예제 #1
        public void DividedVertexBufferTest()
            var glTF        = new glTF();
            var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[50 * 1024 * 1024]);
            var bufferIndex = glTF.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer);

            var Materials = new List <Material> {
                new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")), // A
                new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")), // B

            var(go, mesh) = CreateMesh(Materials.ToArray());
            var meshExportSettings = new GltfExportSettings
                DivideVertexBuffer = true
            var axisInverter = Axes.X.Create();

            var unityMesh = MeshExportInfo.Create(go);

            var(gltfMesh, blendShapeIndexMap) = meshExportSettings.DivideVertexBuffer
                ? MeshExporter_DividedVertexBuffer.Export(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMesh, Materials, axisInverter, meshExportSettings)
                : MeshExporter_SharedVertexBuffer.Export(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMesh, Materials, axisInverter, meshExportSettings)

                var indices = glTF.GetIndices(gltfMesh.primitives[0].indices);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, indices[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, indices[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, indices[2]);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, indices[3]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, indices[4]);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, indices[5]);
                var positions = glTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(gltfMesh.primitives[0].attributes.POSITION);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, positions.Length);

                var indices = glTF.GetIndices(gltfMesh.primitives[1].indices);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, indices[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, indices[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, indices[2]);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, indices[3]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, indices[4]);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, indices[5]);
                var positions = glTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(gltfMesh.primitives[1].attributes.POSITION);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, positions.Length);
예제 #2
 public void SetRoot(GameObject ExportRoot, GltfExportSettings settings, IBlendShapeExportFilter blendShapeFilter)
     if (ExportRoot == null)
     MeshExportInfo.GetInfo(ExportRoot.transform.Traverse().Skip(1), Meshes, settings);
     foreach (var info in Meshes)
         info.CalcMeshSize(ExportRoot, info.Renderers[0].Item1, settings, blendShapeFilter);
예제 #3
        bool TryGetMeshInfo(GameObject root, Renderer renderer, out MeshExportInfo info)
            info = default;
            if (root == null)
                info.Summary = "";
            if (renderer == null)
                info.Summary = "no Renderer";
            info.Renderer = renderer;

            if (renderer is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
                info.Skinned          = true;
                info.Mesh             = smr.sharedMesh;
                info.IsRendererActive = smr.EnableForExport();
            else if (renderer is MeshRenderer mr)
                var filter = mr.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                if (filter != null)
                    info.Mesh = filter.sharedMesh;
                info.IsRendererActive = mr.EnableForExport();
                info.Summary = "no Mesh";

            info.VertexColor = MeshExportInfo.DetectVertexColor(info.Mesh, info.Renderer.sharedMaterials);

            var relativePath = UniGLTF.UnityExtensions.RelativePathFrom(renderer.transform, root.transform);

            CalcMeshSize(ref info, relativePath);

예제 #4
        static glTFNode ExportNode(Transform x, List <Transform> nodes, IReadOnlyList <MeshExportInfo> meshWithRenderers, List <SkinnedMeshRenderer> skins)
            var node = new glTFNode
                name        = x.name,
                children    = x.transform.GetChildren().Select(y => nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(),
                rotation    = x.transform.localRotation.ToArray(),
                translation = x.transform.localPosition.ToArray(),
                scale       = x.transform.localScale.ToArray(),

            if (x.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                var meshRenderer = x.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

                if (meshRenderer != null)
                    var meshFilter = x.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    if (meshFilter != null)
                        var mesh      = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                        var materials = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
                        if (MeshExportInfo.TryGetSameMeshIndex(meshWithRenderers, mesh, materials, out int meshIndex))
                            node.mesh = meshIndex;
                        else if (mesh == null)
                            // mesh が無い
                            node.mesh = -1;
                        else if (mesh.vertexCount == 0)
                            // 頂点データが無い場合
                            node.mesh = -1;
                            // MeshとMaterialが一致するものが見つからなかった
                            throw new Exception("Mesh not found.");

