예제 #1
	private void SetHoverItem(RPGItem item, string price, int fromPanel)
		hoverFromPanel = fromPanel;
		if (item == null)
			if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint && !hoverDetected)
				hoverItem = null;
				hoverItemPrice = null;
			if (hoverItem == null) hoverSkip = true;
			hoverDetected = true;
			hoverItem = item;
			hoverItemPrice = price;
			GUI.tooltip = "";
예제 #2
		protected override void OnItemTargeted(bool becomeTargeted, RPGItem item)
			UpdateSelectionRing(3, becomeTargeted, item.transform);
예제 #3
	// ================================================================================================================
	#region Bag panel

	private void DrawBag()
		if (!gui.plrMoveBag) UniRPGGlobal.GUIConsumedInput = true;
		if (ShowRightPopMenu >= 0) GUI.enabled = false;
		GUI.BeginGroup(r[1], gui.bagPanelName, GUI.skin.window);
			if (GUI.Button(new Rect(r[1].width - gui.WindowCloseButton.fixedWidth - GUI.skin.window.padding.right,
									GUI.skin.window.padding.top + GUI.skin.window.contentOffset.y,
									gui.WindowCloseButton.fixedWidth, gui.WindowCloseButton.fixedHeight), GUIContent.none, gui.WindowCloseButton))
				showBag = false;

			Rect rect = new Rect(GUI.skin.window.padding.left, GUI.skin.window.padding.top,
								r[1].width - GUI.skin.window.padding.left - GUI.skin.window.padding.right,
								r[1].height - GUI.skin.window.padding.top - GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom - gui.BagCurrencyLabel.fixedHeight - gui.BagCurrencyLabel.margin.top - gui.BagCurrencyLabel.margin.bottom);

			Rect rButton = new Rect(0, 0, gui.ListButton.fixedHeight, gui.ListButton.fixedHeight);

			int countOver = (int)Mathf.Floor((r[1].width - GUI.skin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth) / gui.bagIconWidth);
			r[5] = new Rect(0, 0, r[1].width - GUI.skin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth, gui.bagIconWidth * (UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bagSize / countOver));

			scroll[2] = GUI.BeginScrollView(rect, scroll[2], r[5]);
				for (int i = 0; i < UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bagSize; i++)
					if (i < UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag.Count)
						if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i] != null && UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].item != null)
							if (GUI.Button(rButton, new GUIContent(UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].item.icon[0] == null ? gui.txNoIcon : UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].item.icon[0], i.ToString()), gui.ListButton))
								ShowRightPopMenu = i;
								//rPopMenu = new Rect(r[1].x + rButton.x + rect.x, r[1].y + rButton.y + rect.y - scroll[2].y, 200, 135);
							if (GUI.tooltip == i.ToString() && ShowRightPopMenu == -1) SetHoverItem(UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].item, "Value: " + UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].item.price, 2);
							if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].stack > 1) GUI.Label(rButton, UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.bag[i].stack.ToString(), gui.BagStackLabel);
						else GUI.Button(rButton, GUIContent.none, gui.ListButton);
					else GUI.Button(rButton, GUIContent.none, gui.ListButton);

					rButton.x += gui.bagIconWidth;
					if ((rButton.x + gui.bagIconWidth) > r[5].width)
						rButton.x = 0;
						rButton.y += gui.bagIconWidth;

			rect.y += rect.height + gui.BagCurrencyLabel.margin.top;
			rect.height = gui.BagCurrencyLabel.fixedHeight;
			GUI.Box(rect, UniRPGGlobal.DB.currency + ": " + UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.currency, gui.BagCurrencyLabel);
		if (!showOptions) GUI.enabled = true;

		int cnt = 4;
		if (popMenuHelperItem != null)
			cnt = popMenuHelperStrings.Length + 1;
		else if (popMenuHelperItem2 != null)
			cnt = gui.actionSlotsCount + 1;

		if (ShowRightPopMenu >= 0)
			GUILayout.BeginArea(rPopMenu, GUI.skin.box);
				if (popMenuHelperItem != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < popMenuHelperStrings.Length; i++)
						if (GUILayout.Button(popMenuHelperStrings[i]))
							int slot = UniRPGGlobal.DB.equipSlots.IndexOf(popMenuHelperStrings[i]);
							if (slot >= 0)
							{	// check if equip slot is a valid target
								if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.CanEquip(slot, popMenuHelperItem))
									bool failed = false;

									// remove item from bag
									UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.RemoveFromBag(ShowRightPopMenu, 1);

