예제 #1
	/// <summary>return the 1st avail class that can be chosen by the player (only those marked as "avail at start")</summary>
	public RPGActorClass GetDefaultPlayerClass(Actor actor)
		if (actor != null)
		{	// first check if the class currently on the actor can't be used
			if (actor.actorClassPrefab != null && UniRPGGlobal.DB.classes.Contains(actor.actorClassPrefab))
				return actor.actorClassPrefab;

		foreach (RPGActorClass c in UniRPGGlobal.DB.classes)
			if (c.availAtStart) return c;
		return null;
예제 #2
	void OnGUI()
		if (!inited) Init();

			GUILayout.Label("filter", GUILayout.Width(60));
			filter = (UniRPGGlobal.ActorType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(filter);
		scroll = UniRPGEdGui.BeginScrollView(scroll);
			if (UniRPGEditorGlobal.Cache.actors.Count > 0)
				foreach (Actor actor in UniRPGEditorGlobal.Cache.actors)
					if (filter != 0 && (int)actor.GetComponent<Actor>().ActorType != (int)filter) continue;
					Rect r = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
						r.x = 3; r.width = 19; r.height = 19;
						GUI.DrawTexture(r, (actor.portrait[0] != null ? actor.portrait[0] : UniRPGEdGui.Texture_NoPreview));
						if (UniRPGEdGui.ToggleButton(selectedActor == actor, actor.screenName, UniRPGEdGui.ButtonRightStyle, UniRPGEdGui.ButtonOnColor, GUILayout.Width(150)))
							selectedActor = actor;
				GUILayout.Label("No Actors are defined\n\nYou might need to Refresh the\ncache if you did define actors.\nDatatabase -> Main -> Actors", UniRPGEdGui.WarningLabelStyle);	
		UniRPGEdGui.DrawHorizontalLine(1, UniRPGEdGui.DividerColor, 0, 10);


			if (selectedActor == null) GUI.enabled = false;
			if (GUILayout.Button("Accept", UniRPGEdGui.ButtonStyle)) accepted = true;
			GUI.enabled = true;

			if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel", UniRPGEdGui.ButtonStyle)) this.Close();

예제 #3
	// ================================================================================================================
	#region status panels (attribute bars)

	private void DrawStatusPanels()
		if (gui.showPlayerStatus)
			//Debug.Log("gui = " + gui);
			//Debug.Log("UniRPGGlobal.Player = " + UniRPGGlobal.Player);
			//Debug.Log("UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor = " + UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor);
			//Debug.Log("UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.ActorClass = " + UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.ActorClass);
			DrawStatus(r[9], r[10], gui.showPlayerPortrait, gui.showPlayerLevel, gui.playerStatusShowValue, gui.playerStatusBars, 
				null, UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.portrait[0], UniRPGGlobal.Player.Actor.ActorClass.Level);

		if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter != null)
			DefaultGameGUIData.TargetStatusShow d = null;
			if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor.ActorType == UniRPGGlobal.ActorType.Hostile) d = gui.targetStatus[0];
			else if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor.ActorType == UniRPGGlobal.ActorType.Neutral) d = gui.targetStatus[1];
			else if (UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor.ActorType == UniRPGGlobal.ActorType.Friendly) d = gui.targetStatus[2];

			if (d == null) return;
			if (d.show == false) return;

			if (lastTargetedActor != UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor)
			{	// init the targetStatusBars var
				lastTargetedActor = UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor;
				for (int i = 0; i < gui.targetStatusBars.Count; i++)
					gui.targetStatusBars[i].attrib = lastTargetedActor.ActorClass.GetAttribute(gui.targetStatusBars[i].attribId);

