public Tab(T face, K edge, PlanarUnfolder.PlanarUnfolding <K, T> unfoldObject, double tabOffset = .3)
     ID             = face.ID;
     UnfoldableFace = face;
     TabSurf        = generateTabGeo(edge, tabOffset);
     AlignedTabSurf = PlanarUnfolder.DirectlyMapGeometryToUnfoldingByID(unfoldObject, TabSurf, ID);
        public static Dictionary <int, List <Tab <K, T> > > GenerateTabSurfacesFromUnfold <K, T>(PlanarUnfolder.PlanarUnfolding <K, T> unfoldingObject, double relativeWidth = .3)
            where K : IUnfoldableEdge
            where T : IUnfoldablePlanarFace <K>, new()
            //TODO cleanup old geometry
            var tabedges = new List <K>();

            // gather the difference set of edges between all shared edegs and the edges we actually fold around
            // the difference are the edges that we need to add tabs to
            var gedges       = GraphUtilities.GetAllGraphEdges <K, T>(unfoldingObject.OriginalGraph).Select(x => x.GeometryEdge).ToList();
            var tedges       = GraphUtilities.GetAllTreeEdges <K, T>(unfoldingObject.OriginalGraph).Select(x => x.GeometryEdge).ToList();
            var nonFoldEdegs = gedges.Except(tedges, new SpatialEqualityComparer <K>());
            var tabDict      = new Dictionary <int, List <Tab <K, T> > >();

            foreach (var edge in nonFoldEdegs)
                if (tabedges.Contains(edge) == false)
                    // find the first vertex that contains this edge in its graph edge list
                    var firstmatchingvertingraph = unfoldingObject.OriginalGraph.Find(x => x.GraphEdges.Select(y => y.GeometryEdge).ToList().Contains(edge));
                    //make a new tab
                    var newtab = new Tab <K, T>(firstmatchingvertingraph.Face, edge, unfoldingObject, relativeWidth);
                    //store the tab
                    //if the same surface has another tab on a different edge add it to the dict
                    if (tabDict.ContainsKey(firstmatchingvertingraph.Face.ID))
                    tabDict.Add(firstmatchingvertingraph.Face.ID, new List <Tab <K, T> >()

예제 #3
        public static Dictionary <string, object> PackUnfoldSurfaces <K, T>(PlanarUnfolder.PlanarUnfolding <K, T> unfold, double width = 20, double height = 20, double gap = .3)
            where T : IUnfoldablePlanarFace <K>, new()
            where K : IUnfoldableEdge
            //first step is to align all the facelikes in the unfold
            // to the plane and get new transforms and facelikes
            var alignedgeo            = MoveSurfacesInUnfoldToPlane <K, T>(unfold);
            var translatedFaces       = alignedgeo.Item1;
            var translationTransforms = alignedgeo.Item2;

            List <PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap> packingtransforms = new List <PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap>();

            var facelikes = translatedFaces;
            var bbs       = facelikes.Select(x => BoundingBox.ByGeometry(x.SurfaceEntities)).ToList();

            var newcenters = DynamoPack.Packing.ByCoordinateSystems(bbs, width, height, gap);
            var centers    = bbs.Select(x => x.MinPoint.Add((x.MaxPoint.Subtract(x.MinPoint.AsVector()).AsVector().Scale(.5)))).ToList();

            if (newcenters.Count != centers.Count)
                throw new Exception("The bounding box for this packing operation is too small, try a larger x or y value or smaller gap size");

            var packedfinalsurfaces  = new List <List <Surface> >();
            var packedfinalfacelikes = new List <T>();

            foreach (var surftotrans in facelikes)
                var index      = facelikes.IndexOf(surftotrans);
                var transvec   = Vector.ByTwoPoints(centers[index], newcenters[index]);
                var newsurface = surftotrans.SurfaceEntities.Select(x => x.Translate(transvec)).Cast <Surface>().ToList();
                var ids        = translatedFaces[index].IDS;

