protected void SortingButton(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { // Button logic if (EditorGUI.Button(headerRect, GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none)) { ColumnHeaderClicked(column, columnIndex); } // Draw sorting arrow if (columnIndex == state.sortedColumnIndex && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { var arrowRect = GetArrowRect(column, headerRect); Matrix4x4 normalMatrix = GUI.matrix; if (column.sortedAscending) { GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(180, - new Vector2(0, 1)); } GUI.Label(arrowRect, "\u25BE", DefaultStyles.arrowStyle); if (column.sortedAscending) { GUI.matrix = normalMatrix; } } }
internal virtual Rect GetArrowRect(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect) { float sortingArrowWidth = DefaultStyles.arrowStyle.fixedWidth; float arrowYPos = headerRect.y; float arrowXPos = 0f; switch (column.sortingArrowAlignment) { case TextAlignment.Left: arrowXPos = headerRect.x + DefaultStyles.columnHeader.padding.left; break; case TextAlignment.Center: arrowXPos = headerRect.x + headerRect.width * 0.5f - sortingArrowWidth * 0.5f; break; case TextAlignment.Right: arrowXPos = headerRect.xMax - DefaultStyles.columnHeader.padding.right - sortingArrowWidth; break; default: Debug.LogError("Unhandled enum"); break; } Rect arrowRect = new Rect(Mathf.Round(arrowXPos), arrowYPos, sortingArrowWidth, 16f); return(arrowRect); }
internal virtual void DrawColumnResizing(Rect headerRect, MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column) { headerRect.y += 1f; headerRect.width -= 1f; headerRect.height -= 2f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(headerRect, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f)); }
public virtual void OnGUI(Rect rect, float xScroll) { Event current = Event.current; if (this.m_GUIView == null) { this.m_GUIView = GUIView.current; } this.DetectSizeChanges(rect); GUIClip.Push(rect, new Vector2(-xScroll, 0f),, false); Rect totalHeaderRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width, rect.height); float widthOfAllVisibleColumns = this.state.widthOfAllVisibleColumns; float width = ((totalHeaderRect.width <= widthOfAllVisibleColumns) ? widthOfAllVisibleColumns : totalHeaderRect.width) +; Rect position = new Rect(0f, 0f, width, totalHeaderRect.height); GUI.Label(position, GUIContent.none, MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.background); if (current.type == EventType.ContextClick && position.Contains(current.mousePosition)) { current.Use(); this.DoContextMenu(); } this.UpdateColumnHeaderRects(totalHeaderRect); for (int i = 0; i < this.state.visibleColumns.Length; i++) { int num = this.state.visibleColumns[i]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.state.columns[num]; Rect headerRect = this.m_ColumnRects[i]; Rect dividerRect = new Rect(headerRect.xMax - 1f, headerRect.y + 4f, 1f, headerRect.height - 8f); this.DrawDivider(dividerRect); Rect position2 = new Rect(dividerRect.x - this.m_DividerWidth * 0.5f, totalHeaderRect.y, this.m_DividerWidth, totalHeaderRect.height); column.width = EditorGUI.WidthResizer(position2, column.width, column.minWidth, column.maxWidth); this.ColumnHeaderGUI(column, headerRect, num); } GUIClip.Pop(); }
internal virtual Rect GetArrowRect(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect) { float fixedWidth = MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.arrowStyle.fixedWidth; float y = headerRect.y; float f = 0f; switch (column.sortingArrowAlignment) { case TextAlignment.Left: f = headerRect.x + (float)MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.columnHeader.padding.left; break; case TextAlignment.Center: f = headerRect.x + headerRect.width * 0.5f - fixedWidth * 0.5f; break; case TextAlignment.Right: f = headerRect.xMax - (float)MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.columnHeader.padding.right - fixedWidth; break; default: Debug.LogError("Unhandled enum"); break; } Rect result = new Rect(Mathf.Round(f), y, fixedWidth, 16f); return(result); }
internal virtual void DrawColumnResizing(Rect headerRect, MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column) { const float margin = 1; headerRect.y += margin; headerRect.width -= margin; headerRect.height -= 2 * margin; EditorGUI.DrawRect(headerRect, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f)); }
