예제 #1
        public void TwoByTwo_NonSymetric()
            string  strA = @"1	2
                            3	4";
            Matrix3 A    = new Matrix3();


            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsSymetric(A), Is.False);

            EigenvalueDecomposition EofA = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            Matrix3 V = EofA.V;
            Matrix3 D = EofA.getD();

            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsDiagonal(D), Is.True); //Block Diagonal which for 2x2 is diagonal

            // V*D * V.Inverse = A
            Matrix3 test = Matrix3.Mult(D, V.Inverted());

            test = Matrix3.Mult(V, test);
            Assert.That(test.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(A.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001).Percent);

            // A.times(V) equals V.times(D)

            Assert.That(Matrix3.Mult(A, V).ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(Matrix3.Mult(V, D).ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001).Percent);
예제 #2
        private void TestDecomposition(Matrix3 A)
            EigenvalueDecomposition EofA = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            Matrix3 V = EofA.V;
            Matrix3 D = EofA.getD();

            if (StandardMatrixTests.IsSymetric(A))
                // V is orthogonal V times V transpose is the identity
                Matrix3 test = Matrix3.Mult(D, Matrix3.Transpose(V));
                test = Matrix3.Mult(V, test);
                Assert.That(Matrix3.Mult(V, Matrix3.Transpose(V)), Is.EqualTo(Matrix3.Identity).Within(.0000001));
                Assert.That(test.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(A.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));
                Assert.That((A * V).ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo((V * D).ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));
예제 #3
        public void Random_NByN_Symetric(int n)
            Rectangular rand = new Rectangular();
            Matrix3     A    = rand.Randomfloat(n, n);

            A = A.Add(Matrix3.Transpose(A));

            /// Any matrix added to its transpose will be symetric
            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsSymetric(A), Is.True);

            EigenvalueDecomposition EofA = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            Matrix3 V = EofA.V;

            // V is orthogonal V times V transpose is the identity
            Assert.That(Matrix3.Mult(V, Matrix3.Transpose(V)).ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(Matrix3.Identity.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));

            Matrix3 D    = EofA.getD();
            Matrix3 test = Matrix3.Mult(D, Matrix3.Transpose(V));

            test = Matrix3.Mult(V, test);

            Assert.That(test.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(A.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001).Percent);
예제 #4
        public void TwoByTwo_Symetric()
            string  strA = @"2	1
                            1	2";
            Matrix3 A    = new Matrix3();


            string  strExpectedD = @"1  0
                                    0  3";
            Matrix3 ExpectedD    = new Matrix3();


            string strExpectedV = @" -0.7071     0.7071
                                      0.7071     0.7071";

            Matrix3 ExpectedV = new Matrix3();

            //This is the value that one will get from Matlab. The eigenvalue Decomposition returns
            //the  following           0.7071     0.7071
            //                        -0.7071     0.7071"
            // (Warning Proof ahead )
            //The problem stems from the fact that the Eigenvalue decomposition is not entirely unique.
            // The A is decomposed such that A = V * D * V';
            // Consider the diagonal  matrix J such that all of its diagonal values are eiher 1 or -1. J*J = I.
            // (V *J) * D * (V * J)' = V * J * D * J' * V'  using (AB)' = B'A' The transpose of the product is the transpose of the elements reversed.
            //  V * J * D * J' * V'  =  V * J * D * J * V'  as J is diagonal
            //  V * J * D * J * V'   = V * J * J * D * V' as J and D are diagonal.
            //  V * J * J * D * V'  = V * D * V' since J*J = I.
            // (Proof finished)
            //  In practical terms this means that    Assert.That(V, Is.EqualTo(ExpectedV) );
            //  is not a good test. and I will need to test if it is equivalent instead.

            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsSymetric(A), Is.True);

            EigenvalueDecomposition EofA = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            float[] realEigenValues      = EofA.EV;
            float[] imaginaryEigenValues = EofA.EV;

            Matrix3 V = EofA.V;

            // Assert.That(V, Is.EqualTo(ExpectedV) ); Not enough uniqueness so does not work
            //TestEigenvalueVEquivalent(V, ExpectedV);

            // V is orthogonal V times V transpose is the identity

            Assert.That(Matrix3.Mult(V, Matrix3.Transpose(V)).ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(Matrix3.Identity.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));

            Matrix3 D = EofA.getD();

            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsDiagonal(D), Is.True); //Diagonal which for 2x2 is diagonal
            Assert.That(D.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(ExpectedD.ToFloatArray()).Within(10).Ulps);

            //V * D * V,transpose = A
            Matrix3 test = Matrix3.Mult(D, Matrix3.Transpose(V));

            test = Matrix3.Mult(V, test);
            Assert.That(test.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(A.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));