			DrawStatus(r[11], r[12], d.img, d.level, gui.targetStatusShowValue, d.bars ? gui.targetStatusBars : null,
				d.name ? UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor.screenName : null,
				UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor.portrait[0], UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedCharacter.Actor.ActorClass.Level);
			lastTargetedActor = null;
			if (gui.targetStatus[3].show && UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedItem != null)
				DrawStatus(r[11], r[12], gui.targetStatus[3].img, false, 0, null,
					gui.targetStatus[3].name ? UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedItem.screenName : null,
					UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedItem.icon[0], 0);
			else if (gui.targetStatus[4].show && UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedObject != null)
				DrawStatus(r[11], r[12], gui.targetStatus[3].img, false, 0, null,
					gui.targetStatus[3].name ? UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedObject.screenName : null,
					UniRPGGlobal.Player.TargetedObject.icon[0], 0);
예제 #4
	public void ShowShop(GameObject shopKeeperObj)
		if (shopKeeperObj == null)
			Debug.LogError("Error: Could not show the Shop Interface. The shop keeper object was null.");

		CharacterBase shopCharacter = shopKeeperObj.GetComponent<CharacterBase>();
		shopActor = shopKeeperObj.GetComponent<Actor>();
		if (shopCharacter == null || shopActor == null)
			Debug.LogError("Error: Could not show the Shop Interface. The object is not a valid character.");

		// set defaults
		buyMod = UniRPGGlobal.DB.shopGlobalBuyMod;
		sellMod = UniRPGGlobal.DB.shopGlobalSellMod;
		useShopCurrency = UniRPGGlobal.DB.shopGlobalUsesCurrency;
		shopUnlimited = UniRPGGlobal.DB.shopGlobalUnlimited;
		shopBuyLabel = "Buy";
		shopSellLabel = "Sell";

		// now check if character has modifier vars and apply
		float n = 0f;
		string s = shopCharacter.GetCustomVariable("buy_mod");
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
			if (float.TryParse(s, out n)) buyMod = n;
		s = shopCharacter.GetCustomVariable("sell_mod");
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
			if (float.TryParse(s, out n)) sellMod = n;
		s = shopCharacter.GetCustomVariable("shop_use_currency");
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
			if (s == "1") useShopCurrency = true;
			else if (s == "0") useShopCurrency = false;
		s = shopCharacter.GetCustomVariable("shop_unlimited");
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
			if (s == "1") shopUnlimited = true;
			else if (s == "0") shopUnlimited = false;
		s = shopCharacter.GetCustomVariable("shop_buy_label");
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) shopBuyLabel = s;
		s = shopCharacter.GetCustomVariable("shop_sell_label");
		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) shopSellLabel = s;

		// show shop
		ShowCenterPanel(DefaultGameGUIData_MenuOption.MenuOption.Shop, false, true);
예제 #5
	private float ApplyValueMod(ValueModifier mod, float value, Actor a1, Actor a2, UniqueMonoBehaviour ub1, UniqueMonoBehaviour ub2, GameObject self, GameObject targeted, GameObject selfTargetedBy, GameObject equipTarget, GameObject helper)
		if (mod.param[0] == 0 && mod.param[1] == 0) return value; // nothing to do

		float v = 0f;
		float v1 = 0f;
		float v2 = 0f;

		if (mod.param[0] > 0)
		{	// get value from param 1; 0: Not Used, 1:Numeric, 2:Value, 3:level(1), 4:attribute(1), 5:CustomVar(1), 6:level(2), 7:attribute(2), 8:CustomVar(2)

			if (mod.param[0] == 1) v1 = mod.numVal[0].Value(self, targeted, selfTargetedBy, equipTarget, helper);
			else if (mod.param[0] == 2) v1 = value;
			else if (mod.param[0] == 3) v1 = a1.ActorClass.Level;
			else if (mod.param[0] == 4)
				RPGAttribute att = a1.ActorClass.GetAttribute(mod.attribId[0]);
				if (att != null) v1 = att.Value;
				else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Attribute not found on Subject.");
			else if (mod.param[0] == 5)
				if (ub1 != null)
					if (false == float.TryParse(ub1.GetCustomVariable(mod.customVar[0]), out v1))
						Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Custom Variable not found on Subject or has invalid value.");
				else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Subject does not support custom variables.");
				if (mod.param[0] == 6 || mod.param[0] == 7)
					if (a2 != null)
						if (mod.param[0] == 6) v1 = a2.ActorClass.Level;
						else if (mod.param[0] == 7)
							RPGAttribute att = a2.ActorClass.GetAttribute(mod.attribId[0]);
							if (att != null) v1 = att.Value;
							else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Attribute not found on Aggressor.");
					else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Aggressor is not an Actor.");
				else if (mod.param[0] == 8)
					if (ub2 != null)
						if (false == float.TryParse(ub2.GetCustomVariable(mod.customVar[0]), out v1))
							Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Custom Variable not found on Aggressor or has invalid value.");
					else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Aggressor does not support custom variables.");