public void SetSortDirection(int columnIndex, bool sortAscending) { MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.GetColumn(columnIndex); if (column.sortedAscending != sortAscending) { column.sortedAscending = sortAscending; this.OnSortingChanged(); } }
protected virtual void ColumnHeaderGUI(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { if (this.canSort) { this.SortingButton(column, headerRect, columnIndex); } GUIStyle columnHeader = MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.columnHeader; columnHeader.alignment = this.ConvertHeaderAlignmentToTextAnchor(column.headerTextAlignment); GUI.Label(headerRect, column.headerText, columnHeader); }
protected virtual void ColumnHeaderGUI(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { if (this.canSort && column.canSort) { this.SortingButton(column, headerRect, columnIndex); } GUIStyle style = this.GetStyle(column.headerTextAlignment); float singleLineHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; Rect position = new Rect(headerRect.x, headerRect.yMax - singleLineHeight - MultiColumnHeader.DefaultGUI.labelSpaceFromBottom, headerRect.width, singleLineHeight); GUI.Label(position, column.headerContent, style); }
protected virtual void ColumnHeaderClicked(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, int columnIndex) { if (this.state.sortedColumnIndex == columnIndex) { column.sortedAscending = !column.sortedAscending; } else { this.state.sortedColumnIndex = columnIndex; } this.OnSortingChanged(); }
protected virtual void ColumnHeaderGUI(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { var evt = Event.current; SortingButton(column, headerRect, columnIndex); GUIStyle style = GetStyle(column.headerTextAlignment); float labelHeight = EditorGUI.kWindowToolbarHeight; Rect labelRect = new Rect(headerRect.x, headerRect.yMax - labelHeight, headerRect.width, labelHeight); GUI.Label(labelRect, column.headerContent, style); }
public void SetSortingColumns(int[] columnIndices, bool[] sortAscending) { if (columnIndices == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("columnIndices"); } if (sortAscending == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sortAscending"); } if (columnIndices.Length != sortAscending.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("Input arrays should have same length"); } if (columnIndices.Length > this.state.maximumNumberOfSortedColumns) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new object[] { "The maximum number of sorted columns is ", this.state.maximumNumberOfSortedColumns, ". Trying to set ", columnIndices.Length, " columns." })); } if (columnIndices.Length != columnIndices.Distinct <int>().Count <int>()) { throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate column indices are not allowed", "columnIndices"); } bool flag = false; if (!columnIndices.SequenceEqual(this.state.sortedColumns)) { this.state.sortedColumns = columnIndices; flag = true; } for (int i = 0; i < columnIndices.Length; i++) { MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.GetColumn(columnIndices[i]); if (column.sortedAscending != sortAscending[i]) { column.sortedAscending = sortAscending[i]; flag = true; } } if (flag) { this.OnSortingChanged(); } }
protected virtual void AddColumnVisibilityItems(GenericMenu menu) { for (int i = 0; i < this.state.columns.Length; i++) { MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.state.columns[i]; if (column.allowToggleVisibility) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(column.headerText), this.state.visibleColumns.Contains(i), new GenericMenu.MenuFunction2(this.ToggleVisibility), i); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(column.headerText)); } } }
void ResizeColumnsWidthsProportionally(float deltaWidth) { // Find auto resizing columns List <MultiColumnHeaderState.Column> autoResizeColumns = null; foreach (int i in state.visibleColumns) { MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = state.columns[i]; if (column.autoResize) { // Ignore the columns that cannot expand anymore if (deltaWidth > 0f && column.width >= column.maxWidth) { continue; } // Ignore the columns that cannot shrink anymore if (deltaWidth < 0f && column.width <= column.minWidth) { continue; } if (autoResizeColumns == null) { autoResizeColumns = new List <MultiColumnHeaderState.Column>(); } autoResizeColumns.Add(column); } } // Any auto resizing columns? if (autoResizeColumns == null) { return; } // Sum float totalAutoResizeWidth = autoResizeColumns.Sum(x => x.width); // Distribute foreach (var column in autoResizeColumns) { column.width += deltaWidth * (column.width / totalAutoResizeWidth); column.width = Mathf.Clamp(column.width, column.minWidth, column.maxWidth); } }
