public void PulsePoint(int index) { if (AStarHelper.Invalid(sources[index])) { return; } DrawHelper.DrawCube(sources[index].Position, * 2.0f, pulseColor); }
static int Closest(List <PathNode> inNodes, Vector3 toPoint) { int closestIndex = 0; float minDist = float.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < inNodes.Count; i++) { if (AStarHelper.Invalid(inNodes[i])) { continue; } float thisDist = Vector3.Distance(toPoint, inNodes[i].Position); if (thisDist > minDist) { continue; } minDist = thisDist; closestIndex = i; } return(closestIndex); }
// Calculate the A* path public static List <T> Calculate <T>(T start, T goal) where T : IPathNode <T> { List <T> closedset = new List <T>(); // The set of nodes already evaluated. List <T> openset = new List <T>(); // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated. openset.Add(start); Dictionary <T, T> came_from = new Dictionary <T, T>(); // The map of navigated nodes. Dictionary <T, float> g_score = new Dictionary <T, float>(); g_score[start] = 0.0f; // Cost from start along best known path. Dictionary <T, float> h_score = new Dictionary <T, float>(); h_score[start] = HeuristicCostEstimate(start, goal); Dictionary <T, float> f_score = new Dictionary <T, float>(); f_score[start] = h_score[start]; // Estimated total cost from start to goal through y. while (openset.Count != 0) { T x = LowestScore(openset, f_score); if (x.Equals(goal)) { List <T> result = new List <T>(); ReconstructPath(came_from, x, ref result); return(result); } openset.Remove(x); closedset.Add(x); foreach (T y in x.Connections) { if (AStarHelper.Invalid(y) || closedset.Contains(y)) { continue; } float tentative_g_score = g_score[x] + Distance(x, y); bool tentative_is_better = false; if (!openset.Contains(y)) { openset.Add(y); tentative_is_better = true; } else if (tentative_g_score < g_score[y]) { tentative_is_better = true; } if (tentative_is_better) { came_from[y] = x; g_score[y] = tentative_g_score; h_score[y] = HeuristicCostEstimate(y, goal); f_score[y] = g_score[y] + h_score[y]; } } } return(null); }
public void Update() { if (reset) { donePath = false; ArrayFunc.Clear(ref solvedPath); reset = false; } if (start == null || end == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Need 'start' and or 'end' defined!"); enabled = false; return; } startIndex = Closest(sources, start.transform.position); endIndex = Closest(sources, end.transform.position); if (startIndex != lastStartIndex || endIndex != lastEndIndex) { reset = true; lastStartIndex = startIndex; lastEndIndex = endIndex; return; } for (int i = 0; i < sources.Count; i++) { if (AStarHelper.Invalid(sources[i])) { continue; } sources[i].nodeColor = nodeColor; } PulsePoint(lastStartIndex); PulsePoint(lastEndIndex); if (!donePath) { solvedPath = AStarHelper.Calculate(sources[lastStartIndex], sources[lastEndIndex]); donePath = true; } // Invalid path if (solvedPath == null || solvedPath.Count < 1) { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid path!"); reset = true; enabled = false; return; } //Draw path for (int i = 0; i < solvedPath.Count - 1; i++) { if (AStarHelper.Invalid(solvedPath[i]) || AStarHelper.Invalid(solvedPath[i + 1])) { reset = true; return; } Debug.DrawLine(solvedPath[i].Position, solvedPath[i + 1].Position, Color.cyan * new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f)); } }
public static List <PathNode> CreateGrid(Vector3 center, Vector3 spacing, int[] dim, float randomSpace) { GameObject groupObject = new GameObject("grid"); Random.seed = 1337; int xCount = dim[0]; int yCount = dim[1]; float xWidth = spacing.x * xCount; float yWidth = spacing.z * yCount; float xStart = center.x - (xWidth / 2.0f) + (spacing.x / 2.0f); float yStart = center.z - (yWidth / 2.0f) + (spacing.z / 2.0f); List <PathNode> result = new List <PathNode>(); for (int x = 0; x < xCount; x++) { float xPos = (x * spacing.x) + xStart; for (int y = 0; y < yCount; y++) { if (randomSpace > 0.0f) { if (Random.value <= randomSpace) { result.Add(null); continue; } } float yPos = (y * spacing.z) + yStart; PathNode newNode = Spawn(new Vector3(xPos, 0.0f, yPos)); result.Add(newNode); newNode.transform.parent = groupObject.transform; } } for (int x = 0; x < xCount; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < yCount; y++) { int thisIndex = (x * yCount) + y; List <int> connectedIndicies = new List <int>(); PathNode thisNode = result[thisIndex]; if (AStarHelper.Invalid(thisNode)) { continue; } if (x != 0) { connectedIndicies.Add(((x - 1) * yCount) + y); } if (x != xCount - 1) { connectedIndicies.Add(((x + 1) * yCount) + y); } if (y != 0) { connectedIndicies.Add((x * yCount) + (y - 1)); } if (y != yCount - 1) { connectedIndicies.Add((x * yCount) + (y + 1)); } if (x != 0 && y != 0) { connectedIndicies.Add(((x - 1) * yCount) + (y - 1)); } if (x != xCount - 1 && y != yCount - 1) { connectedIndicies.Add(((x + 1) * yCount) + (y + 1)); } if (x != 0 && y != yCount - 1) { connectedIndicies.Add(((x - 1) * yCount) + (y + 1)); } if (x != xCount - 1 && y != 0) { connectedIndicies.Add(((x + 1) * yCount) + (y - 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < connectedIndicies.Count; i++) { PathNode thisConnection = result[connectedIndicies[i]]; if (AStarHelper.Invalid(thisConnection)) { continue; } thisNode.Connections.Add(thisConnection); } } } return(result); }