public void Draw(ref Vector2 scrollPosition) { if (!FoldoutUtility.Draw(ref FoldoutTopLevel, "Whether to include each api or NOT")) { return; } if (FoldoutUtility.Draw(ref FoldoutSingleLevel, "Single")) { DrawSingleApis(); } if (FoldoutUtility.Draw(ref FoldoutDoubleLevel, "Double")) { DrawDoubleApis(ref scrollPosition); } }
public void Draw(ref Vector2 scrollPosition) { if (!FoldoutUtility.Draw(ref FoldoutTopLevel, "Whether to include each enumerable type or NOT")) { return; } using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { if (GUILayout.Button("Select All")) { foreach (var name in processor.NameCollection) { if (name == "Native" || name == "Array") { continue; } processor.TrySetEnabled(name, true); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Deselect All")) { foreach (var name in processor.NameCollection) { if (name == "Native" || name == "Array") { continue; } processor.TrySetEnabled(name, false); } } } foreach (var(name, enabled) in processor.NameEnabledTupleCollection) { foreach (var related in processor.GetRelatedEnumerable(name)) { if (!processor.TryGetEnabled(related, out var relatedEnabled)) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } if (relatedEnabled) { continue; } if (enabled) { processor.TrySetEnabled(name, false); } goto NEXT; } using (IndentScope.Create()) using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(name == "Native" || name == "Array")) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(name); processor.TrySetEnabled(name, EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(name + " : " + enabled, enabled, (GUIStyle)"button")); } NEXT :; } }