protected virtual void AddColumnHeaderContextMenuItems(GenericMenu menu) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Resize to Fit"), false, new GenericMenu.MenuFunction(this.ResizeToFit)); menu.AddSeparator(""); for (int i = 0; i < this.state.columns.Length; i++) { MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.state.columns[i]; string text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.contextMenuText) ? column.headerContent.text : column.contextMenuText; if (column.allowToggleVisibility) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(text), this.state.visibleColumns.Contains(i), new GenericMenu.MenuFunction2(this.ToggleVisibility), i); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(text)); } } }
protected override void OnContentGUI(Rect rect, int row, TreeViewItem item, string label, bool selected, bool focused, bool useBoldFont, bool isPinging) { if (!isPinging) { if (this.m_Owner.m_OverriddenMethods.hasItemGUI) { TreeView.ItemGUIEventArgs args = new TreeView.ItemGUIEventArgs { rowRect = rect, row = row, item = item, selected = selected, focused = focused, isRenaming = this.IsRenaming(, isDropTarget = this.IsDropTarget(item) }; if (this.m_Owner.multiColumnHeader != null) { int[] visibleColumns = this.m_Owner.multiColumnHeader.state.visibleColumns; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column[] columns = this.m_Owner.multiColumnHeader.state.columns; Rect rowRect = args.rowRect; for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumns.Length; i++) { int num = visibleColumns[i]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = columns[num]; rowRect.width = column.width; args.cellRect = rowRect; args.column = num; this.m_Owner.OnItemGUI(args); rowRect.x += column.width; } } else { this.m_Owner.OnItemGUI(args); } } else { base.OnContentGUI(rect, row, item, label, selected, focused, useBoldFont, false); } } }
protected void SortingButton(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { if (EditorGUI.Button(headerRect, GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none)) { this.ColumnHeaderClicked(column, columnIndex); } if (columnIndex == this.state.sortedColumnIndex && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { float fixedWidth = MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.arrowStyle.fixedWidth; float y = headerRect.y; float f = 0f; switch (column.sortingArrowAlignment) { case TextAlignment.Left: f = headerRect.x + (float)MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.columnHeader.padding.left; break; case TextAlignment.Center: f = headerRect.x + headerRect.width * 0.5f - fixedWidth * 0.5f; break; case TextAlignment.Right: f = headerRect.xMax - (float)MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.columnHeader.padding.right - fixedWidth; break; default: Debug.LogError("Unhandled enum"); break; } Rect position = new Rect(Mathf.Round(f), y, fixedWidth, 12f); Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; if (column.sortedAscending) { GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(180f,; } GUI.Label(position, "▾", MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.arrowStyle); if (column.sortedAscending) { GUI.matrix = matrix; } } }
private void UpdateColumnHeaderRects(Rect totalHeaderRect) { if (this.m_ColumnRects == null || this.m_ColumnRects.Length != this.state.visibleColumns.Length) { this.m_ColumnRects = new Rect[this.state.visibleColumns.Length]; } Rect rect = totalHeaderRect; for (int i = 0; i < this.state.visibleColumns.Length; i++) { int num = this.state.visibleColumns[i]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.state.columns[num]; if (i > 0) { rect.x += rect.width; } rect.width = column.width; this.m_ColumnRects[i] = rect; } }
