string GetRemapAttributeNameToCSProperty(string attributeName) { if (currentVisualElement is ObjectField && attributeName == "type") { return("objectType"); } else if (attributeName == "readonly") { return("isReadOnly"); } var camel = BuilderNameUtilities.ConvertDashToCamel(attributeName); return(camel); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetOverriddenAttributes(this VisualElement ve) { var attributeList = ve.GetAttributeDescriptions(); var overriddenAttributes = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var attribute in attributeList) { if (attribute == null || == null) { continue; } var veType = ve.GetType(); var camel = BuilderNameUtilities.ConvertDashToCamel(; var fieldInfo = veType.GetProperty(camel); if (fieldInfo != null) { var veValueAbstract = fieldInfo.GetValue(ve, null); if (veValueAbstract == null) { continue; } var veValueStr = veValueAbstract.ToString(); if (veValueStr == "False") { veValueStr = "false"; } else if (veValueStr == "True") { veValueStr = "true"; } var attributeValueStr = attribute.defaultValueAsString; if (veValueStr == attributeValueStr) { continue; } overriddenAttributes.Add(, veValueStr); } } return(overriddenAttributes); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetOverriddenAttributes(this VisualElement ve) { var attributeList = ve.GetAttributeDescriptions(); var overriddenAttributes = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var attribute in attributeList) { if (attribute?.name == null) { continue; } var veType = ve.GetType(); var camel = BuilderNameUtilities.ConvertDashToCamel(; var fieldInfo = veType.GetProperty(camel); if (fieldInfo != null) { var veValueAbstract = fieldInfo.GetValue(ve, null); if (veValueAbstract == null) { continue; } var veValueStr = veValueAbstract.ToString(); if (veValueStr == "False") { veValueStr = "false"; } else if (veValueStr == "True") { veValueStr = "true"; } // The result of Type.ToString is not enough for us to find the correct Type. if (veValueAbstract is Type type) { veValueStr = $"{type.FullName}, {type.Assembly.GetName().Name}"; } var attributeValueStr = attribute.defaultValueAsString; if (veValueStr == attributeValueStr) { continue; } overriddenAttributes.Add(, veValueStr); } // This is a special patch that allows to search for built-in elements' attribute specifically // without needing to add to the public API. // Allowing to search for internal/private properties in all cases could lead to unforeseen issues. else if (ve is EnumField && camel == "type") { fieldInfo = veType.GetProperty(camel, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); var veValueAbstract = fieldInfo.GetValue(ve, null); if (!(veValueAbstract is Type type)) { continue; } var veValueStr = $"{type.FullName}, {type.Assembly.GetName().Name}"; var attributeValueStr = attribute.defaultValueAsString; if (veValueStr == attributeValueStr) { continue; } overriddenAttributes.Add(, veValueStr); } } return(overriddenAttributes); }
void RefreshAttributeField(BindableElement fieldElement) { var styleRow = fieldElement.GetProperty(BuilderConstants.InspectorLinkedStyleRowVEPropertyName) as VisualElement; var attribute = fieldElement.GetProperty(BuilderConstants.InspectorLinkedAttributeDescriptionVEPropertyName) as UxmlAttributeDescription; var veType = currentVisualElement.GetType(); var camel = BuilderNameUtilities.ConvertDashToCamel(; var fieldInfo = veType.GetProperty(camel, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase); object veValueAbstract = null; if (fieldInfo == null) { veValueAbstract = GetCustomValueAbstract(; } else { veValueAbstract = fieldInfo.GetValue(currentVisualElement); } if (veValueAbstract == null) { return; } var attributeType = attribute.GetType(); var vea = currentVisualElement.GetVisualElementAsset(); if (attribute is UxmlStringAttributeDescription && fieldElement is TextField) { string value; if (veValueAbstract is Enum) { value = (veValueAbstract as Enum).ToString(); } else { value = (string)veValueAbstract; } (fieldElement as TextField).SetValueWithoutNotify(value); } else if (attribute is UxmlFloatAttributeDescription && fieldElement is FloatField) { (fieldElement as FloatField).SetValueWithoutNotify((float)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlDoubleAttributeDescription && fieldElement is DoubleField) { (fieldElement as DoubleField).SetValueWithoutNotify((double)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlIntAttributeDescription && fieldElement is IntegerField) { if (veValueAbstract is int) { (fieldElement as