static void BuildBlendShape(Mesh mesh, MeshContext meshContext, BlendShape blendShape, Vector3[] emptyVertices) { if (blendShape.Positions.Count > 0) { if (blendShape.Positions.Count == mesh.vertexCount) { mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(blendShape.Name, FRAME_WEIGHT, blendShape.Positions.ToArray(), (meshContext.Normals.Count == mesh.vertexCount && blendShape.Normals.Count == blendShape.Positions.Count()) ? blendShape.Normals.ToArray() : null, null ); } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("May be partial primitive has blendShape. Require separate mesh or extend blend shape, but not implemented: {0}", blendShape.Name); } } else { // Debug.LogFormat("empty blendshape: {0}.{1}",, blendShape.Name); // add empty blend shape for keep blend shape index mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(blendShape.Name, FRAME_WEIGHT, emptyVertices, null, null ); } }
internal static async Task <MeshWithMaterials> BuildMeshAsync( IAwaitCaller awaitCaller, Func <int, Material> ctx, MeshContext meshContext) { Profiler.BeginSample("MeshImporter.BuildMesh"); var(mesh, recalculateTangents) = BuildMesh(meshContext); Profiler.EndSample(); if (recalculateTangents) { await awaitCaller.NextFrame(); mesh.RecalculateTangents(); await awaitCaller.NextFrame(); } // 先にすべてのマテリアルを作成済みなのでテクスチャーは生成済み。Resultを使ってよい var result = new MeshWithMaterials { Mesh = mesh, Materials = meshContext.MaterialIndices.Select(ctx).ToArray() }; await awaitCaller.NextFrame(); if (meshContext.BlendShapes.Count > 0) { var emptyVertices = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount]; foreach (var blendShape in meshContext.BlendShapes) { await BuildBlendShapeAsync(awaitCaller, mesh, blendShape, emptyVertices); } } Profiler.BeginSample("Mesh.UploadMeshData"); mesh.UploadMeshData(false); Profiler.EndSample(); return(result); }
public MeshContext ReadMesh(ImporterContext ctx, int meshIndex) { var gltfMesh = ctx.GLTF.meshes[meshIndex]; var meshContext = new MeshContext(, meshIndex); if (HasSharedVertexBuffer(gltfMesh)) { meshContext.ImportMeshSharingVertexBuffer(ctx, gltfMesh); } else { meshContext.ImportMeshIndependentVertexBuffer(ctx, gltfMesh); } meshContext.RenameBlendShape(gltfMesh); meshContext.DropUnusedVertices(); return(meshContext); }
private static (Mesh, bool) BuildMesh(MeshContext meshContext) { meshContext.AddDefaultMaterial(); //Debug.Log(prims.ToJson()); var mesh = new Mesh { name = meshContext.Name }; meshContext.UploadMeshVertices(mesh); meshContext.UploadMeshIndices(mesh); // NOTE: mesh.vertices では自動的に行われていたが、SetVertexBuffer では行われないため、明示的に呼び出す. mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (!meshContext.HasNormal) { mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } return(mesh, true); }
internal MeshContext ReadMesh(GltfData data, int meshIndex, IAxisInverter inverter) { Profiler.BeginSample("ReadMesh"); var gltfMesh = data.GLTF.meshes[meshIndex]; var meshContext = new MeshContext(, meshIndex); if (HasSharedVertexBuffer(gltfMesh)) { meshContext.ImportMeshSharingVertexBuffer(data, gltfMesh, inverter); } else { meshContext.ImportMeshIndependentVertexBuffer(data, gltfMesh, inverter); } meshContext.RenameBlendShape(gltfMesh); meshContext.DropUnusedVertices(); Profiler.EndSample(); return(meshContext); }
// multiple submesh sharing same VertexBuffer private static MeshContext _ImportMeshSharingVertexBuffer(ImporterContext ctx, glTFMesh gltfMesh) { var context = new MeshContext(); { var prim = gltfMesh.primitives.First(); context.positions = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(prim.attributes.POSITION).SelectInplace(x => x.ReverseZ()); // normal if (prim.attributes.NORMAL != -1) { context.normals = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(prim.attributes.NORMAL).SelectInplace(x => x.ReverseZ()); } // tangent if (prim.attributes.TANGENT != -1) { context.tangents = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector4>(prim.attributes.TANGENT).SelectInplace(x => x.ReverseZ()); } // uv if (prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0 != -1) { context.uv = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector2>(prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0).SelectInplace(x => x.ReverseY()); } else { // for inconsistent attributes in primitives context.uv = new Vector2[context.positions.Length]; } // color if (prim.attributes.COLOR_0 != -1) { context.colors = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Color>(prim.attributes.COLOR_0); } // skin