									// get the old item that will be removed from equip slot (if any)
									RPGItem oldItem = UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.GetEquippedItem(slot);
									if (oldItem != null)
									{	// and try to place the old item in the bag
										if (!UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.AddToBag(oldItem, 1))
											failed = true;

									if (!failed)
									{	// so far so good, now equip the item (which will also cause the old equipped item to be actually unequipped)
										if (!UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.Equip(slot, popMenuHelperItem))
											failed = true;

									if (failed)
									{	// put the item back in bag (equip failed)
										UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.AddToBag(popMenuHelperItem, 1);

									popMenuHelperItem = null;
									ShowRightPopMenu = -1;
					if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))
						popMenuHelperItem = null;
						ShowRightPopMenu = -1;

				else if (popMenuHelperItem2 != null)
					scroll[3] = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll[3]);
						if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))
							popMenuHelperItem2 = null;
							ShowRightPopMenu = -1;
						for (int i = 0; i < gui.actionSlotsCount; i++)
							if (GUILayout.Button("Slot " + (i + 1)))
								UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.SetActionSlot(i, popMenuHelperItem2);
								popMenuHelperItem2 = null;
								ShowRightPopMenu = -1;

					if (GUILayout.Button("Use"))
					{	// get the item
						RPGItem item = UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.GetBagItem(ShowRightPopMenu);
						if (item != null)
							if (item.equipWhenUseFromBag)
							{	// can be equipped by player?
								if ((item.equipTargetMask & UniRPGGlobal.Target.Player) != 0 && item.validEquipSlots.Count > 0)
									popRectCalced = false;
									popMenuHelperItem = item;
									popMenuHelperStrings = new string[item.validEquipSlots.Count];
									for (int i = 0; i < item.validEquipSlots.Count; i++)
										popMenuHelperStrings[i] = UniRPGGlobal.DB.equipSlots[item.validEquipSlots[i]];
								ShowRightPopMenu = -1;
					if (GUILayout.Button("Slot"))
						RPGItem item = UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.GetBagItem(ShowRightPopMenu);
						if (item != null)
							//if (false == item.equipWhenUseFromBag)
							//{	// items that can't be equipped but are used from bag can be placed onto slot
								popRectCalced = false;
								popMenuHelperItem2 = item;
					if (GUILayout.Button("Destroy"))
						UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.RemoveFromBag(ShowRightPopMenu, 1);
						ShowRightPopMenu = -1;
					if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel"))
						ShowRightPopMenu = -1;
		CalcPopMenuRect(cnt, ShowRightPopMenu, popMenuHelperItem != null || popMenuHelperItem2 != null);
		if (hoverFromPanel == 2) DrawHoverItemInfo();
예제 #4
	/// <summary> 
	/// Tell UniRPG that you want it to recreate this item in the world when 
	/// the player loads or re-enters the same scene. UniRPG will not
	/// save the item if it becomes null before saving is requested
	/// </summary>
	public static void RegisterItemForAutoSaving(RPGItem item)
		if (!itemsRegedForAutoSaving.Contains(item))
			item.IsPersistent = false;
예제 #5
	/// <summary>
	/// Tell UniRPG that you do not want this item to be restored when loading happens.
	/// Only works for items that where registered with RegisterItemForAutoSaving.
	/// </summary>
	public static void RemoveItemFromAutoSaving(RPGItem item)
예제 #6
	/// <summary>
	/// place item in specified slot. return false if the slot is occupied.
	/// will only allow count>1 if the item can stack
	/// </summary>
	public bool SetBagSlot(RPGItem item, int slot, int count)

		// again, cant depend on slot being null (see reason inside AddToBag() comments)
		if (bag[slot] != null)
			if (bag[slot].stack != 0) return false;

		int added = count;

		bag[slot] = new BagSlot();
		bag[slot].item = item;
		bag[slot].stack = count;

		// check if stack size allowed
		if (bag[slot].stack > item.maxStack)
			added -= (bag[slot].stack - item.maxStack);
			bag[slot].stack = item.maxStack;

		for (int i = 0; i < added; i++)
			UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(bag[slot].item.onAddedToBag, bag[slot].item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);

		return true;
예제 #7
	protected virtual void OnItemTargeted(bool becomeTargeted, RPGItem item) { }
예제 #8
	/// <summary>
	/// add the item to the first open bag slot. will auto stack if item can stack
	/// will add as many copies of item as possible as indicated by count
	/// </summary>
	public bool AddToBag(RPGItem item, int count)
		return AddToBag(item, count, false);
예제 #9
	/// <summary>
	/// add the item to the first open bag slot. will auto stack if item can stack</summary>
	/// will add as many copies of item as possible as indicated by count
	/// If autoIncSize=true then will increase the bagSize if too small to hold new item (usefull for shopkeeper's bags which dont need set size)
	/// </summary>	
	public bool AddToBag(RPGItem item, int count, bool autoIncSize)
		if (count <= 0 || item == null) return false;

		//bool allGood = false;

		// 1st check if item can stack and if same type in bag
		if (item.maxStack > 1)
			foreach (BagSlot slot in bag)
				if (count <= 0) break;
				if (slot == null) continue;
				if (slot.stack == 0) continue;

				if (slot.item == item && slot.stack < item.maxStack)
				{	// found a spot where item can be placed
					int canTake = item.maxStack - slot.stack;
					if (count >= canTake)
						count -= canTake;
						slot.stack += canTake;
						UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onAddedToBag, item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);
						//allGood = true;
						slot.stack += count;
						count = 0;
						UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onAddedToBag, item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);
						//allGood = true;

