public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" create function rest__post_return_body(_body json) returns json as $$ begin return _body; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_return_body_additional(_body json, _additional text) returns json as $$ begin return _body::jsonb || format('{""additional"": ""%s""}', _additional)::jsonb; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_return_body(_body json) returns json as $$ begin return _body; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_return_body_additional(_body json, _additional text) returns json as $$ begin return _body::jsonb || format('{""additional"": ""%s""}', _additional)::jsonb; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_return_plain_text(_body text) returns text as $$ begin return _body; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_return_plain_text(_body text) returns text as $$ begin return _body; end $$ language plpgsql; ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" drop function rest__get_values_no_grant(); drop function rest__get_values_with_grant(); drop function rest__get_values_with_grant_param(text); drop table test_values; ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" drop function rest__get_values_from_params(int, text, timestamp, text); drop function rest__post_values_from_params(int, text, timestamp, text); drop function rest__put_values_from_params(int, text, timestamp, text); drop function rest__delete_values_from_params(int, text, timestamp, text); ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" drop function rest__get_test_route_name(); drop function rest__post_test_route_name(); drop function rest__put_test_route_name(); drop function rest__delete_test_route_name(); ");
public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" create function rest__get_test_route_name() returns json as $$ begin return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_test_route_name() returns json as $$ begin return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_test_route_name() returns json as $$ begin return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__delete_test_route_name() returns json as $$ begin return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" drop function rest__get_test_logging_info(); drop function rest__get_test_logging_notice(); drop function rest__get_test_logging_log(); drop function rest__get_test_logging_warn(); drop function rest__get_test_logging_debug(); drop function rest__get_test_logging_error(); ");
public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" create function rest__get_test_logging_info() returns json as $$ begin raise info 'info log'; return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__get_test_logging_notice() returns json as $$ begin raise notice 'notice log'; return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__get_test_logging_log() returns json as $$ begin set client_min_messages to 'log'; raise log 'log log'; return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__get_test_logging_warn() returns json as $$ begin raise warning 'warn log'; return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__get_test_logging_debug() returns json as $$ begin set client_min_messages to 'debug'; raise warning 'debug log'; return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__get_test_logging_error() returns json as $$ begin raise exception 'error log'; return '{}'; end $$ language plpgsql; ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" drop function rest__post_return_body(json); drop function rest__post_return_body_additional(json, text); drop function rest__put_return_body(json); drop function rest__put_return_body_additional(json, text); drop function rest__post_return_plain_text(text); drop function rest__put_return_plain_text(text); ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.Testing, @" drop function rest__get_setof(); drop function rest__get_table(); drop function rest__post_setof(); drop function rest__post_table(); drop function rest__put_setof(); drop function rest__put_table(); drop function rest__delete_setof(); drop function rest__delete_table(); drop table test_table; ");
public void TearDown() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" drop function rest__get_return_query(json); drop function rest__get_return_query_additional(json, text); drop function rest__post_return_query(json); drop function rest__post_return_query_additional(json, text); drop function rest__put_return_query(json); drop function rest__put_return_query_additional(json, text); drop function rest__delete_return_query(json); drop function rest__delete_return_query_additional(json, text); ");
public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" create function rest__get_route() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__route_is_get() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_route() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__route_is_post() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_route() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__route_is_put() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__delete_route() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__route_is_delete() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; ");
public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.Testing, @" create table test_table(id int, name text); insert into test_table values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'); create function rest__get_setof() returns setof test_table as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__get_table() returns table (id int, name text) as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_setof() returns setof test_table as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_table() returns table (id int, name text) as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_setof() returns setof test_table as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_table() returns table (id int, name text) as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__delete_setof() returns setof test_table as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__delete_table() returns table (id int, name text) as $$ begin return query select * from test_table; end $$ language plpgsql; ");
public void TearDown() { string Script(string verb) => string.Format(@" drop function rest__{0}_json_null(); drop function rest__{0}_jsonb_null(); drop function rest__{0}_jsonb_value(); drop function rest__{0}_void(); drop function rest__{0}_text_null(); drop function rest__{0}_text_value(); drop function rest__{0}_integer_null(); drop function rest__{0}_integer_value(); drop function rest__{0}_timestamp_null(); drop function rest__{0}_timestamp_value(); ", verb); DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand( ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, $"{Script("get")}\n\n{Script("post")}\n\n{Script("put")}\n\n{Script("delete")}"); }
public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" create function rest__get_values_from_params(_int int, _text text, _timestamp timestamp, _unbound text) returns json as $$ begin return json_build_object( 'first', _int, 'second', _text, 'third', _timestamp, 'fourth', _unbound ); end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__post_values_from_params(_int int, _text text, _timestamp timestamp, _unbound text) returns json as $$ begin return json_build_object( 'first', _int, 'second', _text, 'third', _timestamp, 'fourth', _unbound ); end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__put_values_from_params(_int int, _text text, _timestamp timestamp, _unbound text) returns json as $$ begin return json_build_object( 'first', _int, 'second', _text, 'third', _timestamp, 'fourth', _unbound ); end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__delete_values_from_params(_int int, _text text, _timestamp timestamp, _unbound text) returns json as $$ begin return json_build_object( 'first', _int, 'second', _text, 'third', _timestamp, 'fourth', _unbound ); end $$ language plpgsql; ");
public void BuildUp() => DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, @" create function rest__get_values_no_grant() returns json as $$ begin return ( select json_build_object('values', array[1, 2, 3]) ); end $$ language plpgsql security definer; revoke all on function rest__get_values_no_grant() from public; create table test_values (i int); insert into test_values values (1), (2), (3); create function rest__get_values_with_grant() returns json as $$ begin return ( select json_build_object('values', (select array_agg(i) from test_values)) ); end $$ language plpgsql security definer; revoke all on function rest__get_values_with_grant() from public; grant execute on function rest__get_values_with_grant() to testing; create function rest__get_values_with_grant_param(_p text) returns json as $$ begin return ( select json_build_object('values', (select array_agg(i) from test_values)) ); end $$ language plpgsql security definer; revoke all on function rest__get_values_with_grant_param(text) from public; grant execute on function rest__get_values_with_grant_param(text) to testing; ");
private void AssertAccessDenied(string sql) { bool permissionDenied = false; try { DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand(ConnectionType.Testing, sql); } catch (PostgresException e) { // insufficient_privilege, see: if (e.SqlState == "42501") { permissionDenied = true; } else { throw; } } Assert.True(permissionDenied); }
public void BuildUp() { string Script(string verb) => string.Format(@" create function rest__{0}_json_null() returns json as $$ begin return null; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_jsonb_null() returns jsonb as $$ begin return null; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_jsonb_value() returns jsonb as $$ begin return '{{""field"": ""value""}}'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_void() returns void as $$ begin end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_text_null() returns text as $$ begin return null; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_text_value() returns text as $$ begin return 'text'; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_integer_null() returns integer as $$ begin return null; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_integer_value() returns integer as $$ begin return 999; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_timestamp_null() returns timestamp as $$ begin return null; end $$ language plpgsql; create function rest__{0}_timestamp_value() returns timestamp as $$ begin return '2019-05-19'::timestamp; end $$ language plpgsql; ", verb); DatabaseFixture.ExecuteCommand( ConnectionType.PostgresTesting, $"{Script("get")}\n\n{Script("post")}\n\n{Script("put")}\n\n{Script("delete")}"); }