Memory(int numTransforms, Allocator allocator)
                int transformSize = 0;

                    transformSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <AffineTransform>();

                memory = ArrayMemory.Create();
                memory.Reserve <AffineTransform>(numTransforms);

                buffer = Create(ref memory, numTransforms);
        MotionSynthesizer(BlobAssetReference <Binary> binary, AffineTransform worldRootTransform, float blendDuration, Allocator allocator)
            m_binary = binary;

            arrayMemory = ArrayMemory.Create();

            ReserveTraitTypes(ref arrayMemory);
            PoseGenerator.Reserve(ref arrayMemory, ref binary.Value);
            TrajectoryModel.Reserve(ref arrayMemory, ref binary.Value);


            // We basically copy statically available data into this instance
            // so that the burst compiler does not complain about accessing static data.
            traitTypes = ConstructTraitTypes(ref arrayMemory, ref binary.Value);

            poseGenerator = new PoseGenerator(ref arrayMemory, ref binary.Value, blendDuration);

            trajectory = new TrajectoryModel(ref arrayMemory, ref binary.Value);

            rootTransform      = worldRootTransform;
            rootDeltaTransform = AffineTransform.identity;

            updateInProgress = false;

            _deltaTime = 0.0f;

            lastSamplingTime = TimeIndex.Invalid;

            samplingTime = SamplingTime.Invalid;

            delayedPushTime = TimeIndex.Invalid;

            frameCount = -1;

            lastProcessedFrameCount = -1;

            isValid = true;

            isDebugging      = false;
            readDebugMemory  = DebugMemory.Create(1024, allocator);
            writeDebugMemory = DebugMemory.Create(1024, allocator);