                var skinnedMeshRenderer = x.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
                if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
                    var mesh      = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;
                    var materials = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
                    if (MeshExportInfo.TryGetSameMeshIndex(meshWithRenderers, mesh, materials, out int meshIndex))
                        node.mesh = meshIndex;
                        node.skin = skins.IndexOf(skinnedMeshRenderer);
                    else if (mesh == null)
                        // mesh が無い
                        node.mesh = -1;
                    else if (mesh.vertexCount == 0)
                        // 頂点データが無い場合
                        node.mesh = -1;
                        // MeshとMaterialが一致するものが見つからなかった
                        throw new Exception("Mesh not found.");

        static glTFMesh ExportPrimitives(glTF gltf, int bufferIndex,
                                         MeshWithRenderer unityMesh, List <Material> unityMaterials)
            var mesh                  = unityMesh.Mesh;
            var materials             = unityMesh.Renderer.sharedMaterials;
            var positions             = mesh.vertices.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray();
            var positionAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            gltf.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].min = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Min(a.x, b.x), Math.Min(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Min(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();
            gltf.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].max = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Max(a.x, b.x), Math.Max(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Max(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();

            var normalAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.normals.Select(y => y.normalized.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var tangentAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.tangents.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var uvAccessorIndex0 = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.uv.Select(y => y.ReverseUV()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var uvAccessorIndex1 = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.uv2.Select(y => y.ReverseUV()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var colorAccessorIndex = -1;

            var vColorState = MeshExportInfo.DetectVertexColor(mesh, materials);
            if (vColorState == MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsAndIsUsed || // VColor使っている
                vColorState == MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsAndMixed // VColorを使っているところと使っていないところが混在(とりあえずExportする)
                // UniUnlit で Multiply 設定になっている
                colorAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.colors, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var boneweights         = mesh.boneWeights;
            var weightAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, boneweights.Select(y => new Vector4(y.weight0, y.weight1, y.weight2, y.weight3)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var jointsAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, boneweights.Select(y =>
                                                                                                           new UShort4(
                                                                                                           ).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var attributes = new glTFAttributes
                POSITION = positionAccessorIndex,
            if (normalAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.NORMAL = normalAccessorIndex;
            if (tangentAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.TANGENT = tangentAccessorIndex;
            if (uvAccessorIndex0 != -1)
                attributes.TEXCOORD_0 = uvAccessorIndex0;
            if (uvAccessorIndex1 != -1)
                attributes.TEXCOORD_1 = uvAccessorIndex1;
            if (colorAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.COLOR_0 = colorAccessorIndex;
            if (weightAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.WEIGHTS_0 = weightAccessorIndex;
            if (jointsAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.JOINTS_0 = jointsAccessorIndex;

            var gltfMesh = new glTFMesh(mesh.name);
            var indices  = new List <uint>();
            for (int j = 0; j < mesh.subMeshCount; ++j)

                var triangles = mesh.GetIndices(j);
                if (triangles.Length == 0)
                    // https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/issues/664

                for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
                    var i0 = triangles[i];
                    var i1 = triangles[i + 1];
                    var i2 = triangles[i + 2];

                    // flip triangle

                var indicesAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, indices.ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
                if (indicesAccessorIndex < 0)
                    // https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/issues/664
                    throw new Exception();

                if (j >= materials.Length)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0}.materials is not enough", unityMesh.Renderer.name);

