예제 #1
	public void CopyTo(InputDefinition def)
		def.isUsed = this.isUsed;
		def.showInGUI = this.showInGUI;
		//def.order = this.order; - do not copy order, not something that is changes outside of code
		def.inputName = this.inputName;
		def.groupName = this.groupName;
		def.triggerOnSingle = this.triggerOnSingle;
		def.triggerOnDouble = this.triggerOnDouble;
		def.triggerOnHeld = this.triggerOnHeld;
		def.primaryButton = this.primaryButton;
		def.secondaryButton = this.secondaryButton;
		def.isCustom = this.isCustom;
		def.eventGUID = this.eventGUID;
예제 #2
	// ================================================================================================================

	public static void Show(InputDefinition def, bool forPrimary)
		InputSelectWiz window = EditorWindow.GetWindow<InputSelectWiz>(true, "Select Button",true);
		window.inited = false;
		window.def = def;
		window.forPrimary = forPrimary;

		window.keys = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(KeyCode));
		string s = (forPrimary ? def.primaryButton.ToString() : def.secondaryButton.ToString());
		for (int i = 0; i < window.keys.Length; i++)
			if (window.keys[i].Equals(s))
				window.sel = window.prev = i;
예제 #3
	private void OnAddInputDef(object sender, object[] args)
		TextInputWiz wiz = sender as TextInputWiz;
		string groupName = args[0] as string;
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wiz.text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName))
			if (UniRPGEditorGlobal.inputBinds.ContainsKey(groupName))
				if (!UniRPGEditorGlobal.inputBinds[groupName].ContainsKey(wiz.text))
					inputSettingsChanged = true;
					InputDefinition def = new InputDefinition();
					def.isCustom = true;
					def.inputName = wiz.text;
					def.groupName = groupName;
					UniRPGEditorGlobal.inputBinds[groupName].Add(def.inputName, def);
				else Debug.LogWarning("The given name was same as an existing input definition's name");
예제 #4
	private void OnNewGroup(object sender)
		TextInputWiz wiz = sender as TextInputWiz;
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wiz.text))
			if (!UniRPGEditorGlobal.inputBinds.ContainsKey(wiz.text))
				inputSettingsChanged = true;
				InputDefinition def = new InputDefinition();
				def.inputName = wiz.text + "_input";
				def.groupName = wiz.text;
				def.isCustom = true;
				Dictionary<string, InputDefinition> inputDef = new Dictionary<string, InputDefinition>();
				inputDef.Add(def.inputName, def);
				UniRPGEditorGlobal.inputBinds.Add(def.groupName, inputDef);
예제 #5
	public InputDefinition GetCopy()
		InputDefinition def = new InputDefinition();
		return def;
예제 #6
	private void MakeCallback(InputEvent e, InputDefinition def)
		if (def.isCustom)
			if (UniRPGGlobal.Instance.state != UniRPGGlobal.State.InMainMenu)
			def.callback(e, def.callbackParams);
예제 #7
	private void CheckKey(KeyCode k, InputDefinition def)
		if (k != KeyCode.None)
			// Get it started
			if (Input.GetKeyDown(k))
				KeyStateInfo ks = null;
				keyState.TryGetValue(k, out ks);
				if (ks == null)
				{	// is a new key, add it now
					ks = new KeyStateInfo()
						timer = 0.45f,
						wentUpCount = 0,
						allreadyWentUpThisFrame = false,
						hasSendSingleTriggers = false,
						shouldSetAs_hasSendSingleTriggers = false,
						shouldRemove = false,
					keyState.Add(k, ks);

			// Detect Single/Double click event
			if (Input.GetKeyUp(k))
				KeyStateInfo ks = null;
				keyState.TryGetValue(k, out ks);
				if (ks != null)
					if (!ks.allreadyWentUpThisFrame)
						ks.allreadyWentUpThisFrame = true;

					if (!ks.hasSendSingleTriggers)
						ks.shouldSetAs_hasSendSingleTriggers = true;
						if (def.triggerOnSingle)
							MakeCallback(new InputEvent() { isSingle = true }, def);

					if (ks.wentUpCount > 1)
					{	// a double click was detected?
						if (ks.timer > 0.0f)
						{	// yes
							if (def.triggerOnDouble)
							{	// send double click event
								ks.hasSendSingleTriggers = true; // don't allow further single triggers to occur
								MakeCallback(new InputEvent() { isDouble = true }, def);
						ks.shouldRemove = true;

						if (ks.timer <= 0.0f)
							ks.shouldRemove = true;

			// Detect 'Held' event
			if (Input.GetKey(k))
				KeyStateInfo ks = null;
				keyState.TryGetValue(k, out ks);
				if (ks != null)
					if (def.triggerOnHeld)
						MakeCallback(new InputEvent() { isHeld = true }, def);
예제 #8
	/// <summary>add a new input and return its idx and the idx for the group it is in. will return groupIdx=-1 and inputIdx=-1 if the inputdef was not added</summary>
	public InputIdxCache AddInput(InputDefinition definition)
		if (!definition.isUsed) return new InputIdxCache() { groupIdx = -1, inputIdx = -1 }; // not actually used, dont add

		InputIdxCache idx = new InputIdxCache();

		// get the group idx, else add group
		idx.groupIdx = GetInputGroupIdx(definition.groupName);
		if (idx.groupIdx < 0)
			InputGroup group = new InputGroup() { name = definition.groupName };
			idx.groupIdx = inputGroups.IndexOf(group);

		// check if the input was already raged before and show warning if so (someone forgot to unload an input binder)
		int inputIdx = GetInputIdx(idx.groupIdx, definition.inputName);
		if (inputIdx < 0)
			idx.inputIdx = inputGroups[idx.groupIdx].inputs.IndexOf(definition);

			if (definition.callback != null) callbackList.Add(definition); // add to special list too
			else if (definition.isCustom && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.eventGUID))
				RPGEvent e = UniRPGGlobal.DB.GetEvent(new GUID(definition.eventGUID));
				if (e != null)
					definition.cachedEvent = e;
			if (!definition.isCustom) Debug.LogError(string.Format("InputBinder Error. It seems like you are trying to load an InputBinder that is already loaded. Forgot to unload it when you should have? {0} :: {1}", definition.groupName, definition.inputName));
			return new InputIdxCache() { groupIdx = -1, inputIdx = -1 };

		return idx;