/// <summary>
        /// Main method of our tool that unfancifies a graph.
        /// Actions depend on settings in UI.
        /// </summary>
        public void UnfancifyGraph()
            // Create a list for storing guids of groups, nodes and text notes that we want to keep
            var stuffToKeep = new List <string>();

            // Identify all groups to keep/ungroup
            if (UngroupAll)
                // Make sure that no groups are currently selected
                // Create an allowedlist of prefixes for group titles from what was entered by the user in the UI
                var groupIgnoreList = IgnoreGroupPrefixes.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                // Cycle through all groups in the graph
                foreach (var anno in viewModel.CurrentSpaceViewModel.Annotations)
                    // Cycle through the allowedlist
                    foreach (var ignoreTerm in groupIgnoreList)
                        // Identify keepers (group and its contents)
                        if (anno.AnnotationText.StartsWith(ignoreTerm) && !stuffToKeep.Contains(anno.AnnotationModel.GUID.ToString()))
                            // Identify all nodes and text notes within those groups
                            foreach (var element in anno.Nodes)
                    // Add all obsolete groups to selection
                    if (!stuffToKeep.Contains(anno.AnnotationModel.GUID.ToString()))
                // Ungroup all obsolete groups

            // Process nodes before we call node to code
            // Make sure that no nodes are currently selected
            // We need this part to circumnavigate two minor node-to-code bugs
            // So this is actually a good example for how you can fix Dynamo issues for yourself without having to touch DynamoCore code
            foreach (var node in viewModel.Model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes)
                // We're not interested in keepers (i.e. nodes that will not be run through node-to-code)
                if (!stuffToKeep.Contains(node.GUID.ToString()))
                    // Pre-processing of string input nodes only
                    // Temporary fix for https://github.com/DynamoDS/Dynamo/issues/9117 (Escape backslashes in string nodes)
                    // Temporary fix for https://github.com/DynamoDS/Dynamo/issues/9120 (Escape double quotes in string nodes)
                    if (node.GetType() == typeof(StringInput))
                        // Cast NodeModel to StringInput
                        var inputNode = (StringInput)node;
                        // Get the current value of the input node
                        var nodeVal = inputNode.Value;
                        // Escape backslahes and double quotes
                        nodeVal = nodeVal.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\"", "\\\"");
                        // Update the input node's value
                        var updateVal = new UpdateValueParams("Value", nodeVal);
                    // Add each node to the current selection
            // Call node to code

            // Auto layout
            if (DoAutoLayout)
                // Make sure nothing is selected
                // Here we'll need to call the auto-layout via Dynamo's Dispatcher
                // Otherwise the auto layout command will not yet be aware of the size
                // of the code blocks generated by node to code and our graph will look less pretty.
                dynWindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>