                gltfMesh.primitives.Add(new glTFPrimitives
                    attributes = attributes,
                    indices    = indicesAccessorIndex,
                    mode       = 4, // triangles ?
                    material   = unityMaterials.IndexOf(materials[j])
        /// <summary>
        /// primitive 間で vertex を共有する形で Export する。
        /// UniVRM-0.71.0 以降は、MeshExporterDivided.Export もある。
        /// * GLB/GLTF は shared(default) と divided を選択可能
        /// * VRM0 は shared 仕様
        /// * VRM1 は divided 仕様
        /// /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gltf"></param>
        /// <param name="bufferIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="unityMesh"></param>
        /// <param name="unityMaterials"></param>
        /// <param name="axisInverter"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static (glTFMesh, Dictionary <int, int> blendShapeIndexMap) Export(ExportingGltfData data,
                                                                                  MeshExportInfo unityMesh, List <Material> unityMaterials,
                                                                                  IAxisInverter axisInverter, GltfExportSettings settings)
            var mesh                  = unityMesh.Mesh;
            var materials             = unityMesh.Materials;
            var positions             = mesh.vertices.Select(axisInverter.InvertVector3).ToArray();
            var positionAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            data.GLTF.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].min = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Min(a.x, b.x), Math.Min(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Min(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();
            data.GLTF.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].max = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Max(a.x, b.x), Math.Max(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Max(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();

            var normalAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(mesh.normals.Select(y => axisInverter.InvertVector3(y.normalized)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            int?tangentAccessorIndex = default;

            if (settings.ExportTangents)
                tangentAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(mesh.tangents.Select(axisInverter.InvertVector4).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var uvAccessorIndex0 = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(mesh.uv.Select(y => y.ReverseUV()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var uvAccessorIndex1 = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(mesh.uv2.Select(y => y.ReverseUV()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var colorAccessorIndex = -1;

            var vColorState = VertexColorUtility.DetectVertexColor(mesh, materials);

            if (vColorState == VertexColorState.ExistsAndIsUsed || // VColor使っている
                vColorState == VertexColorState.ExistsAndMixed // VColorを使っているところと使っていないところが混在(とりあえずExportする)
                // UniUnlit で Multiply 設定になっている
                colorAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(mesh.colors, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var boneweights         = mesh.boneWeights;
            var weightAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(boneweights.Select(y => new Vector4(y.weight0, y.weight1, y.weight2, y.weight3)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var jointsAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(boneweights.Select(y =>
                                                                                              new UShort4(
                                                                                              ).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var attributes = new glTFAttributes
                POSITION = positionAccessorIndex,

            if (normalAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.NORMAL = normalAccessorIndex;

            if (tangentAccessorIndex.HasValue)
                attributes.TANGENT = tangentAccessorIndex.Value;

            if (uvAccessorIndex0 != -1)
                attributes.TEXCOORD_0 = uvAccessorIndex0;
            if (uvAccessorIndex1 != -1)
                attributes.TEXCOORD_1 = uvAccessorIndex1;
            if (colorAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.COLOR_0 = colorAccessorIndex;
            if (weightAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.WEIGHTS_0 = weightAccessorIndex;
            if (jointsAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.JOINTS_0 = jointsAccessorIndex;

            var gltfMesh = new glTFMesh(mesh.name);
            var indices  = new List <uint>();

            for (int j = 0; j < mesh.subMeshCount; ++j)

                var triangles = mesh.GetIndices(j);
                if (triangles.Length == 0)
                    // https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/issues/664

                for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
                    var i0 = triangles[i];
                    var i1 = triangles[i + 1];
                    var i2 = triangles[i + 2];

                    // flip triangle

                var indicesAccessorIndex = data.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(indices.ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
                if (indicesAccessorIndex < 0)
                    // https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/issues/664
                    throw new Exception();

                if (j >= materials.Length)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0}.materials is not enough", unityMesh.Mesh.name);

                gltfMesh.primitives.Add(new glTFPrimitives
                    attributes = attributes,
                    indices    = indicesAccessorIndex,
                    mode       = 4, // triangles ?
                    material   = unityMaterials.IndexOf(materials[j])

            var blendShapeIndexMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                var targetNames = new List <string>();

                int exportBlendShapes = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < unityMesh.Mesh.blendShapeCount; ++j)
                    var morphTarget = ExportMorphTarget(data,
                                                        unityMesh.Mesh, j,
                                                        settings.ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition, axisInverter);
                    if (morphTarget.POSITION < 0)
                        // Skip empty blendShape.
                        // Shift blendShape's index.

                    var blendShapeName = unityMesh.Mesh.GetBlendShapeName(j);
                    blendShapeIndexMap.Add(j, exportBlendShapes++);

