetSearchFilter(searchFilter); while (property.Next(null)) { yield return(selector(property)); } } }
private static List <UnityEngine.Object> FindAssetsOfType(string[] classNames) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter { classNames = classNames }); List <UnityEngine.Object> list = new List <UnityEngine.Object>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { list.Add(hierarchyProperty.pptrValue); } return(list); }
private static List <Object> FindAssetsOfType(string[] classNames) { HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter { classNames = classNames }; property.SetSearchFilter(filter); List <Object> list = new List <Object>(); while (property.Next(null)) { list.Add(property.pptrValue); } return(list); }
public void ResultsChanged() { this.m_Results = new FilterResult[0]; if (this.m_SearchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.EmptySearchFilter) { HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(this.m_HierarchyType); property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); this.AddResults(property); if (this.m_SearchFilter.IsSearching()) { if (<>f__am$cache5 == null) {
public static List<string> FindAllTextAssets() { var hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter("t:TextAsset", 0); hierarchyProperty.Reset(); List<string> list = new List<string>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) list.Add(hierarchyProperty.guid); return list; }
public override void FetchData() { int depth = -1; base.m_RootItem = new TreeViewItem(0x3c34eb12, depth, null, "InvisibleRoot"); base.expandedIDs.Add(; HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter(); filter.classNames = new string[] { "AudioMixerController" }; property.SetSearchFilter(filter); List<AudioMixerController> list = new List<AudioMixerController>(); while (property.Next(null)) { AudioMixerController pptrValue = property.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; bool flag = AudioMixerController.CheckForCyclicReferences(this.ignoreThisController, pptrValue.outputAudioMixerGroup); if (((pptrValue != null) && (pptrValue != this.ignoreThisController)) && !flag) { list.Add(pptrValue); } } List<TreeViewItem> list2 = new List<TreeViewItem> { new TreeViewItem(0, 0, base.m_RootItem, AudioMixerGroupSelector.s_NoneText) }; foreach (AudioMixerController controller2 in list) { list2.Add(this.BuildSubTree(controller2)); } base.m_RootItem.children = list2; this.SetExpandedIDs(base.expandedIDs.ToArray()); }
private void SearchInFolders(HierarchyProperty property) { List<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult> filterResultList = new List<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>(); foreach (string baseFolder in ProjectWindowUtil.GetBaseFolders(this.m_SearchFilter.folders)) { property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceId = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(baseFolder); if (property.Find(mainAssetInstanceId, (int[]) null)) { property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); int depth = property.depth; int[] expanded = (int[]) null; while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult result = new FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult(); this.CopyPropertyData(ref result, property); filterResultList.Add(result); } } } this.m_Results = filterResultList.ToArray(); }
public void ResultsChanged() { this.m_Results = new FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult[0]; if (this.m_SearchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.EmptySearchFilter) { HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(this.m_HierarchyType); property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); this.AddResults(property); if (this.m_SearchFilter.IsSearching()) Array.Sort<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>(this.m_Results, (Comparison<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>) ((result1, result2) => EditorUtility.NaturalCompare(,; if (!this.foldersFirst) return; for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < this.m_Results.Length; ++sourceIndex) { if (!this.m_Results[sourceIndex].isFolder) { for (int index = sourceIndex + 1; index < this.m_Results.Length; ++index) { if (this.m_Results[index].isFolder) { FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult result = this.m_Results[index]; int length = index - sourceIndex; Array.Copy((Array) this.m_Results, sourceIndex, (Array) this.m_Results, sourceIndex + 1, length); this.m_Results[sourceIndex] = result; break; } } } } } else { if (this.m_HierarchyType != HierarchyType.GameObjects) return; new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects).SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); } }
