private void OnGUI() { SanitizeState(); DrawTopToolbar(); windowScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(windowScroll); if (tutorialName == null) { TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Here's the list of all available tutorials:" ); foreach (var pair in TutorialRepository.tutorials) { if (GUILayout.Button(pair.Key)) { tutorialName = pair.Key; slideIndex = 0; } } } else { Slide?.Invoke(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); DrawBottomToolbar(); }
private void TokensSlide() { TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Copy the game token and editor key you will see after " + "game creation into these fields and click the button." ); TutorialGUI.Form(() => { if (preferences == null) { preferences = UnisavePreferences.LoadOrCreate(); } preferences.GameToken = EditorGUILayout.TextField( "Game token", preferences.GameToken ); preferences.EditorKey = EditorGUILayout.TextField( "Editor key", preferences.EditorKey ); if (GUILayout.Button("Save preferences & upload the backend")) { preferences.BackendFolder = BackendFolderPath; preferences.Save(); Uploader .GetDefaultInstance() .UploadBackend( verbose: true, useAnotherThread: true ); } }); }
private void WhatNextSlide() { TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Now you can freely explore the example, it should be " + "all configured to talk with the cloud as the game " + "you've just created." ); TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "- try registering players and logging in" ); TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "- open the database and view the registered players" ); TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "- this example was created from the <i>Email " + "authentication</i> template. Go explore its documentation " + "and learn more at:" ); TutorialGUI.Form(() => { string url = ""; if (GUILayout.Button(url)) { Application.OpenURL(url); } }); }
private void IntroductionSlide() { TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Welcome to the player authentication example scene. " + "Before you start exploring you need to set up the cloud " + "part of the example. Please follow this the quick tutorial " + "on how to do so." ); TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Click the 'Next >>' below to go the next slide." ); }
private void RegistrationSlide() { TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Register yourself at the Unisave web to be able to access " + "the web app." ); TutorialGUI.Form(() => { if (GUILayout.Button("Open")) { Application.OpenURL(""); } }); TutorialGUI.Paragraph( "Then create a new game in the web app." ); }