                    // all primitive has same blendShape
                    for (int k = 0; k < gltfMesh.primitives.Count; ++k)

                gltf_mesh_extras_targetNames.Serialize(gltfMesh, targetNames);

            return(gltfMesh, blendShapeIndexMap);
예제 #7
 public bool IsSameMeshAndMaterials(MeshExportInfo other)
     return(IsSameMeshAndMaterials(other.Mesh, other.Materials));
예제 #8
        static glTFMesh ExportPrimitives(glTF gltf, int bufferIndex,
                                         string rendererName,
                                         Mesh mesh, Material[] materials,
                                         List <Material> unityMaterials)
            var positions             = mesh.vertices.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray();
            var positionAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            gltf.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].min = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Min(a.x, b.x), Math.Min(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Min(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();
            gltf.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].max = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Max(a.x, b.x), Math.Max(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Max(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();

            var normalAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.normals.Select(y => y.normalized.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var tangentAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.tangents.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var uvAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.uv.Select(y => y.ReverseUV()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var colorAccessorIndex = -1;

            var vColorState = MeshExportInfo.DetectVertexColor(mesh, materials);
            if (vColorState == MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsAndIsUsed || // VColor使っている
                vColorState == MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsAndMixed // VColorを使っているところと使っていないところが混在(とりあえずExportする)
                // UniUnlit で Multiply 設定になっている
                colorAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.colors, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var boneweights         = mesh.boneWeights;
            var weightAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, boneweights.Select(y => new Vector4(y.weight0, y.weight1, y.weight2, y.weight3)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
            var jointsAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, boneweights.Select(y => new UShort4((ushort)y.boneIndex0, (ushort)y.boneIndex1, (ushort)y.boneIndex2, (ushort)y.boneIndex3)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

            var attributes = new glTFAttributes
                POSITION = positionAccessorIndex,
            if (normalAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.NORMAL = normalAccessorIndex;
            if (tangentAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.TANGENT = tangentAccessorIndex;
            if (uvAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.TEXCOORD_0 = uvAccessorIndex;
            if (colorAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.COLOR_0 = colorAccessorIndex;
            if (weightAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.WEIGHTS_0 = weightAccessorIndex;
            if (jointsAccessorIndex != -1)
                attributes.JOINTS_0 = jointsAccessorIndex;

            var gltfMesh = new glTFMesh(mesh.name);
            for (int j = 0; j < mesh.subMeshCount; ++j)
                var indices = TriangleUtil.FlipTriangle(mesh.GetIndices(j)).Select(y => (uint)y).ToArray();
                var indicesAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, indices, glBufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);

                if (j >= materials.Length)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0}.materials is not enough", rendererName);

                gltfMesh.primitives.Add(new glTFPrimitives
                    attributes = attributes,
                    indices    = indicesAccessorIndex,
                    mode       = 4, // triangles ?
                    material   = unityMaterials.IndexOf(materials[j])
예제 #9
        public virtual void CalcMeshSize(ref MeshExportInfo info,
                                         string relativePath)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (!info.IsRendererActive)

            info.VertexCount           = info.Mesh.vertexCount;
            info.ExportVertexSize      = 0;
            info.TotalBlendShapeCount  = 0;
            info.ExportBlendShapeCount = 0;

            // float4 x 3
            // vertices
            if (info.HasNormal)
                info.ExportVertexSize += 4 * 3;
            if (info.HasUV)
                info.ExportVertexSize += 4 * 2;
            if (info.HasVertexColor)
                info.ExportVertexSize += 4 * 4;
            if (info.HasSkinning)
                // short, float x 4 weights
                info.ExportVertexSize += (2 + 4) * 4;
            // indices
            info.IndexCount = info.Mesh.triangles.Length;