public override void FetchData() { int depth = -1; this.m_RootItem = new TreeViewItem(1010101010, depth, null, "InvisibleRoot"); base.expandedIDs.Add(; HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter { classNames = new string[] { "AudioMixerController" } }); List<AudioMixerController> list = new List<AudioMixerController>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { AudioMixerController audioMixerController = hierarchyProperty.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; bool flag = AudioMixerController.CheckForCyclicReferences(this.ignoreThisController, audioMixerController.outputAudioMixerGroup); if (audioMixerController && audioMixerController != this.ignoreThisController && !flag) { list.Add(audioMixerController); } } List<TreeViewItem> list2 = new List<TreeViewItem>(); list2.Add(new TreeViewItem(0, 0, this.m_RootItem, AudioMixerGroupSelector.s_NoneText)); foreach (AudioMixerController current in list) { list2.Add(this.BuildSubTree(current)); } this.m_RootItem.children = list2; this.SetExpandedIDs(base.expandedIDs.ToArray()); }
static void SeeAssetsInPrefab(Object prefab,string asset){ GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate (prefab) as GameObject; obj.transform.parent = Parent; HierarchyProperty h = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); h.SetSearchFilter ("x",0); }
public override void FetchData() { int depth = -1; this.m_RootItem = new TreeViewItem(1010101010, depth, null, "InvisibleRoot"); this.SetExpanded(, true); List<int> allowedInstanceIDs = ObjectSelector.get.allowedInstanceIDs; HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter { classNames = new string[] { "AudioMixerController" } }); List<AudioMixerController> list = new List<AudioMixerController>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { AudioMixerController audioMixerController = hierarchyProperty.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; if (this.ShouldShowController(audioMixerController, allowedInstanceIDs)) { list.Add(audioMixerController); } } List<TreeViewItem> list2 = new List<TreeViewItem>(); list2.Add(new TreeViewItem(TreeViewForAudioMixerGroup.kNoneItemID, 0, this.m_RootItem, TreeViewForAudioMixerGroup.s_NoneText)); foreach (AudioMixerController current in list) { list2.Add(this.BuildSubTree(current)); } this.m_RootItem.children = list2; if (list.Count == 1) {, true); } this.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = true; }
private static List<AudioMixerController> FindAllAudioMixerControllers() { List<AudioMixerController> audioMixerControllerList = new List<AudioMixerController>(); HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter() { classNames = new string[1] { "AudioMixerController" } }); while (hierarchyProperty.Next((int[]) null)) { AudioMixerController pptrValue = hierarchyProperty.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; if ((bool) ((UnityEngine.Object) pptrValue)) audioMixerControllerList.Add(pptrValue); } return audioMixerControllerList; }
public override void FetchData() { int depth = -1; base.m_RootItem = new TreeViewItem(0x3c34eb12, depth, null, "InvisibleRoot"); this.SetExpanded(, true); List<int> allowedInstanceIDs = ObjectSelector.get.allowedInstanceIDs; HierarchyProperty property = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter(); filter.classNames = new string[] { "AudioMixerController" }; property.SetSearchFilter(filter); List<AudioMixerController> list2 = new List<AudioMixerController>(); while (property.Next(null)) { AudioMixerController pptrValue = property.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; if (this.ShouldShowController(pptrValue, allowedInstanceIDs)) { list2.Add(pptrValue); } } List<TreeViewItem> list3 = new List<TreeViewItem> { new TreeViewItem(TreeViewForAudioMixerGroup.kNoneItemID, 0, base.m_RootItem, TreeViewForAudioMixerGroup.s_NoneText) }; foreach (AudioMixerController controller2 in list2) { list3.Add(this.BuildSubTree(controller2)); } base.m_RootItem.children = list3; if (list2.Count == 1) {, true); } base.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = true; }
public void ResultsChanged() { this.m_Results = new FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult[0]; if (this.m_SearchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.EmptySearchFilter) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(this.m_HierarchyType); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); this.AddResults(hierarchyProperty); if (this.m_SearchFilter.IsSearching()) { Array.Sort<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>(this.m_Results, (FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult result1, FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult result2) => EditorUtility.NaturalCompare(,; } if (this.foldersFirst) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Results.Length; i++) { if (!this.m_Results[i].isFolder) { for (int j = i + 1; j < this.m_Results.Length; j++) { if (this.m_Results[j].isFolder) { FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult filterResult = this.m_Results[j]; int length = j - i; Array.Copy(this.m_Results, i, this.m_Results, i + 1, length); this.m_Results[i] = filterResult; break; } } } } } } else { if (this.m_HierarchyType == HierarchyType.GameObjects) { HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty2 = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects); hierarchyProperty2.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); } } }