if (prim.attributes.JOINTS_0 != -1 && prim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0 != -1) { var joints0 = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <UShort4>(prim.attributes.JOINTS_0); // uint4 var weights0 = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Float4>(prim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0); for (int i = 0; i < weights0.Length; ++i) { weights0[i] = weights0[i].One(); } for (int j = 0; j < joints0.Length; ++j) { var bw = new BoneWeight(); bw.boneIndex0 = joints0[j].x; bw.weight0 = weights0[j].x; bw.boneIndex1 = joints0[j].y; bw.weight1 = weights0[j].y; bw.boneIndex2 = joints0[j].z; bw.weight2 = weights0[j].z; bw.boneIndex3 = joints0[j].w; bw.weight3 = weights0[j].w; context.boneWeights.Add(bw); } } // blendshape if (prim.targets != null && prim.targets.Count > 0) { context.blendShapes.AddRange(prim.targets.Select((x, i) => new BlendShape( i < prim.extras.targetNames.Count && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prim.extras.targetNames[i]) ? prim.extras.targetNames[i] : i.ToString()))); for (int i = 0; i < prim.targets.Count; ++i) { //var name = string.Format("target{0}", i++); var primTarget = prim.targets[i]; var blendShape = context.blendShapes[i]; if (primTarget.POSITION != -1) { blendShape.Positions.Assign( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.POSITION), x => x.ReverseZ()); } if (primTarget.NORMAL != -1) { blendShape.Normals.Assign( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.NORMAL), x => x.ReverseZ()); } if (primTarget.TANGENT != -1) { blendShape.Tangents.Assign( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.TANGENT), x => x.ReverseZ()); } } } } foreach (var prim in gltfMesh.primitives) { if (prim.indices == -1) { context.subMeshes.Add(TriangleUtil.FlipTriangle(Enumerable.Range(0, context.positions.Length)).ToArray()); } else { var indices = ctx.GLTF.GetIndices(prim.indices); context.subMeshes.Add(indices); } // material context.materialIndices.Add(prim.material); } return(context); }
// multiple submMesh is not sharing a VertexBuffer. // each subMesh use a independent VertexBuffer. private static MeshContext _ImportMeshIndependentVertexBuffer(ImporterContext ctx, glTFMesh gltfMesh) { //Debug.LogWarning("_ImportMeshIndependentVertexBuffer"); var targets = gltfMesh.primitives[0].targets; for (int i = 1; i < gltfMesh.primitives.Count; ++i) { if (!gltfMesh.primitives[i].targets.SequenceEqual(targets)) { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("diffirent targets: {0} with {1}", gltfMesh.primitives[i], targets)); } } var positions = new List <Vector3>(); var normals = new List <Vector3>(); var tangents = new List <Vector4>(); var uv = new List <Vector2>(); var colors = new List <Color>(); var meshContext = new MeshContext(); foreach (var prim in gltfMesh.primitives) { var indexOffset = positions.Count; var indexBuffer = prim.indices; var positionCount = positions.Count; positions.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(prim.attributes.POSITION).Select(x => x.ReverseZ())); positionCount = positions.Count - positionCount; // normal if (prim.attributes.NORMAL != -1) { normals.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(prim.attributes.NORMAL).Select(x => x.ReverseZ())); } if (prim.attributes.TANGENT != -1) { tangents.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector4>(prim.attributes.TANGENT).Select(x => x.ReverseZ())); } // uv if (prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0 != -1) { uv.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector2>(prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0).Select(x => x.ReverseY())); } else { // for inconsistent attributes in primitives uv.AddRange(new Vector2[positionCount]); } // color if (prim.attributes.COLOR_0 != -1) { colors.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Color>(prim.attributes.COLOR_0)); } // skin if (prim.attributes.JOINTS_0 != -1 && prim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0 != -1) { var joints0 = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <UShort4>(prim.attributes.JOINTS_0); // uint4 var weights0 = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Float4>(prim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0).Select(x => x.One()).ToArray(); for (int j = 0; j < joints0.Length; ++j) { var bw = new BoneWeight(); bw.boneIndex0 = joints0[j].x; bw.weight0 = weights0[j].x; bw.boneIndex1 = joints0[j].y; bw.weight1 = weights0[j].y; bw.boneIndex2 = joints0[j].z; bw.weight2 = weights0[j].z; bw.boneIndex3 = joints0[j].w; bw.weight3 = weights0[j].w; meshContext.boneWeights.Add(bw); } } // blendshape if (prim.targets != null && prim.targets.