            // postion + normal ?. always tangent is ignored
            info.TotalBlendShapeCount       = info.Mesh.blendShapeCount;
            info.ExportBlendShapeVertexSize = Settings.ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition ? 4 * 3 : 4 * (3 + 3);
            for (var i = 0; i < info.Mesh.blendShapeCount; ++i)
                if (!UseBlendShape(i, relativePath))


            if (info.ExportBlendShapeCount > 0)
                sb.Append($"+Morph x {info.ExportBlendShapeCount}");
            sb.Append($") x {info.Mesh.vertexCount}");
            switch (info.VertexColor)
            case MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsAndIsUsed:
            case MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsAndMixed:     // エクスポートする
                sb.Insert(0, "[use vcolor]");

            case MeshExportInfo.VertexColorState.ExistsButNotUsed:
                sb.Insert(0, "[remove vcolor]");
            if (info.ExportBlendShapeCount > 0 && !info.HasSkinning)
                sb.Insert(0, "[morph without skin]");

            // total bytes
            sb.Insert(0, $"{info.ExportByteSize:#,0} Bytes = ");
            info.Summary = sb.ToString();
예제 #10
        public virtual void Export(GltfExportSettings meshExportSettings, ITextureSerializer textureSerializer)
            var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[50 * 1024 * 1024]);
            var bufferIndex = glTF.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer);

            Nodes = Copy.transform.Traverse()
                    .Skip(1) // exclude root object for the symmetry with the importer

            var uniqueUnityMeshes = new List <MeshExportInfo>();

            MeshExportInfo.GetInfo(Nodes, uniqueUnityMeshes, meshExportSettings);

            #region Materials and Textures
            Materials = uniqueUnityMeshes.SelectMany(x => x.Materials).Where(x => x != null).Distinct().ToList();

            m_textureExporter = new TextureExporter(textureSerializer);

            var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter();
            glTF.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureExporter, m_settings)).ToList();

            #region Meshes
            MeshBlendShapeIndexMap = new Dictionary <Mesh, Dictionary <int, int> >();
            foreach (var unityMesh in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                var(gltfMesh, blendShapeIndexMap) = meshExportSettings.DivideVertexBuffer
                    ? MeshExporter_DividedVertexBuffer.Export(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMesh, Materials, m_settings.InverseAxis.Create(), meshExportSettings)
                    : MeshExporter_SharedVertexBuffer.Export(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMesh, Materials, m_settings.InverseAxis.Create(), meshExportSettings)
                if (!MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.ContainsKey(unityMesh.Mesh))
                    // 重複防止
                    MeshBlendShapeIndexMap.Add(unityMesh.Mesh, blendShapeIndexMap);

            #region Nodes and Skins
            var skins = uniqueUnityMeshes
                        .SelectMany(x => x.Renderers)
                        .Where(x => x.Item1 is SkinnedMeshRenderer && x.UniqueBones != null)
                        .Select(x => x.Item1 as SkinnedMeshRenderer)
            foreach (var node in Nodes)
                var gltfNode = ExportNode(node, Nodes, uniqueUnityMeshes, skins);
            glTF.scenes = new List <gltfScene>
                new gltfScene
                    nodes = Copy.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(),

            foreach (var x in uniqueUnityMeshes)
                foreach (var(renderer, uniqueBones) in x.Renderers)
                    if (uniqueBones != null && renderer is SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
                        var matrices = x.GetBindPoses().Select(m_settings.InverseAxis.Create().InvertMat4).ToArray();
                        var accessor = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE);
                        var skin     = new glTFSkin
                            inverseBindMatrices = accessor,
                            joints   = uniqueBones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(),
                            skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(smr.rootBone),
                        var skinIndex = glTF.skins.Count;

                        foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(renderer)))
                            var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z);
                            var node      = glTF.nodes[nodeIndex];
                            node.skin = skinIndex;

            #region Animations

            var clips     = new List <AnimationClip>();
            var animator  = Copy.GetComponent <Animator>();
            var animation = Copy.GetComponent <Animation>();
            if (animator != null)
                clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animator);
            else if (animation != null)
                clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animation);

            if (clips.Any())
                foreach (AnimationClip clip in clips)
                    var animationWithCurve = AnimationExporter.Export(clip, Copy.transform, Nodes);

                    foreach (var kv in animationWithCurve.SamplerMap)
                        var sampler = animationWithCurve.Animation.samplers[kv.Key];