public void SetSorting(int columnIndex, bool sortAscending) { bool flag = false; if (this.state.sortedColumnIndex != columnIndex) { this.state.sortedColumnIndex = columnIndex; flag = true; } MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.GetColumn(columnIndex); if (column.sortedAscending != sortAscending) { column.sortedAscending = sortAscending; flag = true; } if (flag) { this.OnSortingChanged(); } }
private void ResizeColumnsWidthsProportionally(float deltaWidth) { List <MultiColumnHeaderState.Column> list = null; foreach (int num in this.state.visibleColumns) { MultiColumnHeaderState.Column item = this.state.columns[num]; if ((item.autoResize && ((deltaWidth <= 0f) || (item.width < item.maxWidth))) && ((deltaWidth >= 0f) || (item.width > item.minWidth))) { if (list == null) { list = new List <MultiColumnHeaderState.Column>(); } list.Add(item); } } if (list != null) { if (< > f__am$cache0 == null) {
protected void SortingButton(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { if (EditorGUI.Button(headerRect, GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none)) { this.ColumnHeaderClicked(column, columnIndex); } if (columnIndex == this.state.sortedColumnIndex && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Rect arrowRect = this.GetArrowRect(column, headerRect); Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; if (column.sortedAscending) { GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(180f, - new Vector2(0f, 1f)); } GUI.Label(arrowRect, "▾", MultiColumnHeader.DefaultStyles.arrowStyle); if (column.sortedAscending) { GUI.matrix = matrix; } } }
private void ResizeColumnsWidthsProportionally(float deltaWidth) { List <MultiColumnHeaderState.Column> list = null; int[] visibleColumns = this.state.visibleColumns; int i = 0; while (i < visibleColumns.Length) { int num = visibleColumns[i]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.state.columns[num]; if (column.autoResize) { if (deltaWidth <= 0f || column.width < column.maxWidth) { if (deltaWidth >= 0f || column.width > column.minWidth) { if (list == null) { list = new List <MultiColumnHeaderState.Column>(); } list.Add(column); } } } IL_94: i++; continue; goto IL_94; } if (list != null) { float num2 = list.Sum((MultiColumnHeaderState.Column x) => x.width); foreach (MultiColumnHeaderState.Column current in list) { current.width += deltaWidth * (current.width / num2); current.width = Mathf.Clamp(current.width, current.minWidth, current.maxWidth); } } }
void UpdateColumnHeaderRects(Rect totalHeaderRect) { if (m_ColumnRects == null || m_ColumnRects.Length != state.visibleColumns.Length) { m_ColumnRects = new Rect[state.visibleColumns.Length]; } Rect curRect = totalHeaderRect; for (int v = 0; v < state.visibleColumns.Length; v++) { int columnIndex = state.visibleColumns[v]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = state.columns[columnIndex]; if (v > 0) { curRect.x += curRect.width; } curRect.width = column.width; m_ColumnRects[v] = curRect; } }
protected void SortingButton(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { DoSortingButtonAndColumnHeaderDragging(column, headerRect, columnIndex); }
private void DoSortingButtonAndColumnHeaderDragging(MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column, Rect headerRect, int columnIndex) { var evt = Event.current; switch (evt.GetTypeForControl(m_HeaderButtonsControlID)) { case EventType.MouseDown: { bool canBeInteractedWith = allowDraggingColumnsToReorder || (canSort && column.canSort); if (canBeInteractedWith && evt.button == 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { var interactionRect = Inflate(headerRect, -10, -1, -10, -1); if (interactionRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { GUIUtility.hotControl = m_HeaderButtonsControlID; m_SelectedColumnIndex = columnIndex; evt.Use(); } } } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (allowDraggingColumnsToReorder && GUIUtility.hotControl == m_HeaderButtonsControlID) { if (m_DraggedColumnIndex == -1) { m_DraggedColumnIndex = m_SelectedColumnIndex; Repaint(); } if (columnIndex == m_DraggedColumnIndex) { return; } var columnCenter =; float min, max; if (columnIndex < m_DraggedColumnIndex) { min = headerRect.x; max = columnCenter.x; } else { min = columnCenter.x; max = headerRect.xMax; } int visibleColumnIndex = GetVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex); if (visibleColumnIndex == 0) { min = float.MinValue; } if (visibleColumnIndex == state.visibleColumns.Length - 1) { max = float.MaxValue; } var mousePosX = evt.mousePosition.x; var foundDragTargetColumn = mousePosX > min && mousePosX < max; if (foundDragTargetColumn) { MoveColumn(m_DraggedColumnIndex, columnIndex); m_DraggedColumnIndex = m_SelectedColumnIndex = columnIndex; Repaint(); evt.Use(); } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == m_HeaderButtonsControlID && m_SelectedColumnIndex == columnIndex) { var selectedColumnIndex = m_SelectedColumnIndex; var dragging = m_DraggedColumnIndex >= 0; m_DraggedColumnIndex = -1; m_SelectedColumnIndex = -1; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; evt.Use(); if (canSort && column.canSort && !dragging) { if (selectedColumnIndex == columnIndex && headerRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { ColumnHeaderClicked(column, columnIndex); } } } break; case EventType.Repaint: if (m_SelectedColumnIndex == columnIndex) { EditorGUI.DrawRect(headerRect, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f)); } if (m_DraggedColumnIndex == columnIndex) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(-100000, -100000, 200000, 200000), MouseCursor.SlideArrow, m_HeaderButtonsControlID); } // Draw sorting arrow if (canSort && column.canSort && columnIndex == state.sortedColumnIndex) { var arrowRect = GetArrowRect(column, headerRect); Matrix4x4 normalMatrix = GUI.matrix; if (column.sortedAscending) { GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(180, - new Vector2(0, 1)); } GUI.Label(arrowRect, "\u25BE", DefaultStyles.arrowStyle); if (column.sortedAscending) { GUI.matrix = normalMatrix; } } break; } }
// Virtual so clients can override header behavior and rendering entirely public virtual void OnGUI(Rect rect, float xScroll) { Event evt = Event.current; if (m_GUIView == null) { m_GUIView = GUIView.current; } DetectSizeChanges(rect); if (m_ResizeToFit && evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { m_ResizeToFit = false; ResizeColumnsWidthsProportionally(rect.width - - state.widthOfAllVisibleColumns); } // We create a guiclip to let the header be able to scroll horizontally according to the tree view's horizontal scroll GUIClip.Push(rect, new Vector2(-xScroll, 0f),, false); { Rect localRect = new Rect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); // Background ( We always add the width of the vertical scrollbar to accomodate if this is being shown below e.g by a tree view) float widthOfAllColumns = state.widthOfAllVisibleColumns; float backgroundWidth = (localRect.width > widthOfAllColumns ? localRect.width : widthOfAllColumns) +; Rect backgroundRect = new Rect(0, 0, backgroundWidth, localRect.height); GUI.Label(backgroundRect, GUIContent.none, DefaultStyles.background); // Context menu if (evt.type == EventType.ContextClick && backgroundRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { evt.Use(); DoContextMenu(); } // Update column rects (cached for clients to have fast access to column rects by using GetCellRect) UpdateColumnHeaderRects(localRect); // Columns for (int v = 0; v < state.visibleColumns.Length; v++) { int columnIndex = state.visibleColumns[v]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = state.columns[columnIndex]; Rect headerRect = m_ColumnRects[v]; const float limitHeightOfDivider = 4f; Rect dividerRect = new Rect(headerRect.xMax - 1, headerRect.y + limitHeightOfDivider, 1f, headerRect.height - 2 * limitHeightOfDivider); // Resize columns logic Rect dragRect = new Rect(dividerRect.x - m_DividerWidth * 0.5f, localRect.y, m_DividerWidth, localRect.height); bool hasControl; column.width = EditorGUI.WidthResizer(dragRect, column.width, column.minWidth, column.maxWidth, out hasControl); if (hasControl && evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { DrawColumnResizing(headerRect, column); } // Draw divider (can be overridden) DrawDivider(dividerRect, column); // Draw header (can be overridden) ColumnHeaderGUI(column, headerRect, columnIndex); } } GUIClip.Pop(); }
internal virtual void DrawDivider(Rect dividerRect, MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column) { EditorGUI.DrawRect(dividerRect, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); }