                // keep track of where all the newsurfaces end up in the packing and what labels where moved //TODO just try keeping the transvec instead.....
                packingtransforms.Add(new PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap(surftotrans.SurfaceEntities.First().ContextCoordinateSystem, newsurface.First().ContextCoordinateSystem, ids));

                // create a copy of the old facelike, but update the surface
                var newfacelike = new T();
                newfacelike.OriginalEntity  = surftotrans.OriginalEntity;
                newfacelike.SurfaceEntities = newsurface as List <Surface>;
                newfacelike.ID  = surftotrans.ID;
                newfacelike.IDS = surftotrans.IDS;
                newfacelike.EdgeLikeEntities = surftotrans.EdgeLikeEntities;


            foreach (IDisposable item in translatedFaces.SelectMany(x => x.SurfaceEntities).ToList())

            //first concat the old unfold transforms with the translation ones,
            // then add the final packing transforms
            var aggregatedtransforms = unfold.Maps.Concat(translationTransforms).ToList();


            // finally create a new unfold object and pass it out

            var packedUnfolding = new PlanarUnfolder.PlanarUnfolding <K, T>(unfold.StartingUnfoldableFaces, packedfinalsurfaces, aggregatedtransforms, packedfinalfacelikes, unfold.OriginalGraph);

            return(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "packed surfaces", (packedfinalsurfaces) },
                { "unfoldObject", (packedUnfolding) }
예제 #4
        //align all surfaces down, generate new transforms
        private static Tuple <List <T>, List <PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap> > MoveSurfacesInUnfoldToPlane <K, T>(PlanarUnfolder.PlanarUnfolding <K, T> unfold)
            where K : IUnfoldableEdge
            where T : IUnfoldablePlanarFace <K>, new()
            var alignDownTransforms = new List <PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap>();
            var translatedFaces     = new List <T>();
            var faces = unfold.UnfoldedFaces;

            foreach (var facelike in faces)
                var surfaceToAlignDown = facelike.SurfaceEntities;

                // get the coordinate system defined by the face normal
                var somePointOnSurface = facelike.SurfaceEntities.First().PointAtParameter(.5, .5);
                var norm             = facelike.SurfaceEntities.First().NormalAtParameter(.5, .5);
                var facePlane        = Plane.ByOriginNormal(somePointOnSurface, norm);
                var startCoordSystem = CoordinateSystem.ByPlane(facePlane);
                //TODO need to cleanup planes, coord systems...

                // transform surface to horizontal plane at x,y,0 of org surface
                var tempSurfaces = surfaceToAlignDown.Select(x => x.Transform(startCoordSystem,
                                                                                                           Point.ByCoordinates(somePointOnSurface.X, somePointOnSurface.Y, 0),
                                                                                                           Vector.XAxis(), Vector.YAxis()))) as Surface).ToList();

                var flatcoordsystem = CoordinateSystem.ByPlane(Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis(
                                                                   Point.ByCoordinates(somePointOnSurface.X, somePointOnSurface.Y, 0),
                                                                   Vector.XAxis(), Vector.YAxis()));
                // save transformation for each set, this should have all the ids present
                //TODO is this incorrect? should we be saving tempSurfaces?
                alignDownTransforms.Add(new PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap(startCoordSystem, flatcoordsystem, facelike.IDS));

                //alignDownTransforms.Add(new PlanarUnfolder.FaceTransformMap(
                //startCoordSystem, facelike.IDS));

                //create a new facelike to hold the new surfaces that are aligned to the plane
                //the ids are the same though which lets us label these and apply the correct transformations
                var newfacelike = new T();
                newfacelike.OriginalEntity  = facelike.OriginalEntity;
                newfacelike.SurfaceEntities = tempSurfaces;
                newfacelike.ID  = facelike.ID;
                newfacelike.IDS = facelike.IDS;
                newfacelike.EdgeLikeEntities = facelike.EdgeLikeEntities;

            return(Tuple.Create(translatedFaces, alignDownTransforms));