                        var inputAccessorIndex = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Input);
                        sampler.input = inputAccessorIndex;

                        var outputAccessorIndex = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Output);
                        sampler.output = outputAccessorIndex;

                        // modify accessors
                        var outputAccessor = glTF.accessors[outputAccessorIndex];
                        var channel        = animationWithCurve.Animation.channels.First(x => x.sampler == kv.Key);
                        switch (glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(channel.target.path))
                        case 1:
                            outputAccessor.type = "SCALAR";
                            //outputAccessor.count = ;

                        case 3:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC3";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 3;

                        case 4:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC4";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 4;

                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                    animationWithCurve.Animation.name = clip.name;


            // Extension で Texture が増える場合があるので最後に呼ぶ
            var exported = m_textureExporter.Export();
            for (var exportedTextureIdx = 0; exportedTextureIdx < exported.Count; ++exportedTextureIdx)
                var(unityTexture, colorSpace) = exported[exportedTextureIdx];
                glTF.PushGltfTexture(bufferIndex, unityTexture, colorSpace, textureSerializer);

        /// <summary>
        /// Divide vertex buffer(Position, Normal, UV, VertexColor, Skinning and BlendShapes) by submesh usage, then export
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gltf"></param>
        /// <param name="gltfBuffer"></param>
        /// <param name="unityMesh"></param>
        /// <param name="unityMaterials"></param>
        /// <param name="axisInverter"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static (glTFMesh, Dictionary <int, int>) Export(ExportingGltfData data,
                                                               MeshExportInfo unityMesh, List <Material> unityMaterials,
                                                               IAxisInverter axisInverter, GltfExportSettings settings)
            var mesh     = unityMesh.Mesh;
            var gltfMesh = new glTFMesh(mesh.name);

            if (settings.ExportTangents)
                // no support
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            var positions   = mesh.vertices;
            var normals     = mesh.normals;
            var uv          = mesh.uv;
            var boneWeights = mesh.boneWeights;

            if (boneWeights.All(x => x.weight0 == 0 && x.weight1 == 0 && x.weight2 == 0 && x.weight3 == 0))
                boneWeights = null;
            var colors = mesh.colors;

            Func <int, int> getJointIndex = null;

            if (boneWeights != null && boneWeights.Length == positions.Length)
                getJointIndex = unityMesh.GetJointIndex;

            Vector3[] blendShapePositions = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount];
            Vector3[] blendShapeNormals   = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount];

            var vColorState       = VertexColorUtility.DetectVertexColor(mesh, unityMaterials);
            var exportVertexColor = (
                (settings.KeepVertexColor && mesh.colors != null && mesh.colors.Length == mesh.vertexCount) || // vertex color を残す設定
                vColorState == VertexColorState.ExistsAndIsUsed || // VColor使っている
                vColorState == VertexColorState.ExistsAndMixed    // VColorを使っているところと使っていないところが混在(とりあえずExportする)

            var usedIndices = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.subMeshCount; ++i)
                var indices = mesh.GetIndices(i);
                var hash    = new HashSet <int>(indices);

                // aggregate vertex attributes
                var buffer = new MeshExportUtil.VertexBuffer(indices.Length, getJointIndex);
                for (int k = 0; k < positions.Length; ++k)
                    if (hash.Contains(k))
                        // aggregate indices
                                          axisInverter.InvertVector3(positions[k]), // POSITION
                                          axisInverter.InvertVector3(normals[k]),   // NORMAL
                                          uv[k].ReverseUV()                         // UV
                        if (getJointIndex != null)
                        if (exportVertexColor)

                var material      = unityMesh.Materials[i];
                var materialIndex = -1;
                if (material != null)
                    materialIndex = unityMaterials.IndexOf(material);

                var flipped = new List <int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < indices.Length; j += 3)
                    var t0 = indices[j];
                    var t1 = indices[j + 1];
                    var t2 = indices[j + 2];
                var gltfPrimitive = buffer.ToGltfPrimitive(data, materialIndex, flipped);

