예제 #1
        private void _CalculateSunriseSunset(double latitude, double longitude, out DateTime sunrise, out DateTime sunset)
            //equation from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_equation#Complete_calculation_on_Earth

            //calculate current julian day. don't want extra hours so we chop off any decimals from the current julian date
            double n = (double)((int)DateTimeToJulianDate(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime())) - 2451545.0 + 0.0008;

            //calculate  mean solar noon
            double msn = n - (longitude / 360.0);

            //calculate solar mean anomaly
            double sma = (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * msn) % 360;

            //equation of the center
            double center = (1.9148 * SinDegrees(sma)) + (0.02 * SinDegrees(2 * sma)) + (0.0003 * SinDegrees(3 * sma));

            //ecliptic longitude
            double elong = (sma + center + 180 + 102.9372) % 360;

            //solar transit
            double strans = 2451545.0 + msn + (0.0053 * SinDegrees(sma)) - (0.0069 * SinDegrees(2 * elong));

            //declination of the sun and hour-angle
            double declination = MathHelpers.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Asin(SinDegrees(elong) * SinDegrees(23.55)));

            //hour angle
            double hAngle = MathHelpers.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Acos((SinDegrees(-0.83) - SinDegrees(latitude) * SinDegrees(declination)) / (Math.Cos(MathHelpers.DegreesToRadians(latitude)) * Math.Cos(MathHelpers.DegreesToRadians(declination)))));

            //julian date of sunrise
            double rise = strans - (hAngle / 360);
            double set  = strans + (hAngle / 360);

            sunrise = JulianDateToUTC(rise).ToLocalTime();
            sunset  = JulianDateToUTC(set).ToLocalTime();
예제 #2
 private double SinDegrees(double degrees)
예제 #3
        private void _InitializeApp(Window window)
            DisplayController dispController = DisplayController.Instance;


            if (m_startMinimized)
                window.ShowInTaskbar = false;

            /*wait for the display controller to finish initializing before proceeding.
             * if something went wrong this call will throw a win32exception*/

            WindowTitle = "Unblind " + m_versionMajor.ToString() + "." + m_versionMinor.ToString() + "." + m_versionIteration.ToString();

            if (dispController.AttachedDisplays.Count > 0)
                bool supportsBrightness = true;
                foreach (Display display in dispController.AttachedDisplays)
                    if (m_firstRun && supportsBrightness && display.SupportsBrightness() == false)
                        supportsBrightness = false;
                        MessageBox.Show("It appears that one or more of your displays do not support the DDC/CI protocol required to change the brightness via software. Unblind may or may not be able to control these displays.", "Hmm...", MessageBoxButton.OK);

                    //determine the highest minimum brightness and lowest maximum brightness among all displays and use these as the brightness limits
                    if (display.MinBrightness > m_minDisplayBrightness)
                        MinDisplayBrightness = MathHelpers.Greater(display.MinBrightness, (uint)1);
                    if (display.MaxBrightness > m_maxDisplayBrightness)
                        MaxDisplayBrightness = MathHelpers.Greater(display.MaxBrightness, (uint)1);
                    if (display.SupportsBrightness() == false)
                        NoSupportDetected = true;
            else if (dispController.IntegratedDisplaySupported == true)
                MinDisplayBrightness = 0;
                MaxDisplayBrightness = 100;

            if (dispController.AttachedDisplays.Count > 1 || (dispController.AttachedDisplays.Count >= 1 && dispController.IntegratedDisplaySupported == true))
                MultipleDisplaysConnected = true;

            dispController.OnDisplayRefesh += _OnDisplayRefresh;

            CurrentBrightnessTransitionStatus = DimmerStatus.Idle;


            m_brightnessDimmer.SetDisplayBrightness((m_brightnessScheduler.CurrentTimePeriod == TimePeriod.Day) ? (uint)m_brightnessScheduler.DayBrightness : (uint)m_brightnessScheduler.NightBrightness);
