예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a new entity into the database and return the modified entity
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Insert(Entity entity)
            string type = EntityUtils.GetEntityStringType(entity.GetType());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.EntityKey))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Provided entity has already been inserted"

                AttemptInsert(type, entity);
            catch (ArangoException e) when(e.ErrorNumber == 1203)
                // collection not found -> create it

                AttemptInsert(type, entity);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes an entity
        /// Careful deletes check revisions
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Delete(Entity entity, bool carefully = false)
            string type = EntityUtils.GetEntityStringType(entity.GetType());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.EntityKey))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Provided entity has not been inserted yet"

                JsonObject document = SerializeEntity(entity);

                arango.ExecuteAqlQuery(new AqlQuery()
                                       .Remove(() => document)
            catch (ArangoException e)
                if (e.ErrorNumber == 1203) // collection not found
                    throw new EntityPersistenceException(
                              "Entity has not yet been inserted, or already deleted"

                if (e.ErrorNumber == 1202) // document not found
                    throw new EntityPersistenceException(
                              "Entity has not yet been inserted, or already deleted"

                if (e.ErrorNumber == 1200) // conflict
                    throw new EntityRevConflictException(
                              "Entity has been modified since the last refresh"

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an entity reference already pointing somewhere
        /// </summary>
        public EntityReference(string targetId)
            if (targetId == null)
                this.targetId = null;

            // validate ID
            DocumentId id;

                id = DocumentId.Parse(targetId);
            catch (ArangoException)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Given target ID '{targetId}' is not a valid ID"

            // validate entity type
            string given    = EntityUtils.TypeFromCollection(id.Collection);
            string shouldBe = EntityUtils.GetEntityStringType(typeof(TTarget));

            if (given != shouldBe)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Given target ID '{targetId}' has invalid entity type.\n" +
                          $"Given: '{given}', expected: '{shouldBe}'"

            this.targetId = targetId;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the entity in the database and returns the updated entity
        /// Careful insert checks revisions to detect write-write conflicts
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Update(
            Entity entity,
            bool carefully = false
            string type = EntityUtils.GetEntityStringType(entity.GetType());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.EntityKey))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Provided entity has not been inserted yet"

                JsonObject oldDocument = FindDocument(entity.EntityId);

                if (oldDocument == null)
                    throw new ArangoException(404, 1202, "document not found");

                JsonObject newDocument = SerializeEntity(entity);

                // set timestamps
                // (serializer instead of direct setting, because the serializer
                // does not store "Z" (timezone), so deserialization does not
                // correct for timezones and loads it as it is)
                newDocument["CreatedAt"] = oldDocument["CreatedAt"];
                newDocument["UpdatedAt"] = Serializer.ToJson(DateTime.UtcNow);

                // if we aren't careful, then don't even send the _rev key
                // (just to make sure the database won't throw a conflict)
                // (this probably doesn't help with anything, but why not do it)
                if (!carefully)

                var newAttributes = arango.ExecuteAqlQuery(new AqlQuery()
                                                           .Replace(() => newDocument)

            catch (ArangoException e) when(e.ErrorNumber == 1200)
                // write-write conflict

                 * Write-write conflict (1200) can be thrown even when we
                 * don't explicitly check for revisions. This comes down
                 * to the way ArangoDB works. If it tries to acquire a write
                 * lock on a document and fails, it doesn't retry and throws
                 * the conflict error (it fails because someone else is
                 * currently writing to that document). Giving up on the write
                 * is ok in this situation as it could be though of as the
                 * other process immediately overwriting our update.
                 * https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb/issues/9702

                // When we are careful, we need to notify the user by
                // throwing a conflict exception
                if (carefully)
                    throw new EntityRevConflictException(
                              "Entity has been modified since the last refresh"

                // When we aren't careful, we just warn the user and
                // ignore the fact the write failed. (see the note above)
                    "Entity wasn't saved due to a write-write conflict " +
                    "(other process was saving the same entity at the " +
                    "same time).\nCheck out documentation for the method " +
                    "entity.SaveCarefully() to learn more.",
            catch (ArangoException e) when(e.ErrorNumber == 1202)
                // document not found
                throw new EntityPersistenceException(
                          "Entity has not yet been inserted, or already deleted"
            catch (ArangoException e) when(e.ErrorNumber == 1203)
                // collection not found
                throw new EntityPersistenceException(
                          "Entity has not yet been inserted, or already deleted"