public override void FetchData() { Profiler.BeginSample("SceneHierarchyWindow.FetchData"); int depth = 0; double timeSinceStartup = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects); hierarchyProperty.Reset(); hierarchyProperty.alphaSorted = this.IsUsingAlphaSort(); if (this.m_RootInstanceID != 0) { bool flag = hierarchyProperty.Find(this.m_RootInstanceID, null); string displayName = (!flag) ? "RootOfSceneHierarchy" :; this.m_RootItem = new GameObjectTreeViewItem(this.m_RootInstanceID, depth, null, displayName); if (!flag) { Debug.LogError("Root gameobject with id " + this.m_RootInstanceID + " not found!!"); } } else { this.m_RootItem = new GameObjectTreeViewItem(this.m_RootInstanceID, depth, null, "RootOfSceneHierarchy"); } if (!base.showRootNode) { this.SetExpanded(this.m_RootItem, true); } bool flag2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_SearchString); if (flag2) { hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchString, this.m_SearchMode); } this.m_VisibleRows = this.CalcVisibleItems(hierarchyProperty, flag2); this.m_NeedsChildParentReferenceSetup = true; this.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = false; if (this.sortingState.sortingObject != null && this.sortingState.implementsCompare) { this.SortVisibleRows(); } double timeSinceStartup2 = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; double num = timeSinceStartup2 - timeSinceStartup; double num2 = timeSinceStartup2 - this.m_LastFetchTime; if (num2 > 0.1 && num > 0.05) { this.m_DelayedFetches++; } else { this.m_DelayedFetches = 0; } this.m_LastFetchTime = timeSinceStartup; this.m_TreeView.SetSelection(Selection.instanceIDs, false); if (SceneHierarchyWindow.s_Debug) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Fetch time: ", num * 1000.0, " ms, alphaSort = ", this.IsUsingAlphaSort() })); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
public override void FetchData() { this.m_RootItem = new TreeViewItem(1010101010, -1, (TreeViewItem) null, "InvisibleRoot"); this.SetExpanded(, true); List<int> allowedInstanceIds = ObjectSelector.get.allowedInstanceIDs; HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter() { classNames = new string[1] { "AudioMixerController" } }); List<AudioMixerController> audioMixerControllerList = new List<AudioMixerController>(); while (hierarchyProperty.Next((int[]) null)) { AudioMixerController pptrValue = hierarchyProperty.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; if (this.ShouldShowController(pptrValue, allowedInstanceIds)) audioMixerControllerList.Add(pptrValue); } List<TreeViewItem> treeViewItemList = new List<TreeViewItem>(); treeViewItemList.Add(new TreeViewItem(TreeViewForAudioMixerGroup.kNoneItemID, 0, this.m_RootItem, TreeViewForAudioMixerGroup.s_NoneText)); using (List<AudioMixerController>.Enumerator enumerator = audioMixerControllerList.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { AudioMixerController current = enumerator.Current; treeViewItemList.Add(this.BuildSubTree(current)); } } this.m_RootItem.children = treeViewItemList; if (audioMixerControllerList.Count == 1), true); this.m_NeedRefreshVisibleFolders = true; }
private void SearchInFolders(HierarchyProperty property) { List<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult> list = new List<FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult>(); string[] baseFolders = ProjectWindowUtil.GetBaseFolders(this.m_SearchFilter.folders); string[] array = baseFolders; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string assetPath = array[i]; property.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter()); int mainAssetInstanceID = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetInstanceID(assetPath); if (property.Find(mainAssetInstanceID, null)) { property.SetSearchFilter(this.m_SearchFilter); int depth = property.depth; int[] expanded = null; while (property.NextWithDepthCheck(expanded, depth + 1)) { FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult item = new FilteredHierarchy.FilterResult(); this.CopyPropertyData(ref item, property); list.Add(item); } } } this.m_Results = list.ToArray(); }
private static List<AudioMixerController> FindAllAudioMixerControllers() { List<AudioMixerController> list = new List<AudioMixerController>(); HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets); hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(new SearchFilter { classNames = new string[] { "AudioMixerController" } }); while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null)) { AudioMixerController audioMixerController = hierarchyProperty.pptrValue as AudioMixerController; if (audioMixerController) { list.Add(audioMixerController); } } return list; }