IntegerField).SetValueWithoutNotify((int)veValueAbstract); } else if (veValueAbstract is float) { (fieldElement as IntegerField).SetValueWithoutNotify(Convert.ToInt32(veValueAbstract)); } } else if (attribute is UxmlLongAttributeDescription && fieldElement is LongField) { (fieldElement as LongField).SetValueWithoutNotify((long)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlBoolAttributeDescription && fieldElement is Toggle) { (fieldElement as Toggle).SetValueWithoutNotify((bool)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlColorAttributeDescription && fieldElement is ColorField) { (fieldElement as ColorField).SetValueWithoutNotify((Color)veValueAbstract); } else if (attributeType.IsGenericType && !attributeType.GetGenericArguments()[0].IsEnum && attributeType.GetGenericArguments()[0] is Type && fieldElement is TextField textField && veValueAbstract is Type veTypeValue) { var fullTypeName = veTypeValue.AssemblyQualifiedName; var fullTypeNameSplit = fullTypeName.Split(','); textField.SetValueWithoutNotify($"{fullTypeNameSplit[0]},{fullTypeNameSplit[1]}"); }
void RefreshAttributeField(BindableElement fieldElement) { var styleRow = fieldElement.GetProperty(BuilderConstants.InspectorLinkedStyleRowVEPropertyName) as VisualElement; var attribute = fieldElement.GetProperty(BuilderConstants.InspectorLinkedAttributeDescriptionVEPropertyName) as UxmlAttributeDescription; var veType = currentVisualElement.GetType(); var camel = BuilderNameUtilities.ConvertDashToCamel(; var fieldInfo = veType.GetProperty(camel, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase); object veValueAbstract = null; if (fieldInfo == null) { veValueAbstract = GetCustomValueAbstract(; } else { veValueAbstract = fieldInfo.GetValue(currentVisualElement); } if (veValueAbstract == null) { return; } var attributeType = attribute.GetType(); var vea = currentVisualElement.GetVisualElementAsset(); if (attribute is UxmlStringAttributeDescription && fieldElement is TextField) { string value; if (veValueAbstract is Enum) { value = (veValueAbstract as Enum).ToString(); } else { value = (string)veValueAbstract; } (fieldElement as TextField).SetValueWithoutNotify(value); } else if (attribute is UxmlFloatAttributeDescription && fieldElement is FloatField) { (fieldElement as FloatField).SetValueWithoutNotify((float)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlDoubleAttributeDescription && fieldElement is DoubleField) { (fieldElement as DoubleField).SetValueWithoutNotify((double)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlIntAttributeDescription && fieldElement is IntegerField) { (fieldElement as IntegerField).SetValueWithoutNotify((int)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlLongAttributeDescription && fieldElement is LongField) { (fieldElement as LongField).SetValueWithoutNotify((long)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlBoolAttributeDescription && fieldElement is Toggle) { (fieldElement as Toggle).SetValueWithoutNotify((bool)veValueAbstract); } else if (attribute is UxmlColorAttributeDescription && fieldElement is ColorField) { (fieldElement as ColorField).SetValueWithoutNotify((Color)veValueAbstract); } else if (attributeType.IsGenericType && attributeType.GetGenericArguments()[0].IsEnum && fieldElement is EnumField) { var propInfo = attributeType.GetProperty("defaultValue"); var enumValue = propInfo.GetValue(attribute, null) as Enum; // Create and initialize the EnumField. var uiField = fieldElement as EnumField; // Set the value from the UXML attribute. var enumAttributeValueStr = vea?.GetAttributeValue(; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumAttributeValueStr)) { var parsedValue = Enum.Parse(enumValue.GetType(), enumAttributeValueStr, true) as Enum; uiField.SetValueWithoutNotify(parsedValue); } } else if (fieldElement is TextField) { (fieldElement as TextField).SetValueWithoutNotify(veValueAbstract.ToString()); } // Determine if overridden. styleRow.RemoveFromClassList(BuilderConstants.InspectorLocalStyleOverrideClassName); if (vea != null && == "picking-mode") { var veaAttributeValue = vea.GetAttributeValue(; if (veaAttributeValue != null && veaAttributeValue.ToLower() != attribute.defaultValueAsString.ToLower()) { styleRow.AddToClassList(BuilderConstants.InspectorLocalStyleOverrideClassName); } } else if ( == "name") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { styleRow.AddToClassList(BuilderConstants.InspectorLocalStyleOverrideClassName); } } else if (vea != null && vea.HasAttribute( { styleRow.AddToClassList(BuilderConstants.InspectorLocalStyleOverrideClassName); } }