		if (mod.param[1] > 0)
		{	// get value from param 2; 0: Not Used, 1:Numeric, 2:Value, 3:level(1), 4:attribute(1), 5:CustomVar(1), 6:level(2), 7:attribute(2), 8:CustomVar(2)

			if (mod.param[1] == 1) v2 = mod.numVal[1].Value(self, targeted, selfTargetedBy, equipTarget, helper);
			else if (mod.param[1] == 2) v2 = value;
			else if (mod.param[1] == 3) v2 = a1.ActorClass.Level;
			else if (mod.param[1] == 4)
				RPGAttribute att = a1.ActorClass.GetAttribute(mod.attribId[1]);
				if (att != null) v2 = att.Value;
				else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Attribute not found on Subject.");
			else if (mod.param[1] == 5)
				if (ub1 != null)
					if (false == float.TryParse(ub1.GetCustomVariable(mod.customVar[0]), out v1))
						Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Custom Variable not found on Subject or has invalid value.");
				else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Subject does not support custom variables.");
				if (mod.param[1] == 6 || mod.param[1] == 7)
					if (a2 != null)
						if (mod.param[1] == 6) v2 = a2.ActorClass.Level;
						else if (mod.param[1] == 7)
							RPGAttribute att = a2.ActorClass.GetAttribute(mod.attribId[1]);
							if (att != null) v2 = att.Value;
							else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Attribute not found on Aggressor.");
					} else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Aggressor is not an Actor.");
				else if (mod.param[1] == 8)
					if (ub2 != null)
						if (false == float.TryParse(ub2.GetCustomVariable(mod.customVar[1]), out v2))
							Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Modifier Custom Variable not found on Aggressor or has invalid value.");
					else Debug.LogError("Attribute Action Error: Aggressor does not support custom variables.");

		if (mod.param[0] == 0) v = v2;
		if (mod.param[1] == 0) v = v1;

		if (mod.param[0] > 0 && mod.param[1] > 0)
		{	// apply math to param1 and 2 if applicable; 0:add, 1:sub, 2:div, 3:multiply
			if (mod.doWhatToParams == 0) v = v1 + v2;
			else if (mod.doWhatToParams == 1) v = v1 - v2;
			else if (mod.doWhatToParams == 2) v = v1 / v2;
			else if (mod.doWhatToParams == 3) v = v1 * v2;
			else if (mod.doWhatToParams == 4) v = v1 % v2;

		// apply to value, // 0:add, 1:sub, 2:div, 3:multiply
		if (mod.resultToValue == 0) value = value + v;
		else if (mod.resultToValue == 1) value = value - v;
		else if (mod.resultToValue == 2) value = value / v;
		else if (mod.resultToValue == 3) value = value * v;
		else if (mod.resultToValue == 4) value = value % v;

		return value;
예제 #6
	/// <summary>check if this skill can be used on the target</summary>
	private bool IsValidTargetActor(Actor actor)
		if (((int)UniRPGGlobal.Target.Player & (int)validTargetsMask) != 0)
			// player is always valid target
			if (actor != null) return actor.Character.canBeTargeted;
			else return true;

		if (actor == null)
			if (validTargetsMask == 0) return true; // "Nothing"
			return false;
			if (!actor.Character.canBeTargeted) return false;
			return (((int)actor.ActorType & (int)validTargetsMask) != 0);
예제 #7
	// ================================================================================================================

	public override void Awake()

		_tr = gameObject.transform;
		_actor = gameObject.GetComponent<Actor>();
		initing = true;