                // blendShape(morph target)
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.blendShapeCount; ++j)
                    var blendShape = new MeshExportUtil.BlendShapeBuffer(usedIndices.Count);

                    // aggriage morph target
                    mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(j, 0, blendShapePositions, blendShapeNormals, null);
                    int l = 0;
                    foreach (var k in usedIndices)

                    gltfPrimitive.targets.Add(blendShape.ToGltf(data, !settings.ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition,


            var targetNames = Enumerable.Range(0, mesh.blendShapeCount).Select(x => mesh.GetBlendShapeName(x)).ToArray();

            gltf_mesh_extras_targetNames.Serialize(gltfMesh, targetNames);

            return(gltfMesh, Enumerable.Range(0, mesh.blendShapeCount).ToDictionary(x => x, x => x));
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Divide vertex buffer(Position, Normal, UV, VertexColor, Skinning and BlendShapes) by submesh usage, then export
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gltf"></param>
        /// <param name="gltfBuffer"></param>
        /// <param name="unityMesh"></param>
        /// <param name="unityMaterials"></param>
        /// <param name="axisInverter"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static (glTFMesh, Dictionary <int, int>) Export(glTF gltf, int gltfBuffer,
                                                               MeshExportInfo unityMesh, List <Material> unityMaterials,
                                                               IAxisInverter axisInverter, GltfExportSettings settings)
            var mesh     = unityMesh.Mesh;
            var gltfMesh = new glTFMesh(mesh.name);

            if (settings.ExportTangents)
                // no support
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            var positions   = mesh.vertices;
            var normals     = mesh.normals;
            var uv          = mesh.uv;
            var boneWeights = mesh.boneWeights;

            Func <int, int> getJointIndex = null;

            if (boneWeights != null && boneWeights.Length == positions.Length)
                getJointIndex = unityMesh.GetJointIndex;

            Vector3[] blendShapePositions = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount];
            Vector3[] blendShapeNormals   = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount];

            var usedIndices = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.subMeshCount; ++i)
                var indices = mesh.GetIndices(i);
                var hash    = new HashSet <int>(indices);

                // aggrigate vertex attributes
                var buffer = new MeshExportUtil.VertexBuffer(indices.Length, getJointIndex);
                for (int k = 0; k < positions.Length; ++k)
                    if (hash.Contains(k))
                        // aggrigate indices
                        buffer.Push(k, axisInverter.InvertVector3(positions[k]), axisInverter.InvertVector3(normals[k]), uv[k].ReverseUV());
                        if (getJointIndex != null)

                var material      = unityMesh.Materials[i];
                var materialIndex = -1;
                if (material != null)
                    materialIndex = unityMaterials.IndexOf(material);

                var flipped = new List <int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < indices.Length; j += 3)
                    var t0 = indices[j];
                    var t1 = indices[j + 1];
                    var t2 = indices[j + 2];
                var gltfPrimitive = buffer.ToGltfPrimitive(gltf, gltfBuffer, materialIndex, flipped);

                // blendShape(morph target)
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.blendShapeCount; ++j)
                    var blendShape = new MeshExportUtil.BlendShapeBuffer(usedIndices.Count);

                    // aggriage morph target
                    mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(j, 0, blendShapePositions, blendShapeNormals, null);
                    int l = 0;
                    foreach (var k in usedIndices)

                    gltfPrimitive.targets.Add(blendShape.ToGltf(gltf, gltfBuffer, !settings.ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition,


            var targetNames = Enumerable.Range(0, mesh.blendShapeCount).Select(x => mesh.GetBlendShapeName(x)).ToArray();

            gltf_mesh_extras_targetNames.Serialize(gltfMesh, targetNames);

            return(gltfMesh, Enumerable.Range(0, mesh.blendShapeCount).ToDictionary(x => x, x => x));