protected void DrawProperty(Rect position, SerializedProperty property)
            // Try to get the sortable list this property belongs to
            var listData = GetReorderableListData(property);

            UnityEditor.Editor scriptableEditor;
            var isScriptableEditor = editableIndex.TryGetValue(property.propertyPath, out scriptableEditor);

            // Has ReorderableList
            if (listData != null)
                // Try to show the list
                if (!listData.DoProperty(position, property))
                    EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, false);
                    position.y += EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property, false);
                    if (property.isExpanded)
                        IterateDrawProperty(position, property.Copy());
            // Else try to draw ScriptableObject editor
            else if (isScriptableEditor)
                bool hasHeader = property.HasAttribute <HeaderAttribute>();
                bool hasSpace  = property.HasAttribute <SpaceAttribute>();

                hasSpace |= hasHeader;

                // No data in property, draw property field with create button
                if (scriptableEditor == null)
                    var objPosition = new Rect(position);
                    var btnPosition = new Rect(position);

                    objPosition.xMax -= hasSpace ? 66 : 56;
                    btnPosition.xMin  = btnPosition.xMax - 56;
                    EditorGUI.PropertyField(objPosition, property, false);
                    var doCreate = GUI.Button(btnPosition, Create, EditorStyles.miniButton);

                    if (doCreate)
                        var propType = property.GetTypeReflection();
                        ScriptableObjectUtility.CreateAssetWithSavePrompt(propType, postCreated: createdAsset =>
                            property.objectReferenceValue = createdAsset;
                            property.isExpanded           = true;
                // Has data in property, draw foldout and editor
                    EasyGUI.TryDrawObjectReference(position, property, new GUIContent(property.displayName), true);
                var isStartProp = property.propertyPath.StartsWith(M_ScriptStr);
                if (isStartProp && IgnoreHeader)
                    using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(isStartProp))
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, property.isExpanded);