		// find open slot(s) to place the item into
		if (count > 0)
			for (int slot = 0; slot < bag.Count; slot++)
				if (count <= 0) break;

				// cant use null to check if slot is empty cause unity's serialize seems to be creating empty objects for me
				// so i cant be sure that empty slots will be null, but I can do next best thing and check stack
				if (bag[slot] != null)
					if (bag[slot].stack != 0) continue;

				bag[slot] = new BagSlot();
				bag[slot].item = item;
				if (item.maxStack > 1)
					if (count >= item.maxStack)
						count -= item.maxStack;
						bag[slot].stack = item.maxStack;
						UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onAddedToBag, item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);
						//allGood = true;
						bag[slot].stack = count;
						count = 0;
						UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onAddedToBag, item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);
						//allGood = true;
					bag[slot].stack = 1;
					UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onAddedToBag, item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);
					//allGood = true;

			if (autoIncSize && count > 0)
				bagSize++; // simply add a slot and call Add again since it will make call to CheckBagSize();
				AddToBag(item, count, autoIncSize);

		//if (allGood)
		//	UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onAddedToBag, item.gameObject, null, gameObject, null, null, false);

		return (count <= 0);
예제 #10
	/// <summary>Find the first slot that contains a copy of the item. return -1 if none found.</summary>
	public int FindInBag(RPGItem item)
		if (item == null) return -1;
		if (bag.Count == 0) return -1;
		for (int i = 0; i < bag.Count; i++)
			if (bag[i].item == null) continue;
			if (bag[i].item.prefabId == item.prefabId) return i;
		return -1;
예제 #11
	public bool BagContains(RPGItem item)
		if (item == null) return false;
		if (bag.Count == 0) return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < bag.Count; i++)
			if (bag[i].item == null) continue;
			if (bag[i].item.prefabId == item.prefabId) return true;
		return false;
예제 #12
	/// <summary>Return true if the bag has enough space for the indicated item</summary>
	public bool BagHasSpaceForItem(RPGItem item)
		if (item == null) return false;

		// 1st check if item can stack and if same type in bag
		if (item.maxStack > 1)
			foreach (BagSlot slot in bag)
				if (slot == null) continue;
				if (slot.stack == 0) continue;

				if (slot.item == item && slot.stack < item.maxStack)
				{	// found a spot where item can be placed
					int canTake = item.maxStack - slot.stack;
					if (canTake > 0) return true;

		// find open slot(s) to place the item into
		for (int slot = 0; slot < bag.Count; slot++)
			if (bag[slot] == null) return true;
			if (bag[slot].stack <= 0) return true;
		return false;
예제 #13
	public void EquipVisibleItem(int slot, RPGItem item)
		Transform t = mountPoints[slot];
		if (t != null)
			GameObject go = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(item.gameObject);
			if (go.GetComponent<Collider>() != null) Destroy(go.GetComponent<Collider>());
			if (go.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null) Destroy(go.GetComponent<Rigidbody>());

			go.transform.parent = t;
			go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
			go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
예제 #14
	/// <summary> 
	/// equip the item to the slot. will do CheckEquipSlotsSize() 1st. return false if equip failed, for example from state preventing equip.
	/// NOTE that this function will unequip an item in the target slot but will NOT put that item in the bag. you must do that manually.
	/// NOTE Do not call this from editor scripts. The editor has its own Equip/UnEquip functions in ActorInspector
	/// </summary>
	public bool Equip(int slot, RPGItem item)
		if (!CanEquip(slot, item)) return false;

		// attempt equip
		if (slot >= 0 && slot < equipped.Count)
			// 1st "unequip" whatever might be in the slot
			if (equipped[slot] != null) UnEquip(slot);

			// now equip
			equipped[slot] = item;

			// show the visible model if there is a transform marked with slot name in the character
			EquipVisibleItem(slot, item);

			// run the equip action of the item
			UniRPGGameController.ExecuteActions(item.onEquipActions, item.gameObject, null, null, gameObject, null, false);

			return true;
		return false;
예제 #15
	/// <summary>return true if item can be equipped to the slot</summary>
	public bool CanEquip(int slot, RPGItem item)
		if (!item.validEquipSlots.Contains(slot)) return false;

		// check states (check if equip on this slot allowed)
		foreach (RPGState state in states)
			if (state == null) continue;
			if (state.effect == RPGState.Effect.PreventEquipSlot)
				if (state.slot == slot)
					Debug.LogWarning("State prevents equipping an item to this slot.");
					return false;
		return true;
예제 #16
	/// <summary>Put the Item in the slot</summary>
	public bool SetActionSlot(int slot, RPGItem item)
		if (item == null) return false;
		if (slot < 0 || slot >= actionSlots.Count) return false;
		return true;