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < prim.targets.Count; ++i) { //var name = string.Format("target{0}", i++); var primTarget = prim.targets[i]; var blendShape = new BlendShape(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prim.extras.targetNames[i]) ? prim.extras.targetNames[i] : i.ToString()) ; if (primTarget.POSITION != -1) { blendShape.Positions.AddRange( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.POSITION).Select(x => x.ReverseZ()).ToArray()); } if (primTarget.NORMAL != -1) { blendShape.Normals.AddRange( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.NORMAL).Select(x => x.ReverseZ()).ToArray()); } if (primTarget.TANGENT != -1) { blendShape.Tangents.AddRange( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.TANGENT).Select(x => x.ReverseZ()).ToArray()); } meshContext.blendShapes.Add(blendShape); } } var indices = (indexBuffer >= 0) ? ctx.GLTF.GetIndices(indexBuffer) : TriangleUtil.FlipTriangle(Enumerable.Range(0, meshContext.positions.Length)).ToArray() // without index array ; for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i) { indices[i] += indexOffset; } meshContext.subMeshes.Add(indices); // material meshContext.materialIndices.Add(prim.material); } meshContext.positions = positions.ToArray(); meshContext.normals = normals.ToArray(); meshContext.tangents = tangents.ToArray(); meshContext.uv = uv.ToArray(); return(meshContext); }
public static MeshWithMaterials BuildMesh(ImporterContext ctx, MeshContext meshContext) { if (!meshContext.materialIndices.Any()) { meshContext.materialIndices.Add(0); } //Debug.Log(prims.ToJson()); var mesh = new Mesh(); =; if (meshContext.positions.Length > UInt16.MaxValue) { #if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER mesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32; #else Debug.LogWarningFormat("vertices {0} exceed 65535. not implemented. Unity2017.3 supports large mesh", meshContext.positions.Length); #endif } mesh.vertices = meshContext.positions; if (meshContext.normals != null && meshContext.normals.Length > 0) { mesh.normals = meshContext.normals; } else { mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } if (meshContext.tangents != null && meshContext.tangents.Length > 0) { mesh.tangents = meshContext.tangents; } else { #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER mesh.RecalculateTangents(); #endif } if (meshContext.uv != null && meshContext.uv.Length > 0) { mesh.uv = meshContext.uv; } if (meshContext.colors != null && meshContext.colors.Length > 0) { mesh.colors = meshContext.colors; } if (meshContext.boneWeights != null && meshContext.boneWeights.Count > 0) { mesh.boneWeights = meshContext.boneWeights.ToArray(); } mesh.subMeshCount = meshContext.subMeshes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < meshContext.subMeshes.Count; ++i) { mesh.SetTriangles(meshContext.subMeshes[i], i); } var result = new MeshWithMaterials { Mesh = mesh, Materials = meshContext.materialIndices.Select(x => ctx.Materials[x]).ToArray() }; if (meshContext.blendShapes != null) { foreach (var blendShape in meshContext.blendShapes) { if (blendShape.Positions.Count > 0) { if (blendShape.Positions.Count == mesh.vertexCount) { mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(blendShape.Name, FRAME_WEIGHT, blendShape.Positions.ToArray(), (meshContext.normals != null && meshContext.normals.Length == mesh.vertexCount) ? blendShape.Normals.ToArray() : null, null ); } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("May be partial primitive has blendShape. Rquire separete mesh or extend blend shape, but not implemented: {0}", blendShape.Name); } } else { Debug.LogFormat("empty blendshape: {0}.{1}",, blendShape.Name); // add empty blend shape for keep blend shape index mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(blendShape.Name, FRAME_WEIGHT, //Enumerable.Range(0, mesh.vertexCount).Select(x =>, null, null, null ); } } } return(result); }
// mesh is sharing morph targets. private static MeshContext _ImportMeshSharingMorphTarget(ImporterContext ctx, glTFMesh gltfMesh) { var positions = new List <Vector3>(); var normals = new List <Vector3>(); var tangents = new List <Vector4>(); var uv = new List <Vector2>(); var colors = new List <Color>(); var blendShapes = new List <BlendShape>(); var meshContext = new MeshContext(); // blendshapes var targetNames = gltfMesh.extras.targetNames; for (int i = 1; i < gltfMesh.primitives.Count; ++i) { if (gltfMesh.primitives[i].targets.Count != targetNames.Count) { throw new FormatException(string.Format("different targets length: {0} with targetNames length.", gltfMesh.primitives[i])); } } for (var i = 0; i < targetNames.Count; i++) { var blendShape = new BlendShape(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetNames[i]) ? targetNames[i] : i.ToString()); blendShapes.Add(blendShape); } foreach (var prim in gltfMesh.primitives) { var indexOffset = positions.Count; var indexBuffer = prim.indices; var positionCount = positions.Count; positions.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(prim.attributes.POSITION).Select(x => x.ReverseZ())); positionCount = positions.Count - positionCount; // normal if (prim.attributes.NORMAL != -1) { normals.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(prim.attributes.NORMAL).Select(x => x.ReverseZ())); } if (prim.attributes.TANGENT != -1) { tangents.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector4>(prim.attributes.TANGENT).Select(x => x.ReverseZ())); } // uv if (prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0 != -1) { if (ctx.IsGeneratedUniGLTFAndOlder(1, 16)) { #pragma warning disable 0612 // backward compatibility uv.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector2>(prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0).Select(x => x.ReverseY())); #pragma warning restore 0612 } else { uv.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector2>(prim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0).Select(x => x.ReverseUV())); } } else { // for inconsistent attributes in primitives uv.AddRange(new Vector2[positionCount]); } // color if (prim.attributes.COLOR_0 != -1) { colors.AddRange(ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Color>(prim.attributes.COLOR_0)); } // skin if (prim.attributes.JOINTS_0 != -1 && prim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0 != -1) { var joints0 = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <UShort4>(prim.attributes.JOINTS_0); // uint4 var weights0 = ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Float4>(prim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0).Select(x => x.One()).ToArray(); for (int j = 0; j < joints0.Length; ++j) { var bw = new BoneWeight(); bw.boneIndex0 = joints0[j].x; bw.weight0 = weights0[j].x; bw.boneIndex1 = joints0[j].y; bw.weight1 = weights0[j].y; bw.boneIndex2 = joints0[j].z; bw.weight2 = weights0[j].z; bw.boneIndex3 = joints0[j].w; bw.weight3 = weights0[j].w; meshContext.boneWeights.Add(bw); } } // blendshape if (prim.targets != null && prim.targets.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < prim.targets.Count; ++i) { var primTarget = prim.targets[i]; if (primTarget.POSITION != -1) { blendShapes[i].Positions.AddRange( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.POSITION).Select(x => x.ReverseZ()).ToArray()); } if (primTarget.NORMAL != -1) { blendShapes[i].Normals.AddRange( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.NORMAL).Select(x => x.ReverseZ()).ToArray()); } if (primTarget.TANGENT != -1) { blendShapes[i].Tangents.AddRange( ctx.GLTF.GetArrayFromAccessor <Vector3>(primTarget.TANGENT).Select(x => x.ReverseZ()).ToArray()); } } } var indices = (indexBuffer >= 0) ? ctx.GLTF.GetIndices(indexBuffer) : TriangleUtil.FlipTriangle(Enumerable.Range(0, meshContext.positions.Length)).ToArray() // without index array ; for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i) { indices[i] += indexOffset; } meshContext.subMeshes.Add(indices); // material meshContext.materialIndices.Add(prim.material); } meshContext.positions = positions.ToArray(); meshContext.normals = normals.ToArray(); meshContext.tangents = tangents.ToArray(); meshContext.uv = uv.ToArray(); meshContext.blendShapes = blendShapes; return(meshContext); }
async Task <MeshWithMaterials> BuildMeshAsync(IAwaitCaller awaitCaller, Func <string, IDisposable> MeasureTime, MeshContext x, int i) { using (MeasureTime("BuildMesh")) { var meshWithMaterials = await MeshImporter.BuildMeshAsync(awaitCaller, MaterialFactory.GetMaterial, x); var mesh = meshWithMaterials.Mesh; // mesh name if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { = string.Format("UniGLTF import#{0}", i); } var originalName =; for (int j = 1; Meshes.Any(y => ==; ++j) { = string.Format("{0}({1})", originalName, j